/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. */ #include "GameWinDX9.h" #include #include #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "Color.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Game.h" #include "MachineInfo.h" #include "Panic.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "VideoFactory.h" #include "Video.h" #include "VideoSettings.h" GameWinDX9* GameWinDX9::instance = nullptr; GameWinDX9* GameWinDX9::GetInstance() { return instance; } GameWinDX9::GameWinDX9() : max_tex_size {2048}, screen_color {Color::Black}, hInst {nullptr}, hwnd {nullptr}, hmenu {nullptr}, window_style {0}, video_factory {nullptr}, video {nullptr}, video_settings {nullptr}, soundcard {nullptr}, screen {nullptr}, is_windowed {false}, is_active {false}, is_device_lost {false}, is_minimized {false}, is_maximized {false}, ignore_size_change {false}, is_device_initialized {false}, is_device_restored {false} { if (instance != nullptr) Panic::Panic("Multiple instances of GameWinDX9"); instance = this; video_settings = new VideoSettings; } GameWinDX9::~GameWinDX9() { if (instance != nullptr) instance = nullptr; if (screen) delete screen; if (video_factory) delete video_factory; if (video) delete video; if (soundcard) delete soundcard; if (video_settings) delete video_settings; } bool GameWinDX9::Init(HINSTANCE hi, HINSTANCE hpi, LPSTR cmdline, int nCmdShow) { status = OK; hInst = hi; Print(" Initializing Game\n"); if (!InitApplication(hInst)) { // Initialize shared things Panic::Panic("Could not initialize the application."); status = INIT_FAILED; } if (status == OK && !video_settings) { Panic::Panic("No video settings specified"); status = INIT_FAILED; } if (status == OK) { static int os_version = MachineInfo::GetPlatform(); if (os_version == MachineInfo::OS_WIN95 || os_version == MachineInfo::OS_WIN98) { Panic::Panic(" Windows 95 and 98 are no longer supported. Please update to Windows XP or higher."); status = INIT_FAILED; } else if (os_version == MachineInfo::OS_WINNT) { Panic::Panic(" D3D not available under WinNT 4"); status = INIT_FAILED; } else if (MachineInfo::GetDirectXVersion() < MachineInfo::DX_9) { Panic::Panic(" Insufficient DirectX detected (Dx9 IS REQUIRED)"); status = INIT_FAILED; } } if (status == OK) { Print("\n Initializing instance...\n"); // Perform initializations that apply to a specific instance if (!InitInstance(hInst, nCmdShow)) { Panic::Panic("Could not initialize the instance."); status = INIT_FAILED; } } if (status != OK) return false; return Game::Init(hi, hpi, cmdline, nCmdShow); } bool GameWinDX9::InitApplication(HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASS wc; LOGBRUSH brush = { BS_SOLID, RGB(0,0,0), 0 }; if (server) brush.lbColor = RGB(255,255,255); // Fill in window class structure with parameters that // describe the main window. wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(100)); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = CreateBrushIndirect(&brush); wc.lpszMenuName = app_name; wc.lpszClassName = app_name; // Register the window class and return success/failure code. if (RegisterClass(&wc) == 0) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err == 1410) // class already exists, this is OK return true; else Print("WARNING: Register Window Class: %08x\n", err); } return true; } bool GameWinDX9::InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow) { hInst = hInstance; // center window on display: int screenx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int screeny = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); int x_offset = 0; int y_offset = 0; int s_width = 800; int s_height = 600; if (server) { s_width = 320; s_height = 200; } else if (video_settings) { s_width = video_settings->window_width; s_height = video_settings->window_height; } if (s_width < screenx) x_offset = (screenx - s_width) / 2; if (s_height < screeny) y_offset = (screeny - s_height) / 2; // Create a main window for this application instance RECT rctmp; rctmp.left = x_offset; rctmp.top = y_offset; rctmp.right = x_offset + s_width; rctmp.bottom = y_offset + s_height; window_style = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE; AdjustWindowRect(&rctmp, window_style, 1); hwnd = CreateWindow( app_name, // Class name app_name, // Caption window_style, x_offset, // Position y_offset, rctmp.right - rctmp.left, // Size rctmp.bottom - rctmp.top, 0, // Parent window (no parent) 0, // use class menu hInst, // handle to window instance 0); // no params to pass on // If window could not be created, return "failure" if (!hwnd) { Panic::Panic("Could not create window\n"); return false; } Print(" Window created.\n"); // Make the window visible and draw it ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow); // Show the window UpdateWindow(hwnd); // Sends WM_PAINT message // Save window properties window_style = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE); GetWindowRect(hwnd, &bounds_rect); GetClientRect(hwnd, &client_rect); // Use client area to set video window size video_settings->window_width = client_rect.right - client_rect.left; video_settings->window_height = client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top; Print(" Instance initialized.