/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: NetLobbyServer.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== NetLink Engine for Multiplayer Lobby */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "NetLobbyServer.h" #include "NetServerConfig.h" #include "NetClientConfig.h" #include "NetBrokerClient.h" #include "NetAuth.h" #include "NetChat.h" #include "NetUser.h" #include "Campaign.h" #include "Mission.h" #include "StarServer.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "StarServer.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Text.h" #include "ModConfig.h" #include "ModInfo.h" #include "NetGame.h" #include "NetPlayer.h" #include "NetUtil.h" #include "NetPeer.h" #include "NetLayer.h" #include "NetHost.h" #include "NetMsg.h" #include "MachineInfo.h" #include "Game.h" #include "FormatUtil.h" extern const char* versionInfo; // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ static NetLobbyServer* net_lobby_server = 0; NetLobbyServer::NetLobbyServer() : announce_time(0), server_config(0), motd_index(1) { status = NetServerInfo::LOBBY; server_name = Text("Starshatter NetLobbyServer ") + versionInfo; start_time = NetLayer::GetUTC(); selected_mission = 0; Text hostname = ""; WORD server_port = 11100; server_config = NetServerConfig::GetInstance(); if (server_config) { hostname = server_config->Hostname(); server_name = server_config->Name(); server_port = server_config->GetLobbyPort(); server_mission = server_config->GetMission(); NetAuth::SetAuthLevel(server_config->GetAuthLevel()); server_addr = NetAddr(hostname.data(), server_port); link = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetLink(server_addr); } LoadMOTD(); StarServer* star_server = StarServer::GetInstance(); DWORD mission_id = 0; // only one mission: if (star_server && server_mission.length() > 0) { NetCampaignInfo* c = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetCampaignInfo; c->id = Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS; c->name = "Persistent Multiplayer"; campaigns.append(c); ListIter c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns(); while (++c_iter && !mission_id) { Campaign* campaign = c_iter.value(); if (campaign->GetCampaignId() == Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) { ListIter m_iter = campaign->GetMissionList(); while (++m_iter && !mission_id) { MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value(); if (m->script == server_mission) { c->missions.append(m); mission_id = (Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS << NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT) + m->id; SelectMission(mission_id); star_server->SetGameMode(StarServer::LOAD_MODE); // lock in mission: SetStatus(NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT); } } } } } // player host may select mission: if (!mission_id) { campaigns.destroy(); ListIter c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns(); while (++c_iter) { Campaign* campaign = c_iter.value(); if (campaign->GetCampaignId() >= Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) { NetCampaignInfo* c = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetCampaignInfo; c->id = campaign->GetCampaignId(); c->name = campaign->Name(); campaigns.append(c); ListIter m_iter = campaign->GetMissionList(); while (++m_iter) { MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value(); c->missions.append(m); } } } } ModConfig* config = ModConfig::GetInstance(); List& mods = config->GetModInfoList(); server_mods.clear(); server_mods.append(mods); net_lobby_server = this; } NetLobbyServer::~NetLobbyServer() { ListIter iter = users; while (++iter) { NetUser* u = iter.value(); SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_EXIT, Text()); ExecFrame(); } Sleep(500); unit_map.destroy(); chat_log.destroy(); users.destroy(); motd.destroy(); if (net_lobby_server == this) net_lobby_server = 0; } NetLobbyServer* NetLobbyServer::GetInstance() { return net_lobby_server; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::LoadMOTD() { motd.destroy(); FILE* f; fopen_s(&f, "motd.txt", "r"); if (f) { char line[256]; while (fgets(line, 256, f)) { int n = strlen(line) - 1; while (n >= 0 && isspace(line[n])) line[n--] = 0; motd.append(new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Text(line)); } } } void NetLobbyServer::SendMOTD(NetUser* user) { if (motd.size() < 1) return; char buffer[512]; for (int i = 0; i < motd.size(); i++) { Text* line = motd[i]; sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \"%s\"", motd_index++, line->data()); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \" \"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } void NetLobbyServer::SendMods(NetUser* user) { char buffer[300]; ModConfig* config = ModConfig::GetInstance(); List& mods = config->GetModInfoList(); if (mods.size() < 1) return; for (int i = 0; i < mods.size(); i++) { ModInfo* info = mods[i]; sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"Enabled Mods:\" msg \"%d. '%s' ", motd_index++, i+1, info->Name().data()); Text msg = buffer; if (info->Version().length() > 0) { msg += "version "; msg += info->Version().data(); } if (info->URL().length() > 0) { msg += " - "; msg += info->URL().data(); } msg += "\""; SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, msg); } sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \" \"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::ExecFrame() { NetLobby::ExecFrame(); if (announce_time == 0 || Game::RealTime() - announce_time > 200000) { GameOn(); announce_time = Game::RealTime(); } if (GetStatus() == NetServerInfo::BRIEFING) { NetGame* net_game = NetGame::GetInstance(); if (net_game && net_game->NumPlayers() > 0) { SetStatus(NetServerInfo::ACTIVE); } } StarServer* star_server = StarServer::GetInstance(); DWORD mission_id = 0; // restart persistent mission? if (star_server && star_server->GetGameMode() == StarServer::MENU_MODE && server_mission.length() > 0) { NetCampaignInfo* c = campaigns.last(); if (!c || c->name != "Persistent Multiplayer") { c = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetCampaignInfo; c->id = Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS; c->name = "Persistent Multiplayer"; campaigns.append(c); } else { c->missions.clear(); } ListIter c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns(); while (++c_iter && !mission_id) { Campaign* campaign = c_iter.value(); if (campaign->GetCampaignId() == Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) { ListIter m_iter = campaign->GetMissionList(); while (++m_iter && !mission_id) { MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value(); if (m->script == server_mission) { c->missions.append(m); mission_id = (Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS << NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT) + m->id; // unlock old mission: SetStatus(NetServerInfo::LOBBY); SelectMission(mission_id); if (star_server->GetGameMode() == StarServer::MENU_MODE) { star_server->SetGameMode(StarServer::LOAD_MODE); } // lock in new mission: SetStatus(NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT); } } } } } CheckSessions(); } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::SendData(NetUser* dst, int type, Text msg) { if (link && dst && type > 0 && type < 255) { if (msg.length()) link->SendMessage(dst->GetNetID(), (BYTE) type, msg.data(), msg.length(), NetMsg::RELIABLE); else link->SendMessage(dst->GetNetID(), (BYTE) type, 0, 0, NetMsg::RELIABLE); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::CheckSessions() { if (!link) return; bool dropped = false; ListIter u_iter = users; while (++u_iter) { NetUser* u = u_iter.value(); NetPeer* p = link->FindPeer(u->GetNetID()); if (p && (NetLayer::GetUTC() - p->LastReceiveTime()) > NET_DISCONNECT_TIME) { // check game peer for activity: NetGame* game = NetGame::GetInstance(); NetPlayer* player = 0; NetPeer* p2 = 0; if (game) { player = game->FindPlayerByName(u->Name()); if (player) { p2 = game->GetPeer(player); if (p2 && (NetLayer::GetUTC() - p2->LastReceiveTime()) < NET_DISCONNECT_TIME) { p->SetLastReceiveTime(p2->LastReceiveTime()); continue; } } else { ::Print("NetLobbyServer::CheckSessions() Could not find player for '%s'\n", u->Name().data()); } } else { ::Print("NetLobbyServer::CheckSessions() Could not find net game for '%s'\n", u->Name().data()); } // announce drop: char timestr[64]; FormatTime(timestr, Game::RealTime()/1000); Print("NetLobbyServer: Dropped inactive connection '%s' %s\n", u->Name().data(), timestr); if (u->IsHost()) { Print(" User was host - ending net game.