/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: MFD.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Class for all Multi Function Displays */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "MFD.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "NavSystem.h" #include "Power.h" #include "Shield.h" #include "Sensor.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "Power.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "NetGame.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Color.h" #include "Font.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Window.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "Graphic.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "Game.h" static Bitmap sensor_fov; static Bitmap sensor_fwd; static Bitmap sensor_hsd; static Bitmap sensor_3d; static BYTE* sensor_fov_shade; static BYTE* sensor_fwd_shade; static BYTE* sensor_hsd_shade; static BYTE* sensor_3d_shade; static Color hud_color = Color::Black; static Color txt_color = Color::Black; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ MFD::MFD(Window* c, int n) : window(c), rect(0,0,0,0), index(n), mode(MFD_MODE_OFF), sprite(0), ship(0), hidden(true), camview(0), lines(0), mouse_latch(0), mouse_in(false), cockpit_hud_texture(0) { sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&sensor_fov); sprite->SetBlendMode(2); sprite->SetFilter(0); sprite->Hide(); Font* font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) { mfd_text[i].font = font; mfd_text[i].color = Color::White; mfd_text[i].hidden = true; } } MFD::~MFD() { GRAPHIC_DESTROY(sprite); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::Initialize() { static int initialized = 0; if (initialized) return; HUDView::PrepareBitmap("sensor_fov.pcx", sensor_fov, sensor_fov_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("sensor_fwd.pcx", sensor_fwd, sensor_fwd_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("sensor_hsd.pcx", sensor_hsd, sensor_hsd_shade); HUDView::PrepareBitmap("sensor_3d.pcx", sensor_3d, sensor_3d_shade); sensor_fov.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); sensor_fwd.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); sensor_hsd.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); sensor_3d.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); initialized = 1; } void MFD::Close() { sensor_fov.ClearImage(); sensor_fwd.ClearImage(); sensor_hsd.ClearImage(); sensor_3d.ClearImage(); delete [] sensor_fov_shade; delete [] sensor_fwd_shade; delete [] sensor_hsd_shade; delete [] sensor_3d_shade; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::UseCameraView(CameraView* v) { if (v && !camview) { camview = v; } } void MFD::SetColor(Color c) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) { hud_color = hud->GetHUDColor(); txt_color = hud->GetTextColor(); } else { hud_color = c; txt_color = c; } HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(sensor_fov, sensor_fov_shade, c); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(sensor_fwd, sensor_fwd_shade, c); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(sensor_hsd, sensor_hsd_shade, c); HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(sensor_3d, sensor_3d_shade, c); } void MFD::SetText3DColor(Color c) { for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) mfd_text[i].color = c; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::Show() { switch (mode) { case MFD_MODE_FOV: case MFD_MODE_HSD: case MFD_MODE_3D: if (sprite) sprite->Show(); break; } hidden = false; } void MFD::Hide() { if (sprite) sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) HideMFDText(i); hidden = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::SetRect(const Rect& r) { rect = r; if (sprite) sprite->MoveTo(Point(rect.x + sprite->Width()/2, rect.y + sprite->Height()/2, 1)); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::SetMode(int m) { if (m < MFD_MODE_OFF || m > MFD_MODE_3D) mode = MFD_MODE_OFF; else mode = m; sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) HideMFDText(i); switch (mode) { case