/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo */ #include "DataLoader.h" #include "DataSource.h" #include "Archive.h" #include "Color.h" #include "D3DXImage.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Bmp.h" #include "Pcx.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Wave.h" // +------------------------------------------------------------------+ DataLoader* DataLoader::loader = 0; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ DataLoader::DataLoader() : datapath(""), video(nullptr), enable_media(true), work_directory_source(new FileSystemDataSource()) { } DataLoader::~DataLoader() { archives.destroy(); sources.destroy(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DataLoader::UseVideo(Video* v) { video = v; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DataLoader::Initialize() { if (!loader) { loader = new DataLoader; } } void DataLoader::Close() { Bitmap::ClearCache(); delete loader; loader = nullptr; } void DataLoader::Reset() { Close(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DataLoader::UseFileSystem(bool use) { if (work_directory_source) { if (!use) { delete work_directory_source; work_directory_source = nullptr; } } else if (use) { work_directory_source = new FileSystemDataSource(); } } void DataLoader::EnableMedia(bool enable) { enable_media = enable; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::InsertDatafile(const char* name, Group group, int pos) { FILE* f = fopen(name, "rb"); if (!f) { Print(" WARNING: could not open datafile '%s'\n", name); return DATAFILE_NOTEXIST; } fclose(f); auto archive = new DataArchive(name); if (!archive || archive->NumFiles() < 1) { Print(" WARNING: invalid data file '%s'\n", name); if (archive) delete archive; return DATAFILE_INVALID; } DataSource* source = new ArchiveDataSource(archive, group); if (pos < 0) sources.append(source); else sources.insert(source, pos); return DATAFILE_OK; } void DataLoader::ClearSources() { ListIter iter = sources; while (++iter) { if (iter.value()->GetGroup() != Group::BASE) delete iter.removeItem(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::EnableDatafile(const char* name) { int status = DATAFILE_NOTEXIST; FILE* f; fopen_s(&f, name, "rb"); if (f) { ::fclose(f); DataArchive* a = new DataArchive(name); if (a && a->NumFiles() >= 1) { status = DATAFILE_OK; bool found = false; ListIter iter = archives; while (++iter && !found) { DataArchive* archive = iter.value(); if (!strcmp(archive->Name(), name)) { found = true; } } if (!found) archives.append(a); } else { Print(" WARNING: invalid data file '%s'\n", name); status = DATAFILE_INVALID; delete a; } loader = this; } else { Print(" WARNING: could not open datafile '%s'\n", name); status = DATAFILE_NOTEXIST; } return status; } int DataLoader::DisableDatafile(const char* name) { ListIter iter = archives; while (++iter) { DataArchive* a = iter.value(); if (!strcmp(a->Name(), name)) { delete iter.removeItem(); return DATAFILE_OK; } } return DATAFILE_NOTEXIST; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DataLoader::SetDataPath(const char* path) { if (path) datapath = path; else datapath = ""; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool DataLoader::FindFile(const char* name) { // assemble file name: char filename[1024]; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name); // first check current directory: if (work_directory_source) { work_directory_source->SetPrefix(datapath); bool found = work_directory_source->Find(name); work_directory_source->SetPrefix(); if (found) return true; } // then check datafiles, from last to first: int narchives = archives.size(); for (int i = 0; i < narchives; i++) { DataArchive* a = archives[narchives-1-i]; if (a->FindEntry(filename) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::ListFiles(const char* filter, List& list, bool recurse) { list.destroy(); ListFileSystem(filter, list, datapath, recurse); // then check datafile(s): int narchives = archives.size(); for (int i = 0; i < narchives; i++) { DataArchive* a = archives[narchives-1-i]; ListArchiveFiles(a->Name(), filter, list); } return list.size(); } int DataLoader::ListArchiveFiles(const char* archive_name, const char* filter, List &list) { int pathlen = datapath.length(); DataArchive* a = 0; if (archive_name) { int narchives = archives.size(); for (int i = 0; i < narchives && !a; i++) { a = archives[narchives-1-i]; if (_stricmp(a->Name(), archive_name)) a = 0; } } if (!a) { ListFileSystem(filter, list, datapath, true); return list.size(); } if (!strcmp(filter, "*.*")) { int count = a->NumFiles(); for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) { DataEntry* entry = a->GetFile(n); Text entry_name = entry->name; entry_name.setSensitive(false); if (entry_name.contains(datapath)) { Text fname = entry_name(pathlen, 1000); if (!list.contains(&fname)) list.append(new Text(fname)); } } } else { char data_filter[256]; ZeroMemory(data_filter, 256); const char* pf = filter; char* pdf = data_filter; while (*pf) { if (*pf != '*') *pdf++ = *pf; pf++; } int count = a->NumFiles(); for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) { DataEntry* entry = a->GetFile(n); Text entry_name = entry->name; entry_name.setSensitive(false); if (entry_name.contains(datapath) && entry_name.contains(data_filter)) { Text fname = entry_name(pathlen, 1000); if (!list.contains(&fname)) list.append(new Text(fname)); } } } return list.size(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DataLoader::ListFileSystem(const char* filter, List& list, Text base_path, bool recurse) { if (work_directory_source) { work_directory_source->SetPrefix(base_path); work_directory_source->ListFiles(filter, list, recurse); work_directory_source->SetPrefix(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::LoadBuffer(const char* name, BYTE*& buf, bool null_terminate, bool optional) { buf = 0; // assemble file name: char filename[1024]; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name); if (work_directory_source) { work_directory_source->SetPrefix(datapath); int len = work_directory_source->Load(name, buf, null_terminate); work_directory_source->SetPrefix(); if (len > 0) return len; if (buf) delete buf; } // then check datafile(s): int narchives = archives.size(); // vox files are usually in their own archive, // so check there first if (narchives > 1 && strstr(filename, "Vox")) { for (int i = 0; i < narchives; i++) { DataArchive* a = archives[narchives-1-i]; if (strstr(a->Name(), "vox")) { int index = a->FindEntry(filename); if (index > -1) return a->ExpandEntry(index, buf, null_terminate); } } } for (int i = 0; i < narchives; i++) { DataArchive* a = archives[narchives-1-i]; int index = a->FindEntry(filename); if (index > -1) return a->ExpandEntry(index, buf, null_terminate); } if (!optional) Print("WARNING - DataLoader could not load buffer '%s'\n", filename); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::LoadPartialFile(const char* name, BYTE*& buf, int max_load, bool optional) { buf = 0; // assemble file name: char filename[1024]; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name); // first check current directory: FILE* f; ::fopen_s(&f, filename, "rb"); if (f) { ::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); int len = ftell(f); ::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if (len > max_load) { len = max_load; } buf = new BYTE[len]; if (buf) ::fread(buf, len, 1, f); ::fclose(f); return len; } if (!optional) Print("WARNING - DataLoader could not load partial file '%s'\n", filename); return 0; } int DataLoader::fread(void* buffer, size_t size, size_t count, BYTE*& stream) { CopyMemory(buffer, stream, size*count); stream += size*count; return size*count; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void DataLoader::ReleaseBuffer(BYTE*& buf) { delete [] buf; buf = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::CacheBitmap(const char* name, Bitmap*& bitmap, int type, bool optional) { int result = 0; // search cache: bitmap = Bitmap::CheckCache(name); if (bitmap) return 1; // not in cache yet: bitmap = new Bitmap; if (bitmap) result = LoadBitmap(name, *bitmap, type, optional); if (result && bitmap) Bitmap::AddToCache(bitmap); return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::LoadBitmap(const char* name, Bitmap& bitmap, int type, bool optional) { if (!enable_media) return 0; int result = LoadIndexed(name, bitmap, type); // check for a matching high color bitmap: if (result == 1) { int hi_result = LoadHiColor(name, bitmap, type); if (hi_result == 2) result = 3; } bitmap.SetFilename(name); if (!result && !optional) Print("WARNING - DataLoader could not load bitmap '%s%s'\n", datapath.data(), name); return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::LoadTexture(const char* name, Bitmap*& bitmap, int type, bool preload_cache, bool optional) { if (!enable_media) return 0; int result = 0; // assemble file name: char filename[256]; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name); // search cache: bitmap = Bitmap::CheckCache(filename); if (bitmap) return 1; // not in cache yet: bitmap = new Bitmap; if (bitmap) { result = LoadHiColor(name, *bitmap, type); if (!result) { result = LoadIndexed(name, *bitmap, type); } bitmap->SetFilename(filename); if (result) { bitmap->MakeTexture(); Bitmap::AddToCache(bitmap); } else { delete bitmap; bitmap = 0; if (!optional) Print("WARNING - DataLoader could not load texture '%s%s'\n", datapath.data(), name); } } else if (!optional) { Print("WARNING - DataLoader could not allocate texture '%s%s'\n", datapath.data(), name); } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::LoadIndexed(const char* name, Bitmap& bitmap, int type) { if (!enable_media) return 0; int result = 0; PcxImage pcx; D3DXImage d3dx; bool pcx_file = strstr(name, ".pcx") || strstr(name, ".PCX"); // assemble file name: char filename[256]; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name); // first try to load from current directory: bool loaded = false; if (work_directory_source) { if (pcx_file) loaded = pcx.Load(filename) == PCX_OK; else loaded = d3dx.Load(filename); } if (!loaded) { // then check datafile: int len = 0; BYTE* tmp_buf = 0; int narchives = archives.size(); for (int i = 0; i < narchives; i++) { DataArchive* a = archives[narchives-1-i]; int index = a->FindEntry(filename); if (index > -1) { len = a->ExpandEntry(index, tmp_buf); if (pcx_file) pcx.LoadBuffer(tmp_buf, len); else d3dx.LoadBuffer(tmp_buf, len); ReleaseBuffer(tmp_buf); break; } } } // now copy the image into the bitmap: if (pcx_file) { if (pcx.bitmap) { bitmap.CopyImage(pcx.width, pcx.height, pcx.bitmap, type); result = 1; } else if (pcx.himap) { bitmap.CopyHighColorImage(pcx.width, pcx.height, pcx.himap, type); result = 2; } if (result == 2) LoadAlpha(name, bitmap, type); } else { if (d3dx.image) { bitmap.CopyHighColorImage(d3dx.width, d3dx.height, d3dx.image, type); result = 2; } if (result == 2) { LoadAlpha(name, bitmap, type); } } return result; } int DataLoader::LoadHiColor(const