/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Radio communication message class implementation */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Text.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ RadioMessage::RadioMessage(Ship* dst, const Ship* s, int a) : dst_ship(dst), dst_elem(0), sender(s), action(a), channel(0) { if (s) channel = s->GetIFF(); } RadioMessage::RadioMessage(Element* dst, const Ship* s, int a) : dst_ship(0), dst_elem(dst), sender(s), action(a), channel(0) { if (s) channel = s->GetIFF(); } RadioMessage::RadioMessage(const RadioMessage& rm) : dst_ship(rm.dst_ship), dst_elem(rm.dst_elem), sender(rm.sender), action(rm.action), channel(rm.channel), info(rm.info), location(rm.location) { if (rm.target_list.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rm.target_list.size(); i++) { SimObject* obj = rm.target_list.at(i); target_list.append(obj); } } } RadioMessage::~RadioMessage() { } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* RadioMessage::ActionName(int a) { if (a == ACK) { int coin = rand(); if (coin < 10000) return "Acknowledged"; if (coin < 17000) return "Roger that"; if (coin < 20000) return "Understood"; if (coin < 22000) return "Copy that"; return "Affirmative"; } if (a == DISTRESS) { int coin = rand(); if (coin < 15000) return "Mayday! Mayday!"; if (coin < 18000) return "She's breaking up!"; if (coin < 21000) return "Checking out!"; return "We're going down!"; } if (a == WARN_ACCIDENT) { int coin = rand(); if (coin < 15000) return "Check your fire!"; if (coin < 18000) return "Watch it!"; if (coin < 21000) return "Hey! We're on your side!"; return "Confirm your targets!"; } if (a == WARN_TARGETED) { int coin = rand(); if (coin < 15000) return "Break off immediately!"; if (coin < 20000) return "Buddy spike!"; return "Abort! Abort!"; } switch (a) { case NONE: return ""; case NACK: return "Negative, Unable"; case ATTACK: return "Engage"; case ESCORT: return "Escort"; case BRACKET: return "Bracket"; case IDENTIFY: return "Identify"; case COVER_ME: return "Cover Me"; case MOVE_PATROL: return "Vector"; case SKIP_NAVPOINT: return "Skip Navpoint"; case RESUME_MISSION: return "Resume Mission"; case RTB: return "Return to Base"; case DOCK_WITH: return "Dock With"; case QUANTUM_TO: return "Jump to"; case FARCAST_TO: return "Farcast to"; case GO_DIAMOND: return "Goto Diamond Formation"; case GO_SPREAD: return "Goto Spread Formation"; case GO_BOX: return "Goto Box Formation"; case GO_TRAIL: return "Goto Trail Formation"; case WEP_FREE: return "Break and Attack"; case WEP_HOLD: return "Hold All Weapons"; case FORM_UP: return "Return to Formation"; case SAY_POSITION: return "Say Your Position"; case LAUNCH_PROBE: return "Launch Probe"; case GO_EMCON1: return "Goto EMCON 1"; case GO_EMCON2: return "Goto EMCON 2"; case GO_EMCON3: return "Goto EMCON 3"; case REQUEST_PICTURE: return "Request Picture"; case REQUEST_SUPPORT: return "Request Support"; case PICTURE: return "Picture is clear"; case CALL_INBOUND: return "Calling Inbound"; case CALL_APPROACH: return "Roger your approach"; case CALL_CLEARANCE: return "You have clearance"; case CALL_FINALS: return "On final approach"; case CALL_WAVE_OFF: return "Wave off - Runway is closed"; case DECLARE_ROGUE: return "Prepare to be destroyed!"; case CALL_ENGAGING: return "Engaging"; case FOX_1: return "Fox One!"; case FOX_2: return "Fox Two!"; case FOX_3: return "Fox Three!"; case SPLASH_1: return "Splash One!"; case SPLASH_2: return "Splash Two!"; case SPLASH_3: return "Splash Three!"; case SPLASH_4: return "Splash Four!"; case SPLASH_5: return "Target Destroyed!"; case SPLASH_6: return "Enemy Destroyed!"; case SPLASH_7: return "Confirmed Kill!"; case BREAK_ORBIT: return "Breaking Orbit"; case MAKE_ORBIT: return "Heading for Orbit"; case QUANTUM_JUMP: return "Going Quantum"; default: return "Unknown"; } } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioMessage::AddTarget(SimObject* obj) { if (obj && !target_list.contains(obj)) { target_list.append(obj); } }