MFD_MODE_GAME: case MFD_MODE_SHIP: lines = 0; break; case MFD_MODE_FOV: sprite->SetAnimation(&sensor_fov); sprite->Show(); sprite->Reshape(sensor_fov.Width()-8, 16); break; case MFD_MODE_HSD: sprite->SetAnimation(&sensor_hsd); sprite->Show(); sprite->Reshape(sensor_hsd.Width()-8, 16); break; case MFD_MODE_3D: sprite->SetAnimation(&sensor_3d); sprite->Show(); sprite->Reshape(sensor_3d.Width()-8, 16); break; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::Draw() { mouse_in = false; if (Mouse::LButton() == 0) mouse_latch = 0; if (rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) mouse_in = true; // click to turn on MFD when off: if (mode < MFD_MODE_FOV && Mouse::LButton() && !mouse_latch) { mouse_latch = 1; if (mouse_in) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) hud->CycleMFDMode(index); } } for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) HideMFDText(i); if (hidden || mode < MFD_MODE_FOV) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { int x1 = index*128; int y1 = 256; int x2 = x1 + 128; int y2 = y1 + 128; cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, Color::Black); } if (hidden) return; } if (sprite && !sprite->Hidden()) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { int x1 = index*128; int y1 = 256; int w = sprite->Width(); int h = sprite->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt(x1, y1, *sprite->Frame(), 0,0,w,h); } else { int cx = rect.x + rect.w/2; int cy = rect.y + rect.h/2; int w2 = sprite->Width()/2; int h2 = sprite->Height()/2; window->DrawBitmap(cx-w2, cy-h2, cx+w2, cy+h2, sprite->Frame(), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); } } switch (mode) { default: case MFD_MODE_OFF: break; case MFD_MODE_GAME: DrawGameMFD(); break; case MFD_MODE_SHIP: DrawStatusMFD(); break; // sensor sub-modes: case MFD_MODE_FOV: DrawSensorMFD(); break; case MFD_MODE_HSD: DrawHSD(); break; case MFD_MODE_3D: Draw3D(); break; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::DrawSensorLabels(const char* mfd_mode) { Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); char mode_buf[8] = " "; int scan_r = rect.w; int scan_x = rect.x; int scan_y = rect.y; switch (sensor->GetMode()) { case Sensor::PAS: strcpy_s(mode_buf, Game::GetText("MFD.mode.passive").data()); break; case Sensor::STD: strcpy_s(mode_buf, Game::GetText("MFD.mode.standard").data()); break; case Sensor::ACM: strcpy_s(mode_buf, Game::GetText("MFD.mode.auto-combat").data()); break; case Sensor::GM: strcpy_s(mode_buf, Game::GetText("MFD.mode.ground").data()); break; case Sensor::PST: strcpy_s(mode_buf, Game::GetText("MFD.mode.passive").data()); break; case Sensor::CST: strcpy_s(mode_buf, Game::GetText("MFD.mode.combined").data()); break; default: break; } Rect mode_rect(scan_x+2, scan_y+2, 40, 12); DrawMFDText(0, mode_buf, mode_rect, DT_LEFT); char range_txt[12]; double beam_range = sensor->GetBeamRange() + 1; if (beam_range >= 1e6) sprintf_s(range_txt, "-%dM+", (int) (beam_range / 1e6)); else sprintf_s(range_txt, "-%3d+", (int) (beam_range / 1e3)); Rect range_rect(scan_x+2, scan_y+scan_r-12, 40, 12); DrawMFDText(1, range_txt, range_rect, DT_LEFT); Rect disp_rect(scan_x+scan_r-41, scan_y+2, 40, 12); DrawMFDText(2, mfd_mode, disp_rect, DT_RIGHT); Rect probe_rect(scan_x+scan_r-41, scan_y+scan_r-12, 40, 12); if (ship->GetProbeLauncher()) { char probes[32]; sprintf_s(probes, "%s %02d", Game::GetText("MFD.probe").data(), ship->GetProbeLauncher()->Ammo()); DrawMFDText(3, probes, probe_rect, DT_RIGHT); } else { HideMFDText(3); } if (Mouse::LButton() && !mouse_latch) { mouse_latch = 1; if (mode_rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) { if (sensor->GetMode() < Sensor::PST) { int sensor_mode = sensor->GetMode() + 1; if (sensor_mode > Sensor::GM) sensor_mode = Sensor::PAS; sensor->SetMode((Sensor::Mode) sensor_mode); } } else if (range_rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) { if (Mouse::X() > range_rect.x+range_rect.w/2) sensor->IncreaseRange(); else sensor->DecreaseRange(); } else if (disp_rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); if (hud) hud->CycleMFDMode(index); } else if (probe_rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) { ship->LaunchProbe(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // AZIMUTH-ELEVATION ANGULAR SCANNER void MFD::DrawSensorMFD() { int scan_r = rect.w; int scan_x = cockpit_hud_texture ? (index*128) : rect.x; int scan_y = cockpit_hud_texture ? 