/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 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SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: RadioHandler.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Radio message handler class implementation */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "RadioHandler.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Mission.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Power.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "Shield.h" #include "Hangar.h" #include "FlightDeck.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "SteerAI.h" #include "Text.h" #include "Game.h" // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ RadioHandler::RadioHandler() { } RadioHandler::~RadioHandler() { } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool RadioHandler::ProcessMessage(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* s) { if (!s || !msg || !msg->Sender()) return false; if (s->Class() >= Ship::FARCASTER && s->Class() <= Ship::C3I) return false; if (msg->Sender()->IsRogue()) { Ship* sender = (Ship*) msg->Sender(); // cast-away const RadioMessage* nak = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(sender, s, RadioMessage::NACK); RadioTraffic::Transmit(nak); return false; } bool respond = (s != msg->Sender()); // SPECIAL CASE: // skip navpoint must be processed by elem leader, // even if the elem leader sent the message: if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::SKIP_NAVPOINT && !respond) ProcessMessageAction(msg, s); if (!ProcessMessageOrders(msg, s)) respond = respond && ProcessMessageAction(msg, s); return respond; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool RadioHandler::IsOrder(int action) { bool result = false; switch (action) { default: case RadioMessage::NONE: case RadioMessage::ACK: case RadioMessage::NACK: result = false; break; // target mgt: case RadioMessage::ATTACK: case RadioMessage::ESCORT: case RadioMessage::BRACKET: case RadioMessage::IDENTIFY: result = true; break; // combat mgt: case RadioMessage::COVER_ME: case RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD: case RadioMessage::FORM_UP: result = true; break; case RadioMessage::WEP_FREE: case RadioMessage::SAY_POSITION: case RadioMessage::LAUNCH_PROBE: result = false; break; // formation mgt: case RadioMessage::GO_DIAMOND: case RadioMessage::GO_SPREAD: case RadioMessage::GO_BOX: case RadioMessage::GO_TRAIL: result = true; break; // mission mgt: case RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL: result = true; break; case RadioMessage::SKIP_NAVPOINT: result = false; break; case RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION: result = true; break; case RadioMessage::RTB: case RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH: case RadioMessage::QUANTUM_TO: case RadioMessage::FARCAST_TO: result = true; break; // sensor mgt: case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1: case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON2: case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3: result = true; break; // support: case RadioMessage::REQUEST_PICTURE: case RadioMessage::REQUEST_SUPPORT: case RadioMessage::PICTURE: result = false; break; // traffic control: case RadioMessage::CALL_INBOUND: case RadioMessage::CALL_APPROACH: case RadioMessage::CALL_CLEARANCE: case RadioMessage::CALL_FINALS: case RadioMessage::CALL_WAVE_OFF: result = false; break; } return result; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool RadioHandler::ProcessMessageOrders(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* ship) { Instruction* instruction = ship->GetRadioOrders(); int action = 0; if (msg && msg->Action() == RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION) { instruction->SetAction(RadioMessage::NONE); instruction->SetFormation(-1); instruction->SetWeaponsFree(true); if (instruction->GetTarget()) { instruction->ClearTarget(); ship->DropTarget(); } return true; } if (msg && IsOrder(msg->Action())) { int posture_only = false; action = msg->Action(); if (action == RadioMessage::FORM_UP) action = RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD; // target orders => drop current target: if (action >= RadioMessage::ATTACK && action <= RadioMessage::COVER_ME || action == RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD || action >= RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH && action <= RadioMessage::FARCAST_TO) { if (ship != msg->Sender()) ship->DropTarget(); Director* dir = ship->GetDirector(); if (dir && dir->Type() >= SteerAI::SEEKER && dir->Type() <= SteerAI::GROUND) { SteerAI* ai = (SteerAI*) dir; ai->SetTarget(0); } // farcast and quantum jump radio messages: if (action >= RadioMessage::QUANTUM_TO) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim) { SimRegion* rgn = sim->FindRegion(msg->Info()); if (rgn) { instruction->SetAction(action); instruction->SetLocation(Point(0,0,0)); instruction->SetRegion(rgn); instruction->SetFarcast(action == RadioMessage::FARCAST_TO); instruction->SetWeaponsFree(false); return true; } } } } // formation orders => set formation: if (action >= RadioMessage::GO_DIAMOND && action <= RadioMessage::GO_TRAIL) { switch (action) { case RadioMessage::GO_DIAMOND: instruction->SetFormation(Instruction::DIAMOND); break; case RadioMessage::GO_SPREAD: instruction->SetFormation(Instruction::SPREAD); break; case RadioMessage::GO_BOX: instruction->SetFormation(Instruction::BOX); break; case RadioMessage::GO_TRAIL: instruction->SetFormation(Instruction::TRAIL); break; } posture_only = true; } // emcon orders => set emcon: if (action >= RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1 && action <= RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3) { switch (msg->Action()) { case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON1: instruction->SetEMCON(1); break; case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON2: instruction->SetEMCON(2); break; case RadioMessage::GO_EMCON3: instruction->SetEMCON(3); break; } posture_only = true; } if (!posture_only) { instruction->SetAction(action); instruction->ClearTarget(); if (msg->TargetList().size() > 0) { SimObject* msg_tgt = msg->TargetList().at(0); instruction->SetTarget(msg_tgt); instruction->SetLocation(msg_tgt->Location()); } else if (action == RadioMessage::COVER_ME) { instruction->SetTarget((Ship*) msg->Sender()); instruction->SetLocation(msg->Sender()->Location()); } else if (action == RadioMessage::MOVE_PATROL) { instruction->SetLocation(msg->Location()); } // handle element engagement: if (action == RadioMessage::ATTACK && msg->TargetList().size() > 0) { Element* elem = msg->DestinationElem(); if (!elem && msg->DestinationShip()) elem = msg->DestinationShip()->GetElement(); if (elem) { SimObject* msg_tgt = msg->TargetList().at(0); if (msg_tgt && msg_tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Element* tgt = ((Ship*) msg_tgt)->GetElement(); elem->SetAssignment(tgt); if (msg->TargetList().size() > 1) instruction->SetTarget(tgt->Name().data()); else instruction->SetTarget(msg_tgt); } else { elem->ResumeAssignment(); } } } else if (action == RadioMessage::RESUME_MISSION) { Element* elem = msg->DestinationElem(); if (!elem && msg->DestinationShip()) elem = msg->DestinationShip()->GetElement(); if (elem) { elem->ResumeAssignment(); } } } instruction->SetWeaponsFree(action <= RadioMessage::WEP_FREE); return true; } return false; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool RadioHandler::ProcessMessageAction(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* ship) { if (!msg) return false; if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::CALL_INBOUND) return Inbound(msg, ship); if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::CALL_FINALS) return true; // acknowledge if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::REQUEST_PICTURE) return Picture(msg, ship); if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::REQUEST_SUPPORT) return Support(msg, ship); if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::SKIP_NAVPOINT) return SkipNavpoint(msg, ship); if (msg->Action() == RadioMessage::LAUNCH_PROBE) return LaunchProbe(msg, ship); return false; } bool RadioHandler::SkipNavpoint(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* ship) { // Find next Instruction: Instruction* navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); int elem_index = ship->GetElementIndex(); if (navpt && elem_index < 2) { ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::SKIPPED); } return true; } bool RadioHandler::LaunchProbe(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* ship) { if (ship && ship->GetProbeLauncher()) { ship->LaunchProbe(); return ship->GetProbe() != 0; } return false; } bool RadioHandler::Inbound(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* ship) { Ship* inbound = (Ship*) msg->Sender(); Hangar* hangar = ship->GetHangar(); FlightDeck* deck = 0; int squadron = -1; int slot = -1; bool same_rgn = false; if (inbound && inbound->GetRegion() == ship->GetRegion()) same_rgn = true; // is the sender already inbound to us? if (inbound->GetInbound() && inbound->GetInbound()->GetDeck() && inbound->GetInbound()->GetDeck()->GetCarrier() == ship) { InboundSlot* islot = inbound->GetInbound(); deck = islot->GetDeck(); squadron = islot->Squadron(); slot = islot->Index(); } // otherwise, find space for sender: else { if (hangar && same_rgn) { if (hangar->FindSlot(inbound, squadron, slot)) { int shortest_queue = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < ship->NumFlightDecks(); i++) { FlightDeck* d = ship->GetFlightDeck(i); if (d->IsRecoveryDeck()) { int nwaiting = d->GetRecoveryQueue().size(); if (nwaiting < shortest_queue) { deck = d; shortest_queue = nwaiting; } } } } } } // if no space (or not a carrier!) wave sender off: if (!deck || !same_rgn || squadron < 0 || slot < 0) { RadioMessage* wave_off = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(inbound, ship, RadioMessage::NACK); if (!hangar) wave_off->SetInfo(Game::GetText("RadioHandler.no-hangar")); else if (!same_rgn) { char info[256]; sprintf_s(info, Game::GetText("RadioHandler.too-far-away").data(), ship->GetRegion()->Name()); wave_off->SetInfo(info); } else wave_off->SetInfo(Game::GetText("RadioHandler.all-full")); RadioTraffic::Transmit(wave_off); return false; } // put sender in recovery queue, if not already there: InboundSlot* inbound_slot = inbound->GetInbound(); int sequence = 0; if (!inbound_slot) { inbound_slot = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) InboundSlot(inbound, deck, squadron, slot); sequence = deck->Inbound(inbound_slot); } else { sequence = inbound_slot->Index(); } // inform sender of status: RadioMessage* approach = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(inbound, ship, RadioMessage::CALL_APPROACH); if (inbound_slot->Cleared()) { char info[256]; sprintf_s(info, Game::GetText("RadioHandler.cleared").data(), deck->Name()); approach->SetInfo(info); } else if (sequence) { char info[256]; sprintf_s(info, Game::GetText("RadioHandler.sequenced").data(), sequence, deck->Name()); approach->SetInfo(info); } RadioTraffic::Transmit(approach); return false; } bool RadioHandler::Picture(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* ship) { if (!ship) return false; // try to find some enemy fighters in the area: Ship* tgt = 0; double range = 1e9; ListIter iter = ship->ContactList(); while (++iter) { Contact* c = iter.value(); int iff = c->GetIFF(ship); Ship* s = c->GetShip(); if (s && s->IsDropship() && s->IsHostileTo(ship)) { double s_range = Point(msg->Sender()->Location() - s->Location()).length(); if (!tgt || s_range < range) { tgt = s; range = s_range; } } } // found some: if (tgt) { Element* sender = msg->Sender()->GetElement(); Element* tgt_elem = tgt->GetElement(); RadioMessage* response = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(sender, ship, RadioMessage::ATTACK); if (tgt_elem) { for (int i = 1; i <= tgt_elem->NumShips(); i++) response->AddTarget(tgt_elem->GetShip(i)); } else { response->AddTarget(tgt); } RadioTraffic::Transmit(response); } // nobody worth killin': else { Ship* sender = (Ship*) msg->Sender(); // cast-away const RadioMessage* response = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(sender, ship, RadioMessage::PICTURE); RadioTraffic::Transmit(response); } return false; } bool RadioHandler::Support(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* ship) { if (!ship) return false; // try to find some fighters with time on their hands... Element* help = 0; Element* cmdr = ship->GetElement(); Element* baby = msg->Sender()->GetElement(); SimRegion* rgn = msg->Sender()->GetRegion(); for (int i = 0; i < rgn->Ships().size(); i++) { Ship* s = rgn->Ships().at(i); Element* e = s->GetElement(); if (e && s->IsDropship() && e->Type() == Mission::PATROL && e != baby && cmdr->CanCommand(e) && s->GetRadioOrders()->Action() == RadioMessage::NONE) { help = e; break; } } // found some: if (help) { RadioMessage* escort = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(help, ship, RadioMessage::ESCORT); escort->TargetList().append(msg->Sender()); RadioTraffic::Transmit(escort); Text ok = Game::GetText("RadioHandler.help-enroute"); Ship* sender = (Ship*) msg->Sender(); // cast-away const RadioMessage* response = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(sender, ship, RadioMessage::ACK); response->SetInfo(ok); RadioTraffic::Transmit(response); } // no help in sight: else { Text nope = Game::GetText("RadioHandler.no-help-for-you"); Ship* sender = (Ship*) msg->Sender(); // cast-away const RadioMessage* response = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(sender, ship, RadioMessage::NACK); response->SetInfo(nope); RadioTraffic::Transmit(response); } return false; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void RadioHandler::AcknowledgeMessage(RadioMessage* msg, Ship* s) { if (s && msg && msg->Sender() && msg->Action()) { if (msg->Action() >= RadioMessage::ACK && msg->Action() <= RadioMessage::NACK) return; // nothing to say here Ship* sender = (Ship*) msg->Sender(); // cast-away const RadioMessage* ack = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(sender, s, RadioMessage::ACK); RadioTraffic::Transmit(ack); } }