/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Classes for rendering solid meshes of polygons */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Solid.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Shadow.h" #include "Projector.h" #include "Opcode.h" #include "Utils.h" #ifdef for #undef for #endif // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static bool use_collision_detection = true; bool Solid::IsCollisionEnabled() { return use_collision_detection; } void Solid::EnableCollision(bool e) { use_collision_detection = e; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Opcode::AABBTreeCollider opcode_collider; class OPCODE_data { public: OPCODE_data(Surface* s) { bool status = false; if (s) { using namespace Opcode; opcode_collider.SetFirstContact(true); npolys = s->NumPolys(); nverts = s->NumVerts(); ntris = s->NumIndices() / 3; locs = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) IcePoint[nverts]; tris = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) IndexedTriangle[ntris]; if (locs && tris) { int i, n = 0; for (i = 0; i < nverts; i++) { IcePoint* p = locs + i; Vec3* v = s->GetVertexSet()->loc + i; p->Set(v->x, v->y, v->z); } for (i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = s->GetPolys() + i; if (p->nverts == 3) { IndexedTriangle& t = tris[n++]; t.mVRef[0] = p->verts[0]; t.mVRef[1] = p->verts[2]; t.mVRef[2] = p->verts[1]; } else { IndexedTriangle& t1 = tris[n++]; IndexedTriangle& t2 = tris[n++]; t1.mVRef[0] = p->verts[0]; t1.mVRef[1] = p->verts[2]; t1.mVRef[2] = p->verts[1]; t2.mVRef[0] = p->verts[0]; t2.mVRef[1] = p->verts[3]; t2.mVRef[2] = p->verts[2]; } } mesh.SetNbVertices(nverts); mesh.SetNbTriangles(ntris); mesh.SetPointers(tris, locs); OPCODECREATE creator; creator.mIMesh = &mesh; status = model.Build(creator); } } else { tris = 0; locs = 0; npolys = 0; nverts = 0; ntris = 0; } } ~OPCODE_data() { delete [] tris; delete [] locs; } Opcode::Model model; Opcode::MeshInterface mesh; IndexedTriangle* tris; IcePoint* locs; int npolys; int nverts; int ntris; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Solid::Solid() : model(0), own_model(1), roll(0.0f), pitch(0.0f), yaw(0.0f), intersection_poly(0) { shadow = true; sprintf_s(name, "Solid %d", id); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Solid::~Solid() { if (own_model) delete model; shadows.destroy(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::Update() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::SetOrientation(const Matrix& o) { orientation = o; } void Solid::SetLuminous(bool l) { luminous = l; if (model && luminous) { model->luminous = luminous; ListIter iter = model->GetMaterials(); while (++iter) { Material* mtl = iter.value(); mtl->Ka = Color::Black; mtl->Kd = Color::Black; mtl->Ks = Color::Black; mtl->Ke = Color::White; if (mtl->tex_diffuse && !mtl->tex_emissive) mtl->tex_emissive = mtl->tex_diffuse; } ListIter s_iter = model->GetSurfaces(); while (++s_iter) { Surface* surface = s_iter.value(); VertexSet* vset = surface->GetVertexSet(); for (int i = 0; i < vset->nverts; i++) { vset->diffuse[i] = Color::White.Value(); vset->specular[i] = Color::Black.Value(); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::SetOrientation(const Solid& match) { if (!model || infinite) return; // copy the orientation matrix from the solid we are matching: orientation = match.Orientation(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::Render(Video* video, DWORD flags) { if (flags & RENDER_ADDITIVE) return; if (video && model && model->NumPolys()) { DWORD blend_modes = Video::BLEND_SOLID; if (flags == RENDER_ALPHA) blend_modes = Video::BLEND_ALPHA | Video::BLEND_ADDITIVE; video->DrawSolid(this, blend_modes); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::SelectDetail(Projector* p) { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::ProjectScreenRect(Projector* p) { if (model && p) { Point tmp = loc; p->Transform(tmp); if (tmp.z > 1) { int l = 2000; int r = -2000; int t = 2000; int b = -2000; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Point extent; if (i < 2) extent.x = model->extents[i]; else if (i < 4) extent.y = model->extents[i]; else extent.z = model->extents[i]; extent = extent * orientation + loc; p->Transform(extent); p->Project(extent); if (extent.x < l) l = (int) extent.x; if (extent.x > r) r = (int) extent.x; if (extent.y < t) t = (int) extent.y; if (extent.y > b) b = (int) extent.y; } screen_rect.x = l; screen_rect.y = t; screen_rect.w = r-l; screen_rect.h = b-t; return; } } screen_rect.x = 2000; screen_rect.y = 2000; screen_rect.w = 0; screen_rect.h = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Polygon Interference Detection: int Solid::CollidesWith(Graphic& o) { Vec3 delta_loc = Location() - o.Location(); // bounding spheres test: if (delta_loc.length() > Radius() + o.Radius()) return 0; // possible collision, but no further refinement can be done: if (!o.IsSolid()) return 1; Solid& s = (Solid&) o; // use the OPCODE library to check for polygon interference: if (model && s.model) { using namespace Opcode; bool contact = false; // first, reverse the orientation matrices for OPCODE: Matrix m1 = orientation; Matrix m2 = s.orientation; Matrix4x4 world0; Matrix4x4 world1; world0.m[0][0] = (float) m1.elem[0][0]; world0.m[0][1] = (float) m1.elem[0][1]; world0.m[0][2] = (float) m1.elem[0][2]; world0.m[0][3] = 0.0f; world0.m[1][0] = (float) m1.elem[1][0]; world0.m[1][1] = (float) m1.elem[1][1]; world0.m[1][2] = (float) m1.elem[1][2]; world0.m[1][3] = 0.0f; world0.m[2][0] = (float) m1.elem[2][0]; world0.m[2][1] = (float) m1.elem[2][1]; world0.m[2][2] = (float) m1.elem[2][2]; world0.m[2][3] = 0.0f; world0.m[3][0] = (float) Location().x; world0.m[3][1] = (float) Location().y; world0.m[3][2] = (float) Location().z; world0.m[3][3] = 1.0f; world1.m[0][0] = (float) m2.elem[0][0]; world1.m[0][1] = (float) m2.elem[1][0]; world1.m[0][2] = (float) m2.elem[2][0]; world1.m[0][3] = 