\n"); return true; } bool GameWinDX9::InitGame() { if (server) return true; if (!SetupPalette()) { Panic::Panic("Could not set up the palette."); return false; } Print(" Palette laoded\n"); if (!InitVideo() || !video || video->Status() != Video::VIDEO_OK) { Panic::Panic("Could not create the Video Interface"); return false; } Print(" Created video object.\n"); Color::UseVideo(video); screen = new Screen(video); if (!screen) { Panic::Panic("Could not create the Screen object."); return false; } Print(" Created screen object.\n"); if (!screen->SetBackgroundColor(Color::Black)) Print(" WARNING: Could not set video background color to Black.\n"); screen->ClearAllFrames(true); Print("Established requested video parameters.\n\n"); return Game::InitGame(); } bool GameWinDX9::InitVideo() { if (server) return true; // create a video factory, and video object: video_factory = new VideoFactory(hwnd); if (video_factory) { Print(" Init Video...\n"); Print(" Request %s mode\n", video_settings->GetModeDescription()); video = video_factory->CreateVideo(video_settings); if (video) { if (!video->IsHardware()) { video_factory->DestroyVideo(video); video = 0; Panic::Panic("3D Hardware Not Found"); } // save a copy of the device-specific video settings: else if (video->GetVideoSettings()) { *video_settings = *video->GetVideoSettings(); is_windowed = video_settings->IsWindowed(); } } soundcard = video_factory->CreateSoundCard(); } return (video && video->Status() == Video::VIDEO_OK); } bool GameWinDX9::ResetVideo() { if (server) return true; if (!video_factory) return InitVideo(); Print(" Reset Video...\n"); Print(" Request %s mode\n", video_settings->GetModeDescription()); delete screen; if (video && !video->Reset(video_settings)) { video_factory->DestroyVideo(video); video = video_factory->CreateVideo(video_settings); } if (!video || video->Status() != Video::VIDEO_OK) { Panic::Panic("Could not re-create Video Interface."); return false; } Print(" Re-created video object.\n"); // save a copy of the device-specific video settings: if (video->GetVideoSettings()) { *video_settings = *video->GetVideoSettings(); is_windowed = video_settings->IsWindowed(); } Color::UseVideo(video); screen = new Screen(video); if (!screen) { Panic::Panic("Could not re-create Screen object."); return false; } Print(" Re-created screen object.\n"); if (!screen->SetBackgroundColor(Color::Black)) Print(" WARNING: could not set video background color to Black\n"); screen->ClearAllFrames(true); Print(" Re-established requested video parameters.\n"); Bitmap::CacheUpdate(); Print(" Refreshed texture bitmaps.\n\n"); return true; } bool GameWinDX9::ResizeVideo() { if (!video || !video_settings) return false; if (!is_windowed) return false; if (ignore_size_change) return true; HRESULT hr = S_OK; RECT client_old; client_old = client_rect; // Update window properties GetWindowRect(hwnd, &bounds_rect); GetClientRect(hwnd, &client_rect); if (client_old.right - client_old.left != client_rect.right - client_rect.left || client_old.bottom - client_old.top != client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top) { // A new window size will require a new backbuffer // size, so the 3D structures must be changed accordingly. Pause(true); video_settings->is_windowed = true; video_settings->window_width = client_rect.right - client_rect.left; video_settings->window_height = client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top; ::Print("ResizeVideo() %d x %d\n", video_settings->window_width, video_settings->window_height); if (video) { video->Reset(video_settings); } Pause(false); } // save a copy of the device-specific video settings: if (video->GetVideoSettings()) { *video_settings = *video->GetVideoSettings(); is_windowed = video_settings->IsWindowed(); } screen->Resize(video_settings->window_width, video_settings->window_height); return hr == S_OK; } bool GameWinDX9::ToggleFullscreen() { bool result = false; if (video && video_settings) { Pause(true); ignore_size_change = true; // Toggle the windowed state is_windowed = !is_windowed; video_settings->is_windowed = is_windowed; // Prepare window for windowed/fullscreen change AdjustWindowForChange(); // Reset the 3D device if (!video->Reset(video_settings)) { // reset failed, try to restore... ignore_size_change = false; if (!is_windowed) { // Restore window type to windowed mode is_windowed = !is_windowed; video_settings->is_windowed = is_windowed; AdjustWindowForChange(); SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, bounds_rect.left, bounds_rect.top, bounds_rect.right - bounds_rect.left, bounds_rect.bottom - bounds_rect.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } ::Print("Unable to toggle %s fullscreen mode.