/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: TacticalView.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== View class for Tactical Data Readout HUD Overlay */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "TacticalView.h" #include "QuantumView.h" #include "RadioView.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "HUDSounds.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "WepView.h" #include "CameraDirector.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipCtrl.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "Farcaster.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "GameScreen.h" #include "MenuView.h" #include "Projector.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Video.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "MouseController.h" #include "Menu.h" #include "Game.h" #include "FormatUtil.h" static Color hud_color = Color::Black; static Color txt_color = Color::Black; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ TacticalView* TacticalView::tac_view = 0; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ TacticalView::TacticalView(Window* c, GameScreen* parent) : View(c), gamescreen(parent), ship(0), camview(0), projector(0), mouse_down(0), right_down(0), shift_down(0), show_move(0), show_action(0), active_menu(0), menu_view(0), msg_ship(0), base_alt(0), move_alt(0) { tac_view = this; sim = Sim::GetSim(); width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); SetColor(Color::White); mouse_start.x = 0; mouse_start.y = 0; mouse_action.x = 0; mouse_action.y = 0; menu_view = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) MenuView(window); } TacticalView::~TacticalView() { delete menu_view; tac_view = 0; } void TacticalView::OnWindowMove() { width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; if (menu_view) menu_view->OnWindowMove(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalView::Update(SimObject* obj) { if (obj == ship) { ship = 0; } if (obj == msg_ship) { msg_ship = 0; } return SimObserver::Update(obj); } const char* TacticalView::GetObserverName() const { return "TacticalView"; } void TacticalView::UseProjector(Projector* p) { projector = p; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::Refresh() { sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim) { bool rebuild = false; if (ship != sim->GetPlayerShip()) { ship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); if (ship) { if (ship->Life() == 0 || ship->IsDying() || ship->IsDead()) { ship = 0; } else { Observe(ship); } } rebuild = true; } if (ship) { if (current_sector != ship->GetRegion()->Name()) rebuild = true; if (rebuild) { BuildMenu(); current_sector = ship->GetRegion()->Name(); } } } if (!ship || ship->InTransition()) return; DrawMouseRect(); if (sim) { ListIter sel = sim->GetSelection(); if (sel.size()) { while (++sel) { Ship* selection = sel.value(); // draw selection rect on selected ship: if (selection && selection->Rep()) DrawSelection(selection); } RadioView* rv = RadioView::GetInstance(); QuantumView* qv = QuantumView::GetInstance(); if ((!rv || !rv->IsMenuShown()) && (!qv || !qv->IsMenuShown())) { sel.reset(); if (sel.size() == 1) { DrawSelectionInfo(sel.next()); } else { DrawSelectionList(sel); } } } } DrawMenu(); if (show_move) { Mouse::Show(false); DrawMove(); } else if (show_action) { Mouse::Show(false); DrawAction(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::ExecFrame() { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) { if (hud_color != hud->GetTextColor()) { hud_color = hud->GetTextColor(); SetColor(hud_color); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::SetColor(Color c) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) { hud_color = hud->GetHUDColor(); txt_color = hud->GetTextColor(); } else { hud_color = c; txt_color = c; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::DrawMouseRect() { if (mouse_rect.w > 0 && mouse_rect.h > 0) { Color c = hud_color * 0.66; if (shift_down) c = Color::Orange; window->DrawRect(mouse_rect, c); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::DrawSelection(Ship* seln) { if (!seln) return; Graphic* g = seln->Rep(); Rect r = g->ScreenRect(); Point mark_pt = seln->Location(); projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (mark_pt.