/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Various heavenly bodies */ #ifndef TerrainRegion_h #define TerrainRegion_h #include "Types.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Weather.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const double TERRAIN_ALTITUDE_LIMIT = 35e3; class TerrainLayer; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class TerrainRegion : public OrbitalRegion { friend class StarSystem; public: TerrainRegion(StarSystem* sys, const char* n, double r, Orbital* prime=0); virtual ~TerrainRegion(); // operations: virtual void Update(); // accessors: const Text& PatchName() const { return patch_name; } const Text& PatchTexture() const { return patch_texture; } const Text& ApronName() const { return apron_name; } const Text& ApronTexture() const { return apron_texture; } const Text& WaterTexture() const { return water_texture; } const Text& DetailTexture0() const { return noise_tex0; } const Text& DetailTexture1() const { return noise_tex1; } const Text& HazeName() const { return haze_name; } const Text& CloudsHigh() const { return clouds_high; } const Text& ShadesHigh() const { return shades_high; } const Text& CloudsLow() const { return clouds_low; } const Text& ShadesLow() const { return shades_low; } const Text& EnvironmentTexture(int n) const; Color SunColor() const { return sun_color[24]; } Color SkyColor() const { return sky_color[24]; } Color FogColor() const { return fog_color[24]; } Color Ambient() const { return ambient[24]; } Color Overcast() const { return overcast[24]; } Color CloudColor() const { return cloud_color[24];} Color ShadeColor() const { return shade_color[24];} double LateralScale() const { return scale; } double MountainScale() const { return mtnscale; } double FogDensity() const { return fog_density; } double FogScale() const { return fog_scale; } double DayPhase() const { return day_phase; } double HazeFade() const { return haze_fade; } double CloudAltHigh() const { return clouds_alt_high; } double CloudAltLow() const { return clouds_alt_low; } Weather& GetWeather() { return weather; } List& GetLayers() { return layers; } bool IsEclipsed() const { return eclipsed; } void SetEclipsed(bool e) { eclipsed = e; } void LoadSkyColors(const char* bmp_name); void AddLayer(double h, const char* tile, const char* detail=0); protected: Text patch_name; Text patch_texture; Text apron_name; Text apron_texture; Text water_texture; Text env_texture_positive_x; Text env_texture_negative_x; Text env_texture_positive_y; Text env_texture_negative_y; Text env_texture_positive_z; Text env_texture_negative_z; Text noise_tex0; Text noise_tex1; Text haze_name; Text clouds_high; Text clouds_low; Text shades_high; Text shades_low; Color sun_color[25]; Color sky_color[25]; Color fog_color[25]; Color ambient[25]; Color overcast[25]; Color cloud_color[25]; Color shade_color[25]; double scale; double mtnscale; double fog_density; double fog_scale; double day_phase; double haze_fade; double clouds_alt_high; double clouds_alt_low; Weather weather; bool eclipsed; List layers; }; #endif // TerrainRegion_h