/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Ship Controller class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "ShipCtrl.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Shield.h" #include "Sensor.h" #include "NavSystem.h" #include "FlightComp.h" #include "LandingGear.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "HUDSounds.h" #include "KeyMap.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "MouseController.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Joystick.h" #include "Game.h" #include "DataLoader.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ShipCtrl::ShipCtrl(Ship* s, MotionController* ctrl) : ship(s), controller(ctrl), throttle_active(false), launch_latch(false), pickle_latch(false), target_latch(false) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) GetAsyncKeyState('0'+i); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int ShipCtrl::KeyDown(int action) { int k = Joystick::KeyDownMap(action) || Keyboard::KeyDownMap(action); return k; } int ShipCtrl::Toggled(int action) { static double last_toggle_time = 0; if (KeyDown(action)) { if ((Game::RealTime() - last_toggle_time) > 250) { last_toggle_time = Game::RealTime(); return 1; } } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipCtrl::Launch() { if (controller) { ship->SetThrottle(100); throttle_active = false; launch_latch = true; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipCtrl::ExecFrame(double seconds) { Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); if (stars && stars->GetChatMode()) return; if (!ship) return; const int DELTA_THROTTLE = 5; controller->Acquire(); if (ship->IsStarship() && ship->GetFLCSMode() == Ship::FLCS_HELM) { ship->ApplyHelmPitch(controller->Pitch() * seconds); ship->ApplyHelmYaw(controller->Yaw() * seconds); } else { ship->ApplyRoll(controller->Roll()); ship->ApplyPitch(controller->Pitch()); ship->ApplyYaw(controller->Yaw()); } ship->SetTransX(controller->X() * ship->Design()->trans_x); ship->SetTransY(controller->Y() * ship->Design()->trans_y); ship->SetTransZ(controller->Z() * ship->Design()->trans_z); bool augmenter = false; if (controller->Throttle() > 0.05) { if (throttle_active) { ship->SetThrottle(controller->Throttle() * 100); if (controller->Throttle() >= 0.99) augmenter = true; } else if (!launch_latch || controller->Throttle() > 0.5) { throttle_active = true; launch_latch = false; } } else if (throttle_active) { ship->SetThrottle(0); throttle_active = false; } ship->ExecFLCSFrame(); static double time_til_change = 0.0; if (time_til_change < 0.001) { if (KeyDown(KEY_THROTTLE_UP)) { ship->SetThrottle(ship->Throttle() + DELTA_THROTTLE); time_til_change = 0.05; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_THROTTLE_DOWN)) { ship->SetThrottle(ship->Throttle() - DELTA_THROTTLE); time_til_change = 0.05; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_THROTTLE_ZERO)) { ship->SetThrottle(0); if (ship->GetFLCS()) ship->GetFLCS()->FullStop(); time_til_change = 0.05; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_THROTTLE_FULL)) { ship->SetThrottle(100); time_til_change = 0.05; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_FLCS_MODE_AUTO)) { ship->CycleFLCSMode(); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CYCLE_PRIMARY)) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_MODE); ship->CyclePrimary(); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_CYCLE_SECONDARY)) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_MODE); ship->CycleSecondary(); time_til_change = 0.5f; } if (ship->GetShield()) { Shield* shield = ship->GetShield(); double level = shield->GetPowerLevel(); if (KeyDown(KEY_SHIELDS_FULL)) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_SHIELD_LEVEL); shield->SetPowerLevel(100); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_SHIELDS_ZERO)) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_SHIELD_LEVEL); shield->SetPowerLevel(0); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_SHIELDS_UP)) { if (level < 25) level = 25; else if (level < 50) level = 50; else if (level < 75) level = 75; else level = 100; HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_SHIELD_LEVEL); shield->SetPowerLevel(level); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_SHIELDS_DOWN)) { if (level > 75) level = 75; else if (level > 50) level = 50; else if (level > 25) level = 25; else level = 0; HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_SHIELD_LEVEL); shield->SetPowerLevel(level); time_til_change = 0.5f; } } if (ship->GetSensor()) { Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); if (sensor->GetMode() < Sensor::PST) { if (KeyDown(KEY_SENSOR_MODE)) { int sensor_mode = sensor->GetMode() + 1; if (sensor_mode > Sensor::GM) sensor_mode = Sensor::PAS; sensor->SetMode((Sensor::Mode) sensor_mode); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_SENSOR_GROUND_MODE)) { if (ship->IsAirborne()) { sensor->SetMode(Sensor::GM); time_til_change = 0.5f; } } } else { // manual "return to search" command for starships: if (KeyDown(KEY_SENSOR_MODE)) { ship->DropTarget(); } } if (KeyDown(KEY_SENSOR_RANGE_PLUS)) { sensor->IncreaseRange(); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_SENSOR_RANGE_MINUS)) { sensor->DecreaseRange(); time_til_change = 0.5f; } } if (KeyDown(KEY_EMCON_PLUS)) { ship->SetEMCON(ship->GetEMCON()+1); time_til_change = 0.5f; } else if (KeyDown(KEY_EMCON_MINUS)) { ship->SetEMCON(ship->GetEMCON()-1); time_til_change = 0.5f; } } else time_til_change -= seconds; if (controller->ActionMap(KEY_ACTION_0)) ship->FirePrimary(); if (controller->ActionMap(KEY_ACTION_1)) { if (!pickle_latch) ship->FireSecondary(); pickle_latch = true; } else { pickle_latch = false; } if (controller->ActionMap(KEY_ACTION_3)) { if (!target_latch) ship->LockTarget(SimObject::SIM_SHIP); target_latch = true; } else { target_latch = false; } ship->SetAugmenter(augmenter || (KeyDown(KEY_AUGMENTER) ? true : false)); if (Toggled(KEY_DECOY)) ship->FireDecoy(); if (Toggled(KEY_LAUNCH_PROBE)) ship->LaunchProbe(); if (Toggled(KEY_GEAR_TOGGLE)) ship->ToggleGear(); if (Toggled(KEY_NAVLIGHT_TOGGLE)) ship->ToggleNavlights(); if (Toggled(KEY_LOCK_TARGET)) ship->LockTarget(SimObject::SIM_SHIP, false, true); else if (Toggled(KEY_LOCK_THREAT)) ship->LockTarget(SimObject::SIM_DRONE); else if (Toggled(KEY_LOCK_CLOSEST_SHIP)) ship->LockTarget(SimObject::SIM_SHIP, true, false); else if (Toggled(KEY_LOCK_CLOSEST_THREAT)) ship->LockTarget(SimObject::SIM_DRONE, true, false); else if (Toggled(KEY_LOCK_HOSTILE_SHIP)) ship->LockTarget(SimObject::SIM_SHIP, true, true); else if (Toggled(KEY_LOCK_HOSTILE_THREAT)) ship->LockTarget(SimObject::SIM_DRONE, true, true); else if (Toggled(KEY_CYCLE_SUBTARGET)) ship->CycleSubTarget(1); else if (Toggled(KEY_PREV_SUBTARGET)) ship->CycleSubTarget(-1); if (Toggled(KEY_AUTO_NAV)) { ship->SetAutoNav(true); // careful: this object has just been deleted! return; } if (Toggled(KEY_DROP_ORBIT)) { ship->DropOrbit(); // careful: this object has just been deleted! return; } }