/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: Starshatter.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "MenuScreen.h" #include "LoadScreen.h" #include "PlanScreen.h" #include "CmpnScreen.h" #include "AudioConfig.h" #include "MusicDirector.h" #include "HUDSounds.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "LandingGear.h" #include "Explosion.h" #include "FlightDeck.h" #include "NavLight.h" #include "Debris.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "Sensor.h" #include "Power.h" #include "SystemDesign.h" #include "WeaponDesign.h" #include "Campaign.h" #include "CampaignSaveGame.h" #include "CombatRoster.h" #include "CombatZone.h" #include "CampaignPlan.h" #include "Galaxy.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Mission.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "SimEvent.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipCtrl.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "Mfd.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "RadioVox.h" #include "CameraDirector.h" #include "ModConfig.h" #include "KeyMap.h" #include "GameScreen.h" #include "QuantumView.h" #include "QuitView.h" #include "RadioView.h" #include "TacticalView.h" #include "DisplayView.h" #include "LoadDlg.h" #include "TacRefDlg.h" #include "CmpLoadDlg.h" #include "Terrain.h" #include "NetClientConfig.h" #include "NetServerConfig.h" #include "NetLayer.h" #include "NetLobbyClient.h" #include "NetLobbyServer.h" #include "NetGame.h" #include "NetUtil.h" #include "ParseUtil.h" #include "Token.h" #include "MachineInfo.h" #include "Game.h" #include "VideoFactory.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Window.h" #include "ActiveWindow.h" #include "Button.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "ImgView.h" #include "FadeView.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Joystick.h" #include "MouseController.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "TrackIR.h" #include "EventDispatch.h" #include "MultiController.h" #include "Archive.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Random.h" #include "resource.h" #include "Universe.h" #include "Video.h" #include "VideoSettings.h" #include "WebBrowser.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int quick_mode = 0; char quick_mission_name[64]; Mission* quick_mission = 0; int Starshatter::keymap[256]; int Starshatter::keyalt[256]; Starshatter* Starshatter::instance = 0; static Mission* current_mission = 0; static Mission* cutscene_mission = 0; static double cutscene_basetime = 0; static int cut_efx_volume = 100; static int cut_wrn_volume = 100; static double time_til_change = 0; static bool exit_latch = true; static bool show_missions = false; static bool use_file_system = false; static bool no_splash = false; enum CHAT_MODES { CHAT_BROADCAST = 1, CHAT_TEAM = 2, CHAT_WING = 3, CHAT_UNIT = 4 }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Starshatter::Starshatter() : gamewin(0), menuscreen(0), loadscreen(0), planscreen(0), cmpnscreen(0), gamescreen(0), splash(0), splash_index(0), input(0), loader(0), cam_dir(0), music_dir(0), field_of_view(2), time_mark(0), minutes(0), player_ship(0), net_lobby(0), spinning(false), tactical(false), mouse_x(0), mouse_y(0), game_mode(MENU_MODE), mouse_input(0), head_tracker(0), terminal(0), verdana(0), limerick18(0), limerick12(0), HUDfont(0), GUIfont(0), GUI_small_font(0), title_font(0), ocrb(0), req_change_video(0), video_changed(0), lens_flare(true), corona(true), nebula(true), dust(0), load_step(0), load_progress(0), chat_mode(0), exit_time(1.2), cutscene(0) { if (!instance) instance = this; app_name = "Starshatter: The Gathering Storm"; title_text = "STARSHATTER"; palette_name = "alpha"; gamma = 128; // default - flat gamma ramp if (!DataLoader::GetLoader()) DataLoader::Initialize(); loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); int loadstat = loader->EnableDatafile("shatter.dat"); if (loadstat != DataLoader::DATAFILE_OK) { const char* err_msg = loadstat == DataLoader::DATAFILE_INVALID ? "The file 'shatter.dat' appears to have been damaged. Please re-install Starshatter." : "Starshatter cannot open the file 'shatter.dat'. Please re-install Starshatter."; ::MessageBox(hwnd, err_msg, "Starshatter - Error", MB_OK); ::Print(err_msg); ::Print("\n\nFATAL ERROR: EXIT."); exit(-1); } if (loader->FindFile("vox.dat")) loader->EnableDatafile("vox.dat"); if (loader->FindFile("start.dat")) loader->EnableDatafile("start.dat"); if (loader->FindFile("content.dat")) loader->EnableDatafile("content.dat"); //if (loadstat != DataLoader::DATAFILE_OK) { // const char* err_msg = loadstat == DataLoader::DATAFILE_INVALID ? // "The file 'content.dat' appears to have been damaged. Please re-install the latest Starshatter update." : // "Starshatter cannot open the file 'content.dat'. Please re-install the latest Starshatter update."; // ::MessageBox(hwnd, err_msg, "Starshatter - Error", MB_OK); // ::Print(err_msg); // ::Print("\n\nFATAL ERROR: EXIT."); // exit(-1); //} LoadVideoConfig("video.cfg"); // create the fonts loader->SetDataPath("Fonts/"); HUDfont = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("HUDfont"); FontMgr::Register("HUD", HUDfont); GUIfont = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("GUIfont"); FontMgr::Register("GUI", GUIfont); GUI_small_font = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("GUIsmall"); FontMgr::Register("GUIsmall", GUI_small_font); limerick12 = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("Limerick12"); limerick18 = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("Limerick18"); terminal = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("Terminal"); verdana = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("Verdana"); ocrb = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Font("OCRB"); FontMgr::Register("Limerick12", limerick12); FontMgr::Register("Limerick18", limerick18); FontMgr::Register("Terminal", terminal); FontMgr::Register("Verdana", verdana); FontMgr::Register("OCRB", ocrb); loader->SetDataPath(0); ZeroMemory(keymap, sizeof(keymap)); ZeroMemory(keyalt, sizeof(keyalt)); } Starshatter::~Starshatter() { if (video_changed) { SaveVideoConfig("video.cfg"); } DeleteFile("video2.cfg"); StopLobby(); if (Status() <= EXIT) Player::Save(); delete menuscreen; delete loadscreen; delete planscreen; delete gamescreen; delete cmpnscreen; menuscreen = 0; loadscreen = 0; planscreen = 0; gamescreen = 0; cmpnscreen = 0; music_dir = 0; // delete all the ships and stuff // BEFORE getting rid of the system // and weapons catalogs! delete world; world = 0; // don't let base class double delete the world delete quick_mission; AudioConfig::Close(); HUDSounds::Close(); MusicDirector::Close(); Player::Close(); Drive::Close(); LandingGear::Close(); MFD::Close(); Explosion::Close(); FlightDeck::Close(); Campaign::Close(); CombatRoster::Close(); Galaxy::Close(); RadioTraffic::Close(); RadioVox::Close(); Ship::Close(); WeaponDesign::Close(); SystemDesign::Close(); ModConfig::Close(); NetClientConfig::Close(); TacticalView::Close(); QuantumView::Close(); QuitView::Close(); RadioView::Close(); NetServerConfig::Close(); Mouse::Close(); EventDispatch::Close(); FontMgr::Close(); Button::Close(); DataLoader::Close(); delete ocrb; delete limerick12; delete limerick18; delete verdana; delete terminal; delete HUDfont; delete GUIfont; delete