/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo */ #include "Game.h" #include #include "Clock.h" #include "ContentBundle.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "Panic.h" #include "UIEventDispatch.h" Game* Game::instance {nullptr}; Game::Game() : status {OK}, exit_code {0}, game_mode {MENU_MODE}, active {false}, paused {false}, frame_number {0} { if (instance != nullptr) throw "Game may have only one instance"; instance = this; Clock::Init(); } Game::~Game() { Clock::Close(); if (instance == this) instance = nullptr; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Game::Init() { status = OK; if (status == OK) { Print(" Initializing content...\n"); ContentBundle::GetInstance()->Init(); Print(" Initializing game...\n"); if (!InitGame()) { if (Panic::Panicked()) Panic::Panic("Could not initialize the game."); status = INIT_FAILED; } } return status == OK; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Game::InitGame() { return true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Game::Run() { status = RUN; Clock::GetInstance()->Set(); while (status < EXIT && !Panic::Panicked()) { PumpEvents(); GameLoop(); } return exit_code; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::Exit() { Print("\n\n*** Game::Exit()\n"); status = EXIT; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::Activate(bool f) { active = f; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::Pause(bool f) { paused = f; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::PumpEvents() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::GameLoop() { if (active) { auto dispatch = UIEventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (dispatch) dispatch->Dispatch(); } UpdateWorld(); GameState(); UpdateScreen(); Clock::GetInstance()->Step(); frame_number++; Mouse::w = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::UpdateWorld() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::GameState() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Game::UpdateScreen() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Game* Game::GetInstance() { return instance; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ std::uint32_t Game::Frame() { return frame_number; }