/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: Sky.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Celestial sphere, stars, planets, space dust... */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Sky.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Random.h" void Print(const char* ftm, ...); // +====================================================================+ Stars::Stars(int nstars) { infinite = true; luminous = true; shadow = false; vset = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(nstars); colors = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Color[nstars]; for (int i = 0; i < nstars; i++) { vset->loc[i] = RandomVector(1000); ColorValue val = ColorValue((float) Random(0.7, 0.8), (float) Random(0.7, 0.8), (float) Random(0.7, 0.8)); Color c = val.ToColor(); colors[i] = c; vset->diffuse[i] = c.Value(); vset->specular[i] = 0; } strcpy_s(name, "Stars"); } Stars::~Stars() { delete [] colors; delete vset; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Stars::Illuminate(double scale) { if (!vset) return; for (int i = 0; i < vset->nverts; i++) { Color c = colors[i] * scale; vset->diffuse[i] = c.Value(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Stars::Render(Video* video, DWORD flags) { if (!vset || !video || (flags & Graphic::RENDER_ADDITIVE) == 0) return; video->SetBlendType(Video::BLEND_ADDITIVE); video->DrawPoints(vset); } // +====================================================================+ static const double BOUNDARY = 3000; static const double BOUNDARYx2 = BOUNDARY * 2; Dust::Dust(int ndust, bool b) : really_hidden(false), bright(b) { radius = (float) BOUNDARYx2; luminous = true; vset = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(ndust); Reset(Point(0, 0, 0)); strcpy_s(name, "Dust"); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Dust::~Dust() { delete vset; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Dust::Reset(const Point& ref) { BYTE c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vset->nverts; i++) { vset->loc[i] = Vec3( Random(-BOUNDARY, BOUNDARY), Random(-BOUNDARY, BOUNDARY), Random(-BOUNDARY, BOUNDARY) ); if (bright) c = (BYTE) Random(96,200); else c = (BYTE) Random(64,156); vset->diffuse[i] = Color(c,c,c).Value(); vset->specular[i] = 0; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Dust::ExecFrame(double factor, const Point& ref) { if (Game::TimeCompression() > 4) { Hide(); return; } Show(); Point delta = ref - loc; double dlen = delta.length(); if (dlen < 0.0001) return; if (dlen > BOUNDARY) { Reset(ref); } else { // wrap around if necessary to keep in view for (int i = 0; i < vset->nverts; i++) { Vec3 v = vset->loc[i]; v -= delta; if (v.x > BOUNDARY) v.x -= (float) BOUNDARYx2; if (v.x < -BOUNDARY) v.x += (float) BOUNDARYx2; if (v.y > BOUNDARY) v.y -= (float) BOUNDARYx2; if (v.y < -BOUNDARY) v.y += (float) BOUNDARYx2; if (v.z > BOUNDARY) v.z -= (float) BOUNDARYx2; if (v.z < -BOUNDARY) v.z += (float) BOUNDARYx2; vset->loc[i] = v; } } MoveTo(ref); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Dust::Render(Video* video, DWORD flags) { if (hidden || really_hidden) return; if (!vset || !video || (flags & Graphic::RENDER_SOLID) == 0 || (flags & Graphic::RENDER_ADD_LIGHT) != 0) return; video->SetBlendType(Video::BLEND_SOLID); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, false); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, false); video->DrawPoints(vset); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_ENABLE, true); video->SetRenderState(Video::Z_WRITE_ENABLE, true); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Dust::Hide() { hidden = true; really_hidden = true; } void Dust::Show() { hidden = false; really_hidden = false; } // +====================================================================+ PlanetRep::PlanetRep(const char* surface_name, const char* glow_name, double rad, const Vec3& pos, double tscale, const char* rngname, double minrad, double maxrad, Color atmos, const char* gloss_name) : mtl_surf(0), mtl_limb(0), mtl_ring(0), star_system(0) { loc = pos; radius = (float) rad; has_ring = 0; ring_verts = -1; ring_polys = -1; ring_rad = 0; body_rad = rad; daytime = false; atmosphere = atmos; star_system = 0; if (!surface_name || !