/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== ListBox ActiveWindow class */ #include "ListBox.h" #include "Button.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "FormWindow.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class ListBoxCell { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "ListBoxCell"; } ListBoxCell() : data(0), image(0) { } Text text; DWORD data; Bitmap* image; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class ListBoxItem { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "ListBoxItem"; } ListBoxItem() : data(0), image(0), selected(false), listbox(0), color(Color::White) { } ~ListBoxItem() { subitems.destroy(); } int operator < (const ListBoxItem& item) const; int operator <=(const ListBoxItem& item) const; int operator ==(const ListBoxItem& item) const; Text text; DWORD data; Bitmap* image; bool selected; Color color; List subitems; ListBox* listbox; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class ListBoxColumn { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "ListBoxColumn"; } ListBoxColumn() : width(0), align(0), sort(0), color(Color::White), use_color(0), percent(0) { } Text title; int width; int align; int sort; Color color; int use_color; double percent; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBoxItem::operator < (const ListBoxItem& item) const { if (listbox && listbox == item.listbox) { int sort_column = listbox->GetSortColumn() - 1; int sort_criteria = listbox->GetSortCriteria(); if (sort_column == -1) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return data > item.data; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return text > item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return text < item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return data < item.data; } } else if (sort_column >= 0 && sort_column <= subitems.size() && sort_column <= item.subitems.size()) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data > item.subitems[sort_column]->data; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text > item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text < item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data < item.subitems[sort_column]->data; } } } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBoxItem::operator <=(const ListBoxItem& item) const { if (listbox && listbox == item.listbox) { int sort_column = listbox->GetSortColumn() - 1; int sort_criteria = listbox->GetSortCriteria(); if (sort_column == -1) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return data >= item.data; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return text >= item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return text <= item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return data <= item.data; } } else if (sort_column >= 0 && sort_column <= subitems.size() && sort_column <= item.subitems.size()) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data >= item.subitems[sort_column]->data; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text >= item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text <= item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data <= item.subitems[sort_column]->data; } } } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBoxItem::operator == (const ListBoxItem& item) const { if (listbox && listbox == item.listbox) { int sort_column = listbox->GetSortColumn() - 1; int sort_criteria = listbox->GetSortCriteria(); if (sort_column == -1) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return data == item.data; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return text == item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return text == item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return data == item.data; } } else if (sort_column >= 0 && sort_column <= subitems.size() && sort_column <= item.subitems.size()) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data == item.subitems[sort_column]->data; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text == item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text == item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data == item.subitems[sort_column]->data; } } } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int old_cursor; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ListBox::ListBox(ActiveWindow* p, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD aid) : ScrollWindow(p->GetScreen(), ax, ay, aw, ah, aid, 0, p) { show_headings = false; multiselect = false; list_index = 0; selcount = 0; selected_color = Color(255, 255, 128); sort_column = 0; item_style = LIST_ITEM_STYLE_PLAIN; seln_style = LIST_ITEM_STYLE_PLAIN; char buf[32]; sprintf_s(buf, "ListBox %d", id); desc = buf; } ListBox::ListBox(Screen* s, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD aid) : ScrollWindow(s, ax, ay, aw, ah, aid) { show_headings = false; multiselect = false; list_index = 0; selcount = 0; selected_color = Color(255, 255, 128); sort_column = 0; item_style = LIST_ITEM_STYLE_PLAIN; seln_style = LIST_ITEM_STYLE_PLAIN; char buf[32]; sprintf_s(buf, "ListBox %d", id); desc = buf; } ListBox::~ListBox() { items.destroy(); columns.destroy(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ListBox::DrawContent(const Rect& ctrl_rect) { SizeColumns(); Rect item_rect = ctrl_rect; item_rect.h = line_height; int h = rect.h; // draw headings at top, if needed: if (show_headings) { Color save_color = back_color; back_color = ShadeColor(back_color, 1.3); font->SetColor(fore_color); int max_column = columns.size()-1; item_rect.h += HEADING_EXTRA; page_size = (h-item_rect.h) / (line_height + leading); for (int column = 0; column <= max_column; column++) { item_rect.w = GetColumnWidth(column); // draw heading button FillRect(item_rect, back_color); DrawStyleRect(item_rect, WIN_RAISED_FRAME); Rect title_rect = item_rect; title_rect.Deflate(3,3); DrawText(GetColumnTitle(column), 0, title_rect, DT_CENTER|DT_SINGLELINE); item_rect.x += item_rect.w; } item_rect.y += item_rect.h; back_color = save_color; item_rect.h = line_height; } int index = 0; ListIter iter = items; while (++iter && item_rect.y < h) { ListBoxItem* item = iter.value(); if (index++ >= top_index) { // draw main item: int column = 0; item_rect.x = ctrl_rect.x; item_rect.w = GetColumnWidth(column) - 2; if (item_rect.y + item_rect.h > h) { item_rect.h = h - item_rect.y - 1; } Color item_color = GetItemColor(index-1, 0); if (item->selected) { font->SetColor(selected_color); if (seln_style == LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX) FillRect(item_rect, selected_color * 0.25); if (seln_style >= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_BOX) DrawRect(item_rect, selected_color); } else { font->SetColor(item_color); if (item_style == LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX) FillRect(item_rect, item_color * 0.25); if (item_style >= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_BOX) DrawRect(item_rect, item_color); } Rect text_rect = item_rect; if (item->image && item->image->Width() > 0 && item->image->Height() > 0) { DrawBitmap(text_rect.x, text_rect.y, text_rect.x + text_rect.w, text_rect.y + line_height, item->image); } else { text_rect.Deflate(2,0); DrawText(item->text.data(), item->text.length(), text_rect, GetColumnAlign(column)|DT_SINGLELINE); } // draw subitems: ListIter sub_iter = item->subitems; while (++sub_iter) { ListBoxCell* sub = sub_iter.value(); column++; item_rect.x += item_rect.w + 2; item_rect.w = GetColumnWidth(column) - 2; if (item->selected) { if (seln_style == LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX) FillRect(item_rect, selected_color * 0.25); if (seln_style >= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_BOX) DrawRect(item_rect, selected_color); } else { if (item_style == LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX) FillRect(item_rect, item_color * 0.25); if (item_style >= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_BOX) DrawRect(item_rect, item_color); } if (item->selected) font->SetColor(selected_color); else font->SetColor(GetItemColor(index-1, column)); Rect text_rect = item_rect; if (sub->image && sub->image->Width() > 0 && sub->image->Height() > 0) { DrawBitmap(text_rect.x, text_rect.y, text_rect.x + text_rect.w, text_rect.y + line_height, sub->image); } else { text_rect.Deflate(2,0); DrawText(sub->text.data(), sub->text.length(), text_rect, GetColumnAlign(column)|DT_SINGLELINE); } } item_rect.y += line_height + leading; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ListBox::SizeColumns() { ListBoxColumn* c = columns.first(); if (c->percent < 0.001) { double total = 0; ListIter iter = columns; while (++iter) { c = iter.value(); total += c->width; } iter.reset(); while (++iter) { c = iter.value(); c->percent = c->width / total; } } int usable_width = rect.w; int used = 0; if (IsScrollVisible()) { usable_width -= SCROLL_WIDTH + 2; } else { usable_width -= 3; } for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { c = columns[i]; if (i < columns.size() - 1) c->width = (int) (c->percent * usable_width); else c->width = usable_width - used; used += c->width; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::NumItems() { return items.size(); } int ListBox::NumColumns() { return columns.size(); } Text ListBox::GetItemText(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) return items[index]->text; return Text(); } void ListBox::SetItemText(int index, const char* text) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { items[index]->text = text; } } DWORD ListBox::GetItemData(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) return items[index]->data; return 0; } void ListBox::SetItemData(int index, DWORD data) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { items[index]->data = data; } } Bitmap* ListBox::GetItemImage(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) return items[index]->image; return 0; } void ListBox::SetItemImage(int index, Bitmap* img) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { items[index]->image = img; } } Color ListBox::GetItemColor(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) return items[index]->color; return Color::White; } void ListBox::SetItemColor(int index, Color c) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { items[index]->color = c; } } Text ListBox::GetItemText(int index, int column) { if (column == 0) { return GetItemText(index); } if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = items[index]; column--; if (column >= 0 && column < item->subitems.size()) return item->subitems[column]->text; } return Text(); } void ListBox::SetItemText(int index, int column, const char* text) { if (column == 0) { SetItemText(index, text); return; } if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = items[index]; column--; if (column >= 0 && column < columns.size()-1) { while (column >= item->subitems.size()) { ListBoxCell* cell = new ListBoxCell; if (cell) item->subitems.append(cell); } item->subitems[column]->text = text; } } } DWORD ListBox::GetItemData(int index, int column) { if (column == 0) { return GetItemData(index); } if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = items[index]; column--; if (column >= 0 && column < item->subitems.size()) return item->subitems[column]->data; } return 0; } void ListBox::SetItemData(int index, int column, DWORD data) { if (column == 0) { SetItemData(index, data); return; } if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = items[index]; column--; if (column >= 0 && column < columns.size()-1) { while (column >= item->subitems.size()) { ListBoxCell* cell = new ListBoxCell; if (cell) item->subitems.append(cell); } item->subitems[column]->data = data; } } } Bitmap* ListBox::GetItemImage(int index, int column) { if (column == 0) { return GetItemImage(index); } if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = items[index]; column--; if (column >= 0 && column < item->subitems.size()) return item->subitems[column]->image; } return 0; } void ListBox::SetItemImage(int index, int column, Bitmap* img) { if (column == 0) { SetItemImage(index, img); return; } if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = items[index]; column--; if (column >= 0 && column < columns.size()-1) { while (column >= item->subitems.size()) { ListBoxCell* cell = new ListBoxCell; if (cell) item->subitems.append(cell); } item->subitems[column]->image = img; } } } int ListBox::AddItem(const char* text) { ListBoxItem* item = new ListBoxItem; if (item) { item->text = text; item->color = fore_color; item->listbox = this; items.append(item); line_count = items.size(); list_index = items.size()-1; } return list_index+1; } int ListBox::AddItemWithData(const char* text, int data) { ListBoxItem* item = new ListBoxItem; if (item) { item->text = text; item->data = data; item->color = fore_color; item->listbox = this; items.append(item); line_count = items.size(); list_index = items.size()-1; } return list_index+1; } int ListBox::AddImage(Bitmap* img) { ListBoxItem* item = new ListBoxItem; if (item) { item->image = img; item->color = fore_color; item->listbox = this; items.append(item); line_count = items.size(); list_index = items.size()-1; } return list_index+1; } void ListBox::InsertItem(int index, const char* text) { if (index >=0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = new ListBoxItem; if (item) { item->text = text; item->color = fore_color; item->listbox = this; list_index = index; items.insert(item, list_index); line_count = items.size(); } } } void ListBox::InsertItemWithData(int index, const char* text, int data) { if (index >=0 && index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = new ListBoxItem; if (item) { item->text = text; item->data = data; item->color = fore_color; item->listbox = this; list_index = index; items.insert(item, list_index); line_count = items.size(); } } } void ListBox::ClearItems() { items.destroy(); selcount = 0; top_index = 0; list_index = 0; line_count = 0; } void ListBox::RemoveItem(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { if (items[index]->selected) selcount--; items.removeIndex(index); line_count = items.size(); } } void ListBox::RemoveSelectedItems() { if (selcount) { ListIter item = items; while (++item) { if (item->selected) { delete item.removeItem(); } } line_count = items.size(); selcount = 0; } } void ListBox::AddColumn(const char* title, int width, int align, int sort) { ListBoxColumn* column = new ListBoxColumn; if (column) { column->title = title; column->width = width; column->align = align; column->sort = sort; columns.append(column); } } Text ListBox::GetColumnTitle(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) return