/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== A planned action (mission/story/strategy) in a dynamic campaign. */ #ifndef CombatAction_h #define CombatAction_h #include "Types.h" #include "Geometry.h" #include "Text.h" #include "List.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class Combatant; class CombatAction; class CombatActionReq; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CombatAction { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "CombatAction"; } enum TYPE { NO_ACTION, STRATEGIC_DIRECTIVE, ZONE_ASSIGNMENT, SYSTEM_ASSIGNMENT, MISSION_TEMPLATE, COMBAT_EVENT, INTEL_EVENT, CAMPAIGN_SITUATION, CAMPAIGN_ORDERS }; enum STATUS { PENDING, ACTIVE, SKIPPED, FAILED, COMPLETE }; CombatAction(int id, int type, int subtype, int team); ~CombatAction(); int operator == (const CombatAction& a) const { return id == a.id; } bool IsAvailable() const; void FireAction(); void FailAction(); void AddRequirement(int action, int stat, bool _not = false); void AddRequirement(Combatant* c1, Combatant* c2, int comp, int score); void AddRequirement(Combatant* c1, int group_type, int group_id, int comp, int score, int intel=0); static int TypeFromName(const char* n); static int StatusFromName(const char* n); // accessors/mutators: int Identity() const { return id; } int Type() const { return type; } int Subtype() const { return subtype; } int OpposingType() const { return opp_type; } int GetIFF() const { return team; } int Status() const { return status; } int Source() const { return source; } Point Location() const { return loc; } const char* System() const { return system; } const char* Region() const { return region; } const char* Filename() const { return text_file; } const char* ImageFile() const { return image_file; } const char* SceneFile() const { return scene_file; } int Count() const { return count; } int ExecTime() const { return time; } int StartBefore() const { return start_before; } int StartAfter() const { return start_after; } int MinRank() const { return min_rank; } int MaxRank() const { return max_rank; } int Delay() const { return delay; } int Probability() const { return probability; } int AssetType() const { return asset_type; } int AssetId() const { return asset_id; } List& AssetKills() { return asset_kills; } int TargetType() const { return target_type; } int TargetId() const { return target_id; } int TargetIFF() const { return target_iff; } List& TargetKills() { return target_kills; } const char* GetText() const { return text; } void SetType(int t) { type = (char) t; } void SetSubtype(int s) { subtype = (char) s; } void SetOpposingType(int t){ opp_type = (char) t; } void SetIFF(int t) { team = (char) t; } void SetStatus(int s) { status = (char) s; } void SetSource(int s) { source = s; } void SetLocation(const Point& p) { loc = p; } void SetSystem(Text sys) { system = sys; } void SetRegion(Text rgn) { region = rgn; } void SetFilename(Text f) { text_file = f; } void SetImageFile(Text f) { image_file = f; } void SetSceneFile(Text f) { scene_file = f; } void SetCount(int n) { count = (char) n; } void SetExecTime(int t) { time = t; } void SetStartBefore(int s) { start_before = s; } void SetStartAfter(int s) { start_after = s; } void SetMinRank(int n) { min_rank = (char) n; } void SetMaxRank(int n) { max_rank = (char) n; } void SetDelay(int d) { delay = d; } void SetProbability(int n) { probability = n; } void SetAssetType(int t) { asset_type = t; } void SetAssetId(int n) { asset_id = n; } void SetTargetType(int t) { target_type = t; } void SetTargetId(int n) { target_id = n; } void SetTargetIFF(int n) { target_iff = n; } void SetText(Text t) { text = t; } private: int id; char type; char subtype; char opp_type; char team; char status; char min_rank; char max_rank; int source; Point loc; Text system; Text region; Text text_file; Text image_file; Text scene_file; char count; int start_before; int start_after; int delay; int probability; int rval; int time; Text text; int asset_type; int asset_id; List asset_kills; int target_type; int target_id; int target_iff; List target_kills; List requirements; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ class CombatActionReq { public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "CombatActionReq"; } enum COMPARISON_OPERATOR { LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, // absolute score comparison RLT, RLE, RGT, RGE, REQ // delta score comparison }; CombatActionReq(int a, int s, bool n = false) : action(a), stat(s), _not(n), c1(0), c2(0), comp(0), score(0), intel(0) { } CombatActionReq(Combatant* a1, Combatant* a2, int comparison, int value) : action(0), stat(0), _not(0), c1(a1), c2(a2), group_type(0), group_id(0), comp(comparison), score(value), intel(0) { } CombatActionReq(Combatant* a1, int gtype, int gid, int comparison, int value, int intel_level=0) : action(0), stat(0), _not(0), c1(a1), c2(0), group_type(gtype), group_id(gid), comp(comparison), score(value), intel(intel_level) { } static int CompFromName(const char* sym); int action; int stat; bool _not; Combatant* c1; Combatant* c2; int comp; int score; int intel; int group_type; int group_id; }; #endif // CombatAction_h