/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Starship (low-level) Artificial Intelligence class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "ShipAI.h" #include "TacticalAI.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Element.h" #include "NavLight.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "Shield.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Player.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "FlightComp.h" #include "Farcaster.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "Debris.h" #include "Asteroid.h" #include "Game.h" #include "ContentBundle.h" #include "Random.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ShipAI::ShipAI(SimObject* s) : SteerAI(s), support(0), rumor(0), threat(0), threat_missile(0), drop_time(0), too_close(0), navpt(0), patrol(0), engaged_ship_id(0), bracket(false), identify(false), hold(false), takeoff(false), throttle(0), old_throttle(0), element_index(1), splash_count(0), tactical(0), farcaster(0), ai_level(2), last_avoid_time(0), last_call_time(0) { ship = (Ship*) self; Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); Ship* pship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); int player_team = 1; if (pship) player_team = pship->GetIFF(); Player* player = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); if (player) { if (ship && ship->GetIFF() && ship->GetIFF() != player_team) { ai_level = player->AILevel(); } else if (player->AILevel() == 0) { ai_level = 1; } } // evil alien ships are *always* smart: if (ship && ship->GetIFF() > 1 && ship->Design()->auto_roll > 1) { ai_level = 2; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ShipAI::~ShipAI() { delete tactical; } void ShipAI::ClearTactical() { delete tactical; tactical = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ship* ShipAI::GetWard() const { return ship->GetWard(); } void ShipAI::SetWard(Ship* s) { if (ship == nullptr) return; if (s == ship->GetWard()) return; if (ship) ship->SetWard(s); Point form = RandomDirection(); form.SwapYZ(); if (fabs(form.x) < 0.5) { if (form.x < 0) form.x = -0.5; else form.x = 0.5; } if (ship && ship->IsStarship()) { form *= 30e3; } else { form *= 15e3; form.y = 500; } SetFormationDelta(form); } void ShipAI::SetSupport(Ship* s) { if (support == s) return; support = s; if (support) Observe(support); } void ShipAI::SetRumor(Ship* s) { if (!s || rumor == s) return; rumor = s; if (rumor) Observe(rumor); } void ShipAI::ClearRumor() { rumor = 0; } void ShipAI::SetThreat(Ship* s) { if (threat == s) return; threat = s; if (threat) Observe(threat); } void ShipAI::SetThreatMissile(Shot* s) { if (threat_missile == s) return; threat_missile = s; if (threat_missile) Observe(threat_missile); } bool ShipAI::Update(SimObject* obj) { if (obj == support) support = 0; if (obj == threat) threat = 0; if (obj == threat_missile) threat_missile = 0; if (obj == rumor) rumor = 0; return SteerAI::Update(obj); } const char* ShipAI::GetObserverName() const { static char name[64]; sprintf_s(name, "ShipAI(%s)", self->Name()); return name; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Point ShipAI::GetPatrol() const { return patrol_loc; } void ShipAI::SetPatrol(const Point& p) { patrol = 1; patrol_loc = p; } void ShipAI::ClearPatrol() { patrol = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::ExecFrame(double secs) { seconds = secs; if (drop_time > 0) drop_time -= seconds; if (!ship) return; ship->SetDirectorInfo(" "); // check to make sure current navpt is still valid: if (navpt) navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (ship->GetFlightPhase() == Ship::TAKEOFF || ship->GetFlightPhase() == Ship::LAUNCH) takeoff = true; if (takeoff) { FindObjective(); Navigator(); if (ship->MissionClock() > 10000) takeoff = false; return; } // initial assessment: if (ship->MissionClock() < 5000) return; element_index = ship->GetElementIndex(); NavlightControl(); CheckTarget(); if (tactical) tactical->ExecFrame(seconds); if (target && target != ship->GetTarget()) { ship->LockTarget(target); // if able to lock target, and target is a ship (not a shot)... if (target == ship->GetTarget() && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { // if this isn't the same ship we last called out: if (target->Identity() != engaged_ship_id && Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->GameTime() - last_call_time > 10000) { // call engaging: RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(ship->GetElement(), ship, RadioMessage::CALL_ENGAGING); msg->AddTarget(target); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); last_call_time = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->GameTime(); engaged_ship_id = target->Identity(); } } } else if (!target) { target = ship->GetTarget(); if (engaged_ship_id && !target) { engaged_ship_id = 0; /*** *** XXX *** Not the right place to make this decision. *** *** There is a brief wait between killing a target and *** selecting a new one, so this message is sent after *** every kill. *** *** Need to track when the entire element has been *** put down. if (element_index == 1) { RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(ship->GetElement(), ship, RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } *** ***/ } } FindObjective(); Navigator(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Point ShipAI::ClosingVelocity() { if (ship && target) { if (ship->GetPrimaryDesign()) { WeaponDesign* guns = ship->GetPrimaryDesign(); Point delta = target->Location() - ship->Location(); // fighters need to aim the ship so that the guns will hit the target if (guns->firing_cone < 10*DEGREES && guns->max_range <= delta.length()) { Point aim_vec = ship->Heading(); aim_vec.Normalize(); Point shot_vel = ship->Velocity() + aim_vec * guns->speed; return shot_vel - target->Velocity(); } // ships with turreted weapons just need to worry about actual closing speed else { return ship->Velocity() - target->Velocity(); } } else { return ship->Velocity(); } } return Point(1,0,0); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::FindObjective() { distance = 0; int order = ship->GetRadioOrders()->Action(); if (order == RadioMessage::QUANTUM_TO || order == RadioMessage::FARCAST_TO) { FindObjectiveQuantum(); objective = Transform(obj_w); return; } bool form = (order == RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD) || (order == RadioMessage::FORM_UP) || (order == RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL) || (order == RadioMessage::RTB) || (order == RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH) || (!order && !target) || (farcaster); Ship* ward = ship->GetWard(); // if not the element leader, stay in formation: if (form && element_index > 1) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.formation")); if (navpt && navpt->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH) { FindObjectiveNavPoint(); } else { navpt = 0; FindObjectiveFormation(); } // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); return; } // under orders? bool directed = false; if (tactical) directed = (tactical->RulesOfEngagement() == TacticalAI::DIRECTED); // threat processing: if (threat && !directed) { double d_threat = Point(threat->Location() - ship->Location()).length(); // seek support: if (support) { double d_support = Point(support->Location() - ship->Location()).length(); if (d_support > 35e3) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.regroup")); FindObjectiveTarget(support); objective = Transform(obj_w); return; } } // run away: else if (threat != target) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.retreat")); obj_w = ship->Location() + Point(ship->Location() - threat->Location()) * 100; objective = Transform(obj_w); return; } } // normal processing: if (target) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.seek-target")); FindObjectiveTarget(target); objective = AimTransform(obj_w); } else if (patrol) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.patrol")); FindObjectivePatrol(); objective = Transform(obj_w); } else if (ward) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.seek-ward")); FindObjectiveFormation(); objective = Transform(obj_w); } else if (navpt && form) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.seek-navpt")); FindObjectiveNavPoint(); objective = Transform(obj_w); } else if (rumor) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.search")); FindObjectiveTarget(rumor); objective = Transform(obj_w); } else { obj_w = Point(); objective = Point(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::FindObjectiveTarget(SimObject* tgt) { if (!tgt) { obj_w = Point(); return; } navpt = 0; // this tells fire control that we are chasing a target, // instead of a navpoint! Point cv = ClosingVelocity(); double cvl = cv.length(); double time = 0; if (cvl > 50) { // distance from self to target: distance = Point(tgt->Location() - self->Location()).length(); // time to reach target: time = distance / cvl; // where the target will be when we reach it: if (time < 15) { Point run_vec = tgt->Velocity(); obj_w = tgt->Location() + (run_vec * time); if (time < 10) obj_w += (tgt->Acceleration() * 0.33 * time * time); } else { obj_w = tgt->Location(); } } else { obj_w = tgt->Location(); } distance = Point(obj_w - self->Location()).length(); if (cvl > 50) { time = distance / cvl; // where we will be when the target gets there: if (time < 15) { Point self_dest = self->Location() + cv * time; Point err = obj_w - self_dest; obj_w += err; } } Point approach = obj_w - self->Location(); distance = approach.length(); if (bracket && distance > 25e3) { Point offset = approach.cross(Point(0,1,0)); offset.Normalize(); offset *= 15e3; Ship* s = (Ship*) self; if (s->GetElementIndex() & 1) obj_w -= offset; else obj_w += offset; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::FindObjectivePatrol() { navpt = 0; Point npt = patrol_loc; obj_w = npt; // distance from self to navpt: distance = Point(obj_w - self->Location()).length(); if (distance < 1000) { ship->ClearRadioOrders(); ClearPatrol(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::FindObjectiveNavPoint() { SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* nav_rgn = navpt->Region(); QuantumDrive* qdrive = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); if (!self_rgn) return; if (!nav_rgn) { nav_rgn = self_rgn; navpt->SetRegion(nav_rgn); } bool use_farcaster = self_rgn != nav_rgn && (navpt->Farcast() || !qdrive || !qdrive->IsPowerOn() || qdrive->Status() < System::DEGRADED ); if (use_farcaster) { FindObjectiveFarcaster(self_rgn, nav_rgn); } else { if (farcaster) { if (farcaster->GetShip()->GetRegion() != self_rgn) farcaster = farcaster->GetDest()->GetFarcaster(); obj_w = farcaster->EndPoint(); } else { // transform from starsystem to world coordinates: Point npt = navpt->Region()->Location() + navpt->Location(); SimRegion* active_region = ship->GetRegion(); if (active_region) npt -= active_region->Location(); npt = npt.OtherHand(); obj_w = npt; } // distance from self to navpt: distance = Point(obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); if (farcaster && distance < 1000) farcaster = 0; if (distance < 1000 || (navpt->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH && distance > 25000)) ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::COMPLETE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::FindObjectiveQuantum() { Instruction* orders = ship->GetRadioOrders(); SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* nav_rgn = orders->Region(); QuantumDrive* qdrive = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); if (!self_rgn || !nav_rgn) return; bool use_farcaster = self_rgn != nav_rgn && (orders->Farcast() || !qdrive || !qdrive->IsPowerOn() || qdrive->Status() < System::DEGRADED ); if (use_farcaster) { FindObjectiveFarcaster(self_rgn, nav_rgn); } else { if (farcaster) { if (farcaster->GetShip()->GetRegion() != self_rgn) farcaster = farcaster->GetDest()->GetFarcaster(); obj_w = farcaster->EndPoint(); } else { // transform from starsystem to world coordinates: Point npt = orders->Region()->Location() + orders->Location(); SimRegion* active_region = ship->GetRegion(); if (active_region) npt -= active_region->Location(); npt = npt.OtherHand(); obj_w = npt; if (qdrive && qdrive->ActiveState() == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY) { qdrive->SetDestination(nav_rgn, orders->Location()); qdrive->Engage(); return; } } // distance from self to navpt: distance = Point(obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); if (farcaster) { if (distance < 1000) { farcaster = 0; ship->ClearRadioOrders(); } } else if (self_rgn == nav_rgn) { ship->ClearRadioOrders(); } } } void ShipAI::FindObjectiveFarcaster(SimRegion* src_rgn, SimRegion* dst_rgn) { if (!farcaster) { ListIter s = src_rgn->Ships(); while (++s && !farcaster) { if (s->GetFarcaster()) { const Ship* dest = s->GetFarcaster()->GetDest(); if (dest && dest->GetRegion() == dst_rgn) { farcaster = s->GetFarcaster(); } } } } if (farcaster) { Point apt = farcaster->ApproachPoint(0); Point npt = farcaster->StartPoint(); double r1 = (ship->Location() - npt).length(); if (r1 > 50e3) { obj_w = apt; distance = r1; } else { double r2 = (ship->Location() - apt).length(); double r3 = (npt - apt).length(); if (r1+r2 < 1.2*r3) { obj_w = npt; distance = r1; } else { obj_w = apt; distance = r2; } } objective = Transform(obj_w); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::SetFormationDelta(const Point& point) { formation_delta = point; } void ShipAI::FindObjectiveFormation() { const double prediction = 5; // find the base position: Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); Ship* lead = elem->GetShip(1); Ship* ward = ship->GetWard(); if (!lead || lead == ship) { lead = ward; distance = (lead->Location() - self->Location()).length(); if (distance < 30e3 && lead->Velocity().length() < 50) { obj_w = self->Location() + lead->Heading() * 1e6; distance = -1; return; } } obj_w = lead->Location() + lead->Velocity() * prediction; Matrix m; m.Rotate(0, 0, lead->CompassHeading() - PI); Point fd = formation_delta * m; obj_w += fd; // try to avoid smacking into the ground... if (ship->IsAirborne()) { if (ship->AltitudeAGL() < 3000 || lead->AltitudeAGL() < 3000) { obj_w.y += 500; } } Point dst_w = self->Location() + self->Velocity() * prediction; Point dlt_w = obj_w - dst_w; distance = dlt_w.length(); // get slot z distance: dlt_w += ship->Location(); slot_dist = Transform(dlt_w).z; Director* lead_dir = lead->GetDirector(); if (lead_dir && (lead_dir->Type() == FIGHTER || lead_dir->Type() == STARSHIP)) { ShipAI* lead_ai = (ShipAI*) lead_dir; farcaster = lead_ai->GetFarcaster(); } else { Instruction* navpt = elem->GetNextNavPoint(); if (!navpt) { farcaster = 0; return; } SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* nav_rgn = navpt->Region(); QuantumDrive* qdrive = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); if (self_rgn && !nav_rgn) { nav_rgn = self_rgn; navpt->SetRegion(nav_rgn); } bool use_farcaster = self_rgn != nav_rgn && (navpt->Farcast() || !qdrive || !qdrive->IsPowerOn() || qdrive->Status() < System::DEGRADED ); if (use_farcaster) { ListIter s = self_rgn->Ships(); while (++s && !farcaster) { if (s->GetFarcaster()) { const Ship* dest = s->GetFarcaster()->GetDest(); if (dest && dest->GetRegion() == nav_rgn) { farcaster = s->GetFarcaster(); } } } } else if (farcaster) { if (farcaster->GetShip()->GetRegion() != self_rgn) farcaster = farcaster->GetDest()->GetFarcaster(); obj_w = farcaster->EndPoint(); distance = Point(obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); if (distance < 1000) farcaster = 0; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::Splash(const Ship* targ) { if (splash_count > 6) splash_count = 4; // call splash: RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(ship, RadioMessage::SPLASH_1 + splash_count); splash_count++; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::SetTarget(SimObject* targ, System* sub) { if (targ != target) { bracket = false; } SteerAI::SetTarget(targ, sub); } void ShipAI::DropTarget(double dtime) { SetTarget(0); drop_time = dtime; // seconds until we can re-acquire ship->DropTarget(); } void ShipAI::SetBracket(bool b) { bracket = b; identify = false; } void ShipAI::SetIdentify(bool i) { identify = i; bracket = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::Navigator() { accumulator.Clear(); magnitude = 0; hold = false; if ((ship->GetElement() && ship->GetElement()->GetHoldTime() > 0) || (navpt && navpt->Status() == Instruction::COMPLETE && navpt->HoldTime() > 0)) hold = true; ship->SetFLCSMode(Ship::FLCS_HELM); if (target) ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.seek-target")); else if (rumor) ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.seek-rumor")); else ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.none")); Accumulate(AvoidCollision()); Accumulate(AvoidTerrain()); if (!hold) Accumulate(SeekTarget()); HelmControl(); ThrottleControl(); FireControl(); AdjustDefenses(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::HelmControl() { double