\n"); GameStop(); } u_iter.removeItem(); // first remove user from list NetLobby::UnmapUnit(u->Name()); // then unmap unit delete u; // now it is safe to discard the inactive user dropped = true; } } if (dropped) { SendUsers(); SendUnits(); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::GameStart() { if (status < NetServerInfo::ACTIVE) { SetStatus(NetServerInfo::BRIEFING); if (Starshatter::GetInstance()) { Starshatter::GetInstance()->SetGameMode(Starshatter::PREP_MODE); } else { StarServer* s = StarServer::GetInstance(); if (s && s->GetGameMode() == StarServer::MENU_MODE) { s->SetGameMode(StarServer::LOAD_MODE); } } } } void NetLobbyServer::GameStop() { if (GetStatus() != NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT) { SetStatus(NetServerInfo::LOBBY); StarServer* s = StarServer::GetInstance(); if (s && s->GetGameMode() != StarServer::MENU_MODE) { s->SetGameMode(StarServer::MENU_MODE); } } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::BanUser(NetUser* user) { if (user && !user->IsHost()) { ::Print("NetLobbyServer::BanUser name '%s' addr %d.%d.%d.%d\n", user->Name().data(), user->GetAddress().B1(), user->GetAddress().B2(), user->GetAddress().B3(), user->GetAddress().B4()); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_EXIT, Text()); if (server_config) server_config->BanUser(user); DelUser(user); } } void NetLobbyServer::AddUser(NetUser* user) { if (server_config && server_config->IsUserBanned(user)) { delete user; return; } NetLobby::AddUser(user); SendUsers(); } void NetLobbyServer::DelUser(NetUser* user) { NetLobby::DelUser(user); SendUsers(); } void NetLobbyServer::SendUsers() { Text content; ListIter u_iter = users; while (++u_iter) { NetUser* u = u_iter.value(); content += u->GetDescription(); } u_iter.reset(); while (++u_iter) { NetUser* u = u_iter.value(); SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_USER_LIST, content); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::RequestAuth(NetUser* user) { if (user) { Text request = NetAuth::CreateAuthRequest(user); if (request.length() > 0) SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_AUTH_USER, request); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::AddChat(NetUser* user, const char* msg, bool route) { NetChatEntry* entry = 0; if (user && msg && *msg) { bool msg_ok = false; const char* p = msg; while (*p && !msg_ok) { if (!isspace(*p++)) msg_ok = true; } if (msg_ok) { entry = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetChatEntry(user, msg); chat_log.append(entry); // forward to all clients: if (users.size()) { char buffer[768]; char msg_buf[256]; char usr_buf[256]; // safe quotes uses a static buffer, // so make sure to save copies of the // results when using more than one in // a function call... strcpy_s(msg_buf, SafeQuotes(msg)); strcpy_s(usr_buf, SafeQuotes(user->Name())); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"%s\" msg \"%s\"", entry->GetID(), usr_buf, msg_buf); ListIter iter = users; while (++iter) { NetUser* u = iter.value(); SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } if (route) { // send to active game: NetUtil::SendChat(0xffff, usr_buf, msg_buf); } } } } } void NetLobbyServer::ClearChat() { NetLobby::ClearChat(); } void NetLobbyServer::SaveChat() { FILE* f; fopen_s(&f, "chat.txt", "w"); if (f) { for (int i = 0; i < chat_log.size(); i++) { NetChatEntry* c = chat_log[i]; fprintf(f, "%08x [%s] %s\n", c->GetTime(), c->GetUser().data(), c->GetMessage().data()); } fclose(f); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::SelectMission(DWORD id) { if (GetStatus() == NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT) return; NetLobby::SelectMission(id); // inform all users of the selection: char buffer[32]; sprintf_s(buffer, "m_id 0x%08x", selected_mission); ListIter iter = users; while (++iter) { NetUser* u = iter.value(); SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_SELECT, buffer); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ List& NetLobbyServer::GetUnitMap() { if (!mission) { unit_map.destroy(); return unit_map; } List units; ListIter iter = mission->GetElements(); int i = 0; Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim && sim->GetElements().size() > 0) iter = sim->GetMissionElements(); // create new entries for the playable elements in the mission or simulation: while (++iter) { MissionElement* elem = iter.value(); if (elem->IsPlayable()) { NetUnitEntry* u = 0; if (elem->Count() == 1) { u = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetUnitEntry(elem, 0); u->SetLives(elem->RespawnCount() + 1); u->SetMissionRole(elem->MissionRole()); u->SetIFF(elem->GetIFF()); if (elem->GetDesign()) u->SetDesign(elem->GetDesign()->name); if (elem->Ships().size() > 0) { MissionShip* s = elem->Ships()[0]; u->SetIntegrity((int) s->Integrity()); } units.append(u); } else { for (int i = 0; i < elem->Count(); i++) { u = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetUnitEntry(elem, i+1); u->SetMissionRole(elem->MissionRole()); u->SetIFF(elem->GetIFF()); if (elem->GetDesign()) u->SetDesign(elem->GetDesign()->name); if (elem->Ships().size() > i) { MissionShip* s = elem->Ships()[i]; u->SetLives(s->Respawns() + 1); u->SetIntegrity((int) s->Integrity()); } units.append(u); } } } } // match new entries with any existing map entries: if (unit_map.size()) { for (i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) { NetUnitEntry* e_new = units[i]; NetUnitEntry* e_old = unit_map.find(e_new); if (e_old) { e_new->SetUserName(e_old->GetUserName()); e_new->SetLock(e_old->GetLocked()); } } } // rewrite the unit map with the new entries: ClearUnitMap(); for (i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) { unit_map.append(units[i]); } return unit_map; } void NetLobbyServer::MapUnit(int n, const char* user, bool lock) { NetLobby::MapUnit(n, user, lock); Text reply; ListIter map_iter = GetUnitMap(); while (++map_iter) { NetUnitEntry* unit = map_iter.value(); reply += unit->GetDescription(); } ListIter u_iter = users; while (++u_iter) { NetUser* u = u_iter.value(); SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, reply); } } void NetLobbyServer::UnmapUnit(const char* user) { NetLobby::UnmapUnit(user); Text reply; ListIter map_iter = GetUnitMap(); while (++map_iter) { NetUnitEntry* unit = map_iter.value(); reply += unit->GetDescription(); } ListIter u_iter = users; while (++u_iter) { NetUser* u = u_iter.value(); SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, reply); } } void NetLobbyServer::SendUnits() { Text content; ListIter map_iter = GetUnitMap(); while (++map_iter) { NetUnitEntry* unit = map_iter.value(); content += unit->GetDescription(); } ListIter u_iter = users; while (++u_iter) { NetUser* u = u_iter.value(); SendData(u, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, content); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text NetLobbyServer::Serialize(Mission* m, NetUser* user) { Text s; if (!m || !user) return s; NetUnitEntry* unit = 0; ListIter u_iter = GetUnitMap(); while (++u_iter && !unit) { NetUnitEntry* u = u_iter.value(); if (u->GetUserName() == user->Name()) unit = u; } if (unit) s = m->Serialize(unit->GetElemName(), unit->GetIndex()); return s; } Mission* NetLobbyServer::GetSelectedMission() { if (mission) { Text content = Serialize(mission, GetLocalUser()); Campaign* c = Campaign::SelectCampaign("Multiplayer Missions"); if (c) { c->LoadNetMission(99999, content.data()); return c->GetMission(99999); } } return mission; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::GameOn() { NetHost host; const char* type = "Starshatter"; const char* password = "No"; char address[32]; strcpy_s(address, "0"); if (server_config) { if (server_config->GetGameType() == NetServerConfig::NET_GAME_PRIVATE) return; if (server_config->GetGameType() == NetServerConfig::NET_GAME_LAN) { type = "Starshatter-LAN"; sprintf_s(address, "%d.%d.%d.%d", host.Address().B1(), host.Address().B2(), host.Address().B3(), host.Address().B4()); } else { type = "Starshatter"; sprintf_s(address, ""); } if (server_config->GetGamePass().length() > 0) password = "Yes"; } NetBrokerClient::GameOn(server_name, type, address, server_addr.Port(), password); } void NetLobbyServer::GameOff() { } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::DoPing(NetPeer* peer, Text s) { } void NetLobbyServer::DoServerInfo(NetPeer* peer, Text s) { if (peer && peer->NetID()) { char buffer[1024]; WORD gameport = 11101; if (server_config) gameport = server_config->GetGamePort(); sprintf_s(buffer, "info \"%s\" version \"%s\" mode %d users %d host %s port %d", MachineInfo::GetShortDescription(), versionInfo, GetStatus(), NumUsers(), HasHost() ? "true" : "false", gameport); link->SendMessage(peer->NetID(), (BYTE) NET_LOBBY_SERVER_INFO, buffer, strlen(buffer), NetMsg::RELIABLE); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoServerMods(NetPeer* peer, Text s) { if (peer && peer->NetID()) { Text response; ModConfig* config = ModConfig::GetInstance(); List& mods = config->GetModInfoList(); ListIter mod_iter = mods; char buffer[32]; sprintf_s(buffer, "num %d ", mods.size()); response += buffer; while (++mod_iter) { ModInfo* info = mod_iter.value(); response += "mod \""; response += info->Name(); response += "\" url \""; response += info->URL(); response += "\" ver \""; response += info->Version(); response += "\" "; } link->SendMessage(peer->NetID(), (BYTE) NET_LOBBY_SERVER_MODS, response, response.length(), NetMsg::RELIABLE); } } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ void