# Installs content of a downloadable resource target from AddDownloadableResource as-is. For example: # # install_resource( # resource_music # DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/ # ) # # Will copy the content of the music resource directly into the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX effectively rooting the archive # content at the prefix itself. function(install_resource) cmake_parse_arguments( PARSE_ARGV 0 INSTALL_RESOURCE "" "DESTINATION" "" ) if(NOT DEFINED INSTALL_RESOURCE_DESTINATION) set(INSTALL_RESOURCE_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/) endif() foreach(RESOURCE_TARGET IN ITEMS ${INSTALL_RESOURCE_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) get_property(RESOURCE_DIRECTORY TARGET ${RESOURCE_TARGET} PROPERTY RESOURCE_DIRECTORY) install( DIRECTORY ${RESOURCE_DIRECTORY}/ DESTINATION ${INSTALL_RESOURCE_DESTINATION} ) endforeach() endfunction()