/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Main Menu Dialog Active Window class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "NetUnitDlg.h" #include "NetClientConfig.h" #include "ConfirmDlg.h" #include "MenuScreen.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "Campaign.h" #include "Mission.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Campaign.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "NetAddr.h" #include "NetLobbyClient.h" #include "NetLobbyServer.h" #include "NetUser.h" #include "NetChat.h" #include "ContentBundle.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "MachineInfo.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // DECLARE MAPPING FUNCTIONS: DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnSelect); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnUnit); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnMap); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnUnMap); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnBan); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnBanConfirm); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnApply); DEF_MAP_CLIENT(NetUnitDlg, OnCancel); // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ NetUnitDlg::NetUnitDlg(Screen* s, FormDef& def, MenuScreen* mgr) : FormWindow(s, 0, 0, s->Width(), s->Height()), manager(mgr), net_lobby(0), unit_index(-1) { last_chat = 0; host_mode = false; Init(def); } NetUnitDlg::~NetUnitDlg() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::RegisterControls() { lst_players = (ListBox*) FindControl(201); lst_units = (ListBox*) FindControl(202); lst_chat = (ListBox*) FindControl(211); edt_chat = (EditBox*) FindControl(212); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_SELECT, lst_units, NetUnitDlg, OnUnit); if (edt_chat) edt_chat->SetText(""); btn_select = (Button*) FindControl(206); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, btn_select, NetUnitDlg, OnSelect); btn_map = (Button*) FindControl(203); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, btn_map, NetUnitDlg, OnMap); btn_unmap = (Button*) FindControl(204); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, btn_unmap, NetUnitDlg, OnUnMap); btn_ban = (Button*) FindControl(205); if (btn_ban) { REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, btn_ban, NetUnitDlg, OnBan); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_USER_1, btn_ban, NetUnitDlg, OnBanConfirm); } btn_apply = (Button*) FindControl(1); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, btn_apply, NetUnitDlg, OnApply); btn_cancel = (Button*) FindControl(2); REGISTER_CLIENT(EID_CLICK, btn_cancel, NetUnitDlg, OnCancel); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::Show() { if (!IsShown()) { FormWindow::Show(); // clear server data: if (lst_players) { lst_players->ClearItems(); lst_players->SetSelectedStyle(ListBox::LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX); lst_players->SetLeading(2); } if (lst_units) { lst_units->ClearItems(); lst_units->SetSelectedStyle(ListBox::LIST_ITEM_STYLE_FILLED_BOX); lst_units->SetLeading(2); } if (lst_chat) lst_chat->ClearItems(); last_chat = 0; if (btn_apply) btn_apply->SetEnabled(false); net_lobby = NetLobby::GetInstance(); host_mode = false; if (net_lobby) { host_mode = net_lobby->IsHost(); } if (host_mode) { btn_select->Hide(); btn_map->Show(); btn_unmap->Show(); btn_ban->Show(); } else { btn_select->Show(); btn_map->Hide(); btn_unmap->Hide(); btn_ban->Hide(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::ExecFrame() { ExecLobbyFrame(); if (!net_lobby) return; Text player_name; if (Player::GetCurrentPlayer()) player_name = Player::GetCurrentPlayer()->Name(); if (btn_select) { bool enable = false; if (lst_players && lst_units && btn_select->IsVisible()) { int sel_unit = lst_units->GetSelection(); enable = sel_unit >= 0 && lst_units->GetItemText(sel_unit).length() == 0; } btn_select->SetEnabled(enable); } if (btn_map) { bool enable = false; if (lst_players && lst_units && btn_map->IsVisible()) { int sel_play = lst_players->GetSelection(); int sel_unit = lst_units->GetSelection(); enable = sel_unit >= 0 && sel_play >= 0 && lst_units->GetItemText(sel_unit).length() == 