NetLobbyServer::DoLogin(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { List params; ParseMsg(msg, params); Text name; Text pass; Text host; Text gamepass; Text signature; Text squadron; Text version; int rank = 0; int flight_time = 0; int missions = 0; int kills = 0; int losses = 0; for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { NetLobbyParam* p = params[i]; int num = 0; sscanf_s(p->value, "%d", &num); if (p->name == "name") name = p->value; else if (p->name == "pass") pass = p->value; else if (p->name == "gamepass") gamepass = p->value; else if (p->name == "host") host = p->value; else if (p->name == "sig") signature = p->value; else if (p->name == "squad") squadron = p->value; else if (p->name == "version") version = p->value; else if (p->name == "rank") rank = num; else if (p->name == "time") flight_time = num; else if (p->name == "miss") missions = num; else if (p->name == "kill") kills = num; else if (p->name == "loss") losses = num; } params.destroy(); // first check the game version: if (version != versionInfo) { Print("NetLobbyServer - user '%s' tried to login with invalid game version '%s'\n", name.data(), version.data()); return; } // next check the game password: if (server_config && server_config->GetGamePass().length() > 0) { if (gamepass != server_config->GetGamePass()) { Print("NetLobbyServer - user '%s' tried to login with invalid game password '%s'\n", name.data(), gamepass.data()); return; } } // now try to log the user in: NetUser* pre_existing = FindUserByName(name); // is user already logged in? if (pre_existing) { if (pre_existing->Pass() == pass && pre_existing->GetAddress().IPAddr() == peer->Address().IPAddr()) { } } // otherwise, create a new user: else { NetUser* user = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) NetUser(name); user->SetAddress(peer->Address()); user->SetNetID(peer->NetID()); user->SetPass(pass); user->SetSignature(signature); user->SetSquadron(squadron); user->SetRank(rank); user->SetFlightTime(flight_time); user->SetMissions(missions); user->SetKills(kills); user->SetLosses(losses); if (host == "true" && !HasHost()) user->SetHost(true); AddUser(user); RequestAuth(user); SendMOTD(user); SendMods(user); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoLogout(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user) { if (user->IsHost()) GameStop(); DelUser(user); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoUserAuth(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user) { NetAuth::AuthUser(user, msg); if (!user->IsAuthOK()) { char buffer[256]; sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"**********\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** Your game configuration does not match the server.\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); if (server_mods.size() > 0) { sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** Please check that you have the proper mods deployed in\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** the order shown above.\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } else { sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** Please verify that you have no mods deployed.\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** You will not be permitted to join the game with an invalid\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** configuration. You may reconnect to this server after you\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"*** have corrected your mod configuration.\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"SERVER\" msg \"**********\"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \" \" msg \" \"", motd_index++); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } } } void NetLobbyServer::DoChat(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { List params; ParseMsg(msg, params); Text chat_msg; for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { NetLobbyParam* p = params[i]; int num = 0; sscanf_s(p->value, "%d", &num); if (p->name == "msg") { chat_msg = p->value; } } params.destroy(); NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user) { // receive chat from client: if (chat_msg.length()) { AddChat(user, chat_msg); } // request for chat log: else { ListIter iter = chat_log; while (++iter) { NetChatEntry* entry = iter.value(); char buffer[512]; char msg_buf[256]; char usr_buf[256]; // safe quotes uses a static buffer, // so make sure to save copies of the // results when using more than one in // a function