/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Chained collection of localized strings */ #include "ContentBundle.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Utils.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ContentBundle* ContentBundle::GetInstance() { static ContentBundle instance{}; return &instance; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ContentBundle::ContentBundle(Locale* locale) { UseLocale(locale); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ContentBundle::~ContentBundle() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool ContentBundle::Init() { DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); List bundles; loader->SetDataPath("Content/"); loader->ListFiles("content*", bundles); ListIter iter = bundles; while (++iter) { Text* filename = iter.value(); int n = filename->indexOf('_'); if (n > 0) { Locale::ParseLocale(filename->data() + n); // unused? } } loader->SetDataPath(0); return true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ContentBundle::UseLocale(Locale* locale) { DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); loader->SetDataPath("Content/"); Load("content", locale); loader->SetDataPath(nullptr); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ContentBundle::Load(const char* bundle, Locale* locale) { if (values.size() > 0) { values.clear(); } Text file = FindFile(bundle, locale); if (file.length() > 0) { LoadBundle(file); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text ContentBundle::GetText(const char* key) const { return values.find(key, Text(key)); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text ContentBundle::FindFile(const char* bundle, Locale* locale) { Text result; Text basename = Text(bundle); DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); if (loader && bundle) { if (locale) { result = basename + locale->GetFullCode() + ".txt"; if (loader->FindFile(result)) return result; result = basename + "_" + locale->GetLanguage() + ".txt"; if (loader->FindFile(result)) return result; } result = basename + ".txt"; if (loader->FindFile(result)) return result; } return Text(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ContentBundle::LoadBundle(const char* filename) { DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); if (loader && filename && *filename) { BYTE* buffer = 0; loader->LoadBuffer(filename, buffer, true, true); if (buffer && *buffer) { char key[1024]; char val[2048]; char* p = (char*) buffer; int s = 0, ik = 0, iv = 0; key[0] = 0; val[0] = 0; while (*p) { if (*p == '=') { s = 1; } else if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') { if (key[0] && val[0]) values.insert(Text(key).trim(), Text(val).trim()); ZeroMemory(key, 1024); ZeroMemory(val, 2048); s = 0; ik = 0; iv = 0; } else if (s == 0) { if (!key[0]) { if (*p == '#') { s = -1; // comment } else if (!isspace(*p)) { key[ik++] = *p; } } else { key[ik++] = *p; } } else if (s == 1) { if (!isspace(*p)) { s = 2; val[iv++] = *p; } } else if (s == 2) { val[iv++] = *p; } p++; } loader->ReleaseBuffer(buffer); } } }