GUI_small_font; delete input; delete head_tracker; instance = 0; } void Starshatter::Exit() { MusicDirector::SetMode(MusicDirector::NONE); SetGameMode(EXIT_MODE); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Starshatter::OnHelp() { WebBrowser browser; browser.OpenURL("http://matrixgames.com/support"); return true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::MapKeys() { int nkeys = keycfg.GetNumKeys(); if (nkeys > 0) { Starshatter::MapKeys(&keycfg, nkeys); input->MapKeys(keycfg.GetMapping(), nkeys); } } void Starshatter::MapKeys(KeyMap* mapping, int nkeys) { for (int i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) { KeyMapEntry* k = mapping->GetKeyMap(i); if (k->act >= KEY_MAP_FIRST && k->act <= KEY_MAP_LAST) MapKey(k->act, k->key, k->alt); } } void Starshatter::MapKey(int act, int key, int alt) { keymap[act] = key; keyalt[act] = alt; GetAsyncKeyState(key); GetAsyncKeyState(alt); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Starshatter::Init(HINSTANCE hi, HINSTANCE hpi, LPSTR cmdline, int nCmdShow) { if (strstr(cmdline, "-win") || strstr(cmdline, "-dbg")) { if (video_settings) { video_settings->is_windowed = true; Print(" STARSHATTER RUNNING IN WINDOW MODE\n"); } } if (strstr(cmdline, "-filesys")) { use_file_system = true; Print(" FILE SYSTEM ENABLED\n"); } if (strstr(cmdline, "-nosplash")) { no_splash = true; } if (loader) loader->UseFileSystem(use_file_system); return Game::Init(hi, hpi, cmdline, nCmdShow); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Starshatter::InitGame() { if (!Game::InitGame()) return false; RandomInit(); AudioConfig::Initialize(); ModConfig::Initialize(); InitMouse(); Button::Initialize(); EventDispatch::Create(); NetClientConfig::Initialize(); Player::Initialize(); HUDSounds::Initialize(); int nkeys = keycfg.LoadKeyMap("key.cfg", 256); if (nkeys) Print(" Loaded key.cfg\n\n"); // create the appropriate motion controller and player_ship input = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) MultiController; Keyboard* k = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Keyboard; input->AddController(k); ActivateKeyboardLayout(GetKeyboardLayout(0), 0); mouse_input = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) MouseController; input->AddController(mouse_input); ::Print("\nStarshatter::InitGame() create joystick\n"); Joystick* j = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Joystick; j->SetSensitivity(15, 5000); input->AddController(j); Joystick::EnumerateDevices(); ::Print("\n"); head_tracker = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) TrackIR(); MapKeys(); SystemDesign::Initialize("sys.def"); WeaponDesign::Initialize("wep.def"); MusicDirector::Initialize(); // if no splashes, we need to initialize the campaign engine now if (no_splash) { Ship::Initialize(); Galaxy::Initialize(); CombatRoster::Initialize(); Campaign::Initialize(); } // otherwise, the campaign engine will get initialized during the splashes else { SetupSplash(); } time_mark = Game::GameTime(); minutes = 0; return true; } void Starshatter::InitMouse() { if (loader) { loader->SetDataPath(0); Mouse::Create(screen); Mouse::Show(false); Mouse::LoadCursor(Mouse::ARROW, "MouseArrow.pcx", Mouse::HOTSPOT_NW); Mouse::LoadCursor(Mouse::CROSS, "MouseCross.pcx", Mouse::HOTSPOT_CTR); Mouse::LoadCursor(Mouse::DRAG, "MouseDrag.pcx", Mouse::HOTSPOT_NW); Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::ARROW); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::RequestChangeVideo() { req_change_video = true; } int Starshatter::GetScreenWidth() { if (video_settings) return video_settings->GetWidth(); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Starshatter::GetScreenHeight() { if (video_settings) return video_settings->GetHeight(); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::StartOrResumeGame() { if (game_mode != MENU_MODE && game_mode != CMPN_MODE) return; Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); if (!p) return; List& list = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns(); Campaign* c = 0; Text saved = CampaignSaveGame::GetResumeFile(); // resume saved game? if (saved.length()) { CampaignSaveGame savegame; savegame.Load(saved); c = savegame.GetCampaign(); } // start training campaign? else if (p->Trained() < 255) { c = list[0]; c->Load(); } // start new dynamic campaign sequence? else { c = list[1]; c->Load(); } if (c) Campaign::SelectCampaign(c->Name()); Mouse::Show(false); SetGameMode(CLOD_MODE); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Starshatter::UseFileSystem() { return use_file_system; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::OpenTacticalReference() { if (menuscreen && game_mode == MENU_MODE) { menuscreen->ShowLoadDlg(); LoadDlg* load_dlg = menuscreen->GetLoadDlg(); if (load_dlg && load_dlg->IsShown()) { load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.tac-ref"); load_progress = 1; catalog_index = 0; } else { menuscreen->ShowTacRefDlg(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SetGameMode(int m) { if (game_mode == m) return; const char* mode_name[] = { "MENU_MODE", // main menu "CLOD_MODE", // loading campaign "CMPN_MODE", // operational command for dynamic campaign "PREP_MODE", // loading mission info for planning "PLAN_MODE", // mission briefing "LOAD_MODE", // loading mission into simulator "PLAY_MODE", // active simulation "EXIT_MODE" // shutting down }; if (m >= MENU_MODE && m <= EXIT_MODE) Print(">>> Starshatter::SetGameMode(%d) (%s)\n", m, mode_name[m]); else Print(">>> Starshatter::SetGameMode(%d) (UNKNOWN MODE)\n", m); MouseController* mouse_con = MouseController::GetInstance(); if (mouse_con) mouse_con->SetActive(false); if (m == CLOD_MODE || m == PREP_MODE || m == LOAD_MODE) { load_step = 0; load_progress = 0; load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.general"); paused = true; } else if (m == CMPN_MODE) { load_step = 0; load_progress = 100; load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.complete"); paused = false; } else if (m == PLAY_MODE) { Print(" Starting Game...\n"); player_ship = 0; load_progress = 100; load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.complete"); if (!world) { CreateWorld(); InstantiateMission(); } if (gamescreen) gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); HUDView::ClearMessages(); RadioView::ClearMessages(); SetTimeCompression(1); Pause(false); Print(" Stardate: %.1f\n", StarSystem::GetBaseTime()); } else if (m == PLAN_MODE) { if (game_mode == PLAY_MODE) { Print(" Returning to Plan Mode...\n"); if (soundcard) soundcard->StopSoundEffects(); StopNetGame(); Pause(true); Print(" Stardate: %.1f\n", StarSystem::GetBaseTime()); } } else if (m == MENU_MODE) { Print(" Returning to Main Menu...\n"); if (game_mode == PLAN_MODE || game_mode == PLAY_MODE) { if (soundcard) soundcard->StopSoundEffects(); StopNetGame(); } paused = true; } if (m == EXIT_MODE) { Print(" Shutting Down (Returning to Windows)...