256 : rect.y; int r = scan_r / 2; double xctr = (scan_r / 2.0) - 0.5; double yctr = (scan_r / 2.0) + 0.5; Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); if (!sensor) { DrawMFDText(0, Game::GetText("MFD.inactive").data(), rect, DT_CENTER); return; } int w = sprite->Width(); int h = sprite->Height(); if (w < sprite->Frame()->Width()) w += 2; if (h < sprite->Frame()->Height()) h += 16; sprite->Reshape(w, h); sprite->Show(); if (h < sprite->Frame()->Height()) return; double sweep_scale = r / (PI/2); if (sensor->GetBeamLimit() > 90*DEGREES) sweep_scale = (double) r / (90*DEGREES); int az = (int) (sensor->GetBeamLimit() * sweep_scale); int el = az; int xc = (int) (scan_x + xctr); int yc = (int) (scan_y + yctr); if (mode == MFD_MODE_FOV) { if (sensor->GetMode() < Sensor::GM) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->DrawEllipse(xc-az, yc-el, xc+az, yc+el, hud_color); else window->DrawEllipse(xc-az, yc-el, xc+az, yc+el, hud_color); } } else { char az_txt[8]; sprintf_s(az_txt, "%d", (int) (sensor->GetBeamLimit() / DEGREES)); Rect az_rect(scan_x+2, scan_y+scan_r-12, 32, 12); DrawMFDText(1, az_txt, az_rect, DT_LEFT); az_rect.x = scan_x + (scan_r/2) - (az_rect.w/2); DrawMFDText(2, "0", az_rect, DT_CENTER); az_rect.x = scan_x + scan_r - az_rect.w - 2; DrawMFDText(3, az_txt, az_rect, DT_RIGHT); } // draw next nav point: Instruction* navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (navpt && navpt->Region() == ship->GetRegion()) { const Camera* cam = &ship->Cam(); // translate: Point pt = navpt->Location().OtherHand() - ship->Location(); // rotate: double tx = pt * cam->vrt(); double ty = pt * cam->vup(); double tz = pt * cam->vpn(); if (tz > 1.0) { // convert to spherical coords: double rng = pt.length(); double az = asin(fabs(tx) / rng); double el = asin(fabs(ty) / rng); if (tx < 0) az = -az; if (ty < 0) el = -el; if (fabs(az) < 90*DEGREES) { az *= sweep_scale; el *= sweep_scale; int x = (int) (r + az); int y = (int) (r - el); // clip again: if (x > 0 && x < scan_r && y > 0 && y < scan_r) { // draw: int xc = scan_x + x; int yc = scan_y + y; if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc-2, yc-2, xc+2, yc+2, Color::White); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc-2, yc+2, xc+2, yc-2, Color::White); } else { window->DrawLine(xc-2, yc-2, xc+2, yc+2, Color::White); window->DrawLine(xc-2, yc+2, xc+2, yc-2, Color::White); } } } } } int num_contacts = ship->NumContacts(); ListIter iter = ship->ContactList(); while (++iter) { Contact* contact = iter.value(); Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); double az, el, rng; bool aft = false; if (c_ship == ship) continue; contact->GetBearing(ship, az, el, rng); // clip (is in-front): if (fabs(az) < 90*DEGREES) { az *= sweep_scale; el *= sweep_scale; } // rear anulus: else { double len = sqrt(az*az + el*el); if (len > 1e-6) { az = r * az/len; el = r * el/len; } else { az = -r; el = 0; } aft = true; } int x = (int) (r + az); int y = (int) (r - el); // clip again: if (x < 0 || x > scan_r) continue; if (y < 0 || y > scan_r) continue; // draw: Color mark = HUDView::MarkerColor(contact); if (aft) mark = mark * 0.75; int xc = scan_x + x; int yc = scan_y + y; int size = 1; if (c_ship && c_ship == ship->GetTarget()) size = 2; if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(xc-size, yc-size, xc+size, yc+size, mark); else window->FillRect(xc-size, yc-size, xc+size, yc+size, mark); if (contact->Threat(ship)) { if (c_ship) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->DrawEllipse(xc-4, yc-4, xc+3, yc+3, mark); else window->DrawEllipse(xc-4, yc-4, xc+3, yc+3, mark); } else { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc, yc-5, xc+5, yc, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc+5, yc, xc, yc+5, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc, yc+5, xc-5, yc, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc-5, yc, xc, yc-5, mark); } else { window->DrawLine(xc, yc-5, xc+5, yc, mark); window->DrawLine(xc+5, yc, xc, yc+5, mark); window->DrawLine(xc, yc+5, xc-5, yc, mark); window->DrawLine(xc-5, yc, xc, yc-5, mark); } } } } DrawSensorLabels(Game::GetText("MFD.mode.field-of-view").data()); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // HORIZONTAL SITUATION DISPLAY void MFD::DrawHSD() { int scan_r = rect.w; int scan_x = cockpit_hud_texture ? (index*128) : rect.x; int scan_y = cockpit_hud_texture ? 256 : rect.y; int r = scan_r / 2 - 4; double xctr = (scan_r / 2.0) - 0.5; double yctr = (scan_r / 2.0) + 0.5; int xc = (int) xctr + scan_x; int yc = (int) yctr + scan_y; Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); if (!sensor) { DrawMFDText(0, Game::GetText("MFD.inactive").data(), rect, DT_CENTER); return; } int w = sprite->Width(); int h = sprite->Height(); if (w < sprite->Frame()->Width()) w += 2; if (h < sprite->Frame()->Height()) h += 16; sprite->Reshape(w, h); sprite->Show(); if (h < sprite->Frame()->Height()) return; if (sensor->GetMode() < Sensor::PST) { double s = sin(sensor->GetBeamLimit()); double c = cos(sensor->GetBeamLimit()); int x0 = (int) (0.1*r*s); int y0 = (int) (0.1*r*c); int x1 = (int) (1.0*r*s); int y1 = (int) (1.0*r*c); if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc-x0, yc-y0, xc-x1, yc-y1, hud_color); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc+x0, yc-y0, xc+x1, yc-y1, hud_color); } else { window->DrawLine(xc-x0, yc-y0, xc-x1, yc-y1, hud_color); window->DrawLine(xc+x0, yc-y0, xc+x1, yc-y1, hud_color); } } double rscale = (double) r/(sensor->GetBeamRange()); Camera hsd_cam = ship->Cam(); Point look = ship->Location() + ship->Heading() * 1000; look.y = ship->Location().y; hsd_cam.LookAt(look); // draw tick marks on range rings: for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) { Point tick; switch (dir) { case 0: tick = Point( 0, 0, 1000); break; case 1: tick = Point( 1000, 0, 0); break; case 2: tick = Point( 0, 0, -1000); break; case 3: tick = Point(-1000, 0, 0); break; } double tx = tick * hsd_cam.vrt(); double tz = tick * hsd_cam.vpn(); double az = asin(fabs(tx) / 1000); if (tx < 0) az = -az; if (tz < 0) if (az < 0) az = -PI - az; else az = PI - az; for (double range = 0.3; range < 1; range += 0.3) { int x0 = (int) (sin(az) * r * range); int y0 = (int) (cos(az) * r * range); int x1 = (int) (sin(az) * r * (range + 0.1)); int y1 = (int) (cos(az) * r * (range + 0.1)); if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(xc+x0, yc-y0, xc+x1, yc-y1, hud_color); } else { window->DrawLine(xc+x0, yc-y0, xc+x1, yc-y1, hud_color); } } } // draw next nav point: Instruction* navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (navpt && navpt->Region() == ship->GetRegion()) { const Camera* cam = &hsd_cam; // translate: Point pt = navpt->Location().OtherHand() - ship->Location(); // rotate: double tx = pt * cam->vrt(); double ty = pt * cam->vup(); double tz = pt * cam->vpn(); // convert to spherical coords: double rng = pt.length(); double az = asin(fabs(tx) / rng); if (rng > sensor->GetBeamRange()) rng = sensor->GetBeamRange(); if (tx < 0) az = -az; if (tz < 0) if (az < 0) az = -PI - az; else az = PI - az; // draw: int x = (int) (xc + sin(az) * rng * rscale); int y = (int) (yc - cos(az) * rng * rscale); if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x-2, y-2, x+2, y+2, Color::White); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x-2, y+2, x+2, y-2, Color::White); } else { window->DrawLine(x-2, y-2, x+2, y+2, Color::White); window->DrawLine(x-2, y+2, x+2, y-2, Color::White); } } // draw contact markers: double limit = sensor->GetBeamRange(); ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); while (++contact) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (c_ship == ship) continue; // translate: Point targ_pt = contact->Location() - hsd_cam.Pos(); // rotate: double tx = targ_pt * hsd_cam.vrt(); double rg = contact->Range(ship, limit); double true_range = targ_pt.length(); double az = asin(fabs(tx) / true_range); // clip: if (rg > limit || rg <= 0) continue; if (tx < 0) az = -az; if (!contact->InFront(ship)) if (az < 0) az = -PI - az; else az = PI - az; // draw: int x = (int) (xc + sin(az) * rg * rscale); int y = (int) (yc - cos(az) * rg * rscale); int size = 2; // clip again: if (x < scan_x || y < scan_y) continue; if (c_ship && c_ship == ship->GetTarget()) size = 3; Color mark = HUDView::MarkerColor(contact.value()); if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(x-size, y-size, x+size, y+size, mark); } else { window->FillRect(x-size, y-size, x+size, y+size, mark); } if (contact->Threat(ship)) { if (c_ship) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawEllipse(x-4, y-4, x+3, y+3, mark); } else { window->DrawEllipse(x-4, y-4, x+3, y+3, mark); } } else { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x, y-5, x+5, y, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x+5, y, x, y+5, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x, y+5, x-5, y, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x-5, y, x, y-5, mark); } else { window->DrawLine(x, y-5, x+5, y, mark); window->DrawLine(x+5, y, x, y+5, mark); window->DrawLine(x, y+5, x-5, y, mark); window->DrawLine(x-5, y, x, y-5, mark); } } } } DrawSensorLabels(Game::GetText("MFD.mode.horizontal").data()); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ELITE-STYLE 3D RADAR void MFD::Draw3D() { int scan_r = rect.w; int scan_x = cockpit_hud_texture ? (index*128) : rect.x; int scan_y = cockpit_hud_texture ? 256 : rect.y; int r = scan_r / 2 - 4; double xctr = (scan_r / 2.0) - 0.5; double yctr = (scan_r / 2.0) + 0.5; int xc = (int) xctr + scan_x; int yc = (int) yctr + scan_y; Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); if (!sensor) { DrawMFDText(0, Game::GetText("MFD.inactive").data(), rect, DT_CENTER); return; } int w = sprite->Width(); int h = sprite->Height(); if (w < sprite->Frame()->Width()) w += 2; if (h < sprite->Frame()->Height()) h += 16; sprite->Reshape(w, h); sprite->Show(); if (h < sprite->Frame()->Height()) return; double rscale = (double) r/(sensor->GetBeamRange()); Camera hsd_cam = ship->Cam(); if (ship->IsStarship()) { Point look = ship->Location() + ship->Heading() * 1000; look.y = ship->Location().y; hsd_cam.LookAt(look); } // draw next nav point: Instruction* navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (navpt && navpt->Region() == ship->GetRegion()) { const Camera* cam = &hsd_cam; // translate: Point pt = navpt->Location().OtherHand() - ship->Location(); // rotate: double tx = pt * cam->vrt(); double ty = pt * cam->vup(); double tz = pt * cam->vpn(); // convert to cylindrical coords: double rng = pt.length(); double az = asin(fabs(tx) / rng); if (rng > sensor->GetBeamRange()) rng = sensor->GetBeamRange(); if (tx < 0) az = -az; if (tz < 0) { if (az < 0) az = -PI - az; else az = PI - az; } // accentuate vertical: if (ty > 10) ty = log10(ty-9) * r/8; else if (ty < -10) ty = -log10(9-ty) * r/8; else ty = 0; // draw: int x = (int) (sin(az) * rng * rscale); int y = (int) (cos(az) * rng * rscale/2); int z = (int) (ty); int x0 = xc+x; int y0 = yc-y-z; if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0-2, y0-2, x0+2, y0+2, Color::White); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0-2, y0+2, x0+2, y0-2, Color::White); } else { window->DrawLine(x0-2, y0-2, x0+2, y0+2, Color::White); window->DrawLine(x0-2, y0+2, x0+2, y0-2, Color::White); } if (cockpit_hud_texture) { if (z > 0) cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0, y0+1, x0, y0+z, Color::White); else if (z < 0) cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0, y0+z, x0, y0-1, Color::White); } else { if (z > 0) window->DrawLine(x0, y0+1, x0, y0+z, Color::White); else if (z < 0) window->DrawLine(x0, y0+z, x0, y0-1, Color::White); } } // draw contact markers: double limit = sensor->GetBeamRange(); ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); while (++contact) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (c_ship == ship) continue; // translate: Point targ_pt = contact->Location() - hsd_cam.Pos(); // rotate: double tx = targ_pt * hsd_cam.vrt(); double ty = targ_pt * hsd_cam.vup(); double rg = contact->Range(ship, limit); double true_range = targ_pt.length(); double az = asin(fabs(tx) / true_range); // clip: if (rg > limit || rg <= 0) continue; if (tx < 0) az = -az; if (!contact->InFront(ship)) if (az < 0) az = -PI - az; else az = PI - az; // accentuate vertical: ty *= 4; // draw: int x = (int) (sin(az) * rg * rscale); int y = (int) (cos(az) * rg * rscale/2); int z = (int) (ty * rscale/2); int size = 1; int x0 = xc+x; int y0 = yc-y-z; if (c_ship && c_ship == ship->GetTarget()) size = 2; Color mark = HUDView::MarkerColor(contact.value()); if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(x0-size, y0-size, x0+size, y0+size, mark); if (contact->Threat(ship)) { if (c_ship) { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawEllipse(x0-4, y0-4, x0+3, y0+3, mark); } else { cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0, y0-5, x0+5, y0, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0+5, y0, x0, y0+5, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0, y0+5, x0-5, y0, mark); cockpit_hud_texture->DrawLine(x0-5, y0, x0, y0-5, mark); } } if (z > 0) cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(x0-1, y0+size, x0, y0+z, mark); else if (z < 0) cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(x0-1, y0+z, x0, y0-size, mark); } else { window->FillRect(x0-size, y0-size, x0+size, y0+size, mark); if (contact->Threat(ship)) { if (c_ship) { window->DrawEllipse(x0-4, y0-4, x0+3, y0+3, mark); } else { window->DrawLine(x0, y0-5, x0+5, y0, mark); window->DrawLine(x0+5, y0, x0, y0+5, mark); window->DrawLine(x0, y0+5, x0-5, y0, mark); window->DrawLine(x0-5, y0, x0, y0-5, mark); } } if (z > 0) window->FillRect(x0-1, y0+size, x0, y0+z, mark); else if (z < 0) window->FillRect(x0-1, y0+z, x0, y0-size, mark); } } DrawSensorLabels(Game::GetText("MFD.mode.3D").data()); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // GROUND MAP void MFD::DrawMap() { Rect text_rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, 12); DrawMFDText(0, Game::GetText("MFD.mode.ground").data(), text_rect, DT_CENTER); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::DrawGauge(int x, int y, int percent) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { x += this->index * 128 - this->rect.x; y += 256 - this->rect.y; cockpit_hud_texture->DrawRect(x, y, x+53, y+8, Color::DarkGray); } else { window->DrawRect(x, y, x+53, y+8, Color::DarkGray); } if (percent < 3) return; if (percent > 100) percent = 100; percent /= 2; if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(x+2, y+2, x+2+percent, y+7, Color::Gray); else window->FillRect(x+2, y+2, x+2+percent, y+7, Color::Gray); } void MFD::DrawGameMFD() { if (lines < 10) lines++; char txt[64]; Rect txt_rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, 12); int t = 0; if (!HUDView::IsArcade() && HUDView::ShowFPS()) { sprintf_s(txt, "FPS: %6.2f", Game::FrameRate()); DrawMFDText(t++, txt, txt_rect, DT_LEFT); txt_rect.y += 10; if (lines <= 1) return; Starshatter* game = Starshatter::GetInstance(); sprintf_s(txt, "Polys: %d", game->GetPolyStats().npolys); DrawMFDText(t++, txt, txt_rect, DT_LEFT); txt_rect.y += 10; } if (ship) { DrawMFDText(t++, ship->Name(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); txt_rect.y += 10; } if (lines <= 2) return; int hours = (Game::GameTime() / 3600000) ; int minutes = (Game::GameTime() / 60000) % 60; int seconds = (Game::GameTime() / 1000) % 60; if (ship) { DWORD clock = ship->MissionClock(); hours = (clock / 3600000) ; minutes = (clock / 60000) % 60; seconds = (clock / 1000) % 60; } if (Game::TimeCompression() > 1) sprintf_s(txt, "%02d:%02d:%02d x%d", hours, minutes, seconds, Game::TimeCompression()); //-V576 else sprintf_s(txt, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); DrawMFDText(t++, txt, txt_rect, DT_LEFT); txt_rect.y += 10; if (HUDView::IsArcade() || lines <= 3) return; DrawMFDText(t++, ship->GetRegion()->Name(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); txt_rect.y += 10; if (lines <= 4) return; if (ship) { switch (ship->GetFlightPhase()) { case Ship::DOCKED: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.DOCKED").