STRATPLAN BRIEFING Timestamp: $TIME Subject: Hegemony Forces Invade Athenar Classified: CONFIDENTIAL DND/CRYPTO Part of the Hegemony Seventh Fleet has broken off from the main formation in Janus. Hegemony 17th Battle Group led by the heavy cruiser "Intruder" has successfully breached the Athenar system. This invasion places our forces in a difficult position. Until now, we have had the advantage of position in the Janus system. The Hegemony invasion fleet has been operating with a stretched supply line, while we have had greater reserves of fuel and ordnance and the backing of ground bases to exploit them. The Hegemony invasion of Athenar will now force us to defend two systems with our smaller fleet. Although this invasion divides the Hegemony forces, it is a net tactical advantage for them. At this point in the campaign, we can not tolerate additional civilian casualties in the core systems. Force:Command has therefore decided to commit sufficient force to eliminate the Hegemony battle group in Athenar before it can be reinforced by additional supporting units. Fifth Fleet battle group "Furious" and destroyer squadron "Enigma" will proceed to Athenar immediately and engage all Hegemony units therein. Good luck and good hunting. Vice Admiral Caldott, FORCOM STRATPLAN