0; if (enable && !host_mode) { NetUser* u = (NetUser*) lst_players->GetItemData(sel_play); if (!u || u->Name() != player_name) enable = false; } } btn_map->SetEnabled(enable); } if (btn_unmap) { bool enable = false; if (lst_players && lst_units && btn_unmap->IsVisible()) { int sel_play = lst_players->GetSelection(); int sel_unit = lst_units->GetSelection(); enable = sel_unit >= 0 && lst_units->GetItemText(sel_unit).length() > 0; if (enable && !host_mode) { NetUser* u = (NetUser*) lst_units->GetItemData(sel_unit); if (!u || u->Name() != Player::GetCurrentPlayer()->Name()) enable = false; } } btn_unmap->SetEnabled(enable); } if (btn_ban) { bool enable = false; if (lst_players && lst_units && host_mode && btn_ban->IsVisible()) { int sel_play = lst_players->GetSelection(); int sel_unit = lst_units->GetSelection(); enable = sel_play >= 0 && sel_unit < 0; if (enable) { NetUser* u = (NetUser*) lst_players->GetItemData(sel_play); if (u && u->Name() == player_name) enable = false; } } btn_ban->SetEnabled(enable); } if (btn_apply) { bool ok_to_start = net_lobby->IsMapped(player_name); NetUser* host = net_lobby->GetHost(); if (host && !net_lobby->IsMapped(host->Name())) ok_to_start = false; btn_apply->SetEnabled(ok_to_start); } if (Keyboard::KeyDown(VK_RETURN)) { if (edt_chat && edt_chat->GetText().length() > 0) { SendChat(edt_chat->GetText()); edt_chat->SetText(""); } } CheckUnitMapping(); GetChat(); GetUnits(); GetAvailable(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::ExecLobbyFrame() { Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); if (!net_lobby) { manager->ShowNetClientDlg(); } else if (net_lobby->GetLastError() != 0) { if (net_lobby->IsClient()) { if (stars) stars->StopLobby(); net_lobby = 0; manager->ShowNetClientDlg(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static bool assignment_change = false; static int num_users = 0; void NetUnitDlg::CheckUnitMapping() { if (net_lobby && lst_units) { ListIter iter = net_lobby->GetUnitMap(); List& units = iter.container(); List& users = net_lobby->GetUsers(); if (users.size() != num_users) { assignment_change = true; num_users = users.size(); } if (units.size() != lst_units->NumItems()) { assignment_change = true; } else if (lst_units->NumItems()) { for (int i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) { NetUnitEntry* e = units.at(i); Text user_name = e->GetUserName(); NetUser* u = net_lobby->FindUserByName(user_name); if (lst_units->GetItemData(i) != (DWORD) u) assignment_change = true; } } } } void NetUnitDlg::GetAvailable() { if (!lst_players) return; Text player_name; if (Player::GetCurrentPlayer()) player_name = Player::GetCurrentPlayer()->Name(); if (net_lobby) { List available_users; NetUser* u = net_lobby->GetLocalUser(); if (u) { bool assigned = false; ListIter iter = net_lobby->GetUnitMap(); while (++iter) { NetUnitEntry* unit = iter.value(); if (unit->GetUserName() == u->Name()) assigned = true; } if (!assigned) available_users.append(u); } ListIter iter = net_lobby->GetUsers(); while (++iter) { NetUser* u = iter.value(); bool assigned = false; ListIter iter = net_lobby->GetUnitMap(); while (++iter) { NetUnitEntry* unit = iter.value(); if (unit->GetUserName() == u->Name()) assigned = true; } if (!assigned) { available_users.append(u); } } if (available_users.size() != lst_players->NumItems()) { assignment_change = true; lst_players->ClearItems(); for (int i = 0; i < available_users.size(); i++) { NetUser* u = available_users[i]; Text name = Player::RankAbrv(u->Rank()); name += " "; name += u->Name(); lst_players->AddItemWithData(name.data(), (DWORD) u); if (!host_mode && u->Name() == player_name) { lst_players->SetSelected(lst_players->NumItems()-1); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::GetUnits() { if (!lst_units) return; if (net_lobby) { ListIter iter = net_lobby->GetUnitMap(); List& units = iter.container(); List& users = net_lobby->GetUsers(); if (assignment_change) { lst_units->ClearItems(); for (int i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) { NetUnitEntry* e = units.at(i); char name[64]; char team[16]; if (e->GetIndex()) sprintf_s(name, "%s %d", e->GetElemName().data(), e->GetIndex()); else