/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Form and Control Definition Resources */ #include "FormDef.h" #include "ParseUtil.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Game.h" #include "ContentBundle.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ColumnDef::ColumnDef() : width(10), align(0), sort(0), color(Color::White), use_color(false) { } ColumnDef::ColumnDef(const char* t, int w, int a, int s) : title(t), width(w), align(a), sort(s), color(Color::White), use_color(false) { } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ WinDef::WinDef(DWORD a_id, DWORD a_type, const char* a_text, DWORD a_style) : id(a_id), pid(0), type(a_type), text(a_text), style(a_style) { rect = Rect(0,0,0,0); text_align = 0; single_line = false; enabled = true; transparent = false; hide_partial = true; back_color = Color::Gray; base_color = Color::Gray; fore_color = Color::Black; fixed_width = 0; fixed_height = 0; } void WinDef::SetID(DWORD i) { id = i; } void WinDef::SetParentID(DWORD i) { pid = i; } void WinDef::SetType(DWORD t) { type = t; } void WinDef::SetRect(const Rect& r) { rect = r; } void WinDef::SetEnabled(bool e) { enabled = e; } void WinDef::SetStyle(DWORD s) { style = s; } void WinDef::SetFont(const char* t) { font = t; } void WinDef::SetText(const char* t) { text = t; } void WinDef::SetAltText(const char* t) { alt_text = t; } void WinDef::SetTexture(const char* t) { texture = t; } void WinDef::SetBackColor(Color c) { back_color = c; } void WinDef::SetBaseColor(Color c) { base_color = c; } void WinDef::SetForeColor(Color c) { fore_color = c; } void WinDef::SetTextAlign(DWORD a) { text_align = a; } void WinDef::SetSingleLine(bool a) { single_line = a; } void WinDef::SetTransparent(bool t) { transparent = t; } void WinDef::SetHidePartial(bool a) { hide_partial = a; } void WinDef::SetMargins(const Insets& m) { margins = m; } void WinDef::SetTextInsets(const Insets& t) { text_insets = t; } void WinDef::SetCellInsets(const Insets& c) { cell_insets = c; } void WinDef::SetCells(const Rect& r) { cells = r; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #define CTRL_DEF_ANIMATED 0x0001 #define CTRL_DEF_BORDER 0x0002 #define CTRL_DEF_DROP_SHADOW 0x0004 #define CTRL_DEF_INDENT 0x0008 #define CTRL_DEF_INVERT_LABEL 0x0010 #define CTRL_DEF_GLOW 0x0020 #define CTRL_DEF_SIMPLE 0x0040 #define CTRL_DEF_STICKY 0x0080 CtrlDef::CtrlDef(DWORD a_id, DWORD a_type, const char* a_text, DWORD a_style) : WinDef(a_id, a_type, a_text, a_style) { ctrl_flags = CTRL_DEF_ANIMATED | CTRL_DEF_BORDER | CTRL_DEF_INDENT; bevel_width = 5; picture_loc = 1; // North picture_type = Bitmap::BMP_SOLID; active = false; show_headings = false; leading = 0; line_height = 0; multiselect = 0; dragdrop = 0; orientation = 0; scroll_bar = 1; num_leds = 1; smooth_scroll = false; item_style = 0; selected_style = 0; pass_char = 0; items.destroy(); ZeroMemory(tabs, sizeof(tabs)); ntabs = 0; } CtrlDef::~CtrlDef() { items.destroy(); columns.destroy(); } CtrlDef& CtrlDef::operator=(const CtrlDef& ctrl) { WinDef::operator=(ctrl); ctrl_flags = ctrl.ctrl_flags; bevel_width = ctrl.bevel_width; picture_loc = ctrl.picture_loc; picture_type = ctrl.picture_type; active = ctrl.active; show_headings = ctrl.show_headings; leading = ctrl.leading; line_height = ctrl.line_height; multiselect = ctrl.multiselect; dragdrop = ctrl.dragdrop; orientation = ctrl.orientation; scroll_bar = ctrl.scroll_bar; pass_char = ctrl.pass_char; active_color = ctrl.active_color; border_color = ctrl.border_color; smooth_scroll = ctrl.smooth_scroll; item_style = ctrl.item_style; selected_style = ctrl.selected_style; pass_char = ctrl.pass_char; standard_image = ctrl.standard_image; activated_image = ctrl.activated_image; transition_image = ctrl.transition_image; return *this; } int CtrlDef::GetOrientation() const { return orientation; } void CtrlDef::SetOrientation(int o) { orientation = o; } bool CtrlDef::GetActive() const { return active; } void CtrlDef::SetActive(bool c) { active = c; } Color CtrlDef::GetActiveColor() const { return active_color; } void CtrlDef::SetActiveColor(Color c) { active_color = c; } bool CtrlDef::GetAnimated() const { return ctrl_flags & CTRL_DEF_ANIMATED; } void CtrlDef::SetAnimated(bool bNewValue) { if (bNewValue) ctrl_flags |= CTRL_DEF_ANIMATED; else ctrl_flags &= ~CTRL_DEF_ANIMATED; } short CtrlDef::GetBevelWidth() const { return bevel_width; } void CtrlDef::SetBevelWidth(short nNewValue) { bevel_width = nNewValue; } bool CtrlDef::GetBorder() const { return (ctrl_flags & CTRL_DEF_BORDER)?true:false; } void CtrlDef::SetBorder(bool bNewValue) { if (bNewValue) ctrl_flags |= CTRL_DEF_BORDER; else ctrl_flags &= ~CTRL_DEF_BORDER; } Color CtrlDef::GetBorderColor() const { return border_color; } void CtrlDef::SetBorderColor(Color c) { border_color = c; } bool CtrlDef::GetDropShadow() const { return (ctrl_flags & CTRL_DEF_DROP_SHADOW)?true:false; } void CtrlDef::SetDropShadow(bool bNewValue) { if (bNewValue) ctrl_flags |= CTRL_DEF_DROP_SHADOW; else ctrl_flags &= ~CTRL_DEF_DROP_SHADOW; } bool CtrlDef::GetIndent() const { return (ctrl_flags & CTRL_DEF_INDENT)?true:false; } void CtrlDef::SetIndent(bool bNewValue) { if (bNewValue) ctrl_flags |= CTRL_DEF_INDENT; else ctrl_flags &= ~CTRL_DEF_INDENT; } bool CtrlDef::GetInvertLabel() const { return (ctrl_flags & CTRL_DEF_INVERT_LABEL)?true:false; } void CtrlDef::SetInvertLabel(bool bNewValue) { if (bNewValue) ctrl_flags |= CTRL_DEF_INVERT_LABEL; else ctrl_flags &= ~CTRL_DEF_INVERT_LABEL; } Text CtrlDef::GetPicture() const { return picture; } void CtrlDef::SetPicture(const Text& img_name) { picture = img_name; } short CtrlDef::GetPictureLocation() const { return picture_loc; } void CtrlDef::SetPictureLocation(short nNewValue) { picture_loc = nNewValue; } short CtrlDef::GetPictureType() const { return picture_type; } void CtrlDef::SetPictureType(short nNewValue) { picture_type = nNewValue; } bool CtrlDef::GetSticky() const { return (ctrl_flags & CTRL_DEF_STICKY)?true:false; } void CtrlDef::SetSticky(bool bNewValue) { if (bNewValue) ctrl_flags |= CTRL_DEF_STICKY; else ctrl_flags &= ~CTRL_DEF_STICKY; } int CtrlDef::GetNumLeds() const { return num_leds; } void CtrlDef::SetNumLeds(int n) { if (n > 0) num_leds = n; } int CtrlDef::NumItems() const { return items.size(); } Text CtrlDef::GetItem(int i) const { Text result; if (i >= 0 && i < items.size()) result = *(items[i]); return result; } void CtrlDef::AddItem(const char* t) { items.append(new Text(t)); } int CtrlDef::NumColumns() const { return columns.size(); } ColumnDef* CtrlDef::GetColumn(int i) const { ColumnDef* result = 0; if (i >= 0 && i < columns.size()) result = columns[i]; return result; } void CtrlDef::AddColumn(const char* t, int w, int a, int s) { columns.append(new ColumnDef(t,w,a,s)); } int CtrlDef::NumTabs() const { return ntabs; } int CtrlDef::GetTab(int i) const { if (i >= 0 && i < ntabs) return tabs[i]; return 0; } void CtrlDef::SetTab(int i, int t) { if (i >= 0 && i < 10) { tabs[i] = t; if (i >= ntabs) ntabs = i+1; } } void CtrlDef::AddTab(int i) { if (ntabs < 10) tabs[ntabs++] = i; } bool CtrlDef::GetShowHeadings() const { return show_headings; } void CtrlDef::SetShowHeadings(bool bNewValue) { show_headings = bNewValue; } int CtrlDef::GetLeading() const { return leading; } void CtrlDef::SetLeading(int nNewValue) { leading = nNewValue; } int CtrlDef::GetLineHeight() const { return line_height; } void CtrlDef::SetLineHeight(int nNewValue) { line_height = nNewValue; } int CtrlDef::GetMultiSelect() const { return multiselect; } void CtrlDef::SetMultiSelect(int nNewValue) { multiselect = nNewValue; } int CtrlDef::GetDragDrop() const { return dragdrop; } void CtrlDef::SetDragDrop(int nNewValue) { dragdrop = nNewValue; } int CtrlDef::GetScrollBarVisible() const { return scroll_bar; } void CtrlDef::SetScrollBarVisible(int nNewValue) { scroll_bar = nNewValue; } bool CtrlDef::GetSmoothScroll() const { return smooth_scroll; } void CtrlDef::SetSmoothScroll(bool bNewValue) { smooth_scroll = bNewValue; } short CtrlDef::GetItemStyle() const { return item_style; } void CtrlDef::SetItemStyle(short nNewValue) { item_style = nNewValue; } short CtrlDef::GetSelectedStyle() const { return selected_style; } void CtrlDef::SetSelectedStyle(short nNewValue) { selected_style = nNewValue; } char CtrlDef::GetPasswordChar() const { return pass_char; } void CtrlDef::SetPasswordChar(char nNewValue) { pass_char = nNewValue; } Text CtrlDef::GetStandardImage() const { return standard_image; } void CtrlDef::SetStandardImage(const Text& img_name) { standard_image = img_name; } Text CtrlDef::GetActivatedImage() const { return activated_image; } void CtrlDef::SetActivatedImage(const Text& img_name) { activated_image = img_name; } Text CtrlDef::GetTransitionImage() const { return transition_image; } void CtrlDef::SetTransitionImage(const Text& img_name) { transition_image = img_name; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ FormDef::FormDef(const char* a_text, DWORD a_style) : WinDef(0, WIN_DEF_FORM, a_text, a_style) { } FormDef::~FormDef() { controls.destroy(); } void FormDef::AddCtrl(CtrlDef* def) { if (def) controls.append(def); } CtrlDef* FormDef::FindCtrl(BYTE ctrl_id) { if (ctrl_id > 0) { CtrlDef test(ctrl_id, 0); return controls.find(&test); } return 0; } ListIter FormDef::GetControls() const { // cast away const FormDef* f = (FormDef*) this; return f->controls; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ static char filename[64]; static char path_name[64]; void FormDef::Load(const char* fname) { sprintf_s(filename, "%s.frm", fname); Print("Loading Form '%s'\n", fname); sprintf_s(path_name, "Screens/"); // Load Design File: DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); loader->SetDataPath(path_name); BYTE* block; int blocklen = loader->LoadBuffer(filename, block, true); if (!block || blocklen < 4) return; Parser parser(new BlockReader((const char*) block, blocklen)); Term* term = parser.ParseTerm(); if (!term) { Print("ERROR: could not parse '%s'\n", filename); return; } else { TermText* file_type = term->isText(); if (!file_type || file_type->value() != "FORM") { Print("ERROR: invalid form file '%s'\n", filename); return; } } do { delete term; term = parser.ParseTerm(); if (term) { TermDef* def = term->isDef(); if (def) { if (def->name()->value() == "form") { if (!def->term() || !def->term()->isStruct()) { Print("WARNING: form structure missing in '%s'\n", filename); } else { FormDef* form = this; TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct(); for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) { char buf[256]; TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef(); if (pdef) { if (pdef->name()->value() == "text" || pdef->name()->value() == "caption") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); form->SetText(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(buf)); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "id") { DWORD id; GetDefNumber(id, pdef, filename); form->SetID(id); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "pid") { DWORD id; GetDefNumber(id, pdef, filename); form->SetParentID(id); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "rect") { Rect r; GetDefRect(r, pdef, filename); form->SetRect(r); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "font") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); form->SetFont(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "back_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); form->SetBackColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "base_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); form->SetBaseColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "fore_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); form->SetForeColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "margins") { GetDefInsets(form->margins, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "text_insets") { GetDefInsets(form->text_insets, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "cell_insets") { GetDefInsets(form->cell_insets, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "cells") { GetDefRect(form->cells, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "texture") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); if (*buf && !strchr(buf, '.')) strcat_s(buf, ".pcx"); form->SetTexture(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "transparent") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); form->SetTransparent(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "style") { DWORD s; GetDefNumber(s, pdef, filename); form->SetStyle(s); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "align" || pdef->name()->value() == "text_align") { DWORD a = DT_LEFT; if (GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename)) { if (!_stricmp(buf, "left")) a = DT_LEFT; else if (!_stricmp(buf, "right")) a = DT_RIGHT; else if (!_stricmp(buf, "center")) a = DT_CENTER; } else { GetDefNumber(a, pdef, filename); } form->SetTextAlign(a); } // layout constraints: else if (pdef->name()->value() == "layout") { if (!pdef->term() || !pdef->term()->isStruct()) { Print("WARNING: layout structure missing in '%s'\n", filename); } else { TermStruct* val = pdef->term()->isStruct(); ParseLayoutDef(&form->layout, val); } } // controls: else if (pdef->name()->value() == "defctrl") { if (!pdef->term() || !pdef->term()->isStruct()) { Print("WARNING: defctrl structure missing in '%s'\n", filename); } else { TermStruct* val = pdef->term()->isStruct(); ParseCtrlDef(&form->defctrl, val); } } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "ctrl") { if (!pdef->term() || !pdef->term()->isStruct()) { Print("WARNING: ctrl structure missing in '%s'\n", filename); } else { CtrlDef* ctrl = new CtrlDef; TermStruct* val = pdef->term()->isStruct(); form->AddCtrl(ctrl); *ctrl = form->defctrl; // copy default params ParseCtrlDef(ctrl, val); } } // end of controls. } } // end form params } // end form struct } // end form else Print("WARNING: unknown object '%s' in '%s'\n", def->name()->value().data(), filename); } else { Print("WARNING: term ignored in '%s'\n", filename); term->print(); } } } while (term); loader->ReleaseBuffer(block); loader->SetDataPath(0); } void FormDef::ParseCtrlDef(CtrlDef* ctrl, TermStruct* val) { Text buf; ctrl->SetText(""); for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) { TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef(); if (pdef) { if (pdef->name()->value() == "text" || pdef->name()->value() == "caption") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetText(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(buf)); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "id") { DWORD id; GetDefNumber(id, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetID(id); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "pid") { DWORD id; GetDefNumber(id, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetParentID(id); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "alt") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetAltText(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(buf)); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "type") { DWORD