TO: $RANK $NAME CO: $GROUP FM: Capt. Jonas Devlin - Magellan IV RE: CATCHING UP ----- PATH: Magellan IV Shipboard | Loris Station | Northeast Transceiver 4 | Silessian Outer Relay | Silessian Inner Relay | Janek Station Courier Drop | 3RD FLEET HQ | Trellis Relay | $GROUP ----- Hey Mate! I just heard about your promotion and wanted to say congratulations! Sorry I didn't get to give you a proper send-off before you shipped out. So, the Force brass is starting to recognize your 'unique talents,' eh? You should have followed in my footsteps and joined the Independent Trade fleet. Too bad you had to get all respectable, you could have been a rich man by now. I'm not a rich man, but I'm sure you would have been. Next time I see you I'll have to remember to salute. Can't tell you too much from this end. The 'Maggie' just put in for a forty-hour stopover in Loris on the way through to "parts unknown". Don't ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies. But just between you and me, watch your tail out there, all right? Hey, are you going to the Academy Reunion this year? We should be back in the core systems by then, and I've been meaning to ask the skipper of this here tub for some time off. If you complete your tour by then, I'll catch you at the bar. You can buy me a drink in exchange for that salute. --Jonas PS Have you heard from Sara lately? I haven't been able to track her down from way out here. If you talk to her, tell her "I am the Doorway" for me. -J