char* name, Bitmap& bitmap, int type) { if (!enable_media) return 0; int result = 0; PcxImage pcx; D3DXImage d3dx; bool pcx_file = strstr(name, ".pcx") || strstr(name, ".PCX"); bool bmp_file = strstr(name, ".bmp") || strstr(name, ".BMP"); bool png_file = strstr(name, ".png") || strstr(name, ".PNG"); // check for a matching high color bitmap: char filename[256]; char name2[256]; strcpy_s(name2, name); char* dot = strrchr(name2, '.'); if (dot && pcx_file) strcpy(dot, "+.pcx"); else if (dot && bmp_file) strcpy(dot, "+.bmp"); else if (dot && png_file) strcpy(dot, "+.png"); else return result; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name2); // first try to load from current directory: bool loaded = false; if (work_directory_source) { if (pcx_file) loaded = pcx.Load(filename) == PCX_OK; else loaded = d3dx.Load(filename); } if (!loaded) { // then check datafile: int len = 0; BYTE* tmp_buf = 0; int narchives = archives.size(); for (int i = 0; i < narchives; i++) { DataArchive* a = archives[narchives-1-i]; int index = a->FindEntry(filename); if (index > -1) { len = a->ExpandEntry(index, tmp_buf); if (pcx_file) pcx.LoadBuffer(tmp_buf, len); else d3dx.LoadBuffer(tmp_buf, len); ReleaseBuffer(tmp_buf); break; } } } // now copy the image into the bitmap: if (pcx_file && pcx.himap) { bitmap.CopyHighColorImage(pcx.width, pcx.height, pcx.himap, type); result = 2; } else if (d3dx.image) { bitmap.CopyHighColorImage(d3dx.width, d3dx.height, d3dx.image, type); result = 2; } if (result == 2) LoadAlpha(name, bitmap, type); return result; } int DataLoader::LoadAlpha(const char* name, Bitmap& bitmap, int type) { if (!enable_media) return 0; PcxImage pcx; D3DXImage d3dx; bool pcx_file = strstr(name, ".pcx") || strstr(name, ".PCX"); bool bmp_file = strstr(name, ".bmp") || strstr(name, ".BMP"); bool png_file = strstr(name, ".png") || strstr(name, ".PNG"); bool tga_file = strstr(name, ".tga") || strstr(name, ".TGA"); // check for an associated alpha-only (grayscale) bitmap: char filename[256]; char name2[256]; strcpy_s(name2, name); char* dot = strrchr(name2, '.'); if (dot && pcx_file) strcpy(dot, "@.pcx"); else if (dot && bmp_file) strcpy(dot, "@.bmp"); else if (dot && png_file) strcpy(dot, "@.png"); else if (dot && tga_file) strcpy(dot, "@.tga"); else return 0; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name2); // first try to load from current directory: bool loaded = false; if (work_directory_source) { if (pcx_file) loaded = pcx.Load(filename) == PCX_OK; else loaded = d3dx.Load(filename); } if (!loaded) { // then check datafile: int len = 0; BYTE* tmp_buf = 0; int narchives = archives.size(); for (int i = 0; i < narchives; i++) { DataArchive* a = archives[narchives-1-i]; int index = a->FindEntry(filename); if (index > -1) { len = a->ExpandEntry(index, tmp_buf); if (pcx_file) pcx.LoadBuffer(tmp_buf, len); else d3dx.LoadBuffer(tmp_buf, len); ReleaseBuffer(tmp_buf); break; } } } // now copy the alpha values into the bitmap: if (pcx_file && pcx.bitmap) { bitmap.CopyAlphaImage(pcx.width, pcx.height, pcx.bitmap); } else if (pcx_file && pcx.himap) { bitmap.CopyAlphaRedChannel(pcx.width, pcx.height, pcx.himap); } else if (d3dx.image) { bitmap.CopyAlphaRedChannel(d3dx.width, d3dx.height, d3dx.image); } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int DataLoader::LoadSound(const char* name, Sound*& snd, DWORD flags, bool optional) { if (!enable_media) return 0; if (strstr(name, ".ogg")) return LoadStream(name, snd, optional); int result = 0; WAVE_HEADER head; WAVE_FMT fmt; WAVE_FACT fact; WAVE_DATA data; WAVEFORMATEX wfex; LPBYTE wave; LPBYTE buf; LPBYTE p; int