type = WIN_DEF_LABEL; GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); Text type_name(buf); if (type_name == "button") type = WIN_DEF_BUTTON; else if (type_name == "combo") type = WIN_DEF_COMBO; else if (type_name == "edit") type = WIN_DEF_EDIT; else if (type_name == "image") type = WIN_DEF_IMAGE; else if (type_name == "slider") type = WIN_DEF_SLIDER; else if (type_name == "list") type = WIN_DEF_LIST; else if (type_name == "rich" || type_name == "text" || type_name == "rich_text") type = WIN_DEF_RICH; ctrl->SetType(type); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "rect") { Rect r; GetDefRect(r, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetRect(r); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "font") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetFont(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "active_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetActiveColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "back_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetBackColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "base_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetBaseColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "border_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetBorderColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "fore_color") { Color c; GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetForeColor(c); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "texture") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); if (buf.length() > 0 && !buf.contains('.')) buf.append(".pcx"); ctrl->SetTexture(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "margins") { GetDefInsets(ctrl->margins, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "text_insets") { GetDefInsets(ctrl->text_insets, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "cell_insets") { GetDefInsets(ctrl->cell_insets, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "cells") { GetDefRect(ctrl->cells, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "fixed_width") { GetDefNumber(ctrl->fixed_width, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "fixed_height") { GetDefNumber(ctrl->fixed_height, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "standard_image") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); if (buf.length() > 0 && !buf.contains('.')) buf.append(".pcx"); ctrl->SetStandardImage(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "activated_image") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); if (buf.length() > 0 && !buf.contains('.')) buf.append(".pcx"); ctrl->SetActivatedImage(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "transition_image") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); if (buf.length() > 0 && !buf.contains('.')) buf.append(".pcx"); ctrl->SetTransitionImage(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "picture") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); if (buf.length() > 0 && !buf.contains('.')) buf.append(".pcx"); ctrl->SetPicture(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "enabled") { bool e; GetDefBool(e, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetEnabled(e); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "item") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); ctrl->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(buf)); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "tab") { int tab = 0; GetDefNumber(tab, pdef, filename); ctrl->AddTab(tab); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "column") { if (!pdef->term() || !pdef->term()->isStruct()) { Print("WARNING: column structure missing in '%s'\n", filename); } else { TermStruct* val = pdef->term()->isStruct(); ParseColumnDef(ctrl, val); } } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "orientation") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetOrientation(n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "leading") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetLeading(n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "line_height") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetLineHeight(n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "multiselect") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetMultiSelect(n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "dragdrop") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetDragDrop(n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "scroll_bar") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetScrollBarVisible(n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "smooth_scroll") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetSmoothScroll(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "picture_loc") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetPictureLocation((short) n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "picture_type") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetPictureType((short) n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "style") { DWORD s; GetDefNumber(s, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetStyle(s); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "align" || pdef->name()->value() == "text_align") { DWORD a = DT_LEFT; if (GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename)) { if (!