/* Project Starshatter 4.5 Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: RadioTraffic.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Radio message handler class implementation */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioView.h" #include "RadioVox.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "NetGame.h" #include "NetData.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Text.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ RadioTraffic* RadioTraffic::radio_traffic = 0; // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ RadioTraffic::RadioTraffic() { radio_traffic = this; } RadioTraffic::~RadioTraffic() { traffic.destroy(); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioTraffic::Initialize() { if (!radio_traffic) radio_traffic = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioTraffic; } void RadioTraffic::Close() { delete radio_traffic; radio_traffic = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(Ship* ship, int action) { if (!ship) return; Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem) { if (action >= RadioMessage::REQUEST_PICTURE) { Ship* controller = ship->GetController(); if (controller && !ship->IsStarship()) { RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(controller, ship, action); Transmit(msg); } } else if (action >= RadioMessage::SPLASH_1 && action <= RadioMessage::DISTRESS) { RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage((Element*) 0, ship, action); Transmit(msg); } else { RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(elem, ship, action); if (action == RadioMessage::ATTACK || action == RadioMessage::ESCORT) msg->AddTarget(ship->GetTarget()); Transmit(msg); } } } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioTraffic::Transmit(RadioMessage* msg) { if (msg && radio_traffic) { NetGame* net_game = NetGame::GetInstance(); if (net_game) { NetCommMsg net_msg; net_msg.SetRadioMessage(msg); net_game->SendData(&net_msg); } radio_traffic->SendMessage(msg); } } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioTraffic::SendMessage(RadioMessage* msg) { if (!msg) return; Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); Ship* player = sim->GetPlayerShip(); int iff = 0; if (player) iff = player->GetIFF(); if (msg->DestinationShip()) { traffic.append(msg); if (msg->Channel() == 0 || msg->Channel() == iff) DisplayMessage(msg); if (!NetGame::IsNetGameClient()) msg->DestinationShip()->HandleRadioMessage(msg); } else if (msg->DestinationElem()) { traffic.append(msg); if (msg->Channel() == 0 || msg->Channel() == iff) DisplayMessage(msg); if (!NetGame::IsNetGameClient()) msg->DestinationElem()->HandleRadioMessage(msg); } else { if (msg->Channel() == 0 || msg->Channel() == iff) DisplayMessage(msg); delete msg; } } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text RadioTraffic::TranslateVox(const char* phrase) { Text vox = "vox."; vox += phrase; vox.toLower(); vox = Game::GetText(vox); if (vox.contains("vox.")) // failed to translate return Text(phrase); // return the original text return vox; } void RadioTraffic::DisplayMessage(RadioMessage* msg) { if (!msg) return; char txt_buf[256]; txt_buf[0] = 0; char msg_buf[128]; msg_buf[0] = 0; char src_buf[64]; src_buf[0] = 0; char dst_buf[64]; dst_buf[0] = 0; char act_buf[64]; act_buf[0] = 0; int vox_channel = 0; Ship* dst_ship = msg->DestinationShip(); Element* dst_elem = msg->DestinationElem(); // BUILD SRC AND DST BUFFERS ------------------- if (msg->Sender()) { const Ship* sender = msg->Sender(); // orders to self? if (dst_elem && dst_elem->NumShips() == 1 && dst_elem->GetShip(1) == sender) { if (msg->Action() >= RadioMessage::CALL_ENGAGING) { sprintf_s(src_buf, "%s", sender->Name()); if (sender->IsStarship()) vox_channel = (sender->Identity()%3) + 5; } } // orders to other ships: else { if (sender->IsStarship()) { vox_channel = (sender->Identity()%3) + 5; } else { vox_channel = sender->GetElementIndex(); } if (msg->Action() >= RadioMessage::CALL_ENGAGING) { sprintf_s(src_buf, "%s", sender->Name()); } else { sprintf_s(src_buf, "This is %s", sender->Name()); if (dst_ship) { // internal announcement if (dst_ship->GetElement() == sender->GetElement()) { dst_elem = sender->GetElement(); int index = sender->GetElementIndex(); if (index > 1 && dst_elem) { sprintf_s(dst_buf, "%s Leader", (const char*) dst_elem->Name()); sprintf_s(src_buf, "this is %s %d", (const char*) dst_elem->Name(), index); } else { sprintf_s(src_buf, "this is %s leader", (const char*) dst_elem->Name()); } } else { strcpy_s(dst_buf, (const char*) dst_ship->Name()); src_buf[0] = tolower(src_buf[0]); } } else if (dst_elem) { // flight if (dst_elem->NumShips() > 1) { sprintf_s(dst_buf, "%s Flight", (const char*) dst_elem->Name()); // internal announcement if (sender->GetElement() == dst_elem) { int index = sender->GetElementIndex(); if (index > 1) { sprintf_s(dst_buf, "%s Leader", (const char*) dst_elem->Name()); sprintf_s(src_buf, "this is %s %d", (const char*) dst_elem->Name(), index); } else { sprintf_s(src_buf, "this is %s leader", (const char*) dst_elem->Name()); } } } // solo else { strcpy_s(dst_buf, (const char*) dst_elem->Name()); src_buf[0] = tolower(src_buf[0]); } } } } } // BUILD ACTION AND TARGET BUFFERS ------------------- SimObject* target = 0; strcpy_s(act_buf, RadioMessage::ActionName(msg->Action())); if (msg->TargetList().size() > 0) target = msg->TargetList()[0]; if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::ACK || msg->Action() == RadioMessage::NACK) { if (dst_ship == msg->Sender()) { src_buf[0] = 0; dst_buf[0] = 0; if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::ACK) sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s.", TranslateVox("Acknowledged").data()); else sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s.", TranslateVox("Unable").data()); } else if (msg->Sender()) { dst_buf[0] = 0; if (msg->Info().length()) { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s. %s", TranslateVox(act_buf).data(), (const char*) msg->Info()); } else { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s.", TranslateVox(act_buf).data()); } } else { if (msg->Info().length()) { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s. %s", TranslateVox(act_buf).data(), (const char*) msg->Info()); } else { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s.", TranslateVox(act_buf).data()); } } } else if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL) { sprintf_s(msg_buf, TranslateVox("Move patrol.").data()); } else if (target && dst_ship && msg->Sender()) { Contact* c = msg->Sender()->FindContact(target); if (c && c->GetIFF(msg->Sender()) > 10) { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s %s.", TranslateVox(act_buf).data(), TranslateVox("unknown contact").data()); } else { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s %s.", TranslateVox(act_buf).data(), target->Name()); } } else if (target) { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s %s.", TranslateVox(act_buf).data(), target->Name()); } else if (msg->Info().length()) { sprintf_s(msg_buf, "%s %s", TranslateVox(act_buf).data(), (const char*) msg->Info()); } else { strcpy_s(msg_buf, TranslateVox(act_buf).data()); } char last_char = msg_buf[strlen(msg_buf)-1]; if (last_char != '!' && last_char != '.' && last_char != '?') strcat_s(msg_buf, "."); // final format: if (dst_buf[0] && src_buf[0]) { sprintf_s(txt_buf, "%s %s. %s", TranslateVox(dst_buf).data(), TranslateVox(src_buf).data(), msg_buf); txt_buf[0] = toupper(txt_buf[0]); } else if (src_buf[0]) { sprintf_s(txt_buf, "%s. %s", TranslateVox(src_buf).data(), msg_buf); txt_buf[0] = toupper(txt_buf[0]); } else if (dst_buf[0]) { sprintf_s(txt_buf, "%s %s", TranslateVox(dst_buf).data(), msg_buf); txt_buf[0] = toupper(txt_buf[0]); } else { strcpy_s(txt_buf, msg_buf); } // vox: const char* path[8] = { "1", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" }; RadioVox* vox = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioVox(vox_channel, path[vox_channel], txt_buf); vox->AddPhrase(dst_buf); vox->AddPhrase(src_buf); vox->AddPhrase(act_buf); if (vox && !vox->Start()) { RadioView::Message(txt_buf); delete vox; } } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioTraffic::DiscardMessages() { if (radio_traffic) radio_traffic->traffic.destroy(); }