/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== View class for Radio Communications HUD Overlay */ #include "RadioView.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "QuantumView.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "FormatUtil.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "ContentBundle.h" #include "Menu.h" static Color hud_color = Color::Black; static Color txt_color = Color::White; // +====================================================================+ // // RADIO COMMUNICATIONS MENU: // static Menu* fighter_menu = 0; static Menu* starship_menu = 0; static Menu* target_menu = 0; static Menu* combat_menu = 0; static Menu* formation_menu = 0; static Menu* sensors_menu = 0; static Menu* mission_menu = 0; static Menu* wing_menu = 0; static Menu* elem_menu = 0; static Menu* control_menu = 0; static int starship_page = 0; static int num_pages = 0; const int PAGE_SIZE = 9; static MenuHistory history; void RadioView::Initialize() { static int initialized = 0; if (initialized) return; target_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.TARGET")); target_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.attack"), RadioMessage::ATTACK); target_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.bracket"), RadioMessage::BRACKET); target_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.escort"), RadioMessage::ESCORT); combat_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.COMBAT")); combat_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.cover"), RadioMessage::COVER_ME); combat_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.break-attack"), RadioMessage::WEP_FREE); combat_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.form-up"), RadioMessage::FORM_UP); formation_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.FORMATION")); formation_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.diamond"), RadioMessage::GO_DIAMOND); formation_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.spread"), RadioMessage::GO_SPREAD); formation_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.box"), RadioMessage::GO_BOX); formation_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.trail"), RadioMessage::GO_TRAIL); sensors_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.SENSORS")); sensors_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.emcon-1"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1); sensors_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.emcon-2"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON2); sensors_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.emcon-3"), RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3); sensors_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.probe"), RadioMessage::LAUNCH_PROBE); mission_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.MISSION")); mission_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.skip-navpt"), RadioMessage::SKIP_NAVPOINT); mission_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.resume"), RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION); mission_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.rtb"), RadioMessage::RTB); wing_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.WINGMAN")); wing_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.target"), target_menu); wing_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.combat"), combat_menu); wing_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.formation"), formation_menu); wing_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.mission"), mission_menu); wing_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.sensors"), sensors_menu); elem_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.ELEMENT")); elem_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.target"), target_menu); elem_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.combat"), combat_menu); elem_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.formation"), formation_menu); elem_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.mission"), mission_menu); elem_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.sensors"), sensors_menu); control_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.CONTROL")); control_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.picture"), RadioMessage::REQUEST_PICTURE); control_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.backup"), RadioMessage::REQUEST_SUPPORT); control_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.call-inbound"), RadioMessage::CALL_INBOUND); control_menu->AddItem(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.call-finals"), RadioMessage::CALL_FINALS); fighter_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.RADIO")); fighter_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.wingman"), wing_menu); fighter_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.element"), elem_menu); fighter_menu->AddMenu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.control"), control_menu); starship_menu = new Menu(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.RADIO")); initialized = 1; } void RadioView::Close() { history.Clear(); delete fighter_menu; delete starship_menu; delete target_menu; delete combat_menu; delete formation_menu; delete sensors_menu; delete mission_menu; delete wing_menu; delete elem_menu; delete control_menu; } static bool TargetRequired(const MenuItem* item) { if (item) { switch (item->GetData()) { case RadioMessage::ATTACK: case RadioMessage::BRACKET: case RadioMessage::ESCORT: return true; default: if (item->GetData() == (DWORD) target_menu) return true; } } return false; } // +====================================================================+ RadioView* RadioView::radio_view = 0; ThreadSync RadioView::sync; RadioView::RadioView(Window* c) : View(c), sim(0), ship(0), font(0), dst_elem(0) { radio_view = this; sim = Sim::GetSim(); width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) SetColor(hud->GetTextColor()); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) msg_time[i] = 0; } RadioView::~RadioView() { radio_view = 0; } void RadioView::OnWindowMove() { width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool RadioView::Update(SimObject* obj) { if (obj == ship) { ship = 0; history.Clear(); } return SimObserver::Update(obj); } const char* RadioView::GetObserverName() const { return "RadioView"; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioView::Refresh() { sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (!font) return; font->SetColor(txt_color); font->SetAlpha(1); if (sim && ship != sim->GetPlayerShip()) { ship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); history.Clear(); if (ship) { if (ship->Life() == 0 || ship->IsDying() || ship->IsDead()) { ship = 0; } else { Observe(ship); } } } QuantumView* qv = QuantumView::GetInstance(); if (!qv || !qv->IsMenuShown()) { Menu* menu = history.GetCurrent(); if (menu) { Rect menu_rect(width-115, 10, 115, 12); font->DrawText(menu->GetTitle(), 0, menu_rect, DT_CENTER); menu_rect.y += 15; ListIter item = menu->GetItems(); while (++item) { if (ship->GetEMCON() < 2 || (TargetRequired(item.value()) && !ship->GetTarget()) || item->GetText().contains("KIA")) { item->SetEnabled(false); font->SetAlpha(0.35); } else { item->SetEnabled(true); font->SetAlpha(1); } font->DrawText(item->GetText(), 0, menu_rect, DT_LEFT); menu_rect.y += 10; } } } int message_queue_empty = true; // age messages: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (msg_time[i] > 0) { msg_time[i] -= Clock::GetInstance()->GuiDelta(); if (msg_time[i] <= 0) { msg_time[i] = 0; msg_text[i] = ""; } message_queue_empty = false; } } if (!message_queue_empty) { // advance message pipeline: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (msg_time[0] == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MSG-1; j++) { msg_time[j] = msg_time[j+1]; msg_text[j] = msg_text[j+1]; } msg_time[MAX_MSG-1] = 0; msg_text[MAX_MSG-1] = ""; } } bool hud_off = false; if (HUDView::GetInstance()) hud_off = (HUDView::GetInstance()->GetHUDMode() == HUDView::HUD_MODE_OFF); // draw messages: if (!hud_off) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (msg_time[i] > 0) { Rect msg_rect(0, 95 + i*10, width, 12); if (msg_time[i] > 1) font->SetAlpha(1); else font->SetAlpha(0.5 + 0.5*msg_time[i]); font->DrawText(msg_text[i].data(), msg_text[i].length(), msg_rect, DT_CENTER); } } font->SetAlpha(1); } } Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); if (stars && stars->GetChatMode()) { Text chat; switch (stars->GetChatMode()) { case 1: chat = "ALL: "; break; case 2: chat = "TEAM: "; break; case 3: chat = "WING: "; break; case 4: chat = "UNIT: "; break; } chat += stars->GetChatText(); Rect chat_rect(width/2 - 250, height-150, 500, 12); font->DrawText(chat, 0, chat_rect, DT_LEFT); chat_rect.Inflate(2,2); window->DrawRect(chat_rect, hud_color); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioView::SendRadioMessage(Ship* ship, MenuItem* item) { if (!ship || !item) return; Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (!elem) return; // check destination: if (dst_elem) { RadioMessage* msg = new RadioMessage(dst_elem, ship, item->GetData()); if (TargetRequired(item)) msg->AddTarget(ship->GetTarget()); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); dst_elem = 0; } else if (history.Find(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.WINGMAN"))) { // wingman menu int index = ship->GetElementIndex(); int wing = 0; switch (index) { case 1: wing = 2; break; case 2: wing = 