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::ALERT: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.ALERT").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::LOCKED: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.LOCKED").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::LAUNCH: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.LAUNCH").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::TAKEOFF: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.TAKEOFF").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::ACTIVE: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.ACTIVE").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::APPROACH: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.APPROACH").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::RECOVERY: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.RECOVERY").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; case Ship::DOCKING: DrawMFDText(t++, Game::GetText("MFD.phase.DOCKING").data(), txt_rect, DT_LEFT); break; } } } void MFD::DrawStatusMFD() { if (lines < 10) lines++; Rect status_rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, 12); int row = 0; char txt[32]; if (ship) { if (status_rect.y > 320 && !ship->IsStarship()) status_rect.y += 32; Drive* drive = ship->GetDrive(); if (drive) { DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.THRUST").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); DrawGauge(status_rect.x+70, status_rect.y, (int) ship->Throttle()); status_rect.y += 10; } if (lines <= 1) return; if (ship->Reactors().size() > 0) { PowerSource* reactor = ship->Reactors()[0]; if (reactor) { DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.FUEL").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); DrawGauge(status_rect.x+70, status_rect.y, reactor->Charge()); status_rect.y += 10; } } if (lines <= 2) return; QuantumDrive* quantum_drive = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); if (quantum_drive) { DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.QUANTUM").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); DrawGauge(status_rect.x+70, status_rect.y, (int) quantum_drive->Charge()); status_rect.y += 10; } if (lines <= 3) return; double hull = ship->Integrity() / ship->Design()->integrity * 100; int hull_status = System::CRITICAL; if (hull > 66) hull_status = System::NOMINAL; else if (hull > 33) hull_status = System::DEGRADED; DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.HULL").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); DrawGauge(status_rect.x+70, status_rect.y, (int) hull); status_rect.y += 10; if (lines <= 4) return; Shield* shield = ship->GetShield(); if (shield) { DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.SHIELD").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); DrawGauge(status_rect.x+70, status_rect.y, ship->ShieldStrength()); status_rect.y += 10; } if (lines <= 5) return; Weapon* primary = ship->GetPrimary(); if (primary) { DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.GUNS").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); DrawGauge(status_rect.x+70, status_rect.y, primary->Charge()); status_rect.y += 10; } if (lines <= 6) return; if (HUDView::IsArcade()) { for (int i = 0; i < ship->Weapons().size() && i < 4; i++) { WeaponGroup* w = ship->Weapons().at(i); if (w->IsMissile()) { char ammo[8]; if (ship->GetSecondaryGroup() == w) sprintf_s(ammo, "%d *", w->Ammo()); else sprintf_s(ammo, "%d", w->Ammo()); DrawMFDText(row++, (const char*) w->GetDesign()->name, status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x += 70; DrawMFDText(row++, ammo, status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x -= 70; status_rect.y += 10; } } if (ship->GetDecoy()) { char ammo[8]; sprintf_s(ammo, "%d", ship->GetDecoy()->Ammo()); DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.DECOY").