CAMPAIGN name: "" desc: "c02.desc" situation: "c02.sitrep" orders: "c02.orders" combatant: { name: "Terellian Alliance", group: { type: carrier_group, id: 6 }, group: { type: destroyer_squadron, id: 43 }, group: { type: destroyer_squadron, id: 60 }, group: { type: freight, id: 3000 }, } combatant: { name: "Dantari Separatists", group: { type: fleet, id: 1 }, group: { type: battalion, id: 1 }, group: { type: battalion, id: 2 }, group: { type: war_production, id: 1 }, group: { type: freight, id: 3000 }, } combatant: { name: "Marakan Hegemony", group: { type: fleet, id: 4 }, } combatant: { name: "Independent System of Solus", group: { type: infrastructure, id: 2000 }, group: { type: transport, id: 2100 }, group: { type: civilian, id: 2200 }, group: { type: freight, id: 3000 }, group: { type: civilian, id: 5000 }, } action: { id: 0, type: event, subtype: campaign_start, team: 1, rgn: Solus, text: "c02.a000", source: News, file: "Actions/01-campaign-start.txt", image: "Actions/01-campaign-start.pcx" scene: "Scenes/01-News-Start.def" } action: { id: 1, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 6, region: Trellis, image: "Actions/AA-archon-trellis.pcx" } action: { id: 2, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 60, region: Trellis, image: "Actions/AA-gerrond-trellis.pcx" } action: { id: 50, type: zone, team: 2, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 5, region: Jalah, } action: { id: 51, type: zone, team: 2, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 5, region: Jalah, } action: { id: 52, type: zone, team: 2, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 6, region: Trellis, } action: { id: 53, type: zone, team: 2, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 7, region: Meridian, } action: { id: 60 type: event subtype: story team: 1 rgn: Loris after: "01/15:00:00" text: "c02.a060" source: Mail file: "Actions/m1-catching-up.txt" image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M1-Catching-Up.def" } action: { id: 110, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Trellis, asset_type: minefield, asset_id: 4, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 1, comp: LT, score: 10 }, } action: { id: 120, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Trellis, asset_type: minefield, asset_id: 5, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 2, comp: LT, score: 10 }, } action: { id: 130, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, after: "02/05:00:00", text: "c02.a130", source: News, file: "Actions/02-coup-failure.txt", image: "Actions/02-coup-failure.pcx", scene: "Scenes/02-Coup-Failure.def" } action: { id: 140, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, text: "c02.a140", file: "Actions/03a-minefield-a.txt", source: TACNET, after: "02/09:00:00", before: "03/09:00:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 1, comp: GT, score: 10 }, target_type: minefield, target_id: 1, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Minefield A", target_kill: "Minefield A", target_kill: "Minefield A", target_kill: "Minefield A", target_kill: "Minefield A", target_kill: "Minefield A", } action: { id: 150, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, text: "c02.a150", file: "Actions/03a-minefield-b.txt", source: TACNET, after: "02/13:30:00", before: "03/13:30:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 2, comp: GT, score: 10 }, target_type: minefield, target_id: 2, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Minefield B", target_kill: "Minefield B", target_kill: "Minefield B", target_kill: "Minefield B", target_kill: "Minefield B", target_kill: "Minefield B", } action: { id: 160, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, text: "c02.a160", file: "Actions/03a-minefield-c.txt", source: TACNET, after: "02/19:20:00", before: "03/19:20:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 3, comp: GT, score: 10 }, target_type: minefield, target_id: 3, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Minefield C", target_kill: "Minefield C", target_kill: "Minefield C", target_kill: "Minefield C", target_kill: "Minefield C", target_kill: "Minefield C", } action: { id: 170, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, text: "c02.a170", file: "Actions/03a-minefield-d.txt", source: TACNET, after: "03/00:45:00", before: "04/00:45:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 4, comp: GT, score: 10 }, target_type: minefield, target_id: 4, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Minefield D", target_kill: "Minefield D", target_kill: "Minefield D", target_kill: "Minefield D", target_kill: "Minefield D", target_kill: "Minefield D", } action: { id: 180, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, text: "c02.a180", file: "Actions/03a-minefield-e.txt", source: TACNET, after: "03/08:30:00", before: "04/08:30:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 5, comp: GT, score: 10 }, target_type: minefield, target_id: 5, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Minefield E", target_kill: "Minefield E", target_kill: "Minefield E", target_kill: "Minefield E", target_kill: "Minefield E", target_kill: "Minefield E", } action: { id: 190 type: event subtype: story team: 1, rgn: Jarnell after: "03/18:00:00" text: "c02.a190" source: Mail file: "Actions/m2-new-digs.txt" image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M2-New-Digs.def" } action: { id: 200, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, text: "c02.a200", source: News, file: "Actions/03-blockade-broken.txt", image: "Actions/03-blockade-broken.pcx", scene: "Scenes/03-Blockade-Broken.def", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 1, comp: LT, score: 10 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 2, comp: LT, score: 10 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 3, comp: LT, score: 10 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 4, comp: LT, score: 10 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: minefield, group_id: 5, comp: LT, score: 10 }, } action: { id: 210, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "c02.a210" req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 230, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, asset_type: freight, asset_id: 3000, req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 240, type: orders, team: 1, text: "c02.a240" req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 250, type: mission, subtype: escort_freight, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, asset_type: fighter_squadron, asset_id: 36, count: 4, req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 255, type: mission, subtype: escort_freight, team: 1, rgn: Trellis, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 43, count: 2, req: { action: 200, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 260, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, after: "03/09:15:00", text: "c02.a260", source: SECURE, file: "Actions/04-harmony-risk.txt", image: "Actions/04-harmony-risk.pcx", scene: "Scenes/04-Harmony-Risk.def", } action: { id: 270, type: zone, team: 1, after: "03/19:00:00", asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 6, region: Solus, image: "Actions/AA-archon-solus.pcx" } action: { id: 280, type: zone, team: 1, after: "03/19:30:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 60, region: Solus, image: "Actions/AA-gerrond-solus.pcx" } action: { id: 300, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, after: "04/04:00:00", text: "c02.a300", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/06-renser-buildup.txt", image: "Actions/06-renser-buildup.pcx", scene: "Scenes/06-Renser-Buildup.def" } action: { id: 305, type: sitrep, team: 1, after: "04/04:00:00", text: "c02.a305", } // if player stumbles upon the base before expected: action: { id: 310, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Telmera, before: "04/08:20:00", text: "c02.a310", source: SECURE, file: "Actions/05-foothill-ridge.txt", image: "Actions/05-foothill-ridge.pcx", scene: "Scenes/05-Foothill-Ridge.def", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: battalion, group_id: 2, comp: GT, intel: SECRET }, } action: { id: 315, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Telmera, after: "04/08:20:00", asset_type: intercept_squadron, asset_id: 3, } action: { id: 320, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Telmera, after: "04/08:30:00", asset_type: attack_squadron, asset_id: 4, } action: { id: 325, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Telmera, after: "04/08:30:00", asset_type: battery, asset_id: 1, } action: { id: 330, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Telmera, after: "04/08:30:00", text: "c02.a330", source: SECURE, file: "Actions/05-foothill-ridge.txt", image: "Actions/05-foothill-ridge.pcx", scene: "Scenes/05-Foothill-Ridge.def", req: { action: 310, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } action: { id: 350, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Meridian, after: "04/15:00:00", text: "c02.a350", source: News, file: "Actions/07-research-lab.txt", image: "Actions/07-research-lab.pcx", scene: "Scenes/07-Research-Lab.def" } action: { id: 370, type: zone, team: 1, after: "04/16:30:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 60, region: Meridian, image: "Actions/AA-gerrond-meridian.pcx" } action: { id: 375, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, after: "04/20:00:00", text: "c02.a375", source: News, file: "Actions/08-renser-accusation.txt", image: "Actions/08-renser-accusation.pcx", scene: "Scenes/08-Renser-Accusation.def" } action: { id: 410, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, after: "05/12:00:00", text: "c02.a410", source: News, file: "Actions/09-senate-resolution.txt", image: "Actions/09-senate-resolution.pcx", scene: "Scenes/09-Senate-Resolution.def" } // RENSER TASK FORCE ARRIVES IN SOLUS (JALAH SECTOR) action: { id: 420, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Jalah, after: "06/21:15:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 25, } action: { id: 421, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Jalah, after: "06/22:45:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 26, } action: { id: 422, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Jalah, after: "06/23:30:00", asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 4, } // KEEP RENSER TASK FORCE IN JALAH SECTOR action: { id: 425, type: zone, team: 2, rgn: Jalah, after: "06/21:15:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 25, } action: { id: 426, type: zone, team: 2, rgn: Jalah, after: "06/22:45:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 26, } action: { id: 427, type: zone, team: 2, rgn: Jalah, after: "06/23:30:00", asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 4, } action: { id: 440, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Jalah, after: "06/23:45:00", text: "c02.a440", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/10-renser-arrival.txt", image: "Actions/10-renser-arrival.pcx", } action: { id: 450, type: sitrep, team: 1, after: "06/23:45:00", text: "c02.a450" } action: { id: 455, type: orders, team: 1, after: "06/23:45:00", text: "c02.a455" } // DANTARI FORCES FALL BACK TO JALAH TO REGROUP WITH RENSER TASK FORCE action: { id: 500, type: zone, team: 2, after: "07/18:00:00", asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 5, region: Jalah, } action: { id: 501, type: zone, team: 2, after: "07/20:00:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 5, region: Jalah, } action: { id: 502, type: zone, team: 2, after: "07/21:00:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 6, region: Jalah, } action: { id: 503, type: zone, team: 2, after: "07/22:00:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 7, region: Jalah, } action: { id: 510, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Jalah, after: "07/22:15:00", text: "c02.a510", source: FORCOM, file: "Actions/11-dantari-pullback.txt", image: "Actions/11-dantari-pullback.pcx", scene: "Scenes/11-Dantari-Pullback.def" } action: { id: 515, type: sitrep, team: 1, after: "07/22:15:00", text: "c02.a515" } // ALLIANCE FORCES PURSUE THEM INTO JALAH action: { id: 520, type: zone, team: 1, after: "08/00:00:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 60, region: Jalah, image: "Actions/AA-gerrond-jalah.pcx" } action: { id: 521, type: zone, team: 1, after: "08/01:00:00", asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 6, region: Jalah, image: "Actions/AA-archon-jalah.pcx" } action: { id: 530, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 1, after: "08/22:00:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 43, region: Jalah, } action: { id: 535, type: zone, team: 1, after: "08/22:00:00", asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 43, region: Jalah, image: "Actions/AA-shadow-jalah.pcx", req: { action: 735, status: COMPLETE, not: true } } // DON'T PROLONG THE SUFFERING INDEFINITELY action: { id: 550, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Jalah, text: "c02.a550", file: "Actions/11a-wolf.txt", source: TACNET, after: "10/13:30:00", before: "11/13:30:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: destroyer_squadron, group_id: 5, comp: GT, score: 100 }, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE, not: true }, target_type: destroyer_squadron, target_id: 5, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Wolf", target_kill: "Halas", target_kill: "Baikal", target_kill: "Kyren", } action: { id: 555, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Jalah, text: "c02.a555", file: "Actions/11a-kitts.txt", source: TACNET, after: "10/20:30:00", before: "11/20:30:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: destroyer_squadron, group_id: 6, comp: GT, score: 200 }, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE, not: true }, target_type: destroyer_squadron, target_id: 6, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Kitts", target_kill: "Tomal", target_kill: "Loval", target_kill: "Udel", } action: { id: 560, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Jalah, text: "c02.a560", file: "Actions/11a-kendra.txt", source: TACNET, after: "11/10:30:00", before: "12/10:30:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: destroyer_squadron, group_id: 7, comp: GT, score: 300 }, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE, not: true }, target_type: destroyer_squadron, target_id: 7, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Kendra", target_kill: "Sayal", target_kill: "Baionne", target_kill: "Pelorat", } action: { id: 565, type: event, subtype: attack, team: 1, rgn: Jalah, text: "c02.a565", file: "Actions/11a-goliath.txt", source: TACNET, after: "12/10:20:00", before: "13/10:20:00", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 5, comp: GT, score: 500 }, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE, not: true }, target_type: carrier_group, target_id: 5, target_iff: 2, target_kill: "Goliath", target_kill: "Lanner", target_kill: "Connel", target_kill: "Ganat", } // AFTER JALAH FALLS, TASK FORCE RETREATS TO RENSER action: { id: 600, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, text: "c02.a600", source: News, file: "Actions/12-cease-fire.txt", image: "Actions/12-cease-fire.pcx", req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 5, comp: LT, score: 500 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: destroyer_squadron, group_id: 5, comp: LT, score: 100 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: destroyer_squadron, group_id: 6, comp: LT, score: 200 }, req: { c1: "Dantari Separatists", group_type: destroyer_squadron, group_id: 7, comp: LT, score: 300 }, } action: { id: 620, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Khaital, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 25, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 621, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Khaital, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 26, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 622, type: intel, subtype: known, team: 2, rgn: Lornas, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 4, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } // KEEP RENSER TASK FORCE IN KHAITAL SECTOR action: { id: 630, type: zone, team: 2, rgn: Khaital, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 25, req: { action: 620, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 640, type: zone, team: 2, rgn: Khaital, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 26, req: { action: 621, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 650, type: zone, team: 2, rgn: Lornas, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 4, req: { action: 622, status: COMPLETE } } // ALLIANCE FORCES ARRIVE IN KHAITAL action: { id: 700, type: event, subtype: story, team: 1, rgn: Solus, text: "c02.a700", source: News, file: "Actions/13-renser-invasion.txt", image: "Actions/13-renser-invasion.pcx", scene: "Scenes/13-Renser-Invasion.def", delay: 19800, // five and a half hours after 600 req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 701, type: event, subtype: story team: 1 rgn: Jarnell text: "c02.a701" source: Mail file: "Actions/m3-why-renser.txt" image: "Actions/m0-mail-icon.pcx" scene: "Scenes/M3-Why-Renser.def" delay: 21600 // six hours after 700 req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 710, type: sitrep, team: 1, text: "c02.a710", req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 711, type: orders, team: 1, text: "c02.a711", req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 720, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 60, region: Khaital, image: "Actions/AA-gerrond-khaital.pcx", req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 725, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 6, region: Khaital, image: "Actions/AA-archon-khaital.pcx", req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 735, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 43, region: Khaital, image: "Actions/AA-shadow-khaital.pcx", req: { action: 530, status: COMPLETE }, req: { action: 700, status: COMPLETE } } // ALLIANCE FORCES PURSUE FLEET INTO LORNAS action: { id: 660, type: zone, team: 2, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 25, delay: 90e3, req: { action: 620, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 670, type: zone, team: 2, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 26, delay: 90e3, req: { action: 621, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 680, type: zone, team: 2, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 4, delay: 90e3, req: { action: 622, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 721, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 43, delay: 36000, req: { action: 660, status: COMPLETE }, req: { action: 720, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 726, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: carrier_group, asset_id: 6, delay: 36000, req: { action: 670, status: COMPLETE }, req: { action: 725, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 736, type: zone, team: 1, asset_type: destroyer_squadron, asset_id: 60, delay: 36000, req: { action: 680, status: COMPLETE }, req: { action: 735, status: COMPLETE } } // THE BITTER END action: { id: 997 type: event subtype: campaign_fail team: 1 rgn: Solus text: "c02.defeat" file: "Actions/def1.txt" image: "Actions/def1" scene: "Scenes/Defeat1.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 6, comp: LT, score: 3000 }, req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE, not: true }, } action: { id: 998 type: event subtype: campaign_fail team: 1 rgn: Solus text: "c02.defeat" file: "Actions/def2.txt" image: "Actions/def2" scene: "Scenes/Defeat2.def" req: { c1: "Terellian Alliance", group_type: carrier_group, group_id: 6, comp: LT, score: 3000 } req: { action: 600, status: COMPLETE } } action: { id: 999 type: event subtype: campaign_end // successful ending team: 1 rgn: Solus text: "c02.victory" file: "Actions/campaign_end.txt" image: "Actions/victory" scene: "Scenes/Victory.def" req: { c1: "Marakan Hegemony", group_type: fleet, group_id: 4, comp: LT, score: 4000 } }