\n", is_windowed ? "into" : "out of"); } else { ignore_size_change = false; // When moving from fullscreen to windowed mode, it is important to // adjust the window size after resetting the device rather than // beforehand to ensure that you get the window size you want. For // example, when switching from 640x480 fullscreen to windowed with // a 1000x600 window on a 1024x768 desktop, it is impossible to set // the window size to 1000x600 until after the display mode has // changed to 1024x768, because windows cannot be larger than the // desktop. if (is_windowed) { SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, bounds_rect.left, bounds_rect.top, bounds_rect.right - bounds_rect.left, bounds_rect.bottom - bounds_rect.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } GetClientRect(hwnd, &client_rect); // Update our copy Pause(false); if (is_windowed) screen->Resize(video_settings->window_width, video_settings->window_height); else screen->Resize(video_settings->fullscreen_mode.width, video_settings->fullscreen_mode.height); result = true; } } return result; } bool GameWinDX9::AdjustWindowForChange() { if (is_windowed) { // Set windowed-mode style SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, window_style); if (hmenu != NULL) { SetMenu(hwnd, hmenu); hmenu = NULL; } } else { // Set fullscreen-mode style SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP|WS_SYSMENU|WS_VISIBLE); if (hmenu == NULL) { hmenu = GetMenu(hwnd); SetMenu(hwnd, NULL); } } return true; } bool GameWinDX9::SetupPalette() { if (LoadPalette(standard_palette, inverse_palette)) { Color::SetPalette(standard_palette, 256, inverse_palette); return true; } return false; } bool GameWinDX9::LoadPalette(PALETTEENTRY* pal, BYTE* inv) { char palheader[32]; struct { WORD Version; WORD NumberOfEntries; PALETTEENTRY Entries[256]; } Palette = { 0x300, 256 }; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); BYTE* block; char fname[256]; sprintf_s(fname, "%s.pal", palette_name); if (!loader->LoadBuffer(fname, block)) { Print(" Could not open file '%s'\n", fname); return false; } memcpy(&palheader, block, 24); memcpy((char*) Palette.Entries, (block+24), 256*4); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { *pal++ = Palette.Entries[i]; } loader->ReleaseBuffer(block); sprintf_s(fname, "%s.ipl", palette_name); int size = loader->LoadBuffer(fname, block); if (size < 32768) { Print(" Could not open file '%s'\n", fname); return false; } memcpy(inv, block, 32768); loader->ReleaseBuffer(block); return true; } int GameWinDX9::Run() { MSG msg; status = RUN; Clock::GetInstance()->Set(); while (status < EXIT && !Panic::Panicked()) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) break; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { GameLoop(); } } return exit_code ? exit_code : msg.wParam; } void GameWinDX9::UpdateScreen() { if (!screen || !video) return; if (screen->Refresh()) { video->Present(); } else { Panic::Panic("Screen refresh failed."); } } void GameWinDX9::Activate(bool f) { Game::Activate(f); if (f && video) video->InvalidateCache(); } void GameWinDX9::Pause(bool f) { Game::Pause(f); if (soundcard) { if (f) soundcard->Pause(); else soundcard->Resume(); } } void GameWinDX9::ShowStats() { if (server) return; auto total_time = Clock::GetInstance()->RealTime(); auto stats = Video::GetInstance()->GetStats(); Print("\n"); Print("Performance Data:\n"); Print("-----------------\n"); Print(" Time: %d msec\n", total_time); Print(" Frames: %d\n", stats.nframe); Print(" Polys Rendered: %d\n", stats.total_polys); Print(" Lines Rendered: %d\n", stats.total_lines); Print(" Verts Rendered: %d\n", stats.total_verts); Print(" Render Calls: %d\n", stats.ncalls); Print("\n"); Print("Performance Statistics:\n"); Print("-----------------------\n"); Print(" Frames/Second: %.2f\n", (stats.nframe * 1000.0) / total_time); Print(" Polys/Frame: %.2f\n", (double) stats.total_polys / (double) stats.nframe); Print(" Polys/Call: %.2f\n", (double) stats.total_polys / (double) stats.ncalls); Print(" Polys/Second: %.2f\n", (stats.total_polys * 1000.0) / total_time); Print(" Lines/Second: %.2f\n", (stats.total_lines * 1000.0) / total_time); Print(" Verts/Second: %.2f\n", (stats.total_verts * 1000.0) / total_time); Print("\n"); } int GameWinDX9::MaxTexSize() const { if (video) { int max_from_video = video->MaxTexSize(); if (max_from_video < max_tex_size) return max_from_video; return max_tex_size; } else if (Video* video = Video::GetInstance()) { return video->MaxTexSize(); } return 256; } int GameWinDX9::MaxTexAspect() const { if (video) return video->MaxTexAspect(); else if (Video* video = Video::GetInstance()) return video->MaxTexAspect(); return 1; } Color GameWinDX9::GetScreenColor() const { return screen_color; } int GameWinDX9::GetScreenWidth() const { if (video) return video->Width(); return 0; } int GameWinDX9::GetScreenHeight() const { if (video) return video->Height(); return 0; } HINSTANCE GameWinDX9::GetHINST() { return hInst; } HWND GameWinDX9::GetHWND() { return hwnd; } void GameWinDX9::SetMaxTexSize(int n) { if (n >= 64 && n <= 4096) max_tex_size = n; } void GameWinDX9::SetScreenColor(Color c) { screen_color = c; if (screen) screen->SetBackgroundColor(c); }