/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== ShipKiller class implementation */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "ShipKiller.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "System.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Explosion.h" #include "Debris.h" #include "HUDSounds.h" #include "Solid.h" #include "Random.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ShipKiller::ShipKiller(Ship* s) : ship(s), DEATH_CAM_LINGER(5.0f), time(0.0f), exp_time(0.0f), exp_index(0) { } ShipKiller::~ShipKiller() { } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ inline int random_index() { return (int) (rand()/3277); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipKiller::BeginDeathSpiral() { if (!ship) return; // shut down all ship systems: ListIter iter = ship->Systems(); while (++iter) { iter->PowerOff(); iter->SetPowerLevel(0); if (iter->Type() == System::WEAPON) { Weapon* gun = (Weapon*) iter.value(); for (int i = 0; i < Weapon::MAX_BARRELS; i++) { Shot* beam = gun->GetBeam(i); if (beam) beam->Destroy(); } } } if (ship->GetShieldRep()) ship->GetShieldRep()->Hide(); Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); const ShipDesign* design = ship->Design(); float time_to_go = design->death_spiral_time; time = DEATH_CAM_LINGER + time_to_go; loc = ship->Location() + ship->Velocity() * (time_to_go-1.0f); if (rand() < 16000) loc += ship->BeamLine() * -3 * ship->Radius(); else loc += ship->BeamLine() * 3 * ship->Radius(); if (rand() < 8000) loc += ship->LiftLine() * -1 * ship->Radius(); else loc += ship->LiftLine() * 2 * ship->Radius(); // stop on crash: if (ship->IsGroundUnit() || (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->AltitudeAGL() < ship->Radius()*2)) { time = DEATH_CAM_LINGER; loc = ship->Location() + Point(6*ship->Radius(), 7*ship->Radius(), 8*ship->Radius()); ship->SetVelocity(Point(0,0,0)); } // else, slow tumble: else { Point torque = RandomVector(ship->Mass()/7); ship->ApplyTorque(torque); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { exp_index = random_index() % ShipDesign::MAX_EXPLOSIONS; if (design->explosion[exp_index].type > 0 && !design->explosion[exp_index].final) break; } float exp_scale = design->explosion_scale; if (exp_scale <= 0) exp_scale = design->scale; exp_time = design->explosion[exp_index].time; if (design->explosion[exp_index].type > 0) { Point exp_loc = ship->Location() + (design->explosion[exp_index].loc * ship->Cam().Orientation()); sim->CreateExplosion(exp_loc, ship->Velocity(), design->explosion[exp_index].type, (float) ship->Radius(), exp_scale, ship->GetRegion(), ship); } } ship->SetControls(0); ship->SetupAgility(); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipKiller::ExecFrame(double seconds) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); const ShipDesign* design = ship->Design(); time -= (float) seconds; exp_time -= (float) seconds; float exp_scale = design->explosion_scale; if (exp_scale <= 0) exp_scale = design->scale; if (exp_time < 0) { exp_index++; if (exp_index >= ShipDesign::MAX_EXPLOSIONS || design->explosion[exp_index].final) exp_index = 0; exp_time = design->explosion[exp_index].time; if (design->explosion[exp_index].type > 0) { Point exp_loc = ship->Location() + (design->explosion[exp_index].loc * ship->Cam().Orientation()); sim->CreateExplosion(exp_loc, ship->Velocity(), design->explosion[exp_index].type, (float) ship->Radius(), exp_scale, ship->GetRegion(), ship); } } if (time < DEATH_CAM_LINGER) { for (int i = 0; i < ShipDesign::MAX_EXPLOSIONS; i++) { if (design->explosion[i].final) { Point exp_loc = ship->Location() + (design->explosion[i].loc * ship->Cam().Orientation()); sim->CreateExplosion(exp_loc, ship->Velocity(), design->explosion[i].type, (float) ship->Radius(), exp_scale, ship->GetRegion()); } } for (int i = 0; i < ShipDesign::MAX_DEBRIS; i++) { if (design->debris[i].model) { Point debris_loc = ship->Location() + (design->debris[i].loc * ship->Cam().Orientation()); Point debris_vel = debris_loc - ship->Location(); debris_vel.Normalize(); if (design->debris[i].speed > 0) debris_vel *= design->debris[i].speed; else debris_vel *= 200; if (ship->IsGroundUnit()) { debris_vel *= 2; if (debris_vel.y < 0) debris_vel.y *= -1; } for (int n = 0; n < design->debris[i].count; n++) { Debris* debris = sim->CreateDebris(debris_loc, debris_vel + ship->Velocity(), design->debris[i].model, design->debris[i].mass, ship->GetRegion()); debris->SetLife(design->debris[i].life); debris->SetDrag(design->debris[i].drag); if (n == 0) { debris->CloneCam(ship->Cam()); debris->MoveTo(debris_loc); } for (int fire = 0; fire < 5; fire++) { if (design->debris[i].fire_loc[fire] == Vec3(0,0,0)) continue; Point fire_loc = debris->Location() + (design->debris[i].fire_loc[fire] * debris->Cam().Orientation()); if (design->debris[i].fire_type > 0) { sim->CreateExplosion(fire_loc, ship->Velocity(), design->debris[i].fire_type, exp_scale, exp_scale, ship->GetRegion(), debris); } else { sim->CreateExplosion(fire_loc, ship->Velocity(), Explosion::SMALL_FIRE, exp_scale, exp_scale, ship->GetRegion(), debris); sim->CreateExplosion(fire_loc, ship->Velocity(), Explosion::SMOKE_TRAIL, exp_scale * 0.25f, exp_scale * 0.25f, ship->GetRegion(), debris); } } if (n+1 < design->debris[i].count) { debris_vel = RandomVector(1); if (design->debris[i].speed > 0) debris_vel *= design->debris[i].speed * Random(0.8, 1.2); else debris_vel *= 300 + rand()/50; } } } } if (ship == sim->GetPlayerShip()) HUDSounds::StopSound(HUDSounds::SND_RED_ALERT); sim->CreateSplashDamage(ship); ship->Destroy(); // CAREFUL!!! This will also delete this object! } }