0.0f; world1.m[1][0] = (float) m2.elem[0][1]; world1.m[1][1] = (float) m2.elem[1][1]; world1.m[1][2] = (float) m2.elem[2][1]; world1.m[1][3] = 0.0f; world1.m[2][0] = (float) m2.elem[0][2]; world1.m[2][1] = (float) m2.elem[1][2]; world1.m[2][2] = (float) m2.elem[2][2]; world1.m[2][3] = 0.0f; world1.m[3][0] = (float) s.Location().x; world1.m[3][1] = (float) s.Location().y; world1.m[3][2] = (float) s.Location().z; world1.m[3][3] = 1.0f; ListIter s1_iter = model->surfaces; while (++s1_iter && !contact) { Surface* s1 = s1_iter.value(); ListIter s2_iter = s.model->surfaces; while (++s2_iter && !contact) { Surface* s2 = s2_iter.value(); if (s1->opcode && s2->opcode) { BVTCache bvt; bvt.Model0 = &s1->opcode->model; bvt.Model1 = &s2->opcode->model; if (opcode_collider.Collide(bvt, &world0, &world1)) if (opcode_collider.GetContactStatus() != 0) contact = true; } } } return contact; } return 1; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Find the intersection of the ray (Q + w*len) with the solid. // If the ray intersects a polygon of the solid, place the intersection // point in ipt, and return 1. Otherwise, return 0. int Solid::CheckRayIntersection(Point Q, Point w, double len, Point& ipt, bool treat_translucent_polys_as_solid) { int impact = 0; if (!model || model->npolys < 1) return impact; // check right angle spherical distance: Point d0 = loc - Q; Point d1 = d0.cross(w); double dlen = d1.length(); // distance of point from line if (dlen > radius) // clean miss return 0; // (no impact) // possible collision course... /********************************** /--- + leading_edge = Q + w * len / / \ delta2 / delta 0 / / \ / *........x <- solid location / / / / delta1 /--- Q * = closest point ************************************/ // find the point on the ray that is closest // to the solid's location: Point closest = Q + w * (d0 * w); // find the leading edge, and it's distance from the location: Point leading_edge = Q + w*len; Point leading_delta = leading_edge - loc; double leading_dist = leading_delta.length(); // if the leading edge is not within the bounding sphere, if (leading_dist > radius) { // check to see if the closest point is between the // ray's endpoints: Point delta1 = closest - Q; Point delta2 = leading_edge - Q; // this is w*len // if the closest point is not between the leading edge // and the origin, this ray does not intersect: if (delta1 * delta2 < 0 || delta1.length() > len) { return 0; } } // probable hit at this point... // if not active, that's good enough: if (GetScene() == 0) { ipt = closest; return 1; } // transform ray into object space: Matrix xform(Orientation()); Vec3 tmp = w; w.x = tmp * Vec3(xform(0,0), xform(0,1), xform(0,2)); w.y = tmp * Vec3(xform(1,0), xform(1,1), xform(1,2)); w.z = tmp * Vec3(xform(2,0), xform(2,1), xform(2,2)); tmp = Q-loc; Q.x = tmp * Vec3(xform(0,0), xform(0,1), xform(0,2)); Q.y = tmp * Vec3(xform(1,0), xform(1,1), xform(1,2)); Q.z = tmp * Vec3(xform(2,0), xform(2,1), xform(2,2)); double min = len; intersection_poly = 0; // check each polygon: ListIter iter = model->surfaces; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); Poly* p = s->GetPolys(); for (int i = 0; i < s->NumPolys(); i++) { if (!treat_translucent_polys_as_solid && p->material && !p->material->IsSolid()) { p++; continue; } Point v = p->plane.normal; double d = p->plane.distance; double denom = w*v; if (denom < -1.0e-5) { Point P = v * d; double ilen = ((P-Q)*v)/denom; if (ilen > 0 && ilen < min) { Point intersect = Q + w * ilen; if (p->Contains(intersect)) { intersection_poly = p; ipt = intersect; min = ilen; impact = 1; } } } p++; } } // xform impact point back into world coordinates: if (impact) { ipt = (ipt * Orientation()) + loc; } return impact; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::ClearModel() { if (own_model && model) { delete model; model = 0; } radius = 0.0f; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::UseModel(Model* m) { // get rid of the existing model: ClearModel(); // point to the new model: own_model = 0; model = m; radius = m->radius; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Solid::Load(const char* mag_file, double scale) { // get ready to load, delete existing model: ClearModel(); // loading our own copy, so we own the model: model = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Model; own_model = 1; // now load the model: if (model->Load(mag_file, scale)) { radius = model->radius; strncpy_s(name, model->name, sizeof(name)); return true; } // load failed: ClearModel(); return false; } bool Solid::Load(ModelFile* mod_file, double scale) { // get ready to load, delete existing model: ClearModel(); // loading our own copy, so we own the model: model = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Model; own_model = 1; // now load the model: if (model->Load(mod_file, scale)) { radius = model->radius; return true; } // load failed: ClearModel(); return false; } bool Solid::Rescale(double scale) { if (!own_model || !model) return false; radius = 0; ListIter iter = model->GetSurfaces(); while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); for (int v = 0; v < s->NumVerts(); v++) { s->vertex_set->loc[v] *= (float) scale; s->vloc[v] *= (float) scale; float lvi = s->vloc[v].length(); if (lvi > radius) radius = lvi; } } model->radius = radius; InvalidateSurfaceData(); return true; } void Solid::CreateShadows(int nlights) { while (shadows.size() < nlights) { shadows.append(new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Shadow(this)); } } void Solid::UpdateShadows(List& lights) { List active_lights; ListIter iter = lights; while (++iter) { Light* light = iter.value(); if (light->IsActive() && light->CastsShadow()) { double distance = Point(Location() - light->Location()).length(); double intensity = light->Intensity(); if (light->Type() == Light::LIGHT_POINT) { if (intensity / distance > 1) active_lights.append(light); } else