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = r.y; if (y >= 2000) y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { const int BAR_LENGTH = 40; // life bars: int sx = x - BAR_LENGTH/2; int sy = y - 8; double hull_strength = seln->HullStrength() / 100.0; int hw = (int) (BAR_LENGTH * hull_strength); int sw = (int) (BAR_LENGTH * (seln->ShieldStrength() / 100.0)); if (hw < 0) hw = 0; if (sw < 0) sw = 0; System::STATUS s = System::NOMINAL; if (hull_strength < 0.30) s = System::CRITICAL; else if (hull_strength < 0.60) s = System::DEGRADED; Color hc = HUDView::GetStatusColor(s); Color sc = hud_color; window->FillRect(sx, sy, sx+hw, sy+1, hc); window->FillRect(sx, sy+3, sx+sw, sy+4, sc); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::DrawSelectionInfo(Ship* seln) { if (!ship || !seln) return; Rect label_rect(width-140, 10, 90, 12); Rect info_rect(width-100, 10, 90, 12); if (width >= 800) { label_rect.x -= 20; info_rect.x -= 20; info_rect.w += 20; } static char name[64]; static char design[64]; static char shield[32]; static char hull[32]; static char range[32]; static char heading[32]; static char speed[32]; static char orders[64]; static char psv[32]; static char act[32]; int show_labels = width > 640; int full_info = true; int shield_val = seln->ShieldStrength(); int hull_val = seln->HullStrength(); if (shield_val < 0) shield_val = 0; if (hull_val < 0) hull_val = 0; sprintf_s(name, "%s", seln->Name()); if (show_labels) { sprintf_s(shield, "%s %03d", Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.shield").data(), shield_val); sprintf_s(hull, "%s %03d", Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.hull").data(), hull_val); } else { sprintf_s(shield, "%03d", shield_val); sprintf_s(hull, "%03d", hull_val); } FormatNumberExp(range, Point(seln->Location()-ship->Location()).length()/1000); strcat_s(range, " km"); sprintf_s(heading, "%03d %s", (int) (seln->CompassHeading() / DEGREES), Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.degrees").data()); double ss = seln->Velocity().length(); if (seln->Velocity() * seln->Heading() < 0) ss = -ss; FormatNumberExp(speed, ss); strcat_s(speed, " m/s"); Contact* contact = 0; // always recognize ownside: if (seln->GetIFF() != ship->GetIFF()) { ListIter c = ship->ContactList(); while (++c) { if (c->GetShip() == seln) { contact = c.value(); if (c->GetIFF(ship) > seln->GetIFF()) { sprintf_s(name, "%s %04d", Game::GetText("TacView.contact").data(), seln->GetContactID()); full_info = false; } break; } } } if (show_labels) { font->SetColor(txt_color); font->SetAlpha(1); font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.name"), 5, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.type"), 5, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; if (full_info) { font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.shield"), 5, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.hull"), 5, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; } font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.range"), 4, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; if (full_info) { font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.speed"), 4, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.heading"), 4, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; } else { font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.passive"), 4, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.active"), 4, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; } } font->DrawText(name, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; if (full_info) { sprintf_s(design, "%s %s", seln->Abbreviation(), seln->Design()->display_name); font->DrawText(design, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; } else { if (seln->IsStarship()) font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.starship"), 8, info_rect, DT_LEFT); else font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.fighter"), 7, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; } if (full_info) { font->DrawText(shield, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; font->DrawText(hull, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; } font->DrawText(range, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; if (full_info) { font->DrawText(speed, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; font->DrawText(heading, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; if (seln->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF()) { Instruction* instr = seln->GetRadioOrders(); if (instr && instr->Action()) { strcpy_s(orders, RadioMessage::ActionName(instr->Action())); if (instr->Action() == RadioMessage::QUANTUM_TO) { strcat_s(orders, " "); strcat_s(orders, instr->RegionName()); } } else { *orders = 0; } if (*orders) { if (show_labels) { font->DrawText(Game::GetText("TacView.orders"), 5, label_rect, DT_LEFT); label_rect.y += 10; } font->DrawText(orders, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; } } } else { sprintf_s(psv, "%03d", (int) (contact->PasReturn() * 100.0)); sprintf_s(act, "%03d", (int) (contact->ActReturn() * 