1; break; case 3: wing = 4; break; case 4: wing = 3; break; } if (wing) { Ship* dst = elem->GetShip(wing); if (dst) { RadioMessage* msg = new RadioMessage(dst, ship, item->GetData()); if (TargetRequired(item)) msg->AddTarget(ship->GetTarget()); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } } } else if (history.Find(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.ELEMENT"))) { // element menu RadioMessage* msg = new RadioMessage(elem, ship, item->GetData()); if (TargetRequired(item)) msg->AddTarget(ship->GetTarget()); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } else if (history.Find(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.menu.CONTROL"))) { // control menu RadioMessage* msg = 0; Ship* controller = ship->GetController(); if (controller) { msg = new RadioMessage(controller, ship, item->GetData()); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioView::ExecFrame() { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) { if (txt_color != hud->GetTextColor()) { txt_color = hud->GetTextColor(); SetColor(txt_color); } hud_color = hud->GetHUDColor(); } static int current_key = 0; if (current_key > 0 && Keyboard::KeyDown(current_key)) return; current_key = 0; Menu* menu = history.GetCurrent(); if (menu) { int max_items = menu->NumItems(); if (menu == starship_menu && Keyboard::KeyDown('0')) { current_key = '0'; if (++starship_page >= num_pages) starship_page = 0; history.Pop(); history.Push(GetRadioMenu(ship)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < max_items; i++) { if (Keyboard::KeyDown('1' + i)) { current_key = '1' + i; MenuItem* item = menu->GetItem(i); if (item && item->GetEnabled()) { if (item->GetSubmenu()) { if (history.GetCurrent() == starship_menu) dst_elem = (Element*) item->GetData(); history.Push(item->GetSubmenu()); } else { // execute radio message: SendRadioMessage(ship, item); // clear radio menu: history.Clear(); } break; } } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioView::SetColor(Color c) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) { hud_color = hud->GetHUDColor(); txt_color = hud->GetTextColor(); } else { hud_color = c; txt_color = c; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool RadioView::IsMenuShown() { return history.GetCurrent() != 0; } void RadioView::ShowMenu() { if (!ship) return; if (!history.GetCurrent()) { history.Push(GetRadioMenu(ship)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (Keyboard::KeyDown('1' + i)) { // just need to clear the key down flag // so we don't process old keystrokes // as valid menu picks... } } } } void RadioView::CloseMenu() { history.Clear(); dst_elem = 0; starship_page = 0; num_pages = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Menu* RadioView::GetRadioMenu(Ship* s) { dst_elem = 0; if (s && sim) { if (s->IsStarship()) { starship_menu->ClearItems(); int n = 0; int page_offset = starship_page*PAGE_SIZE; ListIter elem = sim->GetElements(); if (num_pages == 0) { while (++elem) { if (elem->IsFinished() || elem->IsSquadron() || elem->IsStatic()) continue; if (ship->GetIFF() == elem->GetIFF() && ship->GetElement() != elem.value()) n++; } num_pages = (n/PAGE_SIZE) + (n%PAGE_SIZE > 0); n = 0; elem.reset(); } while (++elem) { if (elem->IsFinished() || elem->IsSquadron() || elem->IsStatic()) continue; if (ship->GetIFF() == elem->GetIFF() && ship->GetElement() != elem.value()) { if (n >= page_offset && n < page_offset+PAGE_SIZE) { char text[64]; sprintf_s(text, "%d. %s", n+1 - page_offset, (const char*) elem->Name()); if (elem->IsActive()) { starship_menu->AddMenu(text, elem_menu, (DWORD) elem.value()); } else { strcat_s(text, " "); strcat_s(text, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.not-avail").data()); starship_menu->AddItem(text, 0, false); } } n++; } } if (num_pages > 1) { char text[64]; sprintf_s(text, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("RadioView.item.next-page").data(), starship_page + 1, num_pages); starship_menu->AddItem(text); } return starship_menu; } else if (s->IsDropship()) { return fighter_menu; } } return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioView::Message(const char* msg) { AutoThreadSync a(sync); if (radio_view) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (radio_view->msg_time[i] <= 0) { index = i; break; } } // no space; advance pipeline: if (index < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG-1; i++) { radio_view->msg_text[i] = radio_view->msg_text[i+1]; radio_view->msg_time[i] = radio_view->msg_time[i+1]; } index = MAX_MSG-1; } radio_view->msg_text[index] = msg; radio_view->msg_time[index] = 10; } } void RadioView::ClearMessages() { if (radio_view) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG-1; i++) { radio_view->msg_text[i] = Text(); radio_view->msg_time[i] = 0; } } }