/* Project Starshatter 4.5 Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: TacticalAI.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Generic Ship Tactical Level AI class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "TacticalAI.h" #include "ShipAI.h" #include "CarrierAI.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "Hangar.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Drone.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Random.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int exec_time_seed = 0; // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ TacticalAI::TacticalAI(ShipAI* ai) : ship(0), ship_ai(0), carrier_ai(0), navpt(0), orders(0), action(0), threat_level(0), support_level(1), directed_tgtid(0) { if (ai) { ship_ai = ai; ship = ai->GetShip(); Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (ship && ship->GetHangar() && ship->GetCommandAILevel() > 0 && ship != sim->GetPlayerShip()) carrier_ai = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) CarrierAI(ship, ship_ai->GetAILevel()); } agression = 0; roe = FLEXIBLE; element_index = 1; exec_time = exec_time_seed; exec_time_seed += 17; } TacticalAI::~TacticalAI() { delete carrier_ai; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::ExecFrame(double secs) { const int exec_period = 1000; if (!ship || !ship_ai) return; navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); orders = ship->GetRadioOrders(); if ((int) Game::GameTime() - exec_time > exec_period) { element_index = ship->GetElementIndex(); CheckOrders(); SelectTarget(); FindThreat(); FindSupport(); if (element_index > 1) { int formation = 0; if (orders && orders->Formation() >= 0) formation = orders->Formation(); else if (navpt) formation = navpt->Formation(); FindFormationSlot(formation); } ship_ai->SetNavPoint(navpt); if (carrier_ai) carrier_ai->ExecFrame(secs); exec_time += exec_period; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::CheckOrders() { directed_tgtid = 0; if (CheckShipOrders()) return; if (CheckFlightPlan()) return; if (CheckObjectives()) return; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalAI::CheckShipOrders() { return ProcessOrders(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalAI::CheckObjectives() { bool processed = false; Ship* ward = 0; Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem) { Instruction* obj = elem->GetTargetObjective(); if (obj) { ship_ai->ClearPatrol(); if (obj->Action()) { switch (obj->Action()) { case Instruction::INTERCEPT: case Instruction::STRIKE: case Instruction::ASSAULT: { SimObject* tgt = obj->GetTarget(); if (tgt && tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { roe = DIRECTED; SelectTargetDirected((Ship*) tgt); } } break; case Instruction::DEFEND: case Instruction::ESCORT: { SimObject* tgt = obj->GetTarget(); if (tgt && tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { roe = DEFENSIVE; ward = (Ship*) tgt; } } break; default: break; } } orders = obj; processed = true; } } ship_ai->SetWard(ward); return processed; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalAI::ProcessOrders() { ship_ai->ClearPatrol(); if (orders && orders->EMCON() > 0) { int desired_emcon = orders->EMCON(); if (ship_ai && (ship_ai->GetThreat() || ship_ai->GetThreatMissile())) desired_emcon = 3; if (ship->GetEMCON() != desired_emcon) ship->SetEMCON(desired_emcon); } if (orders && orders->Action()) { switch (orders->Action()) { case RadioMessage::ATTACK: case RadioMessage::BRACKET: case RadioMessage::IDENTIFY: { bool tgt_ok = false; SimObject* tgt = orders->GetTarget(); if (tgt && tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) tgt; if (CanTarget(tgt_ship)) { roe = DIRECTED; SelectTargetDirected((Ship*) tgt); ship_ai->SetBracket(orders->Action() == RadioMessage::BRACKET); ship_ai->SetIdentify(orders->Action() == RadioMessage::IDENTIFY); ship_ai->SetNavPoint(0); tgt_ok = true; } } if (!tgt_ok) ClearRadioOrders(); } break; case RadioMessage::ESCORT: case RadioMessage::COVER_ME: { SimObject* tgt = orders->GetTarget(); if (tgt && tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { roe = DEFENSIVE; ship_ai->SetWard((Ship*) tgt); ship_ai->SetNavPoint(0); } else { ClearRadioOrders(); } } break; case RadioMessage::WEP_FREE: roe = AGRESSIVE; ship_ai->DropTarget(0.1); break; case RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD: case RadioMessage::FORM_UP: roe = NONE; ship_ai->DropTarget(5); break; case RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL: roe = SELF_DEFENSIVE; ship_ai->SetPatrol(orders->Location()); ship_ai->SetNavPoint(0); ship_ai->DropTarget(Random(5, 10)); break; case RadioMessage::RTB: case RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH: roe = NONE; ship_ai->DropTarget(10); if (!ship->GetInbound()) { RadioMessage* msg = 0; Ship* controller = ship->GetController(); if (orders->Action() == RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH && orders->GetTarget()) { controller = (Ship*) orders->GetTarget(); } if (!controller) { Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem && elem->GetCommander()) { Element* cmdr = elem->GetCommander(); controller = cmdr->GetShip(1); } } if (controller && controller->GetHangar() && controller->GetHangar()->CanStow(ship)) { SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* rtb_rgn = controller->GetRegion(); if (self_rgn == rtb_rgn) { double range = Point(controller->Location() - ship->Location()).length(); if (range < 50e3) { msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(controller, ship, RadioMessage::CALL_INBOUND); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } } } else { ship->ClearRadioOrders(); } ship_ai->SetNavPoint(0); } break; case RadioMessage::QUANTUM_TO: case RadioMessage::FARCAST_TO: roe = NONE; ship_ai->DropTarget(10); break; } action = orders->Action(); return true; } // if we had an action before, this must be a "cancel orders" else if (action) { ClearRadioOrders(); } return false; } void TacticalAI::ClearRadioOrders() { action = 0; roe = FLEXIBLE; if (ship_ai) ship_ai->DropTarget(0.1); if (ship) ship->ClearRadioOrders(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalAI::CheckFlightPlan() { Ship* ward = 0; // Find next Instruction: navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); roe = FLEXIBLE; if (navpt) { switch (navpt->Action()) { case Instruction::LAUNCH: case Instruction::DOCK: case Instruction::RTB: roe = NONE; break; case Instruction::VECTOR: roe = SELF_DEFENSIVE; break; case Instruction::DEFEND: case Instruction::ESCORT: roe = DEFENSIVE; break; case Instruction::INTERCEPT: roe = DIRECTED; break; case Instruction::RECON: case Instruction::STRIKE: case Instruction::ASSAULT: roe = DIRECTED; break; case Instruction::PATROL: case Instruction::SWEEP: roe = FLEXIBLE; break; default: break; } if (roe == DEFENSIVE) { SimObject* tgt = navpt->GetTarget(); if (tgt && tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) ward = (Ship*) tgt; } if (navpt->EMCON() > 0) { int desired_emcon = navpt->EMCON(); if (ship_ai && (ship_ai->GetThreat() || ship_ai->GetThreatMissile())) desired_emcon = 3; if (ship->GetEMCON() != desired_emcon) ship->SetEMCON(desired_emcon); } } if (ship_ai) ship_ai->SetWard(ward); return (navpt != 0); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::SelectTarget() { if (!ship) { roe = NONE; return; } // unarmed vessels should never engage an enemy: if (ship->Weapons().size() < 1) roe = NONE; SimObject* target = ship_ai->GetTarget(); SimObject* ward = ship_ai->GetWard(); // if not allowed to engage, drop and return: if (roe == NONE) { if (target) ship_ai->DropTarget(); return; } // if we have abandoned our ward, drop and return: if (ward && roe != AGRESSIVE) { double d = (ward->Location() - ship->Location()).length(); double safe_zone = 50e3; if (target) { if (ship->IsStarship()) safe_zone = 100e3; if (d > safe_zone) { ship_ai->DropTarget(); return; } } else { if (d > safe_zone) { return; } } } // already have a target, keep it: if (target) { if (target->Life()) { CheckTarget(); // frigates need to be ready to abandon ship-type targets // in favor of drone-type targets, others should just go // with what they have: if (ship->Class() != Ship::CORVETTE && ship->Class() != Ship::FRIGATE) return; // in case the check decided to drop the target: target = ship_ai->GetTarget(); } // if the old target is dead, forget it: else { ship_ai->DropTarget(); target = 0; } } // if not allowed to acquire, forget it: if (ship_ai->DropTime() > 0) return; if (roe == DIRECTED) { if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) SelectTargetDirected((Ship*) target); else if (navpt && navpt->GetTarget() && navpt->GetTarget()->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) SelectTargetDirected((Ship*) navpt->GetTarget()); else SelectTargetDirected(); } else { SelectTargetOpportunity(); // don't switch one ship target for another... if (ship->Class() == Ship::CORVETTE || ship->Class() == Ship::FRIGATE) { SimObject* potential_target = ship_ai->GetTarget(); if (target && potential_target && target != potential_target) { if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP && potential_target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { ship_ai->SetTarget(target); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::SelectTargetDirected(Ship* tgt) { Ship* potential_target = tgt; // try to target one of the element's objectives // (if it shows up in the contact list) if (!tgt) { Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem) { Instruction* objective = elem->GetTargetObjective(); if (objective) { SimObject* obj_sim_obj = objective->GetTarget(); Ship* obj_tgt = 0; if (obj_sim_obj && obj_sim_obj->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) obj_tgt = (Ship*) obj_sim_obj; if (obj_tgt) { ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); while (++contact && !potential_target) { Ship* test = contact->GetShip(); if (obj_tgt == test) { potential_target = test; } } } } } } if (!CanTarget(potential_target)) potential_target = 0; ship_ai->SetTarget(potential_target); if (tgt && tgt == ship_ai->GetTarget()) directed_tgtid = tgt->Identity(); else directed_tgtid = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool TacticalAI::CanTarget(Ship* tgt) { bool result = false; if (tgt && !tgt->InTransition()) { if (tgt->IsRogue() || tgt->GetIFF() != ship->GetIFF()) result = true; } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::SelectTargetOpportunity() { // NON-COMBATANTS do not pick targets of opportunity: if (ship->GetIFF() == 0) return; SimObject* potential_target = 0; // pick the closest combatant ship with a different IFF code: double target_dist = ship->Design()->commit_range; SimObject* ward = ship_ai->GetWard(); // FRIGATES are primarily anti-air platforms, but may // also attack smaller starships: if (ship->Class() == Ship::CORVETTE || ship->Class() == Ship::FRIGATE) { Ship* current_ship_target = 0; Shot* current_shot_target = 0; // if we are escorting a larger warship, it is good to attack // the same target as our ward: if (ward) { Ship* s = (Ship*) ward; if (s->Class() > ship->Class()) { SimObject* obj = s->GetTarget(); if (obj && obj->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { current_ship_target = (Ship*) obj; target_dist = (ship->Location() - obj->Location()).length(); } } } ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); while (++contact) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); Shot* c_shot = contact->GetShot(); if (!c_ship && !c_shot) continue; int c_iff = contact->GetIFF(ship); bool rogue = c_ship && c_ship->IsRogue(); bool tgt_ok = c_iff > 0 && c_iff != ship->GetIFF() && c_iff < 1000; if (rogue || tgt_ok) { if (c_ship && c_ship != ship && !c_ship->InTransition()) { if (c_ship->Class() < Ship::DESTROYER || (c_ship->Class() >= Ship::MINE && c_ship->Class() <= Ship::SWACS)) { // found an enemy, check distance: double dist = (ship->Location() - c_ship->Location()).length(); if (dist < 0.75 * target_dist && (!current_ship_target || c_ship->Class() <= current_ship_target->Class())) { current_ship_target = c_ship; target_dist = dist; } } } else if (c_shot) { // found an enemy shot, is there enough time to engage? if (c_shot->GetEta() < 3) continue; // found an enemy shot, check distance: double dist = (ship->Location() - c_shot->Location()).length(); if (!current_shot_target) { current_shot_target = c_shot; target_dist = dist; } // is this shot a better target than the one we've found? else { Ship* ward = ship_ai->GetWard(); if ((c_shot->IsTracking(ward) || c_shot->IsTracking(ship)) && (!current_shot_target->IsTracking(ward) || !current_shot_target->IsTracking(ship))) { current_shot_target = c_shot; target_dist = dist; } else if (dist < target_dist) { current_shot_target = c_shot; target_dist = dist; } } } } } if (current_shot_target) potential_target = current_shot_target; else potential_target = current_ship_target; } // ALL OTHER SHIP CLASSES ignore fighters and only engage // other starships: else { List ward_threats; ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); while (++contact) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (!c_ship) continue; int c_iff = contact->GetIFF(ship); bool rogue = c_ship->IsRogue(); bool tgt_ok = c_ship != ship && c_iff > 0 && c_iff != ship->GetIFF() && !c_ship->InTransition(); if (rogue || tgt_ok) { if (c_ship->IsStarship() || c_ship->IsStatic()) { // found an enemy, check distance: double dist = (ship->Location() - c_ship->Location()).length(); if (dist < 0.75 * target_dist) { potential_target = c_ship; target_dist = dist; } if (ward && c_ship->IsTracking(ward)) { ward_threats.append(c_ship); } } } } // if this ship is protecting a ward, // prefer targets that are threatening that ward: if (potential_target && ward_threats.size() && !ward_threats.contains((Ship*)potential_target)) { target_dist *= 2; ListIter iter = ward_threats; while (++iter) { Ship* threat = iter.value(); double dist = (ward->Location() - threat->Location()).length(); if (dist < target_dist) { potential_target = threat; target_dist = dist; } } } } if (ship->Class() != Ship::CARRIER) ship_ai->SetTarget(potential_target); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::CheckTarget() { SimObject* tgt = ship_ai->GetTarget(); if (!tgt) return; if (tgt->GetRegion() != ship->GetRegion()) { ship_ai->DropTarget(); return; } if (tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* target = (Ship*) tgt; // has the target joined our side? if (target->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF() && !target->IsRogue()) { ship_ai->DropTarget(); return; } // is the target already jumping/breaking/dying? if (target->InTransition()) { ship_ai->DropTarget(); return; } // have we been ordered to pursue the target? if (directed_tgtid) { if (directed_tgtid != target->Identity()) { ship_ai->DropTarget(); } return; } // can we catch the target? if (target->Design()->vlimit <= ship->Design()->vlimit || ship->Velocity().length() <= ship->Design()->vlimit) return; // is the target now out of range? WeaponDesign* wep_dsn = ship->GetPrimaryDesign(); if (!wep_dsn) return; // compute the "give up" range: double drop_range = 3 * wep_dsn->max_range; if (drop_range > 0.75 * ship->Design()->commit_range) drop_range = 0.75 * ship->Design()->commit_range; double range = Point(target->Location() - ship->Location()).length(); if (range < drop_range) return; // is the target closing or separating? Point delta = (target->Location() + target->Velocity()) - (ship->Location() + ship->Velocity()); if (delta.length() < range) return; ship_ai->DropTarget(); } else if (tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_DRONE) { Drone* drone = (Drone*) tgt; // is the target still a threat? if (drone->GetEta() < 1 || drone->GetTarget() == 0) ship_ai->DropTarget(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::FindThreat() { // pick the closest contact on Threat Warning System: Ship* threat = 0; Shot* threat_missile = 0; Ship* rumor = 0; double threat_dist = 1e9; const DWORD THREAT_REACTION_TIME = 1000; // 1 second ListIter iter = ship->ContactList(); while (++iter) { Contact* contact = iter.value(); if (contact->Threat(ship) && (Game::GameTime() - contact->AcquisitionTime()) > THREAT_REACTION_TIME) { if (contact->GetShot()) { threat_missile = contact->GetShot(); rumor = (Ship*) threat_missile->Owner(); } else { double rng = contact->Range(ship); Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (c_ship && !c_ship->InTransition() && c_ship->Class() != Ship::FREIGHTER && c_ship->Class() != Ship::FARCASTER) { if (c_ship->GetTarget() == ship) { if (!threat || c_ship->Class() > threat->Class()) { threat = c_ship; threat_dist = 0; } } else if (rng < threat_dist) { threat = c_ship; threat_dist = rng; } } } } } if (rumor && !rumor->InTransition()) { iter.reset(); while (++iter) { if (iter->GetShip() == rumor) { rumor = 0; ship_ai->ClearRumor(); break; } } } else { rumor = 0; ship_ai->ClearRumor(); } ship_ai->SetRumor(rumor); ship_ai->SetThreat(threat); ship_ai->SetThreatMissile(threat_missile); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::FindSupport() { if (!ship_ai->GetThreat()) { ship_ai->SetSupport(0); return; } // pick the biggest friendly contact in the sector: Ship* support = 0; double support_dist = 1e9; ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); while (++contact) { if (contact->GetShip() && contact->GetIFF(ship) == ship->GetIFF()) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (c_ship != ship && c_ship->Class() >= ship->Class() && !c_ship->InTransition()) { if (!support || c_ship->Class() > support->Class()) support = c_ship; } } } ship_ai->SetSupport(support); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TacticalAI::FindFormationSlot(int formation) { // find the formation delta: int s = element_index - 1; Point delta(10*s, 0, 10*s); // diamond: if (formation == Instruction::DIAMOND) { switch (element_index) { case 2: delta = Point( 10, 0, -12); break; case 3: delta = Point(-10, 0, -12); break; case 4: delta = Point( 0, 0, -24); break; } } // spread: if (formation == Instruction::SPREAD) { switch (element_index) { case 2: delta = Point( 15, 0, 0); break; case 3: delta = Point(-15, 0, 0); break; case 4: delta = Point(-30, 0, 0); break; } } // box: if (formation == Instruction::BOX) { switch (element_index) { case 2: delta = Point(15, 0, 0); break; case 3: delta = Point( 0, -1, -15); break; case 4: delta = Point(15, -1, -15); break; } } // trail: if (formation == Instruction::TRAIL) { delta = Point(0, 0, -15*s); } ship_ai->SetFormationDelta(delta * ship->Radius() * 2); }