/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== MouseController Input class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "MouseController.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "Video.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static MouseController* instance = 0; static DWORD rbutton_latch = 0; static DWORD mbutton_latch = 0; static DWORD active_latch = 0; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ MouseController::MouseController() : p(0), r(0), w(0), dx(0), dy(0), t(0) { instance = this; select = 0; sensitivity = 10; swapped = 0; active = false; active_key = 20; // caps lock rbutton_latch = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MotionController::MaxActions; i++) action[i] = 0; } MouseController::~MouseController() { instance = 0; } MouseController* MouseController::GetInstance() { return instance; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MouseController::MapKeys(KeyMapEntry* mapping, int nkeys) { for (int i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) { KeyMapEntry k = mapping[i]; if (k.act >= KEY_MAP_FIRST && k.act <= KEY_MAP_LAST) { if (k.act == KEY_MOUSE_SENSE) sensitivity = k.key; else if (k.act == KEY_MOUSE_SWAP) swapped = k.key; else if (k.act == KEY_MOUSE_INVERT) inverted = k.key; else if (k.act == KEY_MOUSE_SELECT) select = k.key; else if (k.act == KEY_MOUSE_ACTIVE) active_key = k.key; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static inline double sqr(double a) { return a*a; } void MouseController::Acquire() { p = r = w = 0; action[0] = 0; action[1] = 0; action[2] = 0; action[3] = 0; if (active_key && Keyboard::KeyDown(active_key)) { active_latch = 1; } else { if (active_latch) { active_latch = 0; active = !active; } } if (!select || !active) return; action[0] = Mouse::LButton(); int roll_enable = 0; if (Mouse::RButton()) { roll_enable = 1; if (!rbutton_latch) rbutton_latch = Clock::GetInstance()->RealTime(); } else { if (rbutton_latch) { rbutton_latch = Clock::GetInstance()->RealTime() - rbutton_latch; if (rbutton_latch < 250) action[1] = 1; } rbutton_latch = 0; } if (Mouse::MButton()) { if (!mbutton_latch) mbutton_latch = Clock::GetInstance()->RealTime(); } else { if (mbutton_latch) { action[3] = 1; } mbutton_latch = 0; } double step = 0; int cx = Video::GetInstance()->Width()/2; int cy = Video::GetInstance()->Height()/2; dx += Mouse::X() - cx; dy += Mouse::Y() - cy; step = fabs(dx)/cx; if (roll_enable || select == 1) step *= 3 * sensitivity; else step *= step * sensitivity/4; if (roll_enable) { if (dx > 0) r = -step; else if (dx < 0) r = step; } else { if (dx > 0) w = step; else if (dx < 0) w = -step; } step = fabs(dy)/cy; if (select == 1) step *= 2 * sensitivity; else step *= step * sensitivity/4; if (inverted) { step *= -1; } if (dy > 0) p = step; else if (dy < 0) p = -step; if (select == 1) { ::SetCursorPos(cx, cy); double drain = cx * 4 * Clock::GetInstance()->Delta(); if (dx > drain) { dx -= drain; } else if (dx < -drain) { dx += drain; } else { dx = 0; } if (dy > drain) { dy -= drain; } else if (dy < -drain) { dy += drain; } else { dy = 0; } } else { dx = 0; dy = 0; } if (Mouse::Wheel() > 0) { if (t < 0.25) t += 0.025; else t += 0.1; if (t > 1) t = 1; } else if (Mouse::Wheel() < 0) { if (t < 0.25) t -= 0.025; else t -= 0.1; if (t < 0) t = 0; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int MouseController::ActionMap(int n) { if (n >= KEY_ACTION_0 && n <= KEY_ACTION_3) return action[n - KEY_ACTION_0]; return 0; }