if (light->Type() == Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) { if (intensity > 0.65) active_lights.insert(light); } } } iter.attach(active_lights); while (++iter) { Light* light = iter.value(); int index = iter.index(); if (index < shadows.size()) { shadows[index]->Update(light); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::DeletePrivateData() { if (model) model->DeletePrivateData(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::InvalidateSurfaceData() { if (!model) return; bool invalidate = model->IsDynamic(); ListIter iter = model->GetSurfaces(); while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); VideoPrivateData* vpd = s->GetVideoPrivateData(); if (vpd) { if (invalidate) { vpd->Invalidate(); } else { delete vpd; s->SetVideoPrivateData(0); } } } } void Solid::InvalidateSegmentData() { if (!model) return; bool invalidate = model->IsDynamic(); ListIter iter = model->GetSurfaces(); while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); ListIter seg_iter = s->GetSegments(); while (++seg_iter) { Segment* segment = seg_iter.value(); VideoPrivateData* vpd = segment->GetVideoPrivateData(); if (vpd) { if (invalidate) { vpd->Invalidate(); } else { delete vpd; segment->SetVideoPrivateData(0); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Solid::IsDynamic() const { if (model) return model->IsDynamic(); return false; } void Solid::SetDynamic(bool d) { if (model && own_model) model->SetDynamic(d); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Solid::GetAllTextures(List& textures) { if (model) model->GetAllTextures(textures); } void Model::GetAllTextures(List& textures) { ListIter m_iter = materials; while (++m_iter) { Material* m = m_iter.value(); if (m->tex_diffuse && !textures.contains(m->tex_diffuse)) textures.append(m->tex_diffuse); if (m->tex_specular && !textures.contains(m->tex_specular)) textures.append(m->tex_specular); if (m->tex_emissive && !textures.contains(m->tex_emissive)) textures.append(m->tex_emissive); if (m->tex_bumpmap && !textures.contains(m->tex_bumpmap)) textures.append(m->tex_bumpmap); if (m->tex_detail && !textures.contains(m->tex_detail)) textures.append(m->tex_detail); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Model::Model() : nverts(0), npolys(0), radius(0), luminous(false), dynamic(false) { ZeroMemory(name, sizeof(name)); } Model::Model(const Model& m) : nverts(0), npolys(0), radius(0), luminous(false), dynamic(false) { operator=(m); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Model::~Model() { surfaces.destroy(); materials.destroy(); } Model& Model::operator = (const Model& m) { if (this != &m) { surfaces.destroy(); materials.destroy(); CopyMemory(name, m.name, Solid::NAMELEN); nverts = m.nverts; npolys = m.npolys; radius = m.radius; luminous = m.luminous; dynamic = m.dynamic; Model* pmod = (Model*) &m; ListIter m_iter = pmod->materials; while (++m_iter) { Material* matl1 = m_iter.value(); Material* matl2 = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; CopyMemory(matl2, matl1, sizeof(Material)); matl2->thumbnail = 0; materials.append(matl2); } ListIter s_iter = pmod->surfaces; while (++s_iter) { Surface* surf1 = s_iter.value(); Surface* surf2 = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Surface; surf2->Copy(*surf1, this); surfaces.append(surf2); } } return *this; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Model::NumSegments() const { int nsegments = 0; for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.size(); i++) { const Surface* s = surfaces[i]; nsegments += s->NumSegments(); } return nsegments; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ inline bool Collinear(const double* a, const double* b, const double* c) { Point ab(b[0]-a[0], b[1]-a[1], b[2]-a[2]); Point ac(c[0]-a[0], c[1]-a[1], c[2]-a[2]); Point cross = ab.cross(ac); return (cross.length() == 0); } struct HomogenousPlane { double distance; double normal_x; double normal_y; double normal_z; double normal_w; }; static void LoadPlane(Plane& p, DataLoader* l, BYTE*& fp) { HomogenousPlane tmp; l->fread(&tmp, sizeof(HomogenousPlane), 1, fp); } static void LoadFlags(LPDWORD flags, DataLoader* l, BYTE*& fp) { DWORD magic_flags; l->fread(&magic_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); /** OLD MAGIC FLAGS enum { FLAT_SHADED = 1, LUMINOUS = 2, TRANSLUCENT = 4, \\ must swap CHROMAKEY = 8, // these two FOREGROUND = 16, -- not used WIREFRAME = 32, -- not used SPECULAR1 = 64, SPECULAR2 = 128 }; ***/ const DWORD magic_mask = 0x0fc3; *flags = magic_flags & magic_mask; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Model::Load(const char* mag_file, double scale) { BYTE* block; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); bool result = false; radius = 0.0f; extents[0] = 0.0f; extents[1] = 0.0f; extents[2] = 0.0f; extents[3] = 0.0f; extents[4] = 0.0f; extents[5] = 0.0f; if (!loader) { Print("MAG Open Failed: no data loader for file '%s'\n", mag_file); return result; } int size = loader->LoadBuffer(mag_file, block); BYTE* fp = block; // check MAG file: if (!size) { Print("MAG Open Failed: could not open file '%s'\n", mag_file); return result; } strncpy_s(name, mag_file, 31); name[31] = 0; char file_id[5]; CopyMemory(file_id, block, 4); file_id[4] = '\0'; int version = 1; if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG6")) { version = 6; } else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG5")) { version = 5; } else if (!strcmp(file_id, "MAG4")) { version = 4; } else { Print("MAG Open Failed: File '%s' Invalid file type '%s'\n", mag_file, file_id); loader->ReleaseBuffer(block); return result; } // get ready to load, delete existing model: surfaces.destroy(); materials.destroy(); nverts = 0; npolys = 0; // now load the model: switch (version) { case 4: case 5: result = LoadMag5(block, size, scale); break; case 6: result = LoadMag6(block, size, scale); break; default: break; } loader->ReleaseBuffer(block); return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Model::Load(ModelFile* mod_file, double scale) { if (mod_file) { return mod_file->Load(this, scale); } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int mcomp(const void* a, const void* b) { Poly* pa = (Poly*) a; Poly* pb = (Poly*) b; if (pa->sortval == pb->sortval) return 0; if (pa->sortval < pb->sortval) return 1; return -1; } bool Model::LoadMag5(BYTE* block, int len, double scale) { bool result = false; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); BYTE* fp = block + 4; int ntex = 0; int nsurfs = 0; loader->fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp); loader->fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp); // create a default gray material: Material* mtl = new Material; if (mtl) { mtl->Ka = Color::LightGray; mtl->Kd = Color::LightGray; mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f); mtl->power = 20.0f; mtl->ambient_value = 1.0f; mtl->ambient_color = Color::LightGray; mtl->diffuse_value = 1.0f; mtl->diffuse_color = Color::LightGray; mtl->specular_value = 0.2f; mtl->specular_color = Color::White; strcpy_s(mtl->name, "(default)"); materials.append(mtl); } // read texture list: for (int i = 0; i < ntex; i++) { mtl = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; char tname[32]; if (mtl) { mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f); mtl->Kd = ColorValue(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f); mtl->power = 20.0f; mtl->ambient_value = 1.0f; mtl->ambient_color = Color::Gray; mtl->diffuse_value = 1.0f; mtl->diffuse_color = Color::White; mtl->specular_value = 0.2f; mtl->specular_color = Color::White; loader->fread(tname, 32, 1, fp); loader->LoadTexture(tname, mtl->tex_diffuse, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID, true); strcpy_s(mtl->name, tname); char* dot = strrchr(mtl->name, '.'); if (dot) *dot = 0; char* plus = strrchr(mtl->name, '+'); if (plus) *plus = 0; materials.append(mtl); } } loader->fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp); loader->fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp); // plan on creating four verts per poly: int mag_nverts = nverts; int next_vert = nverts; nverts = npolys * 4; Surface* s = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Surface; VertexSet* vset = 0; if (s) { strcpy_s(s->name, "default"); s->model = this; s->vertex_set = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(nverts); s->vloc = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Vec3[nverts]; ZeroMemory(s->vertex_set->loc, nverts * sizeof(Vec3)); ZeroMemory(s->vertex_set->diffuse, nverts * sizeof(DWORD)); ZeroMemory(s->vertex_set->specular, nverts * sizeof(DWORD)); ZeroMemory(s->vertex_set->tu, nverts * sizeof(float)); ZeroMemory(s->vertex_set->tv, nverts * sizeof(float)); ZeroMemory(s->vertex_set->rw, nverts * sizeof(float)); ZeroMemory(s->vloc, nverts * sizeof(Vec3)); s->npolys = npolys; s->polys = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Poly[npolys]; ZeroMemory(s->polys, sizeof(Poly) * npolys); surfaces.append(s); vset = s->vertex_set; int v; // read vertex set: for (v = 0; v < mag_nverts; v++) { Vec3 vert, norm; DWORD vstate; loader->fread(&vert, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp); loader->fread(&norm, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp); loader->fread(&vstate, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); vert.SwapYZ(); vert *= (float) scale; vset->loc[v] = vert; vset->nrm[v] = norm; double d = vert.length(); if (d > radius) radius = (float) d; if (vert.x > extents[0]) extents[0] = vert.x; if (vert.x < extents[1]) extents[1] = vert.x; if (vert.y > extents[2]) extents[2] = vert.y; if (vert.y < extents[3]) extents[3] = vert.y; if (vert.z > extents[4]) extents[4] = vert.z; if (vert.z < extents[5]) extents[5] = vert.z; } while (v < nverts) vset->nrm[v++] = Vec3(1,0,0); // read polys: Vec3 dummy_center; DWORD dummy_flags; DWORD dummy_color; Plane dummy_plane; int texture_num; int poly_nverts; int vert_index_buffer[32]; float texture_index_buffer[32]; for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = s->polys[n]; poly.vertex_set = vset; loader->fread(&dummy_flags, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); loader->fread(&dummy_center, sizeof(Vec3), 1, fp); LoadPlane(dummy_plane, loader, fp); loader->fread(&dummy_color, sizeof(DWORD), 1, fp); loader->fread(&texture_num, sizeof(int), 1, fp); if (texture_num >= 0 && texture_num < ntex) { int mtl_num = texture_num + 1; poly.material = materials[mtl_num]; poly.sortval = texture_num; bool flag_translucent = (dummy_flags & 0x04) ? true : false; bool flag_transparent = (dummy_flags & 0x08) ? true : false; // luminous if (dummy_flags & 2) { mtl = materials[mtl_num]; mtl->Ka = ColorValue(0,0,0,0); mtl->Kd = ColorValue(0,0,0,0); mtl->Ks = ColorValue(0,0,0,0); mtl->Ke = ColorValue(1,1,1,1); mtl->tex_emissive = mtl->tex_diffuse; } // glowing (additive) if (flag_translucent && flag_transparent) materials[mtl_num]->blend = Material::MTL_ADDITIVE; // translucent (alpha) else if (flag_translucent) materials[mtl_num]->blend = Material::MTL_TRANSLUCENT; // transparent (just use alpha for this) else if (flag_transparent) materials[mtl_num]->blend = Material::MTL_TRANSLUCENT; } else { poly.material = materials.first(); poly.sortval = 1000; } // hack: store flat shaded flag in unused visible byte poly.visible = (BYTE) (dummy_flags & 1); loader->fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(int), 1, fp); loader->fread(vert_index_buffer, sizeof(int), poly_nverts, fp); if (poly_nverts == 3) s->nindices += 3; else if (poly_nverts == 4) s->nindices += 6; poly.nverts = poly_nverts; for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { v = vert_index_buffer[vi]; if (vset->rw[v] > 0) { vset->CopyVertex(next_vert, v); v = next_vert++; } vset->rw[v] = 1; poly.verts[vi] = v; } loader->fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tu's