strcpy_s(name, e->GetElemName().data()); sprintf_s(team, "%d", e->GetIFF()); Text user_name = e->GetUserName(); NetUser* u = net_lobby->FindUserByName(user_name); if (u) { user_name = Player::RankAbrv(u->Rank()); user_name += " "; user_name += u->Name(); } int count = lst_units->AddItemWithData(user_name, (DWORD) u); lst_units->SetItemText(count-1, 1, name); lst_units->SetItemText(count-1, 2, e->GetDesign()); if (lst_units->NumColumns() > 4) { lst_units->SetItemText(count-1, 3, Mission::RoleName(e->GetMissionRole())); lst_units->SetItemText(count-1, 4, team); } else if (lst_units->NumColumns() > 3) { lst_units->SetItemText(count-1, 3, team); } } } } assignment_change = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::GetChat() { if (!lst_chat) return; if (net_lobby) { int last_item = lst_chat->NumItems() - 1; int count = 0; bool added = false; ListIter iter = net_lobby->GetChat(); while (++iter) { NetChatEntry* c = iter.value(); if (count++ > last_item) { int n = lst_chat->AddItem(c->GetUser()); lst_chat->SetItemText(n-1, 1, c->GetMessage()); added = true; } } if (added) lst_chat->EnsureVisible(lst_chat->NumItems()+1); } } void NetUnitDlg::SendChat(Text msg) { if (msg.length() < 1) return; Player* player = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); if (msg[0] >= '0' && msg[0] <= '9') { if (player) { Text macro = player->ChatMacro(msg[0] - '0'); if (macro.length()) msg = macro; } } if (net_lobby) net_lobby->AddChat(0, msg); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::OnUnit(AWEvent* event) { if (!lst_units || host_mode) return; static DWORD unit_click_time = 0; int list_index = lst_units->GetListIndex(); // double-click: if (list_index == unit_index && Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime() - unit_click_time < 350) { OnSelect(0); } unit_click_time = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime(); unit_index = list_index; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::OnSelect(AWEvent* event) { if (!lst_players || !lst_units) return; Text player_name; if (Player::GetCurrentPlayer()) player_name = Player::GetCurrentPlayer()->Name(); int sel_unit = lst_units->GetSelection(); if (net_lobby) { net_lobby->MapUnit(sel_unit, player_name, host_mode); lst_units->ClearItems(); } assignment_change = true; GetUnits(); GetAvailable(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetUnitDlg::OnMap(AWEvent* event) { if (!lst_players || !lst_units) return; int sel_player = lst_players->GetSelection(); int sel_unit = lst_units->GetSelection(); if (net_lobby) { NetUser* u = (NetUser*) lst_players->GetItemData(sel_player); net_lobby->MapUnit(sel_unit, u->Name(), host_mode); lst_units->ClearItems(); } assignment_change = true; GetUnits(); GetAvailable(); } void NetUnitDlg::OnUnMap(AWEvent* event) { if (!lst_players || !lst_units) return; if (net_lobby) { net_lobby->MapUnit(lst_units->GetSelection(), 0, host_mode); lst_units->ClearItems(); } assignment_change = true; GetUnits(); GetAvailable(); } void NetUnitDlg::OnBan(AWEvent* event) { if (!lst_players) return; int sel_player = lst_players->GetSelection(); if (net_lobby) { NetUser* u = (NetUser*) lst_players->GetItemData(sel_player); ConfirmDlg* confirm = manager->GetConfirmDlg(); if (confirm) { char msg[512]; sprintf_s(msg, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("NetUnitDlg.are-you-sure").data(), u->Name().data()); confirm->SetMessage(msg); confirm->SetTitle(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("NetUnitDlg.confirm-ban")); confirm->SetParentControl(btn_ban); manager->ShowConfirmDlg(); } else { OnBanConfirm(event); } } } void NetUnitDlg::OnBanConfirm(AWEvent* event) { if (!lst_players) return; int sel_player = lst_players->GetSelection(); if (net_lobby) { NetUser* u = (NetUser*) lst_players->GetItemData(sel_player); net_lobby->BanUser(u); lst_units->ClearItems(); } GetUnits(); GetAvailable(); } void NetUnitDlg::OnApply(AWEvent* event) { bool ok = false; if (net_lobby) { Mission* mission = net_lobby->GetSelectedMission(); if (mission) { net_lobby->GameStart(); ok = true; } } if (!ok) OnCancel(0); } void NetUnitDlg::OnCancel(AWEvent* event) { if (net_lobby) { net_lobby->SelectMission(0); net_lobby = 0; } manager->ShowNetLobbyDlg(); }