\n"); if (game_mode == PLAN_MODE || game_mode == PLAY_MODE) { if (soundcard) soundcard->StopSoundEffects(); StopNetGame(); } Print(" Stardate: %.1f\n", StarSystem::GetBaseTime()); Print(" Bitmap Cache Footprint: %d KB\n", Bitmap::CacheMemoryFootprint() / 1024); paused = true; } FlushKeys(); game_mode = m; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Starshatter::ChangeVideo() { bool result = false; if (menuscreen) { delete menuscreen; menuscreen = 0; } if (loadscreen) { delete loadscreen; loadscreen = 0; } if (planscreen) { delete planscreen; planscreen = 0; } if (gamescreen) { delete gamescreen; gamescreen = 0; } if (cmpnscreen) { delete cmpnscreen; cmpnscreen = 0; } loader->SetDataPath(0); LoadVideoConfig("video2.cfg"); result = ResetVideo(); InitMouse(); req_change_video = false; video_changed = true; return result; } bool Starshatter::ResizeVideo() { if (Game::ResizeVideo()) { InitMouse(); Mouse::Show(true); return true; } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::CreateWorld() { RadioTraffic::Initialize(); RadioView::Initialize(); RadioVox::Initialize(); QuantumView::Initialize(); QuitView::Initialize(); TacticalView::Initialize(); // create world if (!world) { Sim* sim = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sim(input); world = sim; Print(" World Created.\n"); } cam_dir = CameraDirector::GetInstance(); } void Starshatter::InstantiateMission() { Memory::Check(); current_mission = 0; if (Campaign::GetCampaign()) { current_mission = Campaign::GetCampaign()->GetMission(); } Sim* sim = (Sim*) world; if (sim) { bool dynamic = false; Campaign* campaign = Campaign::GetCampaign(); if (campaign && campaign->IsDynamic()) dynamic = true; sim->UnloadMission(); sim->LoadMission(current_mission); sim->ExecMission(); sim->SetTestMode(test_mode && !dynamic ? true : false); Print(" Mission Instantiated.\n"); } Memory::Check(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Starshatter::KeyDown(int action) const { int k = Joystick::KeyDownMap(action) || Keyboard::KeyDownMap(action); return k; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Starshatter::GameLoop() { cam_dir = CameraDirector::GetInstance(); if (active && paused) { // Route Events to EventTargets EventDispatch* ed = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (ed) ed->Dispatch(); UpdateWorld(); GameState(); UpdateScreen(); CollectStats(); /*** static DWORD vmf_time = 0; if (real_time() - vmf_time > 5000) { vmf_time = real_time(); DWORD vmf = video->VidMemFree() / (1024 * 1024); ::Print("\n###### %02d:%02d - Video Memory Free: %d MB\n\n", vmf_time / 60000, vmf_time / 1000, vmf); } ***/ } Game::GameLoop(); return false; // must return false to keep processing // true tells the outer loop to sleep until a // windows event is available } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::UpdateWorld() { long new_time = real_time; double delta = new_time - frame_time; // in milliseconds seconds = max_frame_length; // in seconds gui_seconds = delta * 0.001; if (frame_time == 0) gui_seconds = 0; if (delta < time_comp * max_frame_length * 1000) { seconds = time_comp * delta * 0.001; } else { seconds = time_comp * max_frame_length; } frame_time = new_time; Galaxy* galaxy = Galaxy::GetInstance(); if (galaxy) galaxy->ExecFrame(); // Cutscene missions have a tendency to mess with the stardate // to manage time-of-day and camera effects. It's a bad idea to // evaluate campaign actions and events while the cutscene is // changing the time base. if (!cutscene_mission) { Campaign* campaign = Campaign::GetCampaign(); if (campaign) campaign->ExecFrame(); } if (paused) { if (world) world->ExecFrame(0); } else { game_time += (DWORD) (seconds * 1000); Drive::StartFrame(); if (world) world->ExecFrame(seconds); } if (game_mode == PLAY_MODE || InCutscene()) { if (cam_dir) { if (head_tracker && head_tracker->IsRunning() && !InCutscene()) { head_tracker->ExecFrame(); cam_dir->VirtualHead(head_tracker->GetAzimuth(), head_tracker->GetElevation()); cam_dir->VirtualHeadOffset(head_tracker->GetX(), head_tracker->GetY(), head_tracker->GetZ()); } cam_dir->ExecFrame(gui_seconds); } Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); SimRegion* rgn = sim ? sim->GetActiveRegion() : 0; if (rgn) { ListIter iter = rgn->Ships(); while (++iter) { Ship* s = iter.value(); s->SelectDetail(seconds); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::GameState() { if (splash) { static bool quick_splash = false; if (GetKey() != 0) quick_splash = true; if (quick_splash) { splash->FadeIn(0); splash->StopHold(); splash->FadeOut(0); } if (splash->Done()) { splash = 0; // this will get deleted along with gamewin splash_index++; if (gamewin) { screen->DelWindow(gamewin); delete gamewin; gamewin = 0; } if (splash_index < 2) { Ship::Initialize(); Galaxy::Initialize(); SetupSplash(); } else { CombatRoster::Initialize(); Campaign::Initialize(); SetupMenuScreen(); } FlushKeys(); } } else if (game_mode == MENU_MODE) { bool campaign_select = false; if (cmpnscreen) { campaign_select = cmpnscreen->IsShown(); cmpnscreen->Hide(); } if (gamescreen) gamescreen->Hide(); if (planscreen) planscreen->Hide(); if (loadscreen) loadscreen->Hide(); if (!menuscreen) { SetupMenuScreen(); } else { menuscreen->Show(); if (campaign_select) menuscreen->ShowCmpSelectDlg(); } if (MusicDirector::GetInstance() && MusicDirector::GetInstance()->GetMode() != MusicDirector::CREDITS) MusicDirector::SetMode(MusicDirector::MENU); DoMenuScreenFrame(); } else if (game_mode == CLOD_MODE || game_mode == PREP_MODE || game_mode == LOAD_MODE) { if (menuscreen) menuscreen->Hide(); if (planscreen) planscreen->Hide(); if (cmpnscreen) cmpnscreen->Hide(); if (!loadscreen) SetupLoadScreen(); else loadscreen->Show(); if (game_mode == CLOD_MODE) MusicDirector::SetMode(MusicDirector::MENU); else MusicDirector::SetMode(MusicDirector::BRIEFING); DoLoadScreenFrame(); } else if (game_mode == PLAN_MODE) { if (menuscreen) menuscreen->Hide(); if (cmpnscreen) menuscreen->Hide(); if (loadscreen) loadscreen->Hide(); if (gamescreen) gamescreen->Hide(); if (!planscreen) SetupPlanScreen(); else planscreen->Show(); Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); if (p && p->ShowAward()) { if (!planscreen->IsAwardShown()) planscreen->ShowAwardDlg(); } else if (ShipStats::NumStats()) { if (!planscreen->IsDebriefShown()) { planscreen->ShowDebriefDlg(); show_missions = true; } } else { if (!planscreen->IsMsnShown() && !planscreen->IsNavShown()) planscreen->ShowMsnDlg(); } MusicDirector::SetMode(MusicDirector::BRIEFING); DoPlanScreenFrame(); } else if (game_mode == CMPN_MODE) { if (menuscreen) menuscreen->Hide(); if (planscreen) planscreen->Hide(); if (loadscreen) loadscreen->Hide(); if (gamescreen) gamescreen->Hide(); if (!cmpnscreen) SetupCmpnScreen(); else cmpnscreen->Show(); DoCmpnScreenFrame(); } else if (game_mode == PLAY_MODE) { if (menuscreen) menuscreen->Hide(); if (cmpnscreen) cmpnscreen->Hide(); if (planscreen) planscreen->Hide(); if (loadscreen) loadscreen->Hide(); if (!gamescreen) SetupGameScreen(); else gamescreen->Show(); DoGameScreenFrame(); } if (game_mode == EXIT_MODE) { exit_time -= Game::GUITime(); if (exit_time <= 0) Game::Exit(); } if (net_lobby) net_lobby->ExecFrame(); if (music_dir) music_dir->ExecFrame(); Memory::Check(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::DoMenuScreenFrame() { if (!Mouse::RButton()) { Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::ARROW); Mouse::Show(true); } if (time_til_change > 0) time_til_change -= Game::GUITime(); if (!menuscreen) return; if (KeyDown(KEY_EXIT)) { if (time_til_change <= 0) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (!exit_latch && !menuscreen->CloseTopmost()) { menuscreen->ShowExitDlg(); } } exit_latch = true; } else { exit_latch = false; } LoadDlg* load_dlg = menuscreen->GetLoadDlg(); if (load_dlg && load_dlg->IsShown()) { // load all ship designs in the standard catalog if (catalog_index < ShipDesign::StandardCatalogSize()) { ShipDesign::PreloadCatalog(catalog_index++); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.tac-ref"); if (load_progress < 95) load_progress++; } else { menuscreen->ShowTacRefDlg(); } } if (show_missions) { if (net_lobby) menuscreen->ShowNetLobbyDlg(); else menuscreen->ShowMsnSelectDlg(); show_missions = false; } menuscreen->ExecFrame(); if (req_change_video) { ChangeVideo(); SetupMenuScreen(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::DoPlanScreenFrame() { Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::ARROW); if (time_til_change > 0) time_til_change -= Game::GUITime(); if (KeyDown(KEY_EXIT)) { if (time_til_change <= 0) { time_til_change = 1; if (!exit_latch && !planscreen->CloseTopmost()) { Campaign* campaign = Campaign::GetCampaign(); if (campaign && (campaign->IsDynamic() || campaign->IsTraining())) SetGameMode(CMPN_MODE); else SetGameMode(MENU_MODE); } } exit_latch = true; } else { exit_latch = false; } planscreen->ExecFrame(); show_missions = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::DoCmpnScreenFrame() { Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::ARROW); if (time_til_change > 0) time_til_change -= Game::GUITime(); exit_latch = KeyDown(KEY_EXIT) ? true : false; if (InCutscene() && player_ship) { // warp effect: if (player_ship->WarpFactor() > 1) { if (player_ship->WarpFactor() > field_of_view) cmpnscreen->SetFieldOfView(player_ship->WarpFactor()); else cmpnscreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } else { if (cmpnscreen->GetFieldOfView() != field_of_view) cmpnscreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } } if (InCutscene() && exit_latch) { time_til_change = 1; EndCutscene(); EndMission(); cmpnscreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } else if (time_til_change <= 0 && exit_latch) { time_til_change = 1; if (!cmpnscreen || !cmpnscreen->CloseTopmost()) { SetGameMode(MENU_MODE); } } // time control for campaign mode: else if (game_mode == CMPN_MODE) { if (time_til_change <= 0) { if (KeyDown(KEY_PAUSE)) { time_til_change = 1; Pause(!paused); } else if (KeyDown(KEY_TIME_COMPRESS)) { time_til_change = 1; switch (TimeCompression()) { case 1: SetTimeCompression(2); break; case 2: SetTimeCompression(4); break; case 4: SetTimeCompression(8); break; } } else if (KeyDown(KEY_TIME_EXPAND)) { time_til_change = 1; switch (TimeCompression()) { case 8: SetTimeCompression( 4); break; case 4: SetTimeCompression( 2); break; default: SetTimeCompression( 1); break; } } } } if (show_missions && !InCutscene()) { cmpnscreen->ShowCmdMissionsDlg(); show_missions = false; } cmpnscreen->ExecFrame(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::DoLoadScreenFrame() { Mouse::Show(false); Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::ARROW); if (game_mode == CLOD_MODE) { CmpLoadDlg* dlg = loadscreen->GetCmpLoadDlg(); switch (load_step) { case 0: load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.campaign"); load_progress = 1; catalog_index = 0; break; case 1: // load all ship designs in the standard catalog if (catalog_index < ShipDesign::StandardCatalogSize()) { ShipDesign::PreloadCatalog(catalog_index++); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.campaign"); if (load_progress < 80) load_progress++; load_step = 0; // force return to current step on next frame } else { load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.start"); load_progress = 80; } break; case 2: if (Campaign::GetCampaign()) Campaign::GetCampaign()->Start(); break; default: if (dlg && load_progress < 100) { load_progress++; } else { load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.ready"); load_progress = 100; SetGameMode(CMPN_MODE); } break; } } else { switch (load_step) { case 0: load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.drives"); load_progress = 0; break; case 1: Drive::Initialize(); LandingGear::Initialize(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.explosions"); load_progress = 5; break; case 2: Explosion::Initialize(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.systems"); load_progress = 10; break; case 3: FlightDeck::Initialize(); NavLight::Initialize(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.ships"); load_progress = 15; break; case 4: Ship::Initialize(); Shot::Initialize(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.hud"); load_progress = 20; break; case 5: MFD::Initialize(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.menus"); load_progress = 25; break; case 6: RadioTraffic::Initialize(); RadioView::Initialize(); TacticalView::Initialize(); if (!gamescreen && game_mode != PREP_MODE) SetupGameScreen(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.mission"); load_progress = 65; break; case 7: if (game_mode == PREP_MODE) { if (Campaign::GetCampaign()) Campaign::GetCampaign()->GetMission(); SetGameMode(PLAN_MODE); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.loaded"); load_progress = 100; Button::PlaySound(4); } else { CreateWorld(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.simulation"); load_progress = 75; } break; case 8: InstantiateMission(); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.viewscreen"); load_progress = 90; break; default: SetGameMode(PLAY_MODE); load_activity = Game::GetText("Starshatter.load.ready"); load_progress = 100; break; } } load_step++; loadscreen->ExecFrame(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::PlayerCam(int mode) { if (player_ship && !player_ship->InTransition() && player_ship->GetFlightPhase() >= Ship::LOCKED) { gamescreen->CloseTopmost(); if (mode == CameraDirector::MODE_DROP) { player_ship->DropCam(15, 0); cam_dir->SetShip(player_ship); cam_dir->SetMode(CameraDirector::MODE_DROP, 0); } else { cam_dir->SetMode(mode); if (mode == CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT) { MouseController* mouse_con = MouseController::GetInstance(); if (mouse_con) mouse_con->SetActive(false); } } } } void Starshatter::ViewSelection() { Sim* sim = (Sim*) world; List& seln = sim->GetSelection().container(); if (cam_dir) { if (seln.isEmpty()) cam_dir->SetViewObject(player_ship); else if (seln.size() == 1) cam_dir->SetViewObject(seln[0]); else cam_dir->SetViewObjectGroup(seln); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::DoGameScreenFrame() { Sim* sim = (Sim*) world; if (!gamescreen || !sim) return; if (InCutscene()) { if (player_ship) { // warp effect: if (player_ship->WarpFactor() > 1) { if (player_ship->WarpFactor() > field_of_view) gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(player_ship->WarpFactor()); else gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } else { if (gamescreen->GetFieldOfView() != field_of_view) gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } } gamescreen->FrameRate(frame_rate); gamescreen->ExecFrame(); if (KeyDown(KEY_EXIT)) { gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); exit_latch = true; time_til_change = 1; sim->SkipCutscene(); } return; } if (time_til_change > 0) time_til_change -= Game::GUITime(); if (exit_latch && !KeyDown(KEY_EXIT)) exit_latch = false; DoMouseFrame(); HUDView* hud_view = HUDView::GetInstance(); // changing to a new ship? if (player_ship != sim->GetPlayerShip()) { gamescreen->HideNavDlg(); gamescreen->HideFltDlg(); gamescreen->HideEngDlg(); Ship* new_player = sim->GetPlayerShip(); if (new_player) { if (new_player->IsDropship() && Ship::GetFlightModel() < 2 && Ship::GetControlModel() < 1) input->SwapYawRoll(true); else input->SwapYawRoll(false); if (hud_view) { hud_view->SetHUDMode(HUDView::HUD_MODE_TAC); hud_view->HideHUDWarn(); } } } player_ship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); if (player_ship) { // warp effect: if (player_ship->WarpFactor() > 1) { if (player_ship->WarpFactor() > field_of_view) gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(player_ship->WarpFactor()); else gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } else { if (gamescreen->GetFieldOfView() != field_of_view) gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } gamescreen->ShowExternal(); if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() >= CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT && !player_ship->InTransition()) tactical = true; else tactical = false; if (player_ship->InTransition()) gamescreen->CloseTopmost(); } if (chat_mode) { DoChatMode(); } else { DoGameKeys(); } gamescreen->FrameRate(frame_rate); gamescreen->ExecFrame(); if (Game::GameTime() - time_mark > 60000) { time_mark = Game::GameTime(); minutes++; if (minutes > 60) Print(" TIME %2d:%02d:00\n", minutes/60, minutes%60); else Print(" TIME %2d:00\n", minutes); } } void Starshatter::DoGameKeys() { Sim* sim = (Sim*) world; HUDView* hud_view = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (time_til_change <= 0) { if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_BRIDGE)) { PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_COCKPIT); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_VIRT)) { PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_VIRTUAL); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_CHASE)) { PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_CHASE); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_DROP)) { PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_DROP); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_EXTERN)) { PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_TARGET_PADLOCK)) { PlayerCam(CameraDirector::MODE_TARGET); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_SWAP_ROLL_YAW)) { input->SwapYawRoll(!input->GetSwapYawRoll()); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_ZOOM_WIDE)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (gamescreen->GetFieldOfView() <= 2) field_of_view = 3; // wide else field_of_view = 2; // normal // don't mess with fov during warp: if (player_ship && player_ship->WarpFactor() <= 1) gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); } else if (!exit_latch && KeyDown(KEY_EXIT)) { exit_latch = true; time_til_change = 0.5; if (!gamescreen->CloseTopmost()) { QuitView* quit = QuitView::GetInstance(); if (quit) quit->ShowMenu(); else SetGameMode(Starshatter::PLAN_MODE); } } else if (KeyDown(KEY_PAUSE)) { Pause(!paused); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_TIME_COMPRESS)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (NetGame::IsNetGame()) SetTimeCompression(1); else switch (TimeCompression()) { case 1: SetTimeCompression(2); break; default: SetTimeCompression(4); break; } } else if (KeyDown(KEY_TIME_EXPAND)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (NetGame::IsNetGame()) SetTimeCompression(1); else switch (TimeCompression()) { case 4: SetTimeCompression( 2); break; default: SetTimeCompression( 1); break; } } else if (KeyDown(KEY_TIME_SKIP)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (player_ship && !NetGame::IsNetGame()) { player_ship->TimeSkip(); } } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMMAND_MODE)) { if (player_ship) { time_til_change = 0.5; player_ship->CommandMode(); } } /*** For Debug Convenience Only: ***/ else if (KeyDown(KEY_INC_STARDATE)) { StarSystem::SetBaseTime(StarSystem::GetBaseTime() + 600, true); } else if (KeyDown(KEY_DEC_STARDATE)) { StarSystem::SetBaseTime(StarSystem::GetBaseTime() - 600, true); } /***/ } if (gamescreen && time_til_change <= 0) { if (KeyDown(KEY_MFD1)) { gamescreen->CycleMFDMode(0); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_MFD2)) { gamescreen->CycleMFDMode(1); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_MFD3)) { gamescreen->CycleMFDMode(2); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_MFD4)) { gamescreen->CycleMFDMode(3); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_RADIO_MENU)) { RadioView* radio_view = RadioView::GetInstance(); if (radio_view) { if (radio_view->IsMenuShown()) radio_view->CloseMenu(); else radio_view->ShowMenu(); } time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_QUANTUM_MENU)) { QuantumView* quantum_view = QuantumView::GetInstance(); if (quantum_view) { if (quantum_view->IsMenuShown()) quantum_view->CloseMenu(); else quantum_view->ShowMenu(); } time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_VIEW_SELECTION)) { time_til_change = 0.5; ViewSelection(); } else if (KeyDown(KEY_HUD_MODE)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (hud_view) hud_view->CycleHUDMode(); } else if (KeyDown(KEY_HUD_COLOR)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (hud_view) hud_view->CycleHUDColor(); } else if (KeyDown(KEY_HUD_WARN)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (hud_view) hud_view->CycleHUDWarn(); } else if (KeyDown(KEY_HUD_INST)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (hud_view) hud_view->CycleHUDInst(); } else if (KeyDown(KEY_SELF_DESTRUCT)) { time_til_change = 0.5; if (player_ship && !player_ship->InTransition()) { double damage = player_ship->Design()->scuttle; if (NetGame::IsNetGameClient()) { NetUtil::SendSelfDestruct(player_ship, damage); } else { Point scuttle_loc = player_ship->Location() + RandomDirection() * player_ship->Radius(); player_ship->InflictDamage(damage, 0, 1, scuttle_loc); } if (player_ship->Integrity() < 1) { ::Print(" %s 0-0-0-Destruct-0\n\n", player_ship->Name()); ShipStats* s = ShipStats::Find(player_ship->Name()); if (s) s->AddEvent(SimEvent::DESTROYED, player_ship->Name()); player_ship->DeathSpiral(); } } } } if (gamescreen && player_ship && time_til_change <= 0 && !::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) && !::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU)) { if (KeyDown(KEY_NAV_DLG)) { gamescreen->ShowNavDlg(); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_WEP_DLG)) { if (player_ship && player_ship->Design()->wep_screen) gamescreen->ShowWeaponsOverlay(); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_FLT_DLG)) { if (player_ship && player_ship->NumFlightDecks() > 0) gamescreen->ShowFltDlg(); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_ENG_DLG)) { if (player_ship && player_ship->Design()->repair_screen) gamescreen->ShowEngDlg(); time_til_change = 0.5; } } if (cam_dir) { double spin = (PI/2) * Game::FrameTime(); // Game::GUITime(); if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_EXT_PLUS_AZ)) cam_dir->ExternalAzimuth(spin); else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_EXT_MINUS_AZ)) cam_dir->ExternalAzimuth(-spin); if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_EXT_PLUS_EL)) cam_dir->ExternalElevation(spin); else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_EXT_MINUS_EL)) cam_dir->ExternalElevation(-spin); if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_VIRT_PLUS_AZ)) cam_dir->VirtualAzimuth(-spin); else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_VIRT_MINUS_AZ)) cam_dir->VirtualAzimuth(spin); if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_VIRT_PLUS_EL)) cam_dir->VirtualElevation(spin); else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_VIRT_MINUS_EL)) cam_dir->VirtualElevation(-spin); if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_EXT_PLUS_RANGE)){ if (!gamescreen->IsNavShown()) { cam_dir->ExternalRange((float) (1 + 1.5 * Game::FrameTime())); // 1.1f); } } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CAM_EXT_MINUS_RANGE)) { if (!gamescreen->IsNavShown()) { cam_dir->ExternalRange((float) (1 - 1.5 * Game::FrameTime())); // 0.9f); } } if (tactical && !gamescreen->IsFormShown()) { if (Mouse::Wheel()) { int w = Mouse::Wheel(); if (w < 0) { while (w < 0) { cam_dir->ExternalRange(1.25f); w += 120; } } else { while (w > 0) { cam_dir->ExternalRange(0.75f); w -= 120; } } } else if (Mouse::LButton() && Mouse::RButton()) { if (mouse_dy < 0) cam_dir->ExternalRange(0.85f); else if (mouse_dy > 0) cam_dir->ExternalRange(1.15f); } else if (Mouse::MButton() && time_til_change <= 0) { time_til_change = 0.5; ViewSelection(); } else { if (mouse_dx || mouse_dy) { if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_VIRTUAL) { cam_dir->VirtualAzimuth( mouse_dx * 0.2 * DEGREES); cam_dir->VirtualElevation(mouse_dy * 0.2 * DEGREES); } else { cam_dir->ExternalAzimuth( mouse_dx * 0.2 * DEGREES); cam_dir->ExternalElevation(mouse_dy * 0.2 * DEGREES); } } } } } // radio message hot keys: static bool comm_key = false; if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_ATTACK_TGT)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::ATTACK); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_ESCORT_TGT)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::ESCORT); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_WEP_FREE)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::WEP_FREE); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_WEP_HOLD)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::FORM_UP); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_COVER_ME)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::COVER_ME); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_SKIP_NAV)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::SKIP_NAVPOINT); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_RETURN_TO_BASE)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::RTB); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_CALL_INBOUND)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::CALL_INBOUND); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_REQUEST_PICTURE)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::REQUEST_PICTURE); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_COMM_REQUEST_SUPPORT)) { if (!comm_key) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(player_ship, RadioMessage::REQUEST_SUPPORT); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CHAT_BROADCAST)) { if (!comm_key) SetChatMode(CHAT_BROADCAST); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CHAT_TEAM)) { if (!comm_key) SetChatMode(CHAT_TEAM); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CHAT_WING)) { if (!comm_key) SetChatMode(CHAT_WING); comm_key = true; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CHAT_UNIT) && sim->GetSelection().container().size()) { if (!comm_key) SetChatMode(CHAT_UNIT); comm_key = true; } else { comm_key = false; } } void Starshatter::DoChatMode() { Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); bool send_chat = false; Text name = "Player"; if (player_ship) name = player_ship->Name(); if (p) name = p->Name(); if (chat_text.length()) { if (chat_text[0] >= '0' && chat_text[0] <= '9') { if (p) { chat_text = p->ChatMacro(chat_text[0] - '0'); send_chat = true; } } } if (KeyDown(KEY_EXIT)) { SetChatMode(0); time_til_change = 0.5; } else if (send_chat || Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_RETURN)) { switch (chat_mode) { default: case CHAT_BROADCAST: { NetUtil::SendChat(0, name, chat_text); } break; case CHAT_TEAM: if (player_ship) { NetUtil::SendChat(player_ship->GetIFF()+1, name, chat_text); } break; case CHAT_WING: if (player_ship) { Element* elem = player_ship->GetElement(); if (elem) { for (int i = 1; i <= elem->NumShips(); i++) { Ship* s = elem->GetShip(i); if (s && s != player_ship) NetUtil::SendChat(s->GetObjID(), name, chat_text); } } } break; case CHAT_UNIT: { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); ListIter seln = sim->GetSelection(); while (++seln) { Ship* s = seln.value(); if (s != player_ship) NetUtil::SendChat(s->GetObjID(), name, chat_text); } } break; } HUDView::Message("%s> %s", name.data(), chat_text.data()); SetChatMode(0); time_til_change = 0.5; } else { int key = 0; int shift = 0; while (GetKeyPlus(key, shift)) { if (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') { if (shift & 1) chat_text += (char) key; else chat_text += (char) tolower(key); } else { switch (key) { case VK_BACK: chat_text = chat_text.substring(0, chat_text.length()-1); break; case VK_SPACE: chat_text += ' '; break; case '0': if (shift & 1) chat_text += ')'; else chat_text += '0'; break; case '1': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '!'; else chat_text += '1'; break; case '2': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '@'; else chat_text += '2'; break; case '3': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '#'; else chat_text += '3'; break; case '4': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '$'; else chat_text += '4'; break; case '5': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '%'; else chat_text += '5'; break; case '6': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '^'; else chat_text += '6'; break; case '7': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '&'; else chat_text += '7'; break; case '8': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '*'; else chat_text += '8'; break; case '9': if (shift & 1) chat_text += '('; else chat_text += '9'; break; case 186: if (shift & 1) chat_text += ':'; else chat_text += ';'; break; case 187: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '+'; else chat_text += '='; break; case 188: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '<'; else chat_text += ','; break; case 189: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '_'; else chat_text += '-'; break; case 190: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '>'; else chat_text += '.'; break; case 191: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '?'; else chat_text += '/'; break; case 192: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '~'; else chat_text += '`'; break; case 219: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '{'; else chat_text += '['; break; case 221: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '}'; else chat_text += ']'; break; case 220: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '|'; else chat_text += '\\'; break; case 222: if (shift & 1) chat_text += '"'; else chat_text += '\''; break; } } } } } void Starshatter::SetChatMode(int mode) { if (mode >= 0 && mode <= 4 && mode != chat_mode) { chat_text = ""; if (!NetGame::IsNetGame()) { chat_mode = 0; } else { chat_mode = mode; // flush input before reading chat message: if (chat_mode) { FlushKeys(); } // flush