columns[index]->title; return Text(); } void ListBox::SetColumnTitle(int index, const char* title) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) { columns[index]->title = title; } } int ListBox::GetColumnWidth(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) return columns[index]->width; return 0; } void ListBox::SetColumnWidth(int index, int width) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) { columns[index]->width = width; } } int ListBox::GetColumnAlign(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) return columns[index]->align; return 0; } void ListBox::SetColumnAlign(int index, int align) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) { columns[index]->align = align; } } int ListBox::GetColumnSort(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) return columns[index]->sort; return 0; } void ListBox::SetColumnSort(int index, int sort) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) { columns[index]->sort = sort; } } Color ListBox::GetColumnColor(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) return columns[index]->color; return Color::White; } void ListBox::SetColumnColor(int index, Color c) { if (index >= 0 && index < columns.size()) { columns[index]->color = c; columns[index]->use_color = true; } } Color ListBox::GetItemColor(int index, int column) { Color c = Color::White; if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) c = items[index]->color; if (column >= 0 && column < columns.size()) { if (columns[column]->use_color) c = columns[column]->color; } return c; } int ListBox::GetMultiSelect() { return multiselect; } void ListBox::SetMultiSelect(int nNewValue) { if (multiselect != nNewValue && (nNewValue == 0 || nNewValue == 1)) { multiselect = nNewValue; ClearSelection(); } } bool ListBox::GetShowHeadings() { return show_headings; } void ListBox::SetShowHeadings(bool nNewValue) { if (show_headings != nNewValue) { show_headings = nNewValue; } } Color ListBox::GetSelectedColor() { return selected_color; } void ListBox::SetSelectedColor(Color c) { if (selected_color != c) { selected_color = c; } } int ListBox::GetItemStyle() const { return item_style; } void ListBox::SetItemStyle(int style) { if (style >= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_PLAIN && style <= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX) { item_style = style; } } int ListBox::GetSelectedStyle() const { return seln_style; } void ListBox::SetSelectedStyle(int style) { if (style >= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_PLAIN && style <= LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX) { seln_style = style; } } bool ListBox::IsSelected(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) return items[index]->selected; return false; } void ListBox::SetSelected(int index, bool bNewValue) { if (index >= 0 && index < items.size()) { if (!multiselect) ClearSelection(); if (items[index]->selected != bNewValue) { items[index]->selected = bNewValue; if (bNewValue) { list_index = index; selcount++; } else { selcount--; } } } } void ListBox::ClearSelection() { ListIter item = items; while (++item) item->selected = false; selcount = 0; } int ListBox::GetListIndex() { return list_index; } int ListBox::GetLineCount() { line_count = items.size(); return line_count; } int ListBox::GetSelCount() { return selcount; } int ListBox::GetSelection() { for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) if (items[i]->selected) return i; return -1; } Text ListBox::GetSelectedItem() { int n = GetSelection(); return GetItemText(n); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::GetSortColumn() { return sort_column; } void ListBox::SetSortColumn(int col_index) { if (col_index >= 0 && col_index <= columns.size()) sort_column = col_index; } int ListBox::GetSortCriteria() { return GetColumnSort(sort_column); } void ListBox::SetSortCriteria(SORT sort) { SetColumnSort(sort_column, sort); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ListBox::SortItems() { if (sort_column >=0 && sort_column <= columns.size()) items.sort(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::IndexFromPoint(int x, int y) const { int sel_index = -1; if (show_headings) sel_index = top_index + (y - (line_height+HEADING_EXTRA)) / (line_height + leading); else sel_index = top_index + y / (line_height + leading); return sel_index; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::OnMouseMove(int x, int y) { bool dirty = false; if (captured) { ActiveWindow* test = GetCapture(); if (test != this) { captured = false; dirty = true; } else { if (selecting && !dragging) { if (dragdrop && (x < rect.x || x > rect.x+rect.w || y < rect.y || y > rect.y+rect.h)) { dragging = true; OnDragStart(x,y); } } if (scrolling == SCROLL_THUMB) { mouse_y = y - rect.y - TRACK_START; int dest = (int) ((double) mouse_y/track_length * (items.size()-1)); ScrollTo(dest); dirty = true; } } } return ActiveWindow::OnMouseMove(x,y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static bool preselected = false; int ListBox::OnLButtonDown(int x, int y) { if (!captured) captured = SetCapture(); mouse_x = x - rect.x; mouse_y = y - rect.y; int x_scroll_bar = rect.w; if (IsScrollVisible()) x_scroll_bar -= SCROLL_WIDTH; if (mouse_x < x_scroll_bar) { scrolling = SCROLL_NONE; if (show_headings && mouse_y < line_height+BORDER_WIDTH+EXTRA_WIDTH) { int next_col_start = 0; int max_column = columns.size()-1; int column; for (column = 0; column < max_column; column++) { next_col_start += GetColumnWidth(column); if (mouse_x < next_col_start) break; } sort_column = column; int& sort_criteria = columns[sort_column]->sort; if (sort_criteria != LIST_SORT_NEVER) { if (!sort_criteria) sort_criteria = LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING; else sort_criteria = -sort_criteria; SortItems(); } } else { selecting = true; } } else { selecting = false; if (mouse_y < TRACK_START) { scrolling = SCROLL_UP; Scroll(scrolling, 1); Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_SCROLL); } else if (mouse_y > rect.h-TRACK_START) { scrolling = SCROLL_DOWN; if (top_index < items.size()-1) top_index++; Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_SCROLL); } else if (mouse_y < thumb_pos) { scrolling = SCROLL_PAGE_UP; Scroll(scrolling, page_size); Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_SCROLL); } else if (mouse_y > thumb_pos+THUMB_HEIGHT) { scrolling = SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN; Scroll(scrolling, page_size); Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_SCROLL); } else { scrolling = SCROLL_THUMB; } } if (selecting) { list_index = IndexFromPoint(mouse_x, mouse_y); preselected = IsSelected(list_index); if (!multiselect || !Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_SHIFT)) ClearSelection(); SetSelected(list_index); EnsureVisible(list_index); Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_SELECT); } return ActiveWindow::OnLButtonDown(x,y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::OnLButtonUp(int x, int y) { if (captured) { mouse_x = x-rect.x; mouse_y = y-rect.y; if (dragging) { if (mouse_x < 0 || mouse_x > rect.w || mouse_y < 0 || mouse_y > rect.h) { FormWindow* parent_form = (FormWindow*) form; if (parent_form) { ActiveWindow* drop_target = parent_form->FindControl(x,y); if (drop_target && drop_target->IsEnabled() && drop_target->IsShown()) drop_target->OnDragDrop(x,y,this); } } } else if (preselected) { if (multiselect && Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_SHIFT)) { SetSelected(list_index, false); Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_SELECT); } } ReleaseCapture(); captured = false; Mouse::SetCursor((Mouse::CURSOR) old_cursor); } dragging = false; selecting = false; return ActiveWindow::OnLButtonUp(x,y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::OnMouseWheel(int wheel) { return ScrollWindow::OnMouseWheel(wheel); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::OnClick() { int fire_select = !scrolling; if (scrolling == SCROLL_THUMB) scrolling = SCROLL_NONE; if (fire_select) return ActiveWindow::OnSelect(); else return ActiveWindow::OnClick(); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::OnKeyDown(int vk, int flags) { if (selcount == 1 && list_index >= 0 && list_index < items.size()) { ListBoxItem* item = items[list_index]; if (vk == VK_DOWN) { if (list_index < items.size() - 1) { item->selected = false; list_index++; item = items[list_index]; item->selected = true; OnClick(); return ActiveWindow::OnKeyDown(vk, flags); } } else if (vk == VK_UP) { if (list_index > 0) { item->selected = false; list_index--; item = items[list_index]; item->selected = true; OnClick(); return ActiveWindow::OnKeyDown(vk, flags); } } } return ScrollWindow::OnKeyDown(vk, flags); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::OnDragStart(int x, int y) { old_cursor = Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::DRAG); return ActiveWindow::OnDragStart(x,y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ListBox::OnDragDrop(int x, int y, ActiveWindow* source) { if (!dragdrop) return 0; ListBox* drag_source = (ListBox*) source; if (drag_source) { int max_col = NumColumns(); if (max_col != drag_source->NumColumns()) max_col = 0; for (int i = 0; i < drag_source->NumItems(); i++) { if (drag_source->IsSelected(i)) { AddItemWithData(drag_source->GetItemText(i), drag_source->GetItemData(i)); for (int c = 1; c < max_col; c++) { SetItemText(list_index, c, drag_source->GetItemText(i,c)); SetItemData(list_index, c, drag_source->GetItemData(i,c)); } if (!multiselect) ClearSelection(); items[list_index]->selected = true; selcount++; } } drag_source->RemoveSelectedItems(); Button::PlaySound(Button::SND_LIST_DROP); } return ActiveWindow::OnDragDrop(x,y,source); }