/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Abstract 3D Graphic Object */ #ifndef Graphic_h #define Graphic_h #include "Geometry.h" #include "Color.h" #include "List.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define GRAPHIC_DESTROY(x) if (x) { x->Destroy(); x = 0; } //-V571 // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Projector; class Light; class Scene; class Video; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Graphic { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "Graphic"; } enum TYPE { OTHER, SOLID, SPRITE, BOLT, QUAD }; enum RENDER_FLAGS { RENDER_SOLID = 0x0001, RENDER_ALPHA = 0x0002, RENDER_ADDITIVE = 0x0004, RENDER_FIRST_LIGHT = 0x1000, RENDER_ADD_LIGHT = 0x2000 }; Graphic(); virtual ~Graphic(); int operator == (const Graphic& g) const { return id == g.id; } int operator < (const Graphic& g) const; int operator <= (const Graphic& g) const; // operations virtual void Render(Video* video, DWORD flags) { } virtual void Update() { } virtual void SetOrientation(const Matrix& o) { } virtual int CollidesWith(Graphic& o); // accessors / mutators int Identity() const { return id; } const char* Name() const { return name; } bool IsVisible() const { return visible; } void SetVisible(bool v) { visible = v; } float Radius() const { return radius; } Point Location() const { return loc; } virtual void MoveTo(const Point& p) { loc = p; } virtual void TranslateBy(const Point& ref) { loc = loc - ref; } virtual float Depth() const { return depth; } virtual void SetDepth(float d) { depth = d; } static int Nearer(Graphic* a, Graphic* b); static int Farther(Graphic* a, Graphic* b); virtual int IsInfinite() const { return infinite; } virtual void SetInfinite(bool b); virtual int IsForeground() const { return foreground; } virtual void SetForeground(bool f){ foreground = f; } virtual int IsBackground() const { return background; } virtual void SetBackground(bool b){ background = b; } virtual int Hidden() const { return hidden; } virtual int Life() const { return life; } virtual void Destroy(); virtual void Hide() { hidden = true; } virtual void Show() { hidden = false; } virtual bool Luminous() const { return luminous;} virtual void SetLuminous(bool l) { luminous = l; } virtual bool Translucent() const { return trans; } virtual bool CastsShadow() const { return shadow; } virtual void SetShadow(bool s) { shadow = s; } virtual bool IsSolid() const { return false; } virtual bool IsSprite() const { return false; } virtual bool IsBolt() const { return false; } virtual bool IsQuad() const { return false; } virtual void ProjectScreenRect(Projector* p); const Rect& ScreenRect() const { return screen_rect; } virtual Scene* GetScene() const { return scene; } virtual void SetScene(Scene*s) { scene = s; } virtual int CheckRayIntersection(Point pt, Point vpn, double len, Point& ipt, bool treat_translucent_polys_as_solid=true); virtual bool CheckVisibility(Projector& projector); protected: static int id_key; int id; Point loc; float depth; float radius; int life; bool visible; bool infinite; bool foreground; bool background; bool hidden; bool trans; bool shadow; bool luminous; Rect screen_rect; Scene* scene; char name[32]; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #endif // Graphic_h