input before sampling flight controls: else { for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++) { Keyboard::KeyDown(i); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::DoMouseFrame() { EventDispatch* event_dispatch = EventDispatch::GetInstance(); if (event_dispatch && event_dispatch->GetCapture()) return; mouse_dx = 0; mouse_dy = 0; static int old_mouse_x = 0; static int old_mouse_y = 0; if (!spinning && Mouse::RButton()) { spinning = true; old_mouse_x = Mouse::X(); old_mouse_y = Mouse::Y(); mouse_x = Mouse::X(); mouse_y = Mouse::Y(); Mouse::Show(false); } else if (spinning) { if (!Mouse::RButton()) { spinning = false; if (tactical) { Mouse::Show(true); Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::ARROW); } Mouse::SetCursorPos(old_mouse_x, old_mouse_y); } else { mouse_dx = Mouse::X() - mouse_x; mouse_dy = Mouse::Y() - mouse_y; Mouse::SetCursorPos(mouse_x, mouse_y); } } else if (cutscene || !player_ship) { Mouse::Show(false); return; } // hide mouse cursor when mouse controller is actively steering: else if (mouse_input && mouse_input->Active()) { if (mouse_input->Selector() == 1) { Mouse::Show(false); } else if (mouse_input->Selector() == 2) { Mouse::Show(true); Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::CROSS); } } else { HUDView* hud_view = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud_view && hud_view->GetHUDMode() != HUDView::HUD_MODE_OFF) { Mouse::Show(true); Mouse::SetCursor(Mouse::ARROW); } } if (gamescreen && gamescreen->IsFormShown()) return; TacticalView* tac_view = TacticalView::GetInstance(); if (tac_view) tac_view->DoMouseFrame(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SetupSplash() { Color::SetFade(0); if (gamewin) { screen->DelWindow(gamewin); delete gamewin; gamewin = 0; } switch (splash_index) { case 0: splash_image.ClearImage(); loader->SetDataPath(0); loader->LoadBitmap("matrix.pcx", splash_image); break; case 1: default: splash_image.ClearImage(); loader->SetDataPath(0); loader->LoadBitmap("studio.pcx", splash_image); break; } int screen_width = GetScreenWidth(); int screen_height = GetScreenHeight(); gamewin = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Window(screen, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height); splash = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) FadeView(gamewin, 2, 2, 2); gamewin->AddView(splash); gamewin->AddView(new(__FILE__,__LINE__) ImgView(gamewin, &splash_image)); screen->AddWindow(gamewin); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SetupMenuScreen() { if (menuscreen) { delete menuscreen; menuscreen = 0; } menuscreen = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) MenuScreen(); menuscreen->Setup(screen); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SetupCmpnScreen() { if (cmpnscreen) { delete cmpnscreen; cmpnscreen = 0; } cmpnscreen = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) CmpnScreen(); cmpnscreen->Setup(screen); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SetupPlanScreen() { if (planscreen) { delete planscreen; planscreen = 0; } planscreen = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) PlanScreen(); planscreen->Setup(screen); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SetupLoadScreen() { if (loadscreen) { delete loadscreen; loadscreen = 0; } loadscreen = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) LoadScreen(); loadscreen->Setup(screen); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SetupGameScreen() { if (gamescreen) { delete gamescreen; gamescreen = 0; } gamescreen = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) GameScreen(); gamescreen->Setup(screen); gamescreen->SetFieldOfView(field_of_view); // initialize player_ship's MFD choices: Player::SelectPlayer(Player::GetCurrentPlayer()); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::LoadVideoConfig(const char* filename) { // set up defaults: int screen_width = 1024; int screen_height = 768; int screen_depth = 32; int terrain_detail_level = 3; bool shadows_enabled = true; bool spec_maps_enabled = true; bool bump_maps_enabled = true; bool vertex_shader = true; bool pixel_shader = true; float depth_bias = video_settings->depth_bias; max_tex_size = 2048; if (MachineInfo::GetCpuSpeed() >= 1000 && MachineInfo::GetTotalRam() > 128) terrain_detail_level = 4; Terrain::SetDetailLevel(terrain_detail_level); // read the config file: BYTE* block = 0; int blocklen = 0; FILE* f = ::fopen(filename, "rb"); if (f) { ::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); blocklen = ftell(f); ::fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); block = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[blocklen+1]; block[blocklen] = 0; ::fread(block, blocklen, 1, f); ::fclose(f); } if (blocklen == 0) return; Parser parser(new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BlockReader((const char*) block, blocklen)); Term* term = parser.ParseTerm(); if (!term) { Print("ERROR: could not parse '%s'.\n", filename); exit(-3); } else { TermText* file_type = term->isText(); if (!file_type || file_type->value() != "VIDEO") { Print("WARNING: invalid %s file. Using defaults\n", filename); return; } } do { delete term; term = parser.ParseTerm(); if (term) { TermDef* def = term->isDef(); if (def) { if (def->name()->value() == "width") { int w; GetDefNumber(w, def, filename); switch (w) { case 800: screen_width = 800; screen_height = 600; break; case 1024: screen_width = 1024; screen_height = 768; break; case 1152: screen_width = 1152; screen_height = 864; break; case 1280: screen_width = 1280; screen_height = 960; break; case 1440: screen_width = 1440; screen_height = 900; break; default: screen_width = w; screen_height = (w*3)/4; break; } } else if (def->name()->value() == "height") { int h; GetDefNumber(h, def, filename); if (screen_width == 1280 && (h == 800 || h == 1024)) screen_height = h; else if (screen_width == 1600 && (h == 900 || h == 1200)) screen_height = h; } else if (def->name()->value() == "depth" || def->name()->value() == "bpp") { int bpp; GetDefNumber(bpp, def, filename); switch (bpp) { case 8: case 16: case 24: case 32: screen_depth = bpp; break; default: Print("WARNING: Invalid screen bpp (%d) in '%s'\n", bpp, filename); screen_depth = 8; break; } } else if (def->name()->value() == "max_tex") { int n; GetDefNumber(n, def, filename); if (n >= 64 && n <= 4096) max_tex_size = n; } else if (def->name()->value() == "gamma") { int level; GetDefNumber(level, def, filename); if (level >= 0 && level <= 255) gamma = level; } else if (def->name()->value() == "terrain_detail_level") { GetDefNumber(terrain_detail_level, def, filename); Terrain::SetDetailLevel(terrain_detail_level); } else if (def->name()->value() == "terrain_texture_enable") { bool enable; GetDefBool(enable, def, filename); // no longer supported! } else if (def->name()->value() == "shadows") { GetDefBool(shadows_enabled, def, filename); } else if (def->name()->value() == "spec_maps") { GetDefBool(spec_maps_enabled, def, filename); } else if (def->name()->value() == "bump_maps") { GetDefBool(bump_maps_enabled, def, filename); } else if (def->name()->value() == "vertex_shader") { GetDefBool(vertex_shader, def, filename); } else if (def->name()->value() == "pixel_shader") { GetDefBool(pixel_shader, def, filename); } else if (def->name()->value().contains("bias")) { GetDefNumber(depth_bias, def, filename); } else