The PRESIDENT of the TERELLIAN ALLIANCE : Today is Liberation Day. The tide has turned in the battle to secure our homelands and protect our way of life. The men and women of the various branches of Force have fought and bled, and their toil and suffering has been rewarded with a string of decisive military victories in the core systems. At this hour, I am pleased to announce that Hegemony forces are rapidly withdrawing from our borders to seek safety in the independent systems of Silessia and Haiche to the west. Force:Command has already issued clearance for reconstruction efforts to get underway. Later this morning I will be meeting with key members of the Combined Senate to prepare contingent appropriations and authorize emergency funding for aid to the affected systems of Janus, Borova, and Athenar. I know how hard it has been for those of you caught on the ground in this conflict, and I know how many of your loved ones have been lost in the ground attacks and in the cold vacuum of space. Although this administration can never fully heal the losses you have suffered, take comfort in knowing that help is on the way for you to recover, rebuild, and ultimately move on. However, while reconstruction begins at home, the job of our forces in the field is not yet fully complete. The peace can not stand while Hegemony forces lie in wait on the edge of our space. And so I must order a continuation of Operation Shining Fortress to extend the peace from our own borders to those of our independent neighbors. We must liberate Haiche and Silessia, just as our own systems have been liberated. Hegemony forces must return to their antebellum status in Loris and Kolchev. Only then shall we find respite from sorrow, and rediscover the joy of peace.