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x += 70; DrawMFDText(row++, ammo, status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x -= 70; status_rect.y += 10; } if (NetGame::GetInstance()) { char lives[8]; sprintf_s(lives, "%d", ship->RespawnCount() + 1); DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.LIVES").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x += 70; DrawMFDText(row++, lives, status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x -= 70; status_rect.y += 10; } return; } Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); if (sensor) { if (ship->GetFlightPhase() != Ship::ACTIVE) { DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.SENSOR").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x += 70; DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.OFFLINE").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x -= 70; status_rect.y += 10; } else { DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.EMCON").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x += 70; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", Game::GetText("MFD.status.MODE").data(), ship->GetEMCON()); if (!sensor->IsPowerOn() || sensor->GetEnergy() == 0) { if (!Game::Paused() && (Game::RealTime()/1000) & 2) strcpy_s(txt, Game::GetText("MFD.status.SENSOR-OFF").data()); } DrawMFDText(row++, txt, status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x -= 70; status_rect.y += 10; } } if (lines <= 7) return; DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.SYSTEMS").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x += 70; DrawMFDText(row++, ship->GetDirectorInfo(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); if (NetGame::GetInstance()) { char lives[8]; sprintf_s(lives, "%d", ship->RespawnCount() + 1); status_rect.x -= 70; status_rect.y += 10; DrawMFDText(row++, Game::GetText("MFD.status.LIVES").data(), status_rect, DT_LEFT); status_rect.x += 70; DrawMFDText(row++, lives, status_rect, DT_LEFT); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::SetStatusColor(int status) { Color status_color; switch (status) { default: case System::NOMINAL: status_color = txt_color; break; case System::DEGRADED: status_color = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: status_color = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::DESTROYED: status_color = Color( 0, 0, 0); break; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool MFD::IsMouseLatched() const { return mouse_in; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MFD::DrawMFDText(int index, const char* txt, Rect& txt_rect, int align, int status) { if (index >= MFD::TXT_LAST) { Print("MFD DrawMFDText() invalid mfd_text index %d '%s'\n", index, txt); } else { HUDText& mt = mfd_text[index]; Color mc = mt.color; switch (status) { default: case System::NOMINAL: mc = txt_color; break; case System::DEGRADED: mc = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: mc = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::DESTROYED: mc = Color( 0, 0, 0); break; } char txt_buf[256]; int n = strlen(txt); if (n > 250) n = 250; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (islower(txt[i])) txt_buf[i] = toupper(txt[i]); else txt_buf[i] = txt[i]; } txt_buf[i] = 0; if (cockpit_hud_texture) { Rect hud_rect(txt_rect); hud_rect.x = txt_rect.x + this->index * 128 - this->rect.x; hud_rect.y = txt_rect.y + 256 - this->rect.y; mt.font->SetColor(mc); mt.font->DrawText(txt_buf, 0, hud_rect, align | DT_SINGLELINE, cockpit_hud_texture); mt.rect = rect; mt.hidden = false; } else { if (txt_rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) mc = Color::White; mt.font->SetColor(mc); mt.font->DrawText(txt_buf, 0, txt_rect, align | DT_SINGLELINE); mt.rect = rect; mt.hidden = false; } } } void MFD::HideMFDText(int index) { if (index >= MFD::TXT_LAST) Print("MFD HideMFDText() invalid mfd_text index %d\n", index); else mfd_text[index].hidden = true; }