TO: $RANK $NAME CO: $GROUP FM: Capt. Jonas Devlin - Magellan IV RE: ALMOST HOME ----- PATH: Magellan IV Shipboard | Janek Station Courier Drop | 3RD FLEET HQ | Force Command Transceiver | Lost and Found | $GROUP ----- Hey Mate, I don't know if you made the Academy Reunion or not, sorry I missed catching you there. This has been a bloody awful year. The trade scouting mission did not go as well as I had hoped. We were delayed in Nephrys System for two months when the Loris Trade Executive cancelled our return visas. Nephrys is really out on the rim, I thought we'd never get back. As it was, it took weeks to find the right sort of contact to forge a new registration for the Maggie and get us cleared through Korius to try the southern route back home. We had to sneak the long way around - four hops - to avoid the military build-up in Kolchev. We jumped out of Haiche only a couple of days ahead of the invasion force. (In case you haven't heard yet, you're under attack mate.) Right lovely dump you got here in Janus. Not a decent bar in sight, and I could really use a drink or ten. We're pretty banged up, but I think we can make Jarnell and maybe sit down at Thralis for repairs. Good luck, mate. It's getting nasty out there. --Jonas