*surface_name) { Print(" invalid Planet patch - no surface texture specified\n"); return; } Print(" constructing Planet patch %s\n", surface_name); strncpy(name, surface_name, 31); name[31] = 0; Bitmap* bmp_surf = 0; Bitmap* bmp_spec = 0; Bitmap* bmp_glow = 0; Bitmap* bmp_ring = 0; Bitmap* bmp_limb = 0; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); loader->LoadTexture(surface_name, bmp_surf, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID, true); if (glow_name && *glow_name) { Print(" loading glow texture %s\n", glow_name); loader->LoadTexture(glow_name, bmp_glow, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID, true); } if (gloss_name && *gloss_name) { Print(" loading gloss texture %s\n", gloss_name); loader->LoadTexture(gloss_name, bmp_spec, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID, true); } mtl_surf = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; mtl_surf->Ka = Color::LightGray; mtl_surf->Kd = Color::White; mtl_surf->Ke = bmp_glow ? Color::White : Color::Black; mtl_surf->Ks = bmp_spec ? Color::LightGray : Color::Black; mtl_surf->power = 25.0f; mtl_surf->tex_diffuse = bmp_surf; mtl_surf->tex_specular = bmp_spec; mtl_surf->tex_emissive = bmp_glow; mtl_surf->blend = Material::MTL_SOLID; if (bmp_spec && Video::GetInstance()->IsSpecMapEnabled()) { if (glow_name && strstr(glow_name, "light")) strcpy_s(mtl_surf->shader, "SimplePix/PlanetSurfNightLight"); else if (glow_name) strcpy_s(mtl_surf->shader, "SimplePix/PlanetSurf"); } if (atmosphere != Color::Black) { mtl_limb = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; mtl_limb->Ka = atmosphere; strcpy_s(mtl_limb->shader, "PlanetLimb"); Print(" loading atmospheric limb texture PlanetLimb.pcx\n"); loader->LoadTexture("PlanetLimb.pcx", bmp_limb, Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT, true); mtl_limb->tex_diffuse = bmp_limb; mtl_limb->blend = Material::MTL_TRANSLUCENT; } if (maxrad > 0 && minrad > 0) { has_ring = 1; radius = (float) maxrad; ring_rad = (maxrad + minrad)/2; loader->LoadTexture(rngname, bmp_ring, Bitmap::BMP_SOLID, true); mtl_ring = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; mtl_ring->Ka = Color::LightGray; mtl_ring->Kd = Color::White; mtl_ring->Ks = Color::Gray; mtl_ring->Ke = Color::Black; mtl_ring->power = 30.0f; mtl_ring->tex_diffuse = bmp_ring; mtl_ring->blend = Material::MTL_TRANSLUCENT; } if (rad > 2e6 && rad < 1e8) CreateSphere(rad, 24, 32, minrad, maxrad, 48, tscale); else CreateSphere(rad, 16, 24, minrad, maxrad, 48, tscale); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ PlanetRep::~PlanetRep() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PlanetRep::CreateSphere(double radius, int nrings, int nsections, double minrad, double maxrad, int rsections, double tscale) { const int sect_verts = nsections + 1; model = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Model; own_model = 1; Surface* surface = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Surface; int i, j, m, n; int npolys = (nrings + 2) * nsections; int nverts = (nrings + 3) * sect_verts; int ppolys = npolys; int pverts = nverts; int apolys = 0; int averts = 0; if (atmosphere != Color::Black) { apolys = npolys; averts = nverts; npolys *= 2; nverts *= 2; } if (has_ring) { ring_verts = nverts; ring_polys = npolys; npolys += rsections * 3; // top, bottom, edge