trans_x = 0; double trans_y = 0; double trans_z = 0; ship->SetHelmHeading(accumulator.yaw); if (fabs(accumulator.pitch) < 5*DEGREES || fabs(accumulator.pitch) > 45*DEGREES) { trans_z = objective.y; ship->SetHelmPitch(0); } else { ship->SetHelmPitch(accumulator.pitch); } ship->SetTransX(trans_x); ship->SetTransY(trans_y); ship->SetTransZ(trans_z); ship->ExecFLCSFrame(); } /***************************************** ** ** NOTE: ** No one is really using this method. ** It is overridden by both StarshipAI ** and FighterAI. ** *****************************************/ void ShipAI::ThrottleControl() { if (navpt && !threat && !target) { // lead only, get speed from navpt double speed = navpt->Speed(); if (speed > 0) throttle = speed / ship->VelocityLimit() * 100; else throttle = 50; } else if (patrol && !threat && !target) { // lead only, get speed from navpt double speed = 200; if (distance > 5000) speed = 500; if (ship->Velocity().length() > speed) throttle = 0; else throttle = 50; } else { if (threat || target || element_index < 2) { // element lead throttle = 100; if (!threat && !target) throttle = 50; if (accumulator.brake > 0) { throttle *= (1 - accumulator.brake); } } else { // wingman Ship* lead = ship->GetElement()->GetShip(1); double lv = lead->Velocity().length(); double sv = ship->Velocity().length(); double dv = lv-sv; double dt = 0; if (dv > 0) dt = dv * 1e-2 * seconds; else if (dv < 0) dt = dv * 1e-2 * seconds; throttle = old_throttle + dt; } } old_throttle = throttle; ship->SetThrottle((int) throttle); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::NavlightControl() { Ship* leader = ship->GetLeader(); if (leader && leader != ship) { bool navlight_enabled = false; if (leader->NavLights().size() > 0) navlight_enabled = leader->NavLights().at(0)->IsEnabled(); for (int i = 0; i < ship->NavLights().size(); i++) { if (navlight_enabled) ship->NavLights().at(i)->Enable(); else ship->NavLights().at(i)->Disable(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer ShipAI::AvoidTerrain() { Steer avoid; return avoid; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer ShipAI::AvoidCollision() { Steer avoid; if (!ship || !ship->GetRegion() || !ship->GetRegion()->IsActive()) return avoid; if (other && (other->Life() == 0 || other->Integrity() < 1)) { other = 0; last_avoid_time = 0; // check for a new obstacle immediately } if (!other && Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->GameTime() - last_avoid_time < 500) return avoid; brake = 0; // don't get closer than this: double avoid_dist = 5 * self->Radius(); if (avoid_dist < 1e3) avoid_dist = 1e3; else if (avoid_dist > 12e3) avoid_dist = 12e3; // find the soonest potential collision, // ignore any that occur after this: double avoid_time = 15; if (ship->Design()->avoid_time > 0) avoid_time = ship->Design()->avoid_time; else if (ship->IsStarship()) avoid_time *= 1.5; Point bearing = self->Velocity(); bearing.Normalize(); bool found = false; int num_contacts = ship->NumContacts(); ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); // check current obstacle first: if (other) { found = AvoidTestSingleObject(other, bearing, avoid_dist, avoid_time, avoid); } if (!found) { // avoid ships: while (++contact && !found) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (c_ship && c_ship != ship && c_ship->IsStarship()) { found = AvoidTestSingleObject(c_ship, bearing, avoid_dist, avoid_time, avoid); } } // also avoid large pieces of debris: if (!found) { ListIter iter = ship->GetRegion()->Rocks(); while (++iter && !found) { Debris* debris = iter.value(); if (debris->Mass() > ship->Mass()) found = AvoidTestSingleObject(debris, bearing, avoid_dist, avoid_time, avoid); } } // and asteroids: if (!found) { // give asteroids a wider berth - avoid_dist *= 8; ListIter iter = ship->GetRegion()->Roids(); while (++iter && !found) { Asteroid* roid = iter.value(); found = AvoidTestSingleObject(roid, bearing, avoid_dist, avoid_time, avoid); } if (!found) avoid_dist /= 8; } // if found, steer to avoid: if (other) { avoid = Avoid(obstacle, (float) (ship->Radius() + other->Radius() + avoid_dist * 0.9)); avoid.brake = brake; ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.avoid-collision")); } } last_avoid_time = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->GameTime(); return avoid; } bool ShipAI::AvoidTestSingleObject(SimObject* obj, const Point& bearing, double avoid_dist, double& avoid_time, Steer& avoid) { if (too_close == obj->Identity()) { double dist = (ship->Location() - obj->Location()).length(); double closure = (ship->Velocity() - obj->Velocity()) * bearing; if (closure > 1 && dist < avoid_dist) { avoid = AvoidCloseObject(obj); return true; } else { too_close = 0; } } // will we get close? double time = ClosestApproachTime(ship->Location(), ship->Velocity(), obj->Location(), obj->Velocity()); // already past the obstacle: if (time <= 0) { if (other == obj) other = 0; return false; } // how quickly could we collide? Point current_relation = ship->Location() - obj->Location(); double current_distance = current_relation.length() - ship->Radius() - obj->Radius(); // are we really far away? if (current_distance > 25e3) { if (other == obj) other = 0; return false; } // is the obstacle a farcaster? if (obj->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* c_ship = (Ship*) obj; if (c_ship->GetFarcaster()) { // are we on a safe vector? Point dir = ship->Velocity(); dir.Normalize(); double angle_off = fabs(acos(dir * obj->Cam().vpn())); if (angle_off > 90*DEGREES) angle_off = 180*DEGREES - angle_off; if (angle_off < 35*DEGREES) { // will we pass through the center? Point d = ship->Location() + dir * (current_distance + ship->Radius() + obj->Radius()); double err = (obj->Location() - d).length(); if (err < 0.667 * obj->Radius()) { return false; } } } } // rate of closure: double closing_velocity = (ship->Velocity() - obj->Velocity()) * bearing; // are we too close already? if (current_distance < (avoid_dist * 0.35)) { if (closing_velocity > 1 || current_distance < ship->Radius()) { avoid = AvoidCloseObject(obj); return true; } } // too far away to worry about: double separation = (avoid_dist + obj->Radius()); if ((current_distance-separation) / closing_velocity > avoid_time) { if (other == obj) other = 0; return false; } // where will we be? Point selfpt = ship->Location() + ship->Velocity() * time; Point testpt = obj->Location() + obj->Velocity() * time; // how close will we get? double dist = (selfpt - testpt).length() - ship->Radius() - obj->Radius(); // that's too close: if (dist < avoid_dist) { if (dist < avoid_dist * 0.25 && time < avoid_time * 0.5) { avoid = AvoidCloseObject(obj); return true; } obstacle = Transform(testpt); if (obstacle.z > 0) { other = obj; avoid_time = time; brake = 0.5; Observe(other); } } // hysteresis: else if (other == obj && dist > avoid_dist * 1.25) { other = 0; } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer ShipAI::AvoidCloseObject(SimObject* obj) { too_close = obj->Identity(); obstacle = Transform(obj->Location()); other = obj; Observe(other); Steer avoid = Flee(obstacle); avoid.brake = 0.3; ship->SetDirectorInfo(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("ai.avoid-collision")); return avoid; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer ShipAI::SeekTarget() { Ship* ward = ship->GetWard(); if (!target && !ward && !navpt && !patrol) { if (element_index > 1) { // wingmen keep in formation: return Seek(objective); } if (farcaster) { return Seek(objective); } if (rumor) { return Seek(objective); } return Steer(); } if (patrol) { Steer result = Seek(objective); if (distance < 2000) { result.brake = 1; } return result; } if (target && too_close == target->Identity()) { drop_time = 4; return Avoid(objective, 0.0f); } else if (drop_time > 0) { return Steer(); } return Seek(objective); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer ShipAI::EvadeThreat() { return Steer(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::FireControl() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::AdjustDefenses() { Shield* shield = ship->GetShield(); if (shield) { double desire = 50; if (threat_missile || threat) desire = 100; shield->SetPowerLevel(desire); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void ShipAI::CheckTarget() { if (target) { if (target->Life() == 0) target = 0; else if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target; if (tgt_ship->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF() && !tgt_ship->IsRogue()) target = 0; } } }