/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Video Settings class implementation */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "VideoSettings.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ VideoSettings::VideoSettings() { fullscreen_mode.width = 1024; fullscreen_mode.height = 768; fullscreen_mode.refresh = 75; fullscreen_mode.format = VideoMode::FMT_X8R8G8B8; windowed_mode.width = 1280; windowed_mode.height = 720; windowed_mode.refresh = 0; windowed_mode.format = VideoMode::FMT_NONE; window_width = 1280; window_height = 720; gamma = 128; is_windowed = false; use_effects = true; shadows = true; bumpmaps = true; specmaps = true; max_detail = 4; enable_vs = true; enable_ps = true; depth_bias = 0; } VideoSettings::~VideoSettings() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int VideoSettings::GetGammaLevel() const { return gamma; } bool VideoSettings::IsWindowed() const { return is_windowed; } bool VideoSettings::UseEffects() const { return use_effects; } int VideoSettings::GetWidth() const { if (is_windowed) return window_width; return fullscreen_mode.width; } int VideoSettings::GetHeight() const { if (is_windowed) return window_height; return fullscreen_mode.height; } int VideoSettings::GetDepth() const { int fmt = 0; int bpp = 0; if (is_windowed) fmt = windowed_mode.format; else fmt = fullscreen_mode.format; switch (fmt) { default: case VideoMode::FMT_NONE: bpp = 0; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R5G5B5: bpp = 15; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R5G6B5: bpp = 16; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R8G8B8: bpp = 24; break; case VideoMode::FMT_X8R8G8B8: bpp = 32; break; } return bpp; } int VideoSettings::GetPixSize() const { int fmt = 0; int pix = 0; if (is_windowed) fmt = windowed_mode.format; else fmt = fullscreen_mode.format; switch (fmt) { default: case VideoMode::FMT_NONE: pix = 0; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R5G5B5: pix = 2; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R5G6B5: pix = 2; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R8G8B8: pix = 3; break; case VideoMode::FMT_X8R8G8B8: pix = 4; break; } return pix; } int VideoSettings::GetRefreshRate() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_mode.refresh; return fullscreen_mode.refresh; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* VideoSettings::GetModeDescription() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_mode.GetDescription(); return fullscreen_mode.GetDescription(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int VideoSettings::GetVertexProcessing() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.vertex_processing; return fullscreen_device.vertex_processing; } int VideoSettings::GetDepthBufferBits() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.depth_buffer_bits; return fullscreen_device.depth_buffer_bits; } int VideoSettings::GetAdapterIndex() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.adapter_index; return fullscreen_device.adapter_index; } int VideoSettings::GetDeviceIndex() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.device_index; return fullscreen_device.device_index; } DWORD VideoSettings::GetDeviceType() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.device_type; return fullscreen_device.device_type; } DWORD VideoSettings::GetDepthStencilFormat() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.depth_stencil_format; return fullscreen_device.depth_stencil_format; } DWORD VideoSettings::GetBackBufferFormat() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.back_buffer_format; return fullscreen_device.back_buffer_format; } const char* VideoSettings::GetAdapterDesc() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.adapter_desc; return fullscreen_device.adapter_desc; } const char* VideoSettings::GetDeviceDesc() const { if (is_windowed) return windowed_device.device_desc; return fullscreen_device.device_desc; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* VideoMode::GetDescription() const { static char desc[32]; int bpp = 0; switch (format) { default: case VideoMode::FMT_NONE: bpp = 0; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R5G5B5: bpp = 15; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R5G6B5: bpp = 16; break; case VideoMode::FMT_R8G8B8: bpp = 24; break; case VideoMode::FMT_X8R8G8B8: bpp = 32; break; } sprintf_s(desc, "%d x %d x %d", width, height, bpp); return desc; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ VideoDeviceInfo::VideoDeviceInfo() { ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(VideoDeviceInfo)); vertex_processing = VideoSettings::VTX_HARDWARE; depth_buffer_bits = 32; } VideoDeviceInfo::~VideoDeviceInfo() { }