nverts += rsections * 6; } surface->SetName(name); surface->CreateVerts(nverts); surface->CreatePolys(npolys); VertexSet* vset = surface->GetVertexSet(); if (!vset || vset->nverts < nverts) { ::Print("WARNING: insufficient memory for planet '%s'\n", name); return; } Poly* polys = surface->GetPolys(); if (!polys) { ::Print("WARNING: insufficient memory for planet '%s'\n", name); return; } ZeroMemory(polys, sizeof(Poly) * npolys); // Generate vertex points for planetary rings: double dtheta = PI / (nrings + 2); double dphi = 2 * PI / nsections; double theta = 0; n = 0; // vertex being generated for (i = 0; i < nrings+3; i++) { double y = radius * cos(theta); // y is the same for entire ring double v = theta / PI; // v is the same for entire ring double rsintheta = radius * sin(theta); double phi = 0; for (j = 0; j < sect_verts; j++) { double x = rsintheta * sin(phi); double z = rsintheta * cos(phi); vset->loc[n] = Vec3(x, y, z); vset->nrm[n] = Vec3(x, y, z); vset->tu[n] = (float) (tscale * (1 - (phi/(2.0*PI)))); vset->tv[n] = (float) (tscale * v); vset->nrm[n].Normalize(); phi += dphi; n++; } theta += dtheta; } // Generate vertex points for rings: if (has_ring) { n = ring_verts; double dphi = 2.0 * PI / rsections; double y = 0; // y is the same for entire ring // top of ring: double phi = 0; for (j = 0; j < rsections; j++) { double x = minrad * sin(phi); double z = minrad * cos(phi); vset->loc[n] = Vec3(x, y, z); vset->nrm[n] = Vec3(0, 1, 0); vset->tu[n] = (j & 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; vset->tv[n] = 0.0f; n++; x = maxrad * sin(phi); z = maxrad * cos(phi); vset->loc[n] = Vec3(x, y, z); vset->nrm[n] = Vec3(0, 1, 0); vset->tu[n] = (j & 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; vset->tv[n] = 1.0f; n++; phi += dphi; } // bottom of ring: phi = 0; for (j = 0; j < rsections; j++) { double x = minrad * sin(phi); double z = minrad * cos(phi); vset->loc[n] = Vec3(x, y, z); vset->nrm[n] = Vec3(0, -1, 0); vset->tu[n] = (j & 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; vset->tv[n] = 0.0f; n++; x = maxrad * sin(phi); z = maxrad * cos(phi); vset->loc[n] = Vec3(x, y, z); vset->nrm[n] = Vec3(0, -1, 0); vset->tu[n] = (j & 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; vset->tv[n] = 1.0f; n++; phi += dphi; } // edge of ring: phi = 0; for (j = 0; j < rsections; j++) { double x = maxrad * sin(phi); double z = maxrad * cos(phi); Point normal = Point(x,0,z); normal.Normalize(); double thickness = maxrad/333; vset->loc[n] = Vec3(x, y+thickness, z); vset->nrm[n] = normal; vset->tu[n] = (j & 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; vset->tv[n] = 1.0f; n++; vset->loc[n] = Vec3(x, y-thickness, z); vset->nrm[n] = normal; vset->tu[n] = (j & 1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; vset->tv[n] = 1.0f; n++; phi += dphi; } } for (i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { polys[i].nverts = 3; polys[i].vertex_set = vset; polys[i].material = mtl_surf; } // Generate triangles for top and bottom caps. for (i = 0; i < nsections; i++) { Poly& p0 = polys[i]; p0.verts[2] = i; p0.verts[1] = sect_verts + i; p0.verts[0] = sect_verts + ((i+1) % sect_verts); Poly& p1 = polys[ppolys - nsections + i]; p1.verts[2] = pverts - 1 - i; p1.verts[1] = pverts - 1 - sect_verts - i; p1.verts[0] = pverts - 2 - sect_verts - i; surface->AddIndices(6); } // Generate triangles for the planetary rings m = sect_verts; // first vertex in current ring n = nsections; // triangle being generated, skip the top cap for (i = 0; i < nrings; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nsections; j++) { Poly& p0 = polys[n]; p0.nverts = 4; p0.verts[3] = m + j; p0.verts[2] = m + (sect_verts) + j; p0.verts[1] = m + (sect_verts) + ((j + 1) % (sect_verts)); p0.verts[0] = m + ((j + 1) % (sect_verts)); n++; surface->AddIndices(6); } m += sect_verts; } if (averts && apolys && mtl_limb) { for (i = 0; i < pverts; i++) { vset->loc[averts + i] = vset->loc[i]; vset->nrm[averts + i] = vset->nrm[i]; } for (i = 0; i < ppolys; i++) { Poly& p0 = polys[i]; Poly& p1 = polys[apolys + i]; p1.vertex_set = vset; p1.material = mtl_limb; p1.nverts = p0.nverts; p1.verts[0] = p0.verts[0]; p1.verts[1] = p0.verts[1]; p1.verts[2] = p0.verts[2]; p1.verts[3] = p0.verts[3]; surface->AddIndices(p1.nverts == 3 ? 