/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Direct3D Texture Cache */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "TexDX9.h" #include "VideoDX9.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Utils.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void VideoDX9Error(const char* msg, HRESULT err); #define TEXDX9_VERBOSE 0 #define DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE 256 #ifndef RELEASE #define RELEASE(x) if (x) { x->Release(); x=NULL; } #endif // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TexCacheDX9Entry::Release() { RELEASE(texture); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TexCacheDX9Entry::Unload() { RELEASE(texture); bitmap_id = 0; used_last = 0; last_modified = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ TexCacheDX9::TexCacheDX9(VideoDX9* v) : video(v), count(0), mru(0) { d3d = video->Direct3D(); d3ddevice = video->D3DDevice(); // clear the texture cache cache = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) TexCacheDX9Entry[DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE]; vidmem = video->VidMemFree(); } TexCacheDX9::~TexCacheDX9() { int used = 0; if (cache) { for (int i = 0; i < DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (cache[i].bitmap_id) used++; cache[i].Unload(); } delete [] cache; cache = 0; } Print("TexCacheDX9: final used count = %d\n", used); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TexCacheDX9::LoadTexture(Bitmap* bmp, TexCacheDX9Entry* entry) { if (!d3ddevice) return false; HRESULT hr = D3D_OK; // create the texture, if necessary if (!entry->texture || entry->bitmap_id != bmp->Handle()) { hr = d3ddevice->CreateTexture(bmp->Width(), bmp->Height(), 1, // one mip level 0, // no specific usage D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, // format matching Color::rgba D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &entry->texture, 0); if (FAILED(hr) || !entry->texture) { VideoDX9Error("LoadTexture - could not create texture", hr); return false; } } // lock the surface for writing D3DLOCKED_RECT locked_rect; hr = entry->texture->LockRect(0, &locked_rect, 0, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { VideoDX9Error("LoadTexture - could not lock texture surface", hr); entry->Unload(); return false; } // load the bitmap into the texture surface for (int i = 0; i < bmp->Height(); i++) { BYTE* src = (BYTE*) (bmp->HiPixels() + i * bmp->Width()); BYTE* dst = (BYTE*) locked_rect.pBits + i * locked_rect.Pitch; CopyMemory(dst, src, bmp->Width() * sizeof(Color)); } // unlock the surface entry->texture->UnlockRect(0); entry->last_modified = bmp->LastModified(); vidmem = video->VidMemFree(); return true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TexCacheDX9::CreateNormalMap(int index, float amp) { if (d3ddevice && cache[index].texture && !cache[index].normal) { HRESULT hr = D3D_OK; TexCacheDX9Entry* entry = &cache[index]; Bitmap* bmp = Bitmap::GetBitmapByID(entry->bitmap_id); IDirect3DTexture9* normal_map = 0; // create the normal map texture hr = d3ddevice->CreateTexture(bmp->Width(), bmp->Height(), 1, // one mip levels 0, // no specific usage D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, // format matching Color::rgba D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &normal_map, 0); if (FAILED(hr) || !normal_map) { VideoDX9Error("CreateNormalMap - could not create texture", hr); return; } D3DXComputeNormalMap(normal_map, entry->texture ,NULL, 0, D3DX_CHANNEL_RED, amp); entry->texture->Release(); entry->texture = normal_map; entry->normal = true; // The D3DX function destroys the alpha channel data // when it builds the normal map. We want the original // height data stored in the alpha channel, so we need // to add it back in now. // lock the surface for writing D3DLOCKED_RECT locked_rect; hr = normal_map->LockRect(0, &locked_rect, 0, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { VideoDX9Error("CreateNormalMap - could not insert height channel", hr); return; } // load the bitmap into the texture surface for (int i = 0; i < bmp->Height(); i++) { BYTE* src = (BYTE*) (bmp->HiPixels() + i * bmp->Width()); BYTE* dst = (BYTE*) locked_rect.pBits + i * locked_rect.Pitch; src += 2; // red channel dst += 3; // alpha channel for (int n = 0; n < bmp->Width(); n++) { *dst = *src; dst += 4; src += 4; } } // unlock the surface normal_map->UnlockRect(0); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ IDirect3DTexture9* TexCacheDX9::FindTexture(Bitmap* bmp) { int avail = -1; if (!bmp) return 0; // check most recently used: if (cache[mru].bitmap_id == bmp->Handle()) { cache[mru].used_last = frame_number; // need to refresh? if (cache[mru].last_modified < bmp->LastModified()) { LoadTexture(bmp, &cache[mru]); cache[mru].normal = false; } return cache[mru].texture; } // find cache entry, or first free: for (int i = 0; i < DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE; i++) if (cache[i].bitmap_id == bmp->Handle()) { cache[i].used_last = frame_number; mru = i; // need to refresh? if (cache[mru].last_modified < bmp->LastModified()) { LoadTexture(bmp, &cache[mru]); cache[mru].normal = false; } return cache[i].texture; } else if (avail < 0 && cache[i].bitmap_id == 0) avail = i; // no free space if (avail < 0) if (FreeUpCache()) return FindTexture(bmp); else return 0; TexCacheDX9Entry* entry = &cache[avail]; entry->bitmap_id = bmp->Handle(); entry->used_last = frame_number; if (LoadTexture(bmp, entry)) { #if TEXDX9_VERBOSE Print(" Tex %3d: id=%2d, size=%3d, type=%d, hTex=%3d, frame=%6d vmf=%8d\n", avail, bmp->Handle(), bmp->Width(), bmp->Type(), cache[avail].texture, cache[avail].used_last, vidmem); #endif mru = avail; cache[mru].normal = false; return entry->texture; } else { // failed to load texture, // erase cache entry: entry->Unload(); } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ IDirect3DTexture9* TexCacheDX9::FindNormalMap(Bitmap* bmp, float amp) { int avail = -1; if (!bmp) return 0; // check most recently used: if (cache[mru].bitmap_id == bmp->Handle()) { cache[mru].used_last = frame_number; // need to refresh? if (cache[mru].last_modified < bmp->LastModified()) { LoadTexture(bmp, &cache[mru]); cache[mru].normal = false; } if (!cache[mru].normal) CreateNormalMap(mru, amp); return cache[mru].texture; } // find cache entry, or first free: for (int i = 0; i < DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE; i++) if (cache[i].bitmap_id == bmp->Handle()) { cache[i].used_last = frame_number; mru = i; // need to refresh? if (cache[i].last_modified < bmp->LastModified()) { LoadTexture(bmp, &cache[mru]); cache[i].normal = false; } if (!cache[i].normal) CreateNormalMap(i, amp); return cache[i].texture; } else if (avail < 0 && cache[i].bitmap_id == 0) avail = i; // no free space if (avail < 0) if (FreeUpCache()) return FindTexture(bmp); else return 0; TexCacheDX9Entry* entry = &cache[avail]; entry->bitmap_id = bmp->Handle(); entry->used_last = frame_number; if (LoadTexture(bmp, entry)) { #if TEXDX9_VERBOSE Print(" Tex %3d: id=%2d, size=%3d, type=%d, hTex=%3d, frame=%6d vmf=%8d\n", avail, bmp->Handle(), bmp->Width(), bmp->Type(), cache[avail].texture, cache[avail].used_last, vidmem); #endif mru = avail; CreateNormalMap(mru, amp); return entry->texture; } else { // failed to load texture, // erase cache entry: entry->Unload(); } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int TexCacheDX9::FreeLRU(int tries) { int unloaded = 0; while (tries--) { int oldest = -1; DWORD old = frame_number; for (int i = 0; i < DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { DWORD ul = cache[i].used_last; if (ul && ul < old && ul != frame_number) { old = ul; oldest = i; } } if (oldest >= 0) { cache[oldest].Unload(); unloaded++; } else break; } vidmem = video->VidMemFree(); #if TEXDX9_VERBOSE Print(" FreeLRU() frame=%6d unloaded=%2d vmf=%8d\n", frame_number, unloaded, vidmem); #endif return unloaded; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int TexCacheDX9::FreeUpCache() { int unloaded = 0; for (int i = 0; i < DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { if (cache[i].used_last && cache[i].used_last < frame_number) { cache[i].Unload(); unloaded++; } } vidmem = video->VidMemFree(); Print(" FreeUpCache() frame=%6d unloaded=%2d vmf=%8d\n", frame_number, unloaded, vidmem); return unloaded; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TexCacheDX9::InvalidateCache() { for (int i = 0; i < DX9_TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { cache[i].Unload(); cache[i].normal = false; } vidmem = video->VidMemFree(); }