/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Window class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "RichTextBox.h" #include "EventDispatch.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "View.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ RichTextBox::RichTextBox(ActiveWindow* p, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD aid, DWORD astyle) : ScrollWindow(p->GetScreen(), ax, ay, aw, ah, aid, astyle, p) { leading = 2; char buf[32]; sprintf_s(buf, "RichTextBox %d", id); desc = buf; } RichTextBox::RichTextBox(Screen* screen, int ax, int ay, int aw, int ah, DWORD aid, DWORD astyle) : ScrollWindow(screen, ax, ay, aw, ah, aid, astyle) { leading = 2; char buf[32]; sprintf_s(buf, "RichTextBox %d", id); desc = buf; } RichTextBox::~RichTextBox() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RichTextBox::SetText(const char* t) { ActiveWindow::SetText(t); ScrollTo(0); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RichTextBox::DrawContent(const Rect& ctrl_rect) { DrawTabbedText(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RichTextBox::DrawTabbedText() { if (font && text.length()) { int border_size = 4; if (style & WIN_RAISED_FRAME && style & WIN_SUNK_FRAME) border_size = 8; Rect label_rect = rect; label_rect.x = border_size; label_rect.y = border_size; label_rect.w -= border_size * 2; label_rect.h -= border_size * 2; if (scroll_bar) label_rect.w -= SCROLL_TRACK; if (line_height < font->Height()) line_height = font->Height(); font->SetColor(fore_color); DrawRichText(label_rect); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int RichTextBox::find_next_word_start(const char* text, int index) { // step through intra-word space: while (text[index] && isspace(text[index]) && (text[index] != '\t') && (text[index] != '\n') && (text[index] != '<')) index++; return index; } int RichTextBox::find_next_word_end(const char* text, int index) { // check for leading newline or tag: if (text[index] == '\n' || text[index] == '\t' || text[index] == '<') return index; // step through intra-word space: while (text[index] && isspace(text[index])) index++; // step through word: while (text[index] && !isspace(text[index]) && (text[index] != '-') && (text[index] != '<')) index++; if (index) { if (text[index] != '-') return index-1; else return index; } return 0; } int RichTextBox::parse_hex_digit(char c) { if (isalpha(c)) return 10 + tolower(c) - 'a'; else if (isdigit(c)) return c - '0'; return 0; } int RichTextBox::process_tag(const char* text, int index, Font*& font) { if (text[index] == '<') { char tag[64]; int i = 0; while (text[index] && (text[index] != '>')) tag[i++] = text[index++]; if (text[index] == '>') tag[i++] = text[index++]; tag[i] = 0; switch (tag[1]) { case 'c': case 'C': if (_strnicmp(tag+1, "color", 5) == 0) { int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; if (i > 12) { r = 16 * parse_hex_digit(tag[ 7]) + parse_hex_digit(tag[ 8]); g = 16 * parse_hex_digit(tag[ 9]) + parse_hex_digit(tag[10]); b = 16 * parse_hex_digit(tag[11]) + parse_hex_digit(tag[12]); } font->SetColor(Color(r,g,b)); } break; case 'f': case 'F': if (_strnicmp(tag+1, "font", 4) == 0) { Color current_color = Color::White; if (font) current_color = font->GetColor(); tag[i-1] = 0; font = FontMgr::Find(tag+6); font->SetColor(current_color); } break; } } return index; } int RichTextBox::GetNextTab(int xpos) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (tab[i] > xpos) return tab[i]; } return (xpos / 20) * 20 + 20; } void RichTextBox::DrawRichText(Rect& text_rect) { // clip the rect: Rect clip_rect = ClipRect(text_rect); clip_rect.h -= 8; if (clip_rect.w < 1 || clip_rect.h < 1) return; const char* t = text.data(); int count = text.length(); int nlines = 0; int xpos = 0; int block_start = 0; int block_count = 0; int curr_word_end = -1; int next_word_end = 0; int eol_index = 0; int new_line = 0; int x_offset = 0; int y_offset = 0; int length = 0; Font* rich_font = font; rich_font->SetColor(fore_color); if (smooth_scroll) { double fraction = smooth_offset - (int) smooth_offset; y_offset = (int) ((1-fraction) * (rich_font->Height() + leading)); } // while there is still text: while (block_start < count) { bool found_tag = false; do { found_tag = false; if (t[block_start] == '<') { block_start = process_tag(t, block_start, rich_font); found_tag = true; } else if (t[block_start] == '\t') { block_start++; x_offset = GetNextTab(x_offset); if (x_offset > text_rect.w) { nlines++; if (nlines > top_index) y_offset += rich_font->Height() + leading; x_offset = 0; new_line = false; } found_tag = true; } else if (t[block_start] == '\r') { block_start++; if (t[block_start] == '\n') block_start++; nlines++; if (nlines > top_index) y_offset += rich_font->Height() + leading; x_offset = 0; new_line = false; found_tag = true; } else if (t[block_start] == '\n') { block_start++; if (t[block_start] == '\r') block_start++; nlines++; if (nlines > top_index) y_offset += rich_font->Height() + leading; x_offset = 0; new_line = false; found_tag = true; } } while (found_tag); next_word_end = find_next_word_end(t, block_start); if (!next_word_end || next_word_end == curr_word_end) { new_line = true; } else if (t[next_word_end] == '\n') { eol_index = curr_word_end = next_word_end; new_line = true; } else { int word_len = next_word_end - block_start + 1; length = rich_font->StringWidth(t+block_start, word_len); // if this word was too long, wrap to next line: if (x_offset + length > text_rect.w) { nlines++; if (nlines > top_index) y_offset += rich_font->Height() + leading; x_offset = 0; new_line = false; } // is there a trailing newline? curr_word_end = next_word_end; // check for a newline in the next block of white space: eol_index = 0; const char* eol = &t[curr_word_end+1]; while (*eol && isspace(*eol) && *eol != '\n') eol++; if (*eol == '\n') { eol_index = eol - t; new_line = true; } } block_count = curr_word_end - block_start + 1; if (block_count > 0) { length = rich_font->StringWidth(t+block_start, block_count); } // there was a single word longer than the entire line: else { block_count = next_word_end - block_start + 1; length = rich_font->StringWidth(t+block_start, block_count); curr_word_end = next_word_end; } if (length > 0 && nlines >= top_index && nlines < top_index+page_size) { int x1 = text_rect.x + x_offset + rect.x; int y1 = text_rect.y + y_offset + rect.y; rich_font->DrawString(t+block_start, block_count, x1, y1, clip_rect); } if (new_line) { nlines++; if (nlines > top_index) y_offset += rich_font->Height() + leading; x_offset = 0; new_line = false; } else if (length < 1 || text[next_word_end] == '-') { x_offset += length; } else { x_offset += length + rich_font->SpaceWidth(); } if (eol_index > 0) curr_word_end = eol_index; block_start = find_next_word_start(t, curr_word_end+1); } line_count = nlines; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int RichTextBox::OnMouseMove(int x, int y) { if (captured) { ActiveWindow* test = GetCapture(); if (test != this) { captured = false; } else { if (scrolling == SCROLL_THUMB) { mouse_y = y - rect.y - TRACK_START; int dest = (int) ((double) mouse_y/track_length * (line_count-1)); ScrollTo(dest); } } } return ActiveWindow::OnMouseMove(x,y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int RichTextBox::OnLButtonDown(int x, int y) { return ScrollWindow::OnLButtonDown(x,y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int RichTextBox::OnLButtonUp(int x, int y) { return ScrollWindow::OnLButtonUp(x,y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int RichTextBox::OnMouseWheel(int wheel) { return ScrollWindow::OnMouseWheel(wheel); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int RichTextBox::OnClick() { int fire_click = !scrolling; if (scrolling == SCROLL_THUMB) scrolling = SCROLL_NONE; if (fire_click) return ActiveWindow::OnClick(); return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int RichTextBox::OnKeyDown(int vk, int flags) { return ScrollWindow::OnKeyDown(vk, flags); }