/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== ImageBox class */ #ifndef ImageBox_h #define ImageBox_h #include "Types.h" #include "ActiveWindow.h" #include "Bitmap.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class ImageBox : public ActiveWindow { public: ImageBox(ActiveWindow* p, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD id=0); ImageBox(Screen* s, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD id=0); virtual ~ImageBox(); // Operations: virtual void Draw(); // Event Target Interface: virtual int OnMouseMove(int x, int y); virtual int OnLButtonDown(int x, int y); virtual int OnLButtonUp(int x, int y); virtual int OnClick(); virtual int OnMouseEnter(int x, int y); virtual int OnMouseExit(int x, int y); // Property accessors: int GetBlendMode() const { return blend_mode; } void SetBlendMode(int blend) { blend_mode = blend; } bool GetBorder() const { return border; } void SetBorder(bool bNewValue) { border = bNewValue; } Color GetBorderColor() const { return border_color; } void SetBorderColor(Color c) { border_color = c; } void GetPicture(Bitmap& img) const; void SetPicture(const Bitmap& img); int GetPictureLocation() const; void SetPictureLocation(int nNewValue); Rect GetTargetRect() const { return target_rect; } void SetTargetRect(const Rect& r) { target_rect = r; } protected: virtual void DrawTabbedText(); Rect CalcLabelRect(int img_w, int img_h); Rect CalcPictureRect(); bool border; Color border_color; Bitmap picture; int picture_loc; int blend_mode; Rect target_rect; }; #endif // ImageBox_h