/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Main Menu Dialog Active Window class */ #include "GameWinDX9.h" #include "MemDebug.h" #include "VidDlg.h" #include "BaseScreen.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Terrain.h" #include "CameraDirector.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Button.h" #include "ListBox.h" #include "Slider.h" #include "Video.h" #include "VideoSettings.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "MachineInfo.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // DECLARE MAPPING FUNCTIONS: DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnTexSize); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnMode); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnDetail); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnTexture); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnGamma); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnApply); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnCancel); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnAudio); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnVideo); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnOptions); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnControls); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(VidDlg, OnMod); // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ VidDlg::VidDlg(Screen* s, FormDef& def, BaseScreen* mgr) : FormWindow(s, 0, 0, s->Width(), s->Height()), manager(mgr), selected_mode(0), selected_detail(0), new_gamma(128), orig_gamma(128), selected_card(0), selected_tex_size(0), selected_render(0), selected_texture(0), mode(0), tex_size(0), detail(0), texture(0), gamma(0), shadows(0), spec_maps(0), bump_maps(0), lens_flare(0), corona(0), nebula(0), dust(0), apply(0), cancel(0), vid_btn(0), aud_btn(0), ctl_btn(0), opt_btn(0), mod_btn(0), closed(true) { stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); Init(def); orig_gamma = Video::GetInstance()->GammaLevel(); } VidDlg::~VidDlg() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::RegisterControls() { if (apply) return; mode = (ComboBox*) FindControl(203); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_SELECT, mode, VidDlg, OnMode); tex_size = (ComboBox*) FindControl(204); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_SELECT, tex_size, VidDlg, OnTexSize); detail = (ComboBox*) FindControl(205); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_SELECT, detail, VidDlg, OnDetail); texture = (ComboBox*) FindControl(206); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_SELECT, texture, VidDlg, OnTexture); gamma = (Slider*) FindControl(215); if (gamma) { gamma->SetRangeMin(32); gamma->SetRangeMax(224); gamma->SetStepSize(16); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, gamma, VidDlg, OnGamma); } lens_flare = (ComboBox*) FindControl(211); corona = (ComboBox*) FindControl(212); nebula = (ComboBox*) FindControl(213); dust = (ComboBox*) FindControl(214); shadows = (ComboBox*) FindControl(222); spec_maps = (ComboBox*) FindControl(223); bump_maps = (ComboBox*) FindControl(224); apply = (Button*) FindControl(1); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, apply, VidDlg, OnApply); cancel = (Button*) FindControl(2); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, cancel, VidDlg, OnCancel); vid_btn = (Button*) FindControl(901); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, vid_btn, VidDlg, OnVideo); aud_btn = (Button*) FindControl(902); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, aud_btn, VidDlg, OnAudio); ctl_btn = (Button*) FindControl(903); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, ctl_btn, VidDlg, OnControls); opt_btn = (Button*) FindControl(904); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, opt_btn, VidDlg, OnOptions); mod_btn = (Button*) FindControl(905); if (mod_btn) REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, mod_btn, VidDlg, OnMod); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::Show() { FormWindow::Show(); if (closed) { bool fullscreen = true; if (stars) { selected_render = 9; selected_card = 0; int n = GameWinDX9::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (n <= pow(2.0f, i+6)) { selected_tex_size = i; break; } } Video* video = Video::GetInstance(); if (video) { if (shadows) shadows->SetSelection(video->IsShadowEnabled()); if (spec_maps) spec_maps->SetSelection(video->IsSpecMapEnabled()); if (bump_maps) bump_maps->SetSelection(video->IsBumpMapEnabled()); fullscreen = video->IsFullScreen(); } if (lens_flare) lens_flare->SetSelection(stars->LensFlare()); if (corona) corona->SetSelection(stars->Corona()); if (nebula) nebula->SetSelection(stars->Nebula()); if (dust) dust->SetSelection(stars->Dust()); } selected_detail = Terrain::DetailLevel() - 2; selected_texture = true; if (mode) { BuildModeList(); mode->SetSelection(selected_mode); mode->SetEnabled(fullscreen); } if (tex_size) tex_size->SetSelection(selected_tex_size); if (detail) detail->SetSelection(selected_detail); if (texture) texture->SetSelection(selected_texture); if (gamma) { orig_gamma = Video::GetInstance()->GammaLevel(); gamma->SetValue(orig_gamma); } } if (vid_btn) vid_btn->SetButtonState(1); if (aud_btn) aud_btn->SetButtonState(0); if (ctl_btn) ctl_btn->SetButtonState(0); if (opt_btn) opt_btn->SetButtonState(0); if (mod_btn) mod_btn->SetButtonState(0); closed = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::ExecFrame() { if (Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_RETURN)) { OnApply(0); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::OnMode(AWEvent* event) { selected_mode = mode->GetSelectedIndex(); } void VidDlg::OnTexSize(AWEvent* event) { selected_tex_size = tex_size->GetSelectedIndex(); } void VidDlg::OnDetail(AWEvent* event) { selected_detail = detail->GetSelectedIndex(); } void VidDlg::OnTexture(AWEvent* event) { selected_texture = texture->GetSelectedIndex(); } void VidDlg::OnGamma(AWEvent* event) { int g = gamma->GetValue(); if (g >= 0 && g <= 255) { new_gamma = g; Video::GetInstance()->SetGammaLevel(g); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::OnAudio(AWEvent* event) { manager->ShowAudDlg(); } void VidDlg::OnVideo(AWEvent* event) { manager->ShowVidDlg(); } void VidDlg::OnOptions(AWEvent* event) { manager->ShowOptDlg(); } void VidDlg::OnControls(AWEvent* event) { manager->ShowCtlDlg(); } void VidDlg::OnMod(AWEvent* event) { manager->ShowModDlg(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::OnApply(AWEvent* event) { manager->ApplyOptions(); } void VidDlg::OnCancel(AWEvent* event) { manager->CancelOptions(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::Apply() { if (closed) return; int w = 800; int h = 600; int d = 32; int a = 1; int g = 128; int t = 2048; float bias = 0; const char* mode_desc = mode->GetSelectedItem(); if (strstr(mode_desc, "800 x 600")) { w = 800; h = 600; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1024 x 768")) { w = 1024; h = 768; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1152 x 864")) { w = 1152; h = 864; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1280 x 800")) { w = 1280; h = 800; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1280 x 960")) { w = 1280; h = 960; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1280 x 1024")) { w = 1280; h = 1024; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1366 x 768")) { w = 1366; h = 768; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1440 x 900")) { w = 1440; h = 900; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1600 x 900")) { w = 1600; h = 900; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1600 x 1200")) { w = 1600; h = 1200; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1680 x 1050")) { w = 1680; h = 1050; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "1920 x 1080")) { w = 1920; h = 1080; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "2560 x 1080")) { w = 2560; h = 1080; } else if (strstr(mode_desc, "3440 x 1440")) { w = 3440; h = 1440; } if (strstr(mode_desc, "x 16")) d = 16; else if (strstr(mode_desc, "x 32")) d = 32; if (selected_tex_size) t = (int) pow(2.0f, selected_tex_size + 6); bool video_change = false; Video* video = Video::GetInstance(); if (video) { const VideoSettings* vs = video->GetVideoSettings(); if (vs) bias = vs->depth_bias; if (video->IsFullScreen()) { if (video->Width() != w) video_change = true; if (video->Height() != h) video_change = true; if (video->Depth() != d) video_change = true; } else if (vs) { w = vs->fullscreen_mode.width; h = vs->fullscreen_mode.height; if (vs->fullscreen_mode.format == VideoMode::FMT_R5G6B5 || vs->fullscreen_mode.format == VideoMode::FMT_R5G5B5) d = 16; else d = 32; } if (GameWinDX9::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() != t) video_change = true; } FILE* f = 0; if (video_change) fopen_s(&f, "video2.cfg", "wb"); else fopen_s(&f, "video.cfg", "wb"); if (gamma) { new_gamma = gamma->GetValue(); } if (f) { fprintf(f, "VIDEO\n\n"); fprintf(f, "width: %4d\n", w); fprintf(f, "height: %4d\n", h); fprintf(f, "depth: %4d\n", d); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "max_tex: %d\n", (int) pow(2.0f, 6 + selected_tex_size)); fprintf(f, "primary3D: %s\n", (a>0)?"true":"false"); fprintf(f, "gamma: %4d\n", new_gamma); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "terrain_detail_level: %d\n", selected_detail + 2); fprintf(f, "terrain_texture_enable: %s\n", selected_texture ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "shadows: %s\n", shadows->GetSelectedIndex() ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "spec_maps: %s\n", spec_maps->GetSelectedIndex() ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "bump_maps: %s\n", bump_maps->GetSelectedIndex() ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "bias: %f\n", bias); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "flare: %s\n", lens_flare->GetSelectedIndex() ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "corona: %s\n", corona->GetSelectedIndex() ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "nebula: %s\n", nebula->GetSelectedIndex() ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "dust: %d\n", dust->GetSelectedIndex()); if (CameraDirector::GetRangeLimit() != 300e3) fprintf(f, " cam_range_max: %f,\n", CameraDirector::GetRangeLimit()); fclose(f); } Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); if (stars) { if (video_change) stars->RequestChangeVideo(); else stars->LoadVideoConfig("video.cfg"); } closed = true; } void VidDlg::Cancel() { Video::GetInstance()->SetGammaLevel(orig_gamma); closed = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VidDlg::BuildModeList() { char mode_desc[32]; Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); Video* video = Video::GetInstance(); mode->ClearItems(); selected_mode = 0; if (video->IsModeSupported( 800, 600, 16)) mode->AddItem("800 x 600 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported( 800, 600, 32)) mode->AddItem("800 x 600 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1024, 768, 16)) mode->AddItem("1024 x 768 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1024, 768, 32)) mode->AddItem("1024 x 768 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1152, 864, 16)) mode->AddItem("1152 x 864 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1152, 864, 32)) mode->AddItem("1152 x 864 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1280, 800, 16)) mode->AddItem("1280 x 800 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1280, 800, 32)) mode->AddItem("1280 x 800 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1280, 960, 16)) mode->AddItem("1280 x 960 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1280, 960, 32)) mode->AddItem("1280 x 960 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1280,1024, 16)) mode->AddItem("1280 x 1024 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1280,1024, 32)) mode->AddItem("1280 x 1024 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1366, 768, 16)) mode->AddItem("1366 x 768 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1366, 768, 32)) mode->AddItem("1366 x 768 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1440, 900, 16)) mode->AddItem("1440 x 900 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1440, 900, 32)) mode->AddItem("1440 x 900 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1600, 900, 16)) mode->AddItem("1600 x 900 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1600, 900, 32)) mode->AddItem("1600 x 900 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1600,1200, 16)) mode->AddItem("1600 x 1200 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1600,1200, 32)) mode->AddItem("1600 x 1200 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1680,1050, 16)) mode->AddItem("1680 x 1050 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1680,1050, 32)) mode->AddItem("1680 x 1050 x 32"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1920,1080, 16)) mode->AddItem("1920 x 1080 x 16"); if (video->IsModeSupported(1920,1080, 32)) mode->AddItem("1920 x 1080 x 32"); if (stars && video) { switch (video->Width()) { case 800: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "800 x 600 x "); break; default: case 1024: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1024 x 768 x "); break; case 1152: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1152 x 864 x "); break; case 1280: if (video->Height() < 900) strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1280 x 800 x "); if (video->Height() < 1000) strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1280 x 960 x "); else strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1280 x 1024 x "); break; case 1366: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1366 x 768 x "); break; case 1440: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1440 x 900 x "); break; case 1600: if (video->Height() < 1000) strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1600 x 900 x "); else strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1600 x 1200 x "); break; case 1680: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1680 x 1050 x "); break; case 1920: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "1920 x 1080 x "); break; case 2560: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "2560 x 1080 x "); break; case 3440: strcpy_s(mode_desc, "3440 x 1440 x "); break; } switch (video->Depth()) { default: case 8: strcat_s(mode_desc, "8"); break; case 16: strcat_s(mode_desc, "16"); break; case 32: strcat_s(mode_desc, "32"); break; } for (int i = 0; i < mode->GetCount(); i++) { if (!strcmp(mode->GetItem(i), mode_desc)) selected_mode = i; } } }