TO: $RANK $NAME CO: $GROUP FM: Sara Hunter - Ele'aan Consulate Jarnell RE: WHY RENSER? ----- PATH: Ele'aan Consular Net Center | Jarnell Main Traffic Relay | Athenar Terminus | Janek Station Courier Drop | 3RD FLEET HQ | Trellis Relay | Renser Temporary Transceiver | $GROUP ----- $NAME, Why are we attacking Renser now? The Separatists started this fight, not the Hegemony. How is this going to help stabilize the crisis in Solus, or improve the safety of the Alliance? The Ele'aan Ambassador, Councilor Auris was most. . . well, I don't think "upset" is the right word. But he seemed very disconcerted about the potential consequences of this invasion during the Council meeting this morning. I think the Ele'aan delegation tried to talk President Valmar out of this action - I think they wanted him to leave well enough alone and stay out of Hegemony internal affairs. I hope you're all right out there. . . I’m worried that we are throwing away lives on a foolish errand, and risking far more in the long run… Just tell me you'll stay safe, OK? Love from Sara