100.0)); if (contact->Threat(ship)) strcat_s(psv, " !"); font->DrawText(psv, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; font->DrawText(act, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; } /*** XXX DEBUG font->DrawText(seln->GetDirectorInfo(), 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; /***/ } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::DrawSelectionList(ListIter seln) { int index = 0; Rect info_rect(width-100, 10, 90, 12); while (++seln) { char name[64]; sprintf_s(name, "%s", seln->Name()); // always recognize ownside: if (seln->GetIFF() != ship->GetIFF()) { ListIter c = ship->ContactList(); while (++c) { if (c->GetShip() == seln.value()) { if (c->GetIFF(ship) > seln->GetIFF()) { sprintf_s(name, "%s %04d", Game::GetText("TacView.contact").data(), seln->GetContactID()); } break; } } } font->DrawText(name, 0, info_rect, DT_LEFT); info_rect.y += 10; index++; if (index >= 10) break; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::DoMouseFrame() { static DWORD rbutton_latch = 0; Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); if (stars->InCutscene()) return; if (Mouse::RButton()) { MouseController* mouse_con = MouseController::GetInstance(); if (!right_down && (!mouse_con || !mouse_con->Active())) { rbutton_latch = Game::RealTime(); right_down = true; } } else { if (sim && right_down && (Game::RealTime() - rbutton_latch < 250)) { Ship* seln = WillSelectAt(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y()); if (seln && sim->IsSelected(seln) && seln->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF() && ship->GetElement()->CanCommand(seln->GetElement())) { msg_ship = seln; Observe(msg_ship); } else if (ship && seln == ship && (!ship->GetDirector() || ship->GetDirector()->Type() != ShipCtrl::DIR_TYPE)) { msg_ship = seln; } else { msg_ship = 0; } } right_down = false; } if (menu_view) menu_view->DoMouseFrame(); MouseController* mouse_con = MouseController::GetInstance(); if (!mouse_con || !mouse_con->Active()) { if (Mouse::LButton()) { if (!mouse_down) { mouse_start.x = Mouse::X(); mouse_start.y = Mouse::Y(); shift_down = Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_SHIFT); } else { if (Mouse::X() < mouse_start.x) { mouse_rect.x = Mouse::X(); mouse_rect.w = mouse_start.x - Mouse::X(); } else { mouse_rect.x = mouse_start.x; mouse_rect.w = Mouse::X() - mouse_start.x; } if (Mouse::Y() < mouse_start.y) { mouse_rect.y = Mouse::Y(); mouse_rect.h = mouse_start.y - Mouse::Y(); } else { mouse_rect.y = mouse_start.y; mouse_rect.h = Mouse::Y() - mouse_start.y; } // don't draw seln rectangle while zooming: if (Mouse::RButton() || show_move || show_action) { mouse_rect.w = 0; mouse_rect.h = 0; } else { SelectRect(mouse_rect); } } mouse_down = true; } else { if (mouse_down) { int mouse_x = Mouse::X(); int mouse_y = Mouse::Y(); if (menu_view && menu_view->GetAction()) { ProcessMenuItem(menu_view->GetAction()); Mouse::Show(true); } else if (show_move) { SendMove(); show_move = false; Mouse::Show(true); } else if (show_action) { SendAction(); show_action = false; Mouse::Show(true); } else { if (!HUDView::IsMouseLatched() && !WepView::IsMouseLatched()) { int dx = (int) fabs((double) (mouse_x - mouse_start.x)); int dy = (int) fabs((double) (mouse_y - mouse_start.y)); static DWORD click_time = 0; if (dx < 3 && dy < 3) { bool hit = SelectAt(mouse_x, mouse_y); if (ship->IsStarship() && Game::RealTime() - click_time < 350) SetHelm(hit); click_time = Game::RealTime(); } } } mouse_rect = Rect(); mouse_down = false; } } } if (show_action && !mouse_down && !right_down) { mouse_action.x = Mouse::X(); mouse_action.y = Mouse::Y(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalView::SelectAt(int x, int y) { if (!ship) return false; Ship* selection = WillSelectAt(x,y); if (selection && shift_down) ship->SetTarget(selection); else if (sim && selection) sim->SetSelection(selection); return selection != 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalView::SelectRect(const Rect& rect) { bool result = false; if (!ship || !sim) return result; if (rect.w > 8 || rect.h > 8) sim->ClearSelection(); // check distance to each contact: List& contact_list = ship->ContactList(); for (int i = 0; i < ship->NumContacts(); i++) { Ship* test = contact_list[i]->GetShip(); if (test && test != ship) { Point test_loc = test->Location(); projector->Transform(test_loc); if (test_loc.z > 1) { projector->Project(test_loc); if (rect.Contains((int) test_loc.x, (int) test_loc.y)) { // shift-select targets: if (shift_down) { if (test->GetIFF() == 0 || test->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF()) continue; ship->SetTarget(test); result = true; } else { sim->AddSelection(test); result = true; } } } } } // select self only in orbit cam if (!shift_down && CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT) { Point test_loc = ship->Location(); projector->Transform(test_loc); if (test_loc.z > 1) { projector->Project(test_loc); if (rect.Contains((int) test_loc.x, (int) test_loc.y)) { sim->AddSelection(ship); result = true; } } } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ship* TacticalView::WillSelectAt(int x, int y) { Ship* selection = 0; if (ship) { // check distance to each contact: List& contact_list = ship->ContactList(); for (int i = 0; i < ship->NumContacts(); i++) { Ship* test = contact_list[i]->GetShip(); if (test) { // shift-select targets: if (shift_down) { if (test->GetIFF() == 0 || test->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF()) continue; } Graphic* g = test->Rep(); if (g) { Rect r = g->ScreenRect(); if (r.x == 2000 && r.y == 2000 && r.w == 0 && r.h == 0) { if (projector) { Point loc = test->Location(); projector->Transform(loc); projector->Project(loc); r.x = (int) loc.x; r.y = (int) loc.y; } } if (r.w < 20 || r.h < 20) r.Inflate(20,20); else r.Inflate(10,10); if (r.Contains(x,y)) { selection = test; break; } } } } if (!selection && !shift_down) { Graphic* g = ship->Rep(); if (g) { Rect r = g->ScreenRect(); if (r.Contains(x,y)) { selection = ship; } } } } if (selection == ship && CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() != CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT) selection = 0; return selection; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::SetHelm(bool approach) { Point delta; // double-click on ship: set helm to approach if (sim && approach) { ListIter iter = sim->GetSelection(); ++iter; Ship* selection = iter.value(); if (selection != ship) { delta = selection->Location() - ship->Location(); delta.Normalize(); } } // double-click on space: set helm in direction if (delta.length() < 1) { int mx = Mouse::X(); int my = Mouse::Y(); if (projector) { double focal_dist = width / tan(projector->XAngle()); delta = projector->vpn() * focal_dist + projector->vup() * -1 * (my-height/2) + projector->vrt() * (mx-width/2); delta.Normalize(); } else { return; } } double az = atan2(fabs(delta.x), delta.z); double el = asin(delta.y); if (delta.x < 0) az *= -1; az += PI; if (az >= 2*PI) az -= 2*PI; ship->SetHelmHeading(az); ship->SetHelmPitch(el); } // +====================================================================+ // // TACTICAL COMMUNICATIONS MENU: // static Menu* main_menu = 0; static Menu* view_menu = 0; static Menu* emcon_menu = 0; static Menu* fighter_menu = 0; static Menu* starship_menu = 0; static Menu* action_menu = 0; static Menu* formation_menu = 0; static Menu* sensors_menu = 0; static Menu* quantum_menu = 0; static Menu* farcast_menu = 0; static Element* dst_elem = 0; enum VIEW_MENU { VIEW_FORWARD = 1000, VIEW_CHASE, VIEW_PADLOCK, VIEW_ORBIT, VIEW_NAV, VIEW_WEP, VIEW_ENG, VIEW_FLT, VIEW_INS, VIEW_CMD }; const int QUANTUM = 2000; const int FARCAST = 2001; void TacticalView::Initialize() { static int initialized = 0; if (initialized) return; view_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.view")); view_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.forward"), VIEW_FORWARD); view_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.chase"), VIEW_CHASE); view_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.orbit"), VIEW_ORBIT); view_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.padlock"), VIEW_PADLOCK); emcon_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.emcon")); quantum_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.quantum")); farcast_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.farcast")); main_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.main")); action_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.action")); action_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.engage"), RadioMessage::ATTACK); action_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.bracket"), RadioMessage::BRACKET); action_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.escort"), RadioMessage::ESCORT); action_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.identify"), RadioMessage::IDENTIFY); action_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.hold"), RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD); formation_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.formation")); formation_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.diamond"), RadioMessage::GO_DIAMOND); formation_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.spread"), RadioMessage::GO_SPREAD); formation_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