/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== View class for Tactical HUD Overlay */ #include "WepView.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "HUDSounds.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Computer.h" #include "NavSystem.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "Power.h" #include "Shield.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Drone.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Graphic.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "FormatUtil.h" static Bitmap tac_left; static Bitmap tac_right; static Bitmap tac_button; static Bitmap tac_man; static Bitmap tac_aut; static Bitmap tac_def; static BYTE* tac_left_shade; static BYTE* tac_right_shade; static BYTE* tac_button_shade; static BYTE* tac_man_shade; static BYTE* tac_aut_shade; static BYTE* tac_def_shade; static Color hud_color = Color::Black; static Color txt_color = Color::Black; static bool mouse_in = false; static Font* hud_font = 0; static Font* big_font = 0; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ WepView* WepView::wep_view = 0; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ WepView::WepView(Window* c) : View(c), sim(0), ship(0), target(0), active_region(0), transition(false), mode(0), mouse_down(0) { wep_view = this; sim = Sim::GetSim(); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("TAC_left.pcx", tac_left, tac_left_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("TAC_right.pcx", tac_right, tac_right_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("TAC_button.pcx", tac_button, tac_button_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("MAN.pcx", tac_man, tac_man_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("AUTO.pcx", tac_aut, tac_aut_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("DEF.pcx", tac_def, tac_def_shade); tac_left.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); tac_right.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); tac_man.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); tac_aut.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); tac_def.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); OnWindowMove(); hud_font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); big_font = FontMgr::Find("GUI"); hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) SetColor(hud->GetHUDColor()); } WepView::~WepView() { tac_left.ClearImage(); tac_right.ClearImage(); tac_button.ClearImage(); tac_man.ClearImage(); tac_aut.ClearImage(); tac_def.ClearImage(); delete [] tac_left_shade; delete [] tac_right_shade; delete [] tac_button_shade; delete [] tac_man_shade; delete [] tac_aut_shade; delete [] tac_def_shade; tac_left_shade = 0; tac_right_shade = 0; tac_button_shade = 0; tac_man_shade = 0; tac_aut_shade = 0; tac_def_shade = 0; wep_view = 0; } void WepView::OnWindowMove() { width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; int btn_loc = width/2 - 147 - 45; int man_loc = width/2 - 177 - 16; int aut_loc = width/2 - 145 - 16; int def_loc = width/2 - 115 - 16; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEP; i++) { btn_rect[index++] = Rect(btn_loc, 30, 90, 20); btn_rect[index++] = Rect(man_loc, 56, 32, 8); btn_rect[index++] = Rect(aut_loc, 56, 32, 8); btn_rect[index++] = Rect(def_loc, 56, 32, 8); btn_loc += 98; man_loc += 98; aut_loc += 98; def_loc += 98; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool WepView::Update(SimObject* obj) { if (obj == ship) { ship = 0; target = 0; } else if (obj == target) { target = 0; } return SimObserver::Update(obj); } const char* WepView::GetObserverName() const { return "WepView"; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WepView::Refresh() { sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (!sim || !hud || hud->GetHUDMode() == HUDView::HUD_MODE_OFF) return; if (ship != sim->GetPlayerShip()) { ship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); if (ship) { if (ship->Life() == 0 || ship->IsDying() || ship->IsDead()) { ship = 0; } else { Observe(ship); } } } if (mode < 1) return; if (ship) { // no tactical overlay for fighters: if (ship->Design() && !ship->Design()->wep_screen) { mode = 0; return; } // no hud in transition: if (ship->InTransition()) { transition = true; return; } else if (transition) { transition = false; RestoreOverlay(); } if (target != ship->GetTarget()) { target = ship->GetTarget(); if (target) Observe(target); } DrawOverlay(); } else { if (target) { target = 0; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WepView::ExecFrame() { int hud_mode = 1; // update the position of HUD elements that are // part of the 3D scene (like fpm and lcos sprites) if (hud) { if (hud_color != hud->GetHUDColor()) { hud_color = hud->GetHUDColor(); SetColor(hud_color); } if (hud->GetHUDMode() == HUDView::HUD_MODE_OFF) hud_mode = 0; } if (ship && !transition && mode > 0 && hud_mode > 0) { if (mode > 0) { DoMouseFrame(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WepView::SetOverlayMode(int m) { if (mode != m) { mode = m; if (hud) hud->SetOverlayMode(mode); RestoreOverlay(); } } void WepView::CycleOverlayMode() { SetOverlayMode(!mode); } void WepView::RestoreOverlay() { if (mode > 0) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_DISP); } else { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_MODE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WepView::SetColor(Color c) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) { hud_color = hud->GetHUDColor(); txt_color = hud->GetTextColor(); } else { hud_color = c; txt_color = c; } HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(tac_left, tac_left_shade, hud_color); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(tac_right, tac_right_shade, hud_color); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(tac_button, tac_button_shade, hud_color); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(tac_man, tac_man_shade, hud_color); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(tac_aut, tac_aut_shade, hud_color); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(tac_def, tac_def_shade, hud_color); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WepView::DrawOverlay() { int cx = width/2; int cy = 0; int w = tac_left.Width(); int h = tac_left.Height(); window->DrawBitmap(cx-w, cy, cx, cy+h, &tac_left, Video::BLEND_ALPHA); window->DrawBitmap(cx, cy, cx+w, cy+h, &tac_right, Video::BLEND_ALPHA); if (ship) { List& weapons = ship->Weapons(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEP; i++) { if (weapons.size() > i) { // draw main fire button: Rect r = btn_rect[i*4]; w = tac_button.Width(); h = tac_button.Height(); cx = r.x + r.w/2 - w/2; cy = r.y + r.h/2 - h/2; r.Deflate(5,5); big_font->SetColor(txt_color); window->SetFont(big_font); window->DrawBitmap(cx, cy, cx+w, cy+h, &tac_button, Video::BLEND_ALPHA); window->DrawText(weapons[i]->Name(), 0, r, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER); r.Inflate(5,5); // draw firing orders: int o = weapons[i]->GetFiringOrders(); w = tac_man.Width(); h = tac_man.Height(); Color c0 = Color::Gray; Color c1 = Color::White; r = btn_rect[i*4 + 1]; cx = r.x + r.w/2 - w/2; cy = r.y + r.h/2 - h/2; window->FadeBitmap(cx, cy, cx+w, cy+h, &tac_man, (o==0 ? c1 : c0), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); r = btn_rect[i*4 + 2]; cx = r.x + r.w/2 - w/2; cy = r.y + r.h/2 - h/2; window->FadeBitmap(cx, cy, cx+w, cy+h, &tac_aut, (o==1 ? c1 : c0), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); r = btn_rect[i*4 + 3]; cx = r.x + r.w/2 - w/2; cy = r.y + r.h/2 - h/2; window->FadeBitmap(cx, cy, cx+w, cy+h, &tac_def, (o==2 ? c1 : c0), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); } } Rect tgt_rect; tgt_rect.x = width/2 + 73; tgt_rect.y = 74; tgt_rect.w = 100; tgt_rect.h = 15; Text subtxt; Color stat = hud_color; static DWORD blink = Clock::GetInstance()->RealTime(); if (ship->GetTarget()) { if (ship->GetSubTarget()) { int blink_delta = Clock::GetInstance()->RealTime() - blink; System* sys = ship->GetSubTarget(); subtxt = sys->Abbreviation(); switch (sys->Status()) { case System::DEGRADED: stat = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: case System::DESTROYED: stat = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::MAINT: if (blink_delta < 250) stat = Color(8,8,8); break; } if (blink_delta > 500) blink = Clock::GetInstance()->RealTime(); } else subtxt = ship->GetTarget()->Name(); } else { subtxt = "NO TGT"; } subtxt.toUpper(); hud_font->SetColor(stat); window->SetFont(hud_font); window->DrawText(subtxt.data(), subtxt.length(), tgt_rect, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void WepView::DoMouseFrame() { static int mouse_down = false; static int mouse_down_x = 0; static int mouse_down_y = 0; int x = Mouse::X(); int y = Mouse::Y(); // coarse-grained test: is mouse in overlay at all? if (x < width/2-256 || x > width/2+256 || y > 90) { mouse_in = false; return; } mouse_in = true; if (Mouse::LButton()) { if (!mouse_down) { mouse_down = true; mouse_down_x = x; mouse_down_y = y; } // check weapons buttons: int max_wep = ship->Weapons().size(); if (max_wep > MAX_WEP) max_wep = MAX_WEP; for (int i = 0; i < max_wep; i++) { int index = i * 4; if (CheckButton(index, mouse_down_x, mouse_down_y)) { ship->FireWeapon(i); return; } else if (CheckButton(index + 1, mouse_down_x, mouse_down_y)) { ship->Weapons()[i]->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::MANUAL); return; } else if (CheckButton(index + 2, mouse_down_x, mouse_down_y)) { ship->Weapons()[i]->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::AUTO); return; } else if (CheckButton(index + 3, mouse_down_x, mouse_down_y)) { ship->Weapons()[i]->SetFiringOrders(Weapon::POINT_DEFENSE); return; } } } else if (mouse_down) { mouse_down = false; mouse_down_x = 0; mouse_down_y = 0; // check subtarget buttons: if (ship->GetTarget()) { Rect r(width/2+50, 70, 20, 20); if (r.Contains(x,y)) { CycleSubTarget(-1); return; } r.x = width/2 + 180; if (r.Contains(x,y)) { CycleSubTarget(1); return; } } } } bool WepView::CheckButton(int index, int x, int y) { if (index >= 0 && index < MAX_BTN) { return btn_rect[index].Contains(x,y)?true:false; } return false; } void WepView::CycleSubTarget(int direction) { if (ship->GetTarget() == 0 || ship->GetTarget()->Type() != SimObject::SIM_SHIP) return; ship->CycleSubTarget(direction); } bool WepView::IsMouseLatched() { return mouse_in; }