/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== This class represents a user connecting to the multiplayer lobby */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "NetAuth.h" #include "NetLobby.h" #include "NetUser.h" #include "ModConfig.h" #include "ModInfo.h" #include "Random.h" #include "Sha1.h" static int auth_level = NetAuth::NET_AUTH_MINIMAL; // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ int NetAuth::AuthLevel() { return auth_level; } void NetAuth::SetAuthLevel(int n) { if (n >= NET_AUTH_MINIMAL && n <= NET_AUTH_SECURE) auth_level = n; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text NetAuth::CreateAuthRequest(NetUser* u) { Text request; if (u) { u->SetAuthLevel(auth_level); if (auth_level == NET_AUTH_MINIMAL) { u->SetAuthState(NET_AUTH_OK); u->SetSalt("Very Low Sodium"); } else if (auth_level == NET_AUTH_STANDARD) { u->SetAuthState(NET_AUTH_INITIAL); u->SetSalt("Very Low Sodium"); request = "level 1"; } else { char salt[33]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) salt[i] = (char) ('0' + (int) Random(0, 9.4)); salt[32] = 0; u->SetSalt(salt); u->SetAuthState(NET_AUTH_INITIAL); request = "level 2 salt "; request += salt; } } return request; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ static Text Digest(const char* salt, const char* file) { int length = 0; int offset = 0; char block[4096]; char digest[64]; ZeroMemory(digest, sizeof(digest)); if (file) { FILE* f; fopen_s(&f, file, "rb"); if (f) { SHA1 sha1; if (salt) { sha1.Input(salt, strlen(salt)); } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); while (offset < length) { int n = fread(block, sizeof(char), 4096, f); sha1.Input(block, n); offset += n; } fclose(f); unsigned result[5]; if (sha1.Result(result)) { sprintf_s(digest, "SHA1_%08X_%08X_%08X_%08X_%08X", result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4]); } } } return digest; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text NetAuth::CreateAuthResponse(int level, const char* salt) { Text response; ModConfig* config = ModConfig::GetInstance(); if (level == NET_AUTH_SECURE) { response += "exe "; response += Digest(salt, "stars.exe"); // XXX should look up name of this exe response += " "; response += "dat "; response += Digest(salt, "shatter.dat"); response += " "; response += "etc "; response += Digest(salt, "start.dat"); response += " "; } if (level >= NET_AUTH_STANDARD) { List& mods = config->GetModInfoList(); ListIter mod_iter = mods; char buffer[32]; sprintf_s(buffer, "num %d ", mods.size()); response += buffer; while (++mod_iter) { ModInfo* info = mod_iter.value(); response += "mod \""; response += info->Name(); response += "\" ver \""; response += info->Version(); response += "\" "; if (level == NET_AUTH_SECURE) { response += "sha "; response += Digest(salt, info->Filename()); response += " "; } } } return response; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool NetAuth::AuthUser(NetUser* u, Text response) { bool authentic = false; if (auth_level == NET_AUTH_MINIMAL) { // (this case should not occur) if (u) { u->SetAuthLevel(auth_level); u->SetAuthState(NET_AUTH_OK); } authentic = (u != 0); } else if (u) { Text expected_response = CreateAuthResponse(auth_level, u->Salt()); if (expected_response == response) authentic = true; u->SetAuthState(authentic ? NET_AUTH_OK : NET_AUTH_FAILED); } return authentic; } // +-------------------------------------------------------------------+