call... strcpy_s(msg_buf, SafeQuotes(entry->GetMessage())); strcpy_s(usr_buf, SafeQuotes(entry->GetUser())); sprintf_s(buffer, "id %d user \"%s\" msg \"%s\"", entry->GetID(), usr_buf, msg_buf); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_CHAT, buffer); } } } } void NetLobbyServer::DoUserList(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user) { Text content; if (local_user) content += local_user->GetDescription(); ListIter iter = users; while (++iter) { NetUser* u = iter.value(); content += u->GetDescription(); } SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_USER_LIST, content); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoBanUser(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user && user->IsHost() && user->IsAuthOK()) { List params; ParseMsg(msg, params); if (params.size() > 0) { NetLobbyParam* p = params[0]; if (p->name == "user") { Text user_name = p->value; NetUser* u = FindUserByName(user_name); if (u && !u->IsHost()) BanUser(u); } } params.destroy(); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoMissionList(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user) { Text reply; char buffer[4096]; ListIter c_iter = Campaign::GetAllCampaigns(); while (++c_iter) { Campaign* c = c_iter.value(); if (c->GetCampaignId() >= Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) { sprintf_s(buffer, "c_id 0x%08x c_name \"%s\" ", c->GetCampaignId(), SafeQuotes(c->Name())); reply += buffer; } } c_iter.reset(); while (++c_iter) { Campaign* c = c_iter.value(); if (c->GetCampaignId() >= Campaign::MULTIPLAYER_MISSIONS) { ListIter m_iter = c->GetMissionList(); while (++m_iter) { MissionInfo* m = m_iter.value(); int mission_id = (c->GetCampaignId() << NET_CAMPAIGN_SHIFT) + m->id; sprintf_s(buffer, "m_id 0x%08x ", mission_id); reply += buffer; reply += "m_name \""; reply += SafeQuotes(m->name); // long version of safe quotes: int n = 0; const char* s = m->description.data(); while (*s && n < 4090) { if (*s == '"') { buffer[n++] = '\''; s++; } else if (*s == '\n') { buffer[n++] = '\\'; buffer[n++] = 'n'; s++; } else if (*s == '\t') { buffer[n++] = '\\'; buffer[n++] = 't'; s++; } else { buffer[n++] = *s++; } } // don't forget the null terminator! buffer[n] = 0; reply += "\" m_desc \""; reply += buffer; reply += "\" "; } } } SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_LIST, reply); sprintf_s(buffer, "m_id 0x%08x", selected_mission); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_SELECT, buffer); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoMissionSelect(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { if (GetStatus() == NetServerInfo::PERSISTENT) return; NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user && user->IsHost() && user->IsAuthOK()) { List params; ParseMsg(msg, params); for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { NetLobbyParam* p = params[i]; int num = 0; sscanf_s(p->value, "0x%x", &num); if (p->name == "m_id") { SelectMission(num); } } params.destroy(); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoMissionData(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user && mission && user->IsAuthOK()) { Text reply = Serialize(mission, user); SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_MISSION_DATA, reply); FILE* f = ::fopen("multi_mission_send.def", "w"); if (f) { ::fwrite(reply.data(), reply.length(), 1, f); ::fclose(f); } } } void NetLobbyServer::DoUnitList(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user && unit_map.size() && user->IsAuthOK()) { Text reply; ListIter iter = GetUnitMap(); while (++iter) { NetUnitEntry* unit = iter.value(); reply += unit->GetDescription(); } SendData(user, NET_LOBBY_UNIT_LIST, reply); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoMapUnit(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user && unit_map.size() && user->IsAuthOK()) { List params; ParseMsg(msg, params); int id = 0; bool lock = false; Text user_name; for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { NetLobbyParam* p = params[i]; if (p->name == "id") { sscanf_s(p->value, "%d", &id); } else if (p->name == "user") { user_name = p->value; } else if (p->name == "lock") { lock = (p->value == "true") ? true : false; } } params.destroy(); MapUnit(id, user_name, lock); } } void NetLobbyServer::DoGameStart(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { GameStart(); } void NetLobbyServer::DoGameStop(NetPeer* peer, Text msg) { NetUser* user = FindUserByNetID(peer->NetID()); if (user && user->IsHost() && user->IsAuthOK()) GameStop(); }