.box"), RadioMessage::GO_BOX); formation_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.trail"), RadioMessage::GO_TRAIL); sensors_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.emcon")); sensors_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.emcon-1"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1); sensors_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.emcon-2"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON2); sensors_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.emcon-3"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3); sensors_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.probe"), RadioMessage::LAUNCH_PROBE); fighter_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.context")); fighter_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.action"), action_menu); fighter_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.formation"), formation_menu); fighter_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.sensors"), sensors_menu); fighter_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.patrol"), RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL); fighter_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.cancel"), RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION); fighter_menu->AddItem("", 0); fighter_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.rtb"), RadioMessage::RTB); fighter_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.dock"), RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH); fighter_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.farcast"), farcast_menu); starship_menu = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Menu(Game::GetText("TacView.menu.context")); starship_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.action"), action_menu); starship_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.sensors"), sensors_menu); starship_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.patrol"), RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL); starship_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.cancel"), RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION); starship_menu->AddItem("", 0); starship_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.quantum"), quantum_menu); starship_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.farcast"), farcast_menu); initialized = 1; } void TacticalView::Close() { delete view_menu; delete emcon_menu; delete main_menu; delete fighter_menu; delete starship_menu; delete action_menu; delete formation_menu; delete sensors_menu; delete quantum_menu; delete farcast_menu; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::ProcessMenuItem(int action) { Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); switch (action) { case RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL: show_move = true; base_alt = 0; move_alt = 0; if (msg_ship) base_alt = msg_ship->Location().y; break; case RadioMessage::ATTACK: case RadioMessage::BRACKET: case RadioMessage::ESCORT: case RadioMessage::IDENTIFY: case RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH: show_action = action; break; case RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD: case RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION: case RadioMessage::RTB: case RadioMessage::GO_DIAMOND: case RadioMessage::GO_SPREAD: case RadioMessage::GO_BOX: case RadioMessage::GO_TRAIL: case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1: case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON2: case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3: case RadioMessage::LAUNCH_PROBE: if (msg_ship) { Element* elem = msg_ship->GetElement(); RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(elem, ship, action); if (msg) RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } else if (ship) { if (action == RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1) ship->SetEMCON(1); else if (action == RadioMessage::GO_EMCON2) ship->SetEMCON(2); else if (action == RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3) ship->SetEMCON(3); else if (action == RadioMessage::LAUNCH_PROBE) ship->LaunchProbe(); } break; case VIEW_FORWARD: stars->PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_COCKPIT); break; case VIEW_CHASE: stars->PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_CHASE); break; case VIEW_PADLOCK: stars->PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_TARGET); break; case VIEW_ORBIT: stars->PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT); break; case VIEW_NAV: gamescreen->ShowNavDlg(); break; case VIEW_WEP: gamescreen->ShowWeaponsOverlay(); break; case VIEW_ENG: gamescreen->ShowEngDlg(); break; case VIEW_INS: HUDView::GetInstance()->CycleHUDInst(); break; case VIEW_FLT: gamescreen->ShowFltDlg(); break; case VIEW_CMD: if (ship && ship->IsStarship()) { ship->CommandMode(); } break; case QUANTUM: if (sim) { Ship* s = msg_ship; if (!s) s = ship; if (s && s->GetQuantumDrive()) { QuantumDrive* quantum = s->GetQuantumDrive(); if (quantum) { MenuItem* menu_item = menu_view->GetMenuItem(); Text rgn_name = menu_item->GetText(); SimRegion* rgn = sim->FindRegion(rgn_name); if (rgn) { if (s == ship) { quantum->SetDestination(rgn, Point(0,0,0)); quantum->Engage(); } else { Element* elem = msg_ship->GetElement(); RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(elem, ship, RadioMessage::QUANTUM_TO); if (msg) { msg->SetInfo(rgn_name); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } } } } } } break; case FARCAST: if (sim && msg_ship) { MenuItem* menu_item = menu_view->GetMenuItem(); Text rgn_name = menu_item->GetText(); SimRegion* rgn = sim->FindRegion(rgn_name); if (rgn) { Element* elem = msg_ship->GetElement(); RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(elem, ship, RadioMessage::FARCAST_TO); if (msg) { msg->SetInfo(rgn_name); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } } } break; default: break; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::BuildMenu() { main_menu->ClearItems(); quantum_menu->ClearItems(); farcast_menu->ClearItems(); emcon_menu->ClearItems(); if (!ship) return; // prepare quantum and farcast menus: ListIter iter = sim->GetRegions(); while (++iter) { SimRegion* rgn = iter.value(); if (rgn != ship->GetRegion() && rgn->Type() != SimRegion::AIR_SPACE) quantum_menu->AddItem(rgn->Name(), QUANTUM); } if (ship->GetRegion()) { ListIter iter = ship->GetRegion()->Ships(); while (++iter) { Ship* s = iter.value(); if (s && s->GetFarcaster()) { Farcaster* farcaster = s->GetFarcaster(); // ensure that the farcaster is connected: farcaster->ExecFrame(0); // now find the destination const Ship* dest = farcaster->GetDest(); if (dest && dest->GetRegion()) { SimRegion* rgn = dest->GetRegion(); farcast_menu->AddItem(rgn->Name(), FARCAST); } } } } // build the main menu: main_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.camera"), view_menu); main_menu->AddItem("", 0); main_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.instructions"), VIEW_INS); main_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.navigation"), VIEW_NAV); if (ship->Design()->repair_screen) main_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.engineering"), VIEW_ENG); if (ship->Design()->wep_screen) main_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.weapons"), VIEW_WEP); if (ship->NumFlightDecks() > 0) main_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.flight"), VIEW_FLT); emcon_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.emcon-1"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1); emcon_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.emcon-2"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON2); emcon_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.emcon-3"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3); if (ship->GetProbeLauncher()) emcon_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.probe"), RadioMessage::LAUNCH_PROBE); main_menu->AddItem("", 0); main_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.sensors"), emcon_menu); if (sim && ship->GetQuantumDrive()) { main_menu->AddItem("", 0); main_menu->AddMenu(Game::GetText("TacView.item.quantum"), quantum_menu); } if (ship->IsStarship()) { main_menu->AddItem("", 0); main_menu->AddItem(Game::GetText("TacView.item.command"), VIEW_CMD); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalView::DrawMenu() { active_menu = 0; if (ship) active_menu = main_menu; if (msg_ship) { if (msg_ship->IsStarship()) active_menu = starship_menu; else if (msg_ship->IsDropship()) active_menu = fighter_menu; } if (menu_view) { menu_view->SetBackColor(hud_color); menu_view->SetTextColor(txt_color); menu_view->SetMenu(active_menu); menu_view->Refresh(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalView::GetMouseLoc3D() { int mx = Mouse::X(); int my = Mouse::Y(); if (projector) { double focal_dist = width / tan(projector->XAngle()); Point focal_vect = projector->vpn() * focal_dist + projector->vup() * -1 * (my-height/2) + projector->vrt() * (mx-width/2); focal_vect.Normalize(); if (Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_SHIFT)) { if (Mouse::RButton()) return true; if (fabs(focal_vect.x) > fabs(focal_vect.z)) { double dx = move_loc.x - projector->Pos().x; double t = -1 * ((projector->Pos().x - dx) / focal_vect.x); if (t > 0) { Point p = projector->Pos() + focal_vect * t; move_alt = p.y - base_alt; } } else { double dz = move_loc.z - projector->Pos().z; double t = -1 * ((projector->Pos().z - dz) / focal_vect.z); Point p = projector->Pos() + focal_vect * t; if (t > 0) { Point p = projector->Pos() + focal_vect * t; move_alt = p.y - base_alt; } } if (move_alt > 25e3) move_alt = 25e3; else if (move_alt < -25e3) move_alt = -25e3; return true; } else { if (fabs(focal_vect.y) > 1e-5) { if (Mouse::RButton()) return true; bool clamp = false; double t = -1 * ((projector->Pos().y - base_alt) / focal_vect.y); while (t <= 0 && my < height-1) { my++; clamp = true; focal_vect = projector->vpn() * focal_dist + projector->vup() * -1 * (my-height/2) + projector->vrt() * (mx-width/2); focal_vect.Normalize(); t = -1 * ((projector->Pos().y - base_alt) / focal_vect.y); } if (t > 0) { if (clamp) Mouse::SetCursorPos(mx, my); move_loc = projector->Pos() + focal_vect * t; } return true; } } } return false; } void TacticalView::DrawMove() { if (!projector || !show_move || !msg_ship) return; Point origin = msg_ship->Location(); if (GetMouseLoc3D()) { Point dest = move_loc; double distance = (dest - origin).length(); projector->Transform(origin); projector->Project(origin); int x0 = (int) origin.x; int y0 = (int) origin.y; projector->Transform(dest); projector->Project(dest); int x = (int) dest.x; int y = (int) dest.y; window->DrawEllipse(x-10, y-10, x+10, y+10, Color::White); window->DrawLine(x0, y0, x, y, Color::White); char range[32]; Rect range_rect(x+12, y-8, 120, 20); if (fabs(move_alt) > 1) { dest = move_loc; dest.y += move_alt; distance = (dest - msg_ship->Location()).length(); projector->Transform(dest); projector->Project(dest); int x1 = (int) dest.x; int y1 = (int) dest.y; window->DrawEllipse(x1-10, y1-10, x1+10, y1+10, Color::White); window->DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, Color::White); window->DrawLine(x1, y1, x, y, Color::White); range_rect.x = x1+12; range_rect.y = y1-8; } FormatNumber(range, distance); font->SetColor(Color::White); font->DrawText(range, 0, range_rect, DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE); font->SetColor(txt_color); } } void TacticalView::SendMove() { if (!projector || !show_move || !msg_ship) return; if (GetMouseLoc3D()) { Element* elem = msg_ship->GetElement(); RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(elem, ship, RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL); Point dest = move_loc; dest.y += move_alt; msg->SetLocation(dest); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_TAC_ACCEPT); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int invalid_action = false; void TacticalView::DrawAction() { if (!projector || !show_action || !msg_ship) return; Point origin = msg_ship->Location(); projector->Transform(origin); projector->Project(origin); int x0 = (int) origin.x; int y0 = (int) origin.y; int mx = mouse_action.x; int my = mouse_action.y; int r = 10; int enemy = 2; if (ship->GetIFF() > 1) enemy = 1; Ship* tgt = WillSelectAt(mx, my); int tgt_iff = 0; if (tgt) tgt_iff = tgt->GetIFF(); Color c = Color::White; switch (show_action) { case RadioMessage::ATTACK: case RadioMessage::BRACKET: c = Ship::IFFColor(enemy); if (tgt) { if (tgt_iff == ship->GetIFF() || tgt_iff == 0) r = 0; } break; case RadioMessage::ESCORT: case RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH: c = ship->MarkerColor(); if (tgt) { if (tgt_iff == enemy) r = 0; // must have a hangar to dock with... if (show_action == RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH && tgt->GetHangar() == 0) r = 0; } break; default: if (tgt) { if (tgt_iff == ship->GetIFF()) r = 0; } break; } if (tgt && r) { if ((Game::RealTime()/200) & 1) r = 20; else r = 15; } if (r) { invalid_action = false; window->DrawEllipse(mx-r, my-r, mx+r, my+r, c); } else { invalid_action = true; window->DrawLine(mx-10, my-10, mx+10, my+10, c); window->DrawLine(mx+10, my-10, mx-10, my+10, c); } window->DrawLine(x0, y0, mx, my, c); } void TacticalView::SendAction() { if (!show_action || !msg_ship || invalid_action) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_TAC_REJECT); return; } int mx = mouse_action.x; int my = mouse_action.y; Ship* tgt = WillSelectAt(mx, my); if (tgt) { Element* elem = msg_ship->GetElement(); RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(elem, ship, show_action); /*** Element* tgt_elem = tgt->GetElement(); if (tgt_elem) { for (int i = 1; i <= tgt_elem->NumShips(); i++) msg->AddTarget(tgt_elem->GetShip(i)); } else { msg->AddTarget(tgt); } ***/ msg->AddTarget(tgt); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_TAC_ACCEPT); } else { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_TAC_REJECT); } }