for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { v = poly.verts[vi]; vset->tu[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi]; } loader->fread(texture_index_buffer, sizeof(float), poly_nverts, fp); // tv's for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { v = poly.verts[vi]; vset->tv[v] = texture_index_buffer[vi]; } fp += 16; } // pass 2 (adjust vertex normals for flat polys): for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = s->polys[n]; poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]], vset->loc[poly.verts[2]], vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]); // hack: retrieve flat shaded flag from unused visible byte if (poly.visible) { poly_nverts = poly.nverts; for (int vi = 0; vi < poly_nverts; vi++) { v = poly.verts[vi]; vset->nrm[v] = poly.plane.normal; } } } // sort the polys by material index: qsort((void*) s->polys, s->npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp); // then assign them to cohesive segments: Segment* segment = 0; for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { if (segment && segment->material == s->polys[n].material) { segment->npolys++; } else { segment = 0; } if (!segment) { segment = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Segment; segment->npolys = 1; segment->polys = &s->polys[n]; segment->material = segment->polys->material; segment->model = this; s->segments.append(segment); } } s->BuildHull(); result = nverts && npolys; } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ struct MaterialMag6 { char name[Material::NAMELEN]; char shader[Material::NAMELEN]; float power; // highlight sharpness (big=shiny) float brilliance; // diffuse power function float bump; // bump level (0=none) DWORD blend; // alpha blend type bool shadow; // material casts shadow bool luminous; // verts have their own lighting Color ambient_color; Color diffuse_color; Color specular_color; Color emissive_color; float ambient_value; float diffuse_value; float specular_value; float emissive_value; BYTE tex_diffuse; BYTE tex_specular; BYTE tex_bumpmap; BYTE tex_emissive; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Model::LoadMag6(BYTE* block, int len, double scale) { bool result = false; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); BYTE* fp = block + 4; int ntex = 0; int nmtls = 0; int nsurfs = 0; List textures; loader->fread(&ntex, sizeof(ntex), 1, fp); // size of texture block loader->fread(&nmtls, sizeof(nmtls), 1, fp); // number of materials loader->fread(&nsurfs, sizeof(nsurfs), 1, fp); // number of surfaces // read texture list: if (ntex) { char* buffer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) char[ntex]; char* p = buffer; Bitmap* bmp = 0; loader->fread(buffer, ntex, 1, fp); while (p < buffer + ntex) { loader->LoadTexture(p, bmp, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID, true); textures.append(bmp); p += strlen(p) + 1; } delete [] buffer; } for (int i = 0; i < nmtls; i++) { MaterialMag6 m6; Material* mtl = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; loader->fread(&m6, sizeof(m6), 1, fp); if (mtl) { CopyMemory(mtl->name, m6.name, Material::NAMELEN); CopyMemory(mtl->shader, m6.shader, Material::NAMELEN); mtl->ambient_value = m6.ambient_value; mtl->ambient_color = m6.ambient_color; mtl->diffuse_value = m6.diffuse_value; mtl->diffuse_color = m6.diffuse_color; mtl->specular_value = m6.specular_value; mtl->specular_color = m6.specular_color; mtl->emissive_value = m6.emissive_value; mtl->emissive_color = m6.emissive_color; mtl->Ka = ColorValue(mtl->ambient_color) * mtl->ambient_value; mtl->Kd = ColorValue(mtl->diffuse_color) * mtl->diffuse_value; mtl->Ks = ColorValue(mtl->specular_color) * mtl->specular_value; mtl->Ke = ColorValue(mtl->emissive_color) * mtl->emissive_value; mtl->power = m6.power; mtl->brilliance = m6.brilliance; mtl->bump = m6.bump; mtl->blend = m6.blend; mtl->shadow = m6.shadow; mtl->luminous = m6.luminous; if (m6.tex_diffuse && m6.tex_diffuse <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_diffuse = textures[m6.tex_diffuse - 1]; if (m6.tex_specular && m6.tex_specular <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_specular = textures[m6.tex_specular - 1]; if (m6.tex_emissive && m6.tex_emissive <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_emissive = textures[m6.tex_emissive - 1]; if (m6.tex_bumpmap && m6.tex_bumpmap <= textures.size()) mtl->tex_bumpmap = textures[m6.tex_bumpmap - 1]; materials.append(mtl); } } for (int i = 0; i < nsurfs; i++) { int nverts = 0; int npolys = 0; BYTE namelen = 0; char name[128]; loader->fread(&nverts, 4, 1, fp); loader->fread(&npolys, 4, 1, fp); loader->fread(&namelen, 1, 1, fp); loader->fread(name, 1, namelen, fp); Surface* surface = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Surface; surface->model = this; surface->SetName(name); surface->CreateVerts(nverts); surface->CreatePolys(npolys); VertexSet* vset = surface->GetVertexSet(); Poly* polys = surface->GetPolys(); ZeroMemory(polys, sizeof(Poly) * npolys); // read vertex set: for (int v = 0; v < nverts; v++) { loader->fread(&vset->loc[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp); loader->fread(&vset->nrm[v], sizeof(float), 3, fp); loader->fread(&vset->tu[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp); loader->fread(&vset->tv[v], sizeof(float), 1, fp); vset->loc[v] *= (float) scale; Vec3 vert = vset->loc[v]; double d = vert.length(); if (d > radius) radius = (float) d; if (vert.x > extents[0]) extents[0] = vert.x; if (vert.x < extents[1]) extents[1] = vert.x; if (vert.y > extents[2]) extents[2] = vert.y; if (vert.y < extents[3]) extents[3] = vert.y; if (vert.z > extents[4]) extents[4] = vert.z; if (vert.z < extents[5]) extents[5] = vert.z; } // read polys: for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = polys[n]; BYTE poly_nverts = 0; BYTE material_index = 0; WORD