_stricmp(buf, "left")) a = DT_LEFT; else if (!_stricmp(buf, "right")) a = DT_RIGHT; else if (!_stricmp(buf, "center")) a = DT_CENTER; } else { GetDefNumber(a, pdef, filename); } ctrl->SetTextAlign(a); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "single_line") { bool single = false; GetDefBool(single, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetSingleLine(single); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "bevel_width") { DWORD s; GetDefNumber(s, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetBevelWidth((short) s); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "active") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetActive(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "animated") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetAnimated(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "border") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetBorder(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "drop_shadow") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetDropShadow(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "show_headings") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetShowHeadings(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "sticky") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetSticky(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "transparent") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetTransparent(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "hide_partial") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetHidePartial(b); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "num_leds") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetNumLeds(n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "item_style") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetItemStyle((short) n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "selected_style") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetSelectedStyle((short) n); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "password") { Text password; GetDefText(password, pdef, filename); ctrl->SetPasswordChar((char) password[0]); } // layout constraints: else if (pdef->name()->value() == "layout") { if (!pdef->term() || !pdef->term()->isStruct()) { Print("WARNING: layout structure missing in '%s'\n", filename); } else { TermStruct* val = pdef->term()->isStruct(); ParseLayoutDef(&ctrl->layout, val); } } } } } void FormDef::ParseColumnDef(CtrlDef* ctrl, TermStruct* val) { Text text; char buf[256]; int width = 0; int align = 0; int sort = 0; Color c; bool use_color = false; for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) { TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef(); if (pdef) { if (pdef->name()->value() == "text" || pdef->name()->value() == "title") { GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename); text = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText(buf); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "width") { GetDefNumber(width, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "align") { align = DT_LEFT; if (GetDefText(buf, pdef, filename)) { if (!_stricmp(buf, "left")) align = DT_LEFT; else if (!_stricmp(buf, "right")) align = DT_RIGHT; else if (!_stricmp(buf, "center")) align = DT_CENTER; } else { GetDefNumber(align, pdef, filename); } } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "sort") { GetDefNumber(sort, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "color") { GetDefColor(c, pdef, filename); use_color = true; } } } ctrl->AddColumn(text, width, align, sort); if (use_color) { int index = ctrl->NumColumns()-1; ColumnDef* column = ctrl->GetColumn(index); if (column) { column->color = c; column->use_color = true; } } } void FormDef::ParseLayoutDef(LayoutDef* def, TermStruct* val) { if (!def || !val) return; for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) { TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef(); if (pdef) { if (pdef->name()->value() == "x_mins" || pdef->name()->value() == "cols") { GetDefArray(def->x_mins, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "y_mins" || pdef->name()->value() == "rows") { GetDefArray(def->y_mins, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "x_weights" || pdef->name()->value() == "col_wts") { GetDefArray(def->x_weights, pdef, filename); } else if (pdef->name()->value() == "y_weights" || pdef->name()->value() == "row_wts") { GetDefArray(def->y_weights, pdef, filename); } } } }