len; ZeroMemory(&head, sizeof(head)); ZeroMemory(&fmt, sizeof(fmt)); ZeroMemory(&fact, sizeof(fact)); ZeroMemory(&data, sizeof(data)); len = LoadBuffer(name, buf, false, optional); if (len > sizeof(head)) { CopyMemory(&head, buf, sizeof(head)); if (head.RIFF == MAKEFOURCC('R', 'I', 'F', 'F') && head.WAVE == MAKEFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E')) { p = buf + sizeof(WAVE_HEADER); do { DWORD chunk_id = *((LPDWORD) p); switch (chunk_id) { case MAKEFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' '): CopyMemory(&fmt, p, sizeof(fmt)); p += fmt.chunk_size + 8; break; case MAKEFOURCC('f', 'a', 'c', 't'): CopyMemory(&fact, p, sizeof(fact)); p += fact.chunk_size + 8; break; case MAKEFOURCC('s', 'm', 'p', 'l'): CopyMemory(&fact, p, sizeof(fact)); p += fact.chunk_size + 8; break; case MAKEFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a'): CopyMemory(&data, p, sizeof(data)); p += 8; break; default: ReleaseBuffer(buf); return result; } } while (data.chunk_size == 0); wfex.wFormatTag = fmt.wFormatTag; wfex.nChannels = fmt.nChannels; wfex.nSamplesPerSec = fmt.nSamplesPerSec; wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec = fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec; wfex.nBlockAlign = fmt.nBlockAlign; wfex.wBitsPerSample = fmt.wBitsPerSample; wfex.cbSize = 0; wave = p; snd = Sound::Create(flags, &wfex, data.chunk_size, wave); if (snd) result = data.chunk_size; } } ReleaseBuffer(buf); return result; } int DataLoader::LoadStream(const char* name, Sound*& snd, bool optional) { if (!enable_media) return 0; if (!name) return 0; int namelen = strlen(name); if (namelen < 5) return 0; if ((name[namelen-3] == 'o' || name[namelen-3] == 'O') && (name[namelen-2] == 'g' || name[namelen-2] == 'G') && (name[namelen-1] == 'g' || name[namelen-1] == 'G')) { return LoadOggStream(name, snd); } int result = 0; WAVE_HEADER head; WAVE_FMT fmt; WAVE_FACT fact; WAVE_DATA data; WAVEFORMATEX wfex; LPBYTE buf; LPBYTE p; int len; ZeroMemory(&head, sizeof(head)); ZeroMemory(&fmt, sizeof(fmt)); ZeroMemory(&fact, sizeof(fact)); ZeroMemory(&data, sizeof(data)); len = LoadPartialFile(name, buf, 4096, optional); if (len > sizeof(head)) { CopyMemory(&head, buf, sizeof(head)); if (head.RIFF == MAKEFOURCC('R', 'I', 'F', 'F') && head.WAVE == MAKEFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E')) { p = buf + sizeof(WAVE_HEADER); do { DWORD chunk_id = *((LPDWORD) p); switch (chunk_id) { case MAKEFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' '): CopyMemory(&fmt, p, sizeof(fmt)); p += fmt.chunk_size + 8; break; case MAKEFOURCC('f', 'a', 'c', 't'): CopyMemory(&fact, p, sizeof(fact)); p += fact.chunk_size + 8; break; case MAKEFOURCC('s', 'm', 'p', 'l'): CopyMemory(&fact, p, sizeof(fact)); p += fact.chunk_size + 8; break; case MAKEFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a'): CopyMemory(&data, p, sizeof(data)); p += 8; break; default: ReleaseBuffer(buf); return result; } } while (data.chunk_size == 0); wfex.wFormatTag = fmt.wFormatTag; wfex.nChannels = fmt.nChannels; wfex.nSamplesPerSec = fmt.nSamplesPerSec; wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec = fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec; wfex.nBlockAlign = fmt.nBlockAlign; wfex.wBitsPerSample = fmt.wBitsPerSample; wfex.cbSize = 0; snd = Sound::Create(Sound::STREAMED, &wfex); if (snd) { // assemble file name: char filename[1024]; strcpy_s(filename, datapath); strcat_s(filename, name); snd->StreamFile(filename, p - buf); result = data.chunk_size; } } } ReleaseBuffer(buf); return result; } int DataLoader::LoadOggStream(const char* name, Sound*& snd) { if (!enable_media) return 0; snd = Sound::CreateOggStream(name); return snd != 0; }