if (def->name()->value() == "flare") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, def, filename); lens_flare = b; } else if (def->name()->value() == "corona") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, def, filename); corona = b; } else if (def->name()->value() == "nebula") { bool b; GetDefBool(b, def, filename); nebula = b; } else if (def->name()->value() == "dust") { GetDefNumber(dust, def, filename); } else if (def->name()->value().indexOf("cam_range") == 0) { double range_max = 0; GetDefNumber(range_max, def, filename); CameraDirector::SetRangeLimit(range_max); } } else { Print("WARNING: term ignored in '%s'\n", filename); term->print(); } } } while (term); loader->ReleaseBuffer(block); if (video_settings) { video_settings->fullscreen_mode.width = screen_width; video_settings->fullscreen_mode.height = screen_height; if (screen_depth == 16) video_settings->fullscreen_mode.format = VideoMode::FMT_R5G6B5; else video_settings->fullscreen_mode.format = VideoMode::FMT_X8R8G8B8; video_settings->shadows = shadows_enabled; video_settings->specmaps = spec_maps_enabled; video_settings->bumpmaps = bump_maps_enabled; video_settings->enable_vs = vertex_shader; video_settings->enable_ps = pixel_shader; video_settings->depth_bias = depth_bias; } if (video) { video->SetShadowEnabled(shadows_enabled); video->SetSpecMapEnabled(spec_maps_enabled); video->SetBumpMapEnabled(bump_maps_enabled); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::SaveVideoConfig(const char* filename) { if (!video_settings) return; FILE* f = fopen(filename, "w"); if (f) { fprintf(f, "VIDEO\n\n"); fprintf(f, "width: %4d\n", video_settings->fullscreen_mode.width); fprintf(f, "height: %4d\n", video_settings->fullscreen_mode.height); fprintf(f, "depth: %4d\n", video_settings->fullscreen_mode.format == VideoMode::FMT_R5G6B5 ? 16 : 32); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "max_tex: %4d\n", max_tex_size); fprintf(f, "primary3D: %s\n", "true"); fprintf(f, "gamma: %4d\n", gamma); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "terrain_detail_level: %d\n", Terrain::DetailLevel()); fprintf(f, "terrain_texture_enable: %true\n"); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "shadows: %s\n", video_settings->shadows ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "spec_maps: %s\n", video_settings->specmaps ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "bump_maps: %s\n", video_settings->bumpmaps ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "bias: %f\n", video_settings->depth_bias); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "flare: %s\n", lens_flare ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "corona: %s\n", corona ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "nebula: %s\n", nebula ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(f, "dust: %d\n", dust); if (CameraDirector::GetRangeLimit() != 300e3) fprintf(f, " cam_range_max: %f,\n", CameraDirector::GetRangeLimit()); fclose(f); } video_changed = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::InvalidateTextureCache() { if (video) video->InvalidateCache(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Starshatter::ExecCutscene(const char* msn_file, const char* path) { if (InCutscene() || !msn_file || !*msn_file) return; if (!world) CreateWorld(); cutscene_mission = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Mission(0); cutscene_basetime = StarSystem::GetBaseTime(); if (cutscene_mission->Load(msn_file, path)) { Sim* sim = (Sim*) world; if (sim) { bool dynamic = false; Campaign* campaign = Campaign::GetCampaign(); if (campaign && campaign->IsDynamic()) dynamic = true; sim->UnloadMission(); sim->LoadMission(cutscene_mission, true); // attempt to preload the tex cache sim->ExecMission(); sim->ShowGrid(false); player_ship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); Print(" Cutscene Instantiated.\n"); UpdateWorld(); } } else { delete cutscene_mission; cutscene_mission = 0; cutscene_basetime = 0; } } void Starshatter::BeginCutscene() { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (cutscene == 0 && !sim->IsNetGame()) { HUDView* hud_view = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud_view) hud_view->SetHUDMode(HUDView::HUD_MODE_OFF); if (sim->GetPlayerShip()) sim->GetPlayerShip()->SetControls(0); AudioConfig* audio_cfg = AudioConfig::GetInstance(); if (audio_cfg) { cut_efx_volume = audio_cfg->GetEfxVolume(); cut_wrn_volume = audio_cfg->GetWrnVolume(); } Ship::SetFlightModel(Ship::FM_ARCADE); } cutscene++; } void Starshatter::EndCutscene() { cutscene--; if (cutscene == 0) { DisplayView* disp_view = DisplayView::GetInstance(); if (disp_view) disp_view->ClearDisplay(); HUDView* hud_view = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud_view) hud_view->SetHUDMode(HUDView::HUD_MODE_TAC); Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim->GetPlayerShip()) sim->GetPlayerShip()->SetControls(sim->GetControls()); if (cam_dir) { cam_dir->SetViewOrbital(0); CameraDirector::SetRangeLimits(10, CameraDirector::GetRangeLimit()); cam_dir->SetOrbitPoint(PI/4,PI/4,1); cam_dir->SetOrbitRates(0,0,0); } AudioConfig* audio_cfg = AudioConfig::GetInstance(); if (audio_cfg) { audio_cfg->SetEfxVolume(cut_efx_volume); audio_cfg->SetWrnVolume(cut_wrn_volume); } Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); if (p) Ship::SetFlightModel(p->FlightModel()); } } void Starshatter::EndMission() { if (cutscene_mission) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim && sim->GetMission() == cutscene_mission) { ShipStats::Initialize(); sim->UnloadMission(); // restore world clock (true => absolute time reference) if (cutscene_basetime != 0) StarSystem::SetBaseTime(cutscene_basetime, true); delete cutscene_mission; cutscene_mission = 0; cutscene_basetime = 0; return; } } SetGameMode(Starshatter::PLAN_MODE); } Mission* Starshatter::GetCutsceneMission() const { return cutscene_mission; } const char* Starshatter::GetSubtitles() const { if (cutscene_mission) return cutscene_mission->Subtitles(); return ""; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Starshatter::GetLobbyMode() { return lobby_mode; } void Starshatter::SetLobbyMode(int mode) { lobby_mode = mode; } void Starshatter::StartLobby() { if (!net_lobby) { if (lobby_mode == NET_LOBBY_SERVER) { NetServerConfig::Initialize(); NetServerConfig* server_config = NetServerConfig::GetInstance(); if (server_config) net_lobby = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetLobbyServer; } else { NetClientConfig* client_config = NetClientConfig::GetInstance(); if (client_config) client_config->Login(); net_lobby = NetLobby::GetInstance(); } } lobby_mode = NET_LOBBY_CLIENT; } void Starshatter::StopLobby() { if (net_lobby) { if (net_lobby->IsServer()) { delete net_lobby; NetServerConfig::Close(); } else { NetClientConfig* client_config = NetClientConfig::GetInstance(); if (client_config) client_config->Logout(); } net_lobby = 0; } lobby_mode = NET_LOBBY_CLIENT; } void Starshatter::StopNetGame() { // local server: NetLobby* lobby = NetLobby::GetInstance(); if (lobby && lobby->IsServer()) { lobby->GameStop(); } // client connected to remote server: else { NetClientConfig* config = NetClientConfig::GetInstance(); if (config && config->GetHostRequest()) { config->Login(); NetLobbyClient* conn = config->GetConnection(); if (conn) { conn->GameStop(); conn->SelectMission(0); } } } }