MERIDIAN - The Tal Vesta University Stellar Observatory in Meridian orbit has been cut off by Separatist patrols and is facing severe shortages of food and consumable supplies. University staff indicate that the fusion plant on the observatory is still operational, and that basic life support functions - water, air, and power - are not an immediate concern. "Mainly, the students are just hungry. And frustrated," said Research Coordinator Alen Tolap. Student researchers living at the observatory are protesting the ongoing civil war. Native Solusans, ethnic Dantari, and even many Terellian Alliance students have issued a joint statement condemning the conflict and demanding the resumption of peaceful negotiations. Thus far, neither party in the conflict has commented on the student protests. Alliance Theater Command has promised to make humanitarian aid to the Meridian sector a top priority. "We'll find a way to feed these kids," Fleet Admiral Evars was quoted as saying. "There's nothing more ornery than a bunch of hungry college students."