The PRESIDENT of the TERELLIAN ALLIANCE : My fellow citizens, at this hour, Force:Space units are in the early stages of military operations to disarm the Hegemony Prefecture of Renser and eliminate a grave threat to the peace and stability of the Terellian Alliance and the Independent Systems of the blue drift. On my orders, under the authority granted to this office by Combined Senate Resolution SR498/37, Alliance forces have begun striking specific military targets in the Renser System to undermine that government's ability to wage agressive war on her neighbors. The victory of the Solusan people in Operation Highland can not be complete until the hard won peace has been made secure. Now, that peace is gravely threatened by the armed might of the Hegemony. In fact, we have evidence that the entire Solusan affair was instigated by agents of Renser Prefecture, including former Separatist Leader Masil Gannet. To all the men and women of the various branches of Force now serving in the Renser Theater of Operations, the peace of a troubled region, and the hope for prosperity of all its free people now depend on you, on your determination, and on your abilities. We trust in your abilities and your resolve, and we know that our trust is well placed. Now that this stage of the conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force. And I assure you, this will not be a campaign of half measures. We will accept no outcome save victory. Thank you, and good evening.