/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== 3D Projection Camera class */ #ifndef Projector_h #define Projector_h #include "Geometry.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Polygon.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Projector { public: Projector(Window* win, Camera* cam); virtual ~Projector(); // Operations: virtual void UseWindow(Window* win); virtual void UseCamera(Camera* cam); virtual void SetDepthScale(float scale); virtual double GetDepthScale() const; virtual void SetFieldOfView(double fov); virtual double GetFieldOfView() const; virtual int SetInfinite(int i); virtual void StartFrame(); // accessor: Point Pos() const { return camera->Pos(); } Point vrt() { return camera->vrt(); } Point vup() { return camera->vup(); } Point vpn() { return camera->vpn(); } const Matrix& Orientation() const { return camera->Orientation(); } double XAngle() const { return xangle; } double YAngle() const { return yangle; } bool IsOrthogonal() const { return orthogonal; } void SetOrthogonal(bool o) { orthogonal = o; } // projection and clipping geometry: virtual void Transform(Vec3& vec) const; virtual void Transform(Point& point) const; virtual void Project(Vec3& vec, bool clamp=true) const; virtual void Project(Point& point, bool clamp=true) const; virtual void ProjectRect(Point& origin, double& w, double& h) const; virtual float ProjectRadius(const Vec3& vec, float radius) const; virtual void Unproject(Point& point) const; int IsVisible(const Vec3& v, float radius) const; int IsBoxVisible(const Point* p) const; float ApparentRadius(const Vec3& v, float radius) const; virtual void SetWorldSpace() { frustum_planes = world_planes; } virtual void SetViewSpace() { frustum_planes = view_planes; } Plane* GetCurrentClipPlanes() { return frustum_planes; } void SetUpFrustum(); void ViewToWorld(Point& pin, Point& pout); void ViewToWorld(Vec3& vin, Vec3& vout); void SetWorldspaceClipPlane(Vec3& normal, Plane& plane); protected: Camera* camera; int width, height; double field_of_view; double xscreenscale, yscreenscale, maxscale; double xcenter, ycenter; double xangle, yangle; int infinite; float depth_scale; bool orthogonal; enum DISPLAY_CONST { NUM_FRUSTUM_PLANES= 4, }; Plane* frustum_planes; Plane world_planes[NUM_FRUSTUM_PLANES]; Plane view_planes[NUM_FRUSTUM_PLANES]; float xclip0, xclip1; float yclip0, yclip1; }; #endif // Projector_h