3 : 6); } } if (has_ring) { // Generate quads for the rings m = ring_verts; // first vertex in top of ring, after planet verts n = ring_polys; // quad being generated, after planet polys // top of ring: for (j = 0; j < rsections; j++) { Poly& p0 = polys[n]; p0.nverts = 4; p0.material = mtl_ring; p0.verts[3] = m + 2*j; p0.verts[2] = m + 2*j + 1; p0.verts[1] = m + ((2*j + 3) % (rsections*2)); p0.verts[0] = m + ((2*j + 2) % (rsections*2)); surface->AddIndices(6); n++; } // bottom of ring: // first vertex in bottom of ring, after top ring verts m = ring_verts + 2*rsections; for (j = 0; j < rsections; j++) { Poly& p0 = polys[n]; p0.nverts = 4; p0.material = mtl_ring; p0.verts[0] = m + 2*j; p0.verts[1] = m + 2*j + 1; p0.verts[2] = m + ((2*j + 3) % (rsections*2)); p0.verts[3] = m + ((2*j + 2) % (rsections*2)); surface->AddIndices(6); n++; } // edge of ring: // first vertex in edge of ring, after bottom ring verts m = ring_verts + 4*rsections; for (j = 0; j < rsections; j++) { Poly& p0 = polys[n]; p0.nverts = 4; p0.material = mtl_ring; p0.verts[3] = m + 2*j; p0.verts[2] = m + 2*j + 1; p0.verts[1] = m + ((2*j + 3) % (rsections*2)); p0.verts[0] = m + ((2*j + 2) % (rsections*2)); surface->AddIndices(6); n++; } } // then assign them to cohesive segments: Segment* segment = 0; for (n = 0; n < npolys; n++) { Poly& poly = polys[n]; poly.plane = Plane(vset->loc[poly.verts[0]], vset->loc[poly.verts[2]], vset->loc[poly.verts[1]]); if (segment && segment->material == polys[n].material) { segment->npolys++; } else { segment = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Segment; segment->npolys = 1; segment->polys = &polys[n]; segment->material = segment->polys->material; surface->GetSegments().append(segment); } } model->AddSurface(surface); } int PlanetRep::CheckRayIntersection(Point Q, Point w, double len, Point& ipt, bool treat_translucent_polys_as_solid) { // compute leading edge of ray: Point dst = Q + w*len; // check right angle spherical distance: Point d0 = loc - Q; Point d1 = d0.cross(w); double dlen = d1.length(); // distance of point from line if (dlen > body_rad) // clean miss return 0; // (no impact) // possible collision course... Point d2 = Q + w * (d0 * w); // so check the leading edge: Point delta0 = dst - loc; if (delta0.length() > radius) { // and the endpoints: Point delta1 = d2 - Q; Point delta2 = dst - Q; // if d2 is not between Q and dst, we missed: if (delta1 * delta2 < 0 || delta1.length() > delta2.length()) { return 0; } } return 1; } void PlanetRep::SetDaytime(bool d) { daytime = d; if (daytime) { if (mtl_surf) mtl_surf->blend = Material::MTL_ADDITIVE; if (mtl_ring) mtl_ring->blend = Material::MTL_ADDITIVE; } else { if (mtl_surf) mtl_surf->blend = Material::MTL_SOLID; if (mtl_ring) mtl_ring->blend = Material::MTL_TRANSLUCENT; } } void PlanetRep::SetStarSystem(StarSystem* system) { star_system = system; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void PlanetRep::Render(Video* video, DWORD flags) { Solid::Render(video, flags); /*** *** DEBUG *** Matrix orient = Orientation(); orient.Transpose(); video->SetObjTransform(orient, Location()); Surface* surf = model->GetSurfaces().first(); Poly* polys = surf->GetPolys(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) video->DrawPolyOutline(polys + i); /***/ }