ALLIANCE CAPITOL, JARNELL - Alliance government officials wasted no time in responding to the accusations of illegality made yesterday by the Renser Secretary of Intersystem Affairs. The Combined Senate passed resolution SR498/37 censuring the Prefecture of Renser and warning of possible reprisals should Hegemony forces become involved in the Solusan Conflict. "The Alliance has undertaken Operation Highland for the specific purposes of safeguarding our citizens in the Solus system and providing humanitarian aid to those civilians who have been hardest hit by the blockade of the inner worlds. These actions have been carried out in strict accord with Korian Treaty provisions, and we resent the implication that the Alliance has Imperial designs on our neighbors." Several anonymous sources have hinted that there may be more to this conflict than is immediately apparent. Rumors of an Hegemony fleet buildup in Renser have leaked from Force:Command Headquarters. Others have expressed suspicions regarding the breakdown of peaceful negotiations between the Loyalist and Separatist factions that directly led to the current hostilities. Military analysts are predicting that although widening of the Solusan Conflict to include Renser was unexpected and is undesirable, it may soon become unavoidable. Alliance forces appear to have gained the upper hand in some of the fiercest fighting of the war to date. A Force:Space garrison, once established in the Solus system, would be within easy striking distance of Renser. That is a situation that no Hegemony border world would be willing to tolerate.