poly_verts[8]; loader->fread(&poly_nverts, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp); loader->fread(&material_index, sizeof(BYTE), 1, fp); loader->fread(&poly_verts[0], sizeof(WORD), poly_nverts, fp); if (poly_nverts >= 3) { poly.nverts = poly_nverts; for (int i = 0; i < poly_nverts; i++) { poly.verts[i] = poly_verts[i]; } } else { poly.sortval = 666; } if (material_index > 0) { poly.material = materials[material_index-1]; poly.sortval = material_index; } else if (materials.size()) { poly.material = materials.first(); poly.sortval = 1; } else { poly.sortval = 1000; } if (poly.nverts == 3) surface->AddIndices(3); else if (poly.nverts == 4) surface->AddIndices(6); poly.vertex_set = vset; poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]], vset->loc[poly.verts[2]], vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]); } // sort the polys by material index: qsort((void*) polys, npolys, sizeof(Poly), mcomp); // then assign them to cohesive segments: Segment* segment = 0; for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) { segment->npolys++; } else { segment = 0; } if (!segment) { segment = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Segment; segment->npolys = 1; segment->polys = &polys[n]; segment->material = segment->polys->material; segment->model = this; surface->GetSegments().append(segment); } } surface->BuildHull(); surfaces.append(surface); this->nverts += nverts; this->npolys += npolys; } result = nverts && npolys; return result; } void Model::AddSurface(Surface* surface) { if (surface) { surface->model = this; ListIter iter = surface->segments; while (++iter) { Segment* segment = iter.value(); segment->model = this; } surface->BuildHull(); surfaces.append(surface); nverts += surface->NumVerts(); npolys += surface->NumPolys(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const Material* Model::FindMaterial(const char* mtl_name) const { if (mtl_name && *mtl_name) { Model* pThis = (Model*) this; ListIter iter = pThis->materials; while (++iter) { Material* mtl = iter.value(); if (!strcmp(mtl->name, mtl_name)) return mtl; } } return 0; } const Material* Model::ReplaceMaterial(const Material* mtl) { const Material* mtl_orig = 0; if (mtl) { mtl_orig = FindMaterial(mtl->name); if (mtl_orig) { int n = materials.index(mtl_orig); materials[n] = (Material*) mtl; ListIter surf_iter = surfaces; while (++surf_iter) { Surface* surf = surf_iter.value(); ListIter seg_iter = surf->GetSegments(); while (++seg_iter) { Segment* segment = seg_iter.value(); if (segment->material == mtl_orig) segment->material = (Material*) mtl; } } } } return mtl_orig; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Poly* Model::AddPolys(int nsurf, int np, int nv) { if (nsurf >= 0 && nsurf < surfaces.size()) return surfaces[nsurf]->AddPolys(np, nv); ::Print("WARNING: AddPolys(%d,%d,%d) invalid surface\n", nsurf, np, nv); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Model::ExplodeMesh() { ListIter iter = surfaces; int nv = 0; int np = 0; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); s->ExplodeMesh(); nv += s->NumVerts(); np += s->NumPolys(); } nverts = nv; npolys = np; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Model::OptimizeMesh() { ListIter iter = surfaces; int nv = 0; int np = 0; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); s->OptimizeMesh(); nv += s->NumVerts(); np += s->NumPolys(); } nverts = nv; npolys = np; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Model::OptimizeMaterials() { for (int i = 0; i < materials.size(); i++) { Material* m1 = materials[i]; for (int n = i; n < materials.size(); n++) { Material* m2 = materials[n]; // if they match, merge them: if (*m1 == *m2) { List polys; SelectPolys(polys, m2); ListIter iter = polys; while (++iter) { Poly* p = iter.value(); p->material = m1; } // and discard the duplicate: materials.remove(m2); delete m2; } } } } void Model::ScaleBy(double factor) { ListIter iter = surfaces; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); s->ScaleBy(factor); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Model::Normalize() { ListIter iter = surfaces; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); s->Normalize(); } } void Model::SelectPolys(List& polys, Vec3 loc) { ListIter iter = surfaces; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); s->SelectPolys(polys, loc); } } void Model::SelectPolys(List& polys, Material* m) { ListIter iter = surfaces; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); s->SelectPolys(polys, m); } } void Model::ComputeTangents() { ListIter iter = surfaces; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); s->ComputeTangents(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Model::DeletePrivateData() { ListIter iter = surfaces; while (++iter) { Surface* s = iter.value(); VideoPrivateData* vpd = s->GetVideoPrivateData(); if (vpd) { delete vpd; s->SetVideoPrivateData(0); } ListIter seg_iter = s->GetSegments(); while (++seg_iter) { Segment* segment = seg_iter.value(); VideoPrivateData* vpdp = segment->video_data; if (vpdp) { delete vpdp; segment->video_data = 0; } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Surface::Surface() : model(0), vertex_set(0), vloc(0), nhull(0), npolys(0), nindices(0), polys(0), state(0), video_data(0), opcode(0) { ZeroMemory(name, sizeof(name)); } Surface::~Surface() { segments.destroy(); delete opcode; delete vertex_set; delete [] vloc; delete [] polys; delete video_data; model = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Surface::Copy(Surface& s, Model* m) { segments.destroy(); delete opcode; delete vertex_set; delete [] vloc; delete [] polys; delete video_data; CopyMemory(name, s.name, Solid::NAMELEN); model = m; radius = s.radius; nhull = s.nhull; npolys = s.npolys; nindices = s.nindices; state = s.state; offset = s.offset; orientation = s.orientation; opcode = 0; video_data = 0; vertex_set = s.vertex_set->Clone(); if (nhull > 0) { vloc = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Vec3[nhull]; CopyMemory(vloc, s.vloc, nhull * sizeof(Vec3)); } else { vloc = 0; } polys = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Poly[npolys]; CopyMemory(polys, s.polys, npolys * sizeof(Poly)); for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { polys[i].vertex_set = vertex_set; if (s.polys[i].material) polys[i].material = (Material*) model->FindMaterial(s.polys[i].material->name); } ListIter iter = s.segments; while (++iter) { Segment* seg1 = iter.value(); Segment* seg2 = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Segment; seg2->npolys = seg1->npolys; seg2->polys = polys + (seg1->polys - s.polys); if (seg2->polys[0].material) seg2->material = seg2->polys[0].material; seg2->model = model; seg2->video_data = 0; segments.append(seg2); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Surface::SetName(const char* n) { int len = sizeof(name); ZeroMemory(name, len); strncpy_s(name, n, len-1); } void Surface::SetHidden(bool b) { if (b) state = state | HIDDEN; else state = state & ~HIDDEN; } void Surface::SetLocked(bool b) { if (b) state = state | LOCKED; else state = state & ~LOCKED; } void Surface::SetSimplified(bool b) { if (b) state = state | SIMPLE; else state = state & ~SIMPLE; } void Surface::CreateVerts(int nverts) { if (!vertex_set && !vloc) { vertex_set = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(nverts); vloc = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Vec3[nverts]; } } void Surface::CreatePolys(int np) { if (!polys && !npolys) { npolys = np; polys = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Poly[npolys]; ZeroMemory(polys, npolys * sizeof(Poly)); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Poly* Surface::AddPolys(int np, int nv) { if ( polys && vertex_set && np > 0 && np + npolys < MAX_POLYS && nv > 0 && nv + vertex_set->nverts < MAX_VERTS) { int newverts = nv + vertex_set->nverts; int newpolys = np + npolys; vertex_set->Resize(newverts, true); Poly* pset = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Poly[newpolys]; Poly* pnew = pset + npolys; CopyMemory(pset, polys, npolys * sizeof(Poly)); ZeroMemory(pnew, np * sizeof(Poly)); if (segments.size() > 0) { Segment* seg = segments.last(); Material* mtl = seg->material; for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { Poly* p = pnew + i; p->material = mtl; } seg->npolys += np; } } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Surface::ExplodeMesh() { if (!vertex_set || vertex_set->nverts < 3) return; int i, j, v; int nverts = 0; // count max verts: for (i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; nverts += p->nverts; } // create target vertex set: VertexSet* vset = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(nverts); v = 0; // explode verts: for (i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; p->vertex_set = vset; for (j = 0; j < p->nverts; j++) { int vsrc = p->verts[j]; vset->loc[v] = vertex_set->loc[vsrc]; vset->nrm[v] = vertex_set->nrm[vsrc]; vset->tu[v] = vertex_set->tu[vsrc]; vset->tv[v] = vertex_set->tv[vsrc]; vset->rw[v] = vertex_set->rw[vsrc]; vset->diffuse[v] = vertex_set->diffuse[vsrc]; vset->specular[v] = vertex_set->specular[vsrc]; p->verts[j] = v++; } } // finalize: if (vset) { delete vertex_set; vertex_set = vset; } if (vloc) delete [] vloc; vloc = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Vec3[nverts]; ComputeTangents(); BuildHull(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const double SELECT_EPSILON = 0.05; const double SELECT_TEXTURE = 0.0001; static bool MatchVerts(VertexSet* vset, int i, int j) { double d = 0; const Vec3& vl1 = vset->loc[i]; const Vec3& vn1 = vset->nrm[i]; float tu1 = vset->tu[i]; float tv1 = vset->tv[i]; const Vec3& vl2 = vset->loc[j]; const Vec3& vn2 = vset->nrm[j]; float tu2 = vset->tu[j]; float tv2 = vset->tv[j]; d = fabs(vl1.x - vl2.x); if (d > SELECT_EPSILON) return false; d = fabs(vl1.y - vl2.y); if (d > SELECT_EPSILON) return false; d = fabs(vl1.z - vl2.z); if (d > SELECT_EPSILON) return false; d = fabs(vn1.x - vn2.x); if (d > SELECT_EPSILON) return false; d = fabs(vn1.y - vn2.y); if (d > SELECT_EPSILON) return false; d = fabs(vn1.z - vn2.z); if (d > SELECT_EPSILON) return false; d = fabs(tu1 - tu2); if (d > SELECT_TEXTURE) return false; d = fabs(tv1 - tv2); if (d > SELECT_TEXTURE) return false; return true; } void Surface::OptimizeMesh() { if (!vertex_set || vertex_set->nverts < 3) return; int nverts = vertex_set->nverts; int used = 0; int final = 0; int nmatch = 0; // create vertex maps: BYTE* vert_map = new BYTE[nverts]; WORD* vert_dst = new WORD[nverts]; ZeroMemory(vert_map, nverts * sizeof(BYTE)); ZeroMemory(vert_dst, nverts * sizeof(WORD)); // count used verts: for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; for (int j = 0; j < p->nverts; j++) { WORD vert = p->verts[j]; if (vert < nverts) { vert_map[vert]++; used++; } } } // create target vertex set: VertexSet* vset = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(used); int v = 0; // compress verts: for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++) { if (vert_map[i] == 0) continue; vert_dst[i] = v; vset->loc[v] = vertex_set->loc[i]; vset->nrm[v] = vertex_set->nrm[i]; vset->tu[v] = vertex_set->tu[i]; vset->tv[v] = vertex_set->tv[i]; vset->rw[v] = vertex_set->rw[i]; vset->diffuse[v] = vertex_set->diffuse[i]; vset->specular[v] = vertex_set->specular[i]; for (int j = i+1; j < nverts; j++) { if (vert_map[j] == 0) continue; if (MatchVerts(vertex_set, i, j)) { vert_map[j] = 0; vert_dst[j] = v; nmatch++; } } v++; } final = v; // remap polys: for (int n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly* p = polys + n; p->vertex_set = vset; for (int v = 0; v < p->nverts; v++) { p->verts[v] = vert_dst[ p->verts[v] ]; } } // finalize: if (vset && final < nverts) { delete vertex_set; vertex_set = vset; vset->Resize(final, true); nverts = final; } // clean up