STRATPLAN BRIEFING Timestamp: $TIME Subject: Tantalus Sector Classified: CONFIDENTIAL DND/CRYPTO Haiche has been a protected independent outpost for the past sixty years, since the Korian treaty was signed. Per the treaty, neither Hegemony nor Alliance citizens may establish residence in the system, and all travel through the system has been strictly controlled. The main planet, Haiche, is the reason for the regulations. In the past, many nations have made claims on the wealth of heavy metals buried deep beneath its surface. Force:Intel field operatives were able to pass through the Haiche system recently. Their report indicates that the Hegemony Seventh Fleet has invaded in force and reopened an illegal mining operation in the Tantalus sector. Haiche has deep seams of tantalum, iridium, and even some gold. As part of Operation Shining Fortress, Fifth Fleet has been tasked with eliminating the Hegemony mining operation in the Tantalus Sector. Force:Command will be working closely with the Corps of Engineers and other materials experts to assess any risks to the local population that may arise either from the Hegemony operation working the mine or Alliance forces attacking it. Vice Admiral Caldott, FORCOM STRATPLAN