and rebuild hull: delete [] vert_map; if (vloc) delete [] vloc; vloc = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Vec3[nverts]; ComputeTangents(); BuildHull(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Surface::ScaleBy(double factor) { offset *= factor; if (vertex_set && vertex_set->nverts) { for (int i = 0; i < vertex_set->nverts; i++) { vertex_set->loc[i] *= (float) factor; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Surface::BuildHull() { if (npolys < 1 || !vertex_set || vertex_set->nverts < 1) return; nhull = 0; for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; for (int n = 0; n < p->nverts; n++) { WORD v = p->verts[n]; WORD h; for (h = 0; h < nhull; h++) { Vec3& vl = vertex_set->loc[v]; Vec3& loc = vloc[h]; double d = vl.x - loc.x; if (d < -SELECT_EPSILON || d > SELECT_EPSILON) continue; d = vl.y - loc.y; if (d < -SELECT_EPSILON || d > SELECT_EPSILON) continue; d = vl.z - loc.z; if (d < -SELECT_EPSILON || d > SELECT_EPSILON) continue; // found a match: break; } // didn't find a match: if (h >= nhull) { vloc[h] = vertex_set->loc[v]; nhull = h+1; } p->vlocs[n] = h; } } if (use_collision_detection) InitializeCollisionHull(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Surface::Normalize() { if (npolys < 1 || !vertex_set || vertex_set->nverts < 1) return; // STEP ONE: initialize poly planes for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; p->plane = Plane( vertex_set->loc[ p->verts[0] ], vertex_set->loc[ p->verts[2] ], vertex_set->loc[ p->verts[1] ] ); } // STEP TWO: compute vertex normals by averaging adjecent poly planes List faces; for (int v = 0; v < vertex_set->nverts; v++) { faces.clear(); SelectPolys(faces, vertex_set->loc[v]); if (faces.size()) { vertex_set->nrm[v] = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++) { vertex_set->nrm[v] += faces[i]->plane.normal; } vertex_set->nrm[v].Normalize(); } else if (vertex_set->loc[v].length() > 0) { vertex_set->nrm[v] = vertex_set->loc[v]; vertex_set->nrm[v].Normalize(); } else { vertex_set->nrm[v] = Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } } // STEP THREE: adjust vertex normals for poly flatness for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; for (int n = 0; n < p->nverts; n++) { int v = p->verts[n]; vertex_set->nrm[v] = vertex_set->nrm[v] * (1.0f - p->flatness) + p->plane.normal * ( p->flatness); } } } void Surface::SelectPolys(List& selection, Vec3 loc) { const double SELECT_EPSILON = 0.05; for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; for (int n = 0; n < p->nverts; n++) { int v = p->verts[n]; Vec3& vl = vertex_set->loc[v]; double d = vl.x - loc.x; if (d < -SELECT_EPSILON || d > SELECT_EPSILON) continue; d = vl.y - loc.y; if (d < -SELECT_EPSILON || d > SELECT_EPSILON) continue; d = vl.z - loc.z; if (d < -SELECT_EPSILON || d > SELECT_EPSILON) continue; selection.append(p); break; } } } void Surface::SelectPolys(List& selection, Material* m) { for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; if (p->material == m) selection.append(p); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Surface::ComputeTangents() { Vec3 tangent; Vec3 binormal; if (!vertex_set || !vertex_set->nverts) return; if (vertex_set->tangent) return; vertex_set->CreateTangents(); for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { Poly* p = polys + i; CalcGradients(*p, tangent, binormal); for (int n = 0; n < p->nverts; n++) { vertex_set->tangent[p->verts[n]] = tangent; vertex_set->binormal[p->verts[n]] = binormal; } } } void Surface::CalcGradients(Poly& p, Vec3& tangent, Vec3& binormal) { // using Eric Lengyel's approach with a few modifications // from Mathematics for 3D Game Programmming and Computer Graphics // want to be able to trasform a vector in Object Space to Tangent Space // such that the x-axis cooresponds to the 's' direction and the // y-axis corresponds to the 't' direction, and the z-axis corresponds // to <0,0,1>, straight up out of the texture map VertexSet* vset = p.vertex_set; Vec3 P = vset->loc[p.verts[1]] - vset->loc[p.verts[0]]; Vec3 Q = vset->loc[p.verts[2]] - vset->loc[p.verts[0]]; float s1 = vset->tu[p.verts[1]] - vset->tu[p.verts[0]]; float t1 = vset->tv[p.verts[1]] - vset->tv[p.verts[0]]; float s2 = vset->tu[p.verts[2]] - vset->tu[p.verts[0]]; float t2 = vset->tv[p.verts[2]] - vset->tv[p.verts[0]]; float tmp = 1.0f; float denom = s1*t2 - s2*t1; if (fabsf(denom) > 0.0001f) tmp = 1.0f/(denom); tangent.x = (t2*P.x - t1*Q.x) * tmp; tangent.y = (t2*P.y - t1*Q.y) * tmp; tangent.z = (t2*P.z - t1*Q.z) * tmp; tangent.Normalize(); binormal.x = (s1*Q.x - s2*P.x) * tmp; binormal.y = (s1*Q.y - s2*P.y) * tmp; binormal.z = (s1*Q.z - s2*P.z) * tmp; binormal.Normalize(); } void Surface::InitializeCollisionHull() { opcode = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) OPCODE_data(this); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Segment::Segment() { ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(Segment)); } Segment::Segment(int n, Poly* p, Material* mtl, Model* mod) : npolys(n), polys(p), material(mtl), model(mod), video_data(0) { } Segment::~Segment() { delete video_data; ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(Segment)); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ModelFile::ModelFile(const char* fname) : model(0), pname(0), pnverts(0), pnpolys(0), pradius(0) { int len = sizeof(filename); ZeroMemory(filename, len); strncpy_s(filename, fname, len); filename[len-1] = 0; } ModelFile::~ModelFile() { } bool ModelFile::Load(Model* m, double scale) { model = m; // expose model innards for child classes: if (model) { pname = model->name; pnverts = &model->nverts; pnpolys = &model->npolys; pradius = &model->radius; } return false; } bool ModelFile::Save(Model* m) { model = m; // expose model innards for child classes: if (model) { pname = model->name; pnverts = &model->nverts; pnpolys = &model->npolys; pradius = &model->radius; } return false; }