/* Project Starshatter 4.5 Destroyer Studios LLC Copyright © 1997-2004. All Rights Reserved. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: Hangar.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Everything needed to store and maintain space craft See Also: FlightDeck */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Hangar.h" #include "FlightDeck.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Mission.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "Campaign.h" #include "Combatant.h" #include "CombatGroup.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Random.h" // +======================================================================+ class HangarSlot { friend class Hangar; public: static const char* TYPENAME() { return "HangarSlot"; } HangarSlot(); ~HangarSlot(); int operator == (const HangarSlot& that) const { return this == &that; } private: Text squadron; CombatGroup* group; Ship* ship; int iff; const ShipDesign* design; FlightDeck* deck; int slot; int state; double time; Element* package; bool alert_hold; int loadout[16]; }; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HangarSlot::HangarSlot() : ship(0), group(0), design(0), deck(0), slot(0), state(0), time(0), package(0), alert_hold(false) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) loadout[i] = -1; } HangarSlot::~HangarSlot() { } // +======================================================================+ Hangar::Hangar() : ship(0), nsquadrons(0), last_patrol_launch(0) { ZeroMemory(nslots, sizeof(nslots)); ZeroMemory(squadrons, sizeof(squadrons)); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Hangar::Hangar(const Hangar& s) : ship(0), nsquadrons(s.nsquadrons), last_patrol_launch(s.last_patrol_launch) { ZeroMemory(nslots, sizeof(nslots)); ZeroMemory(squadrons, sizeof(squadrons)); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Hangar::~Hangar() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADRONS; i++) delete [] squadrons[i]; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Hangar::ExecFrame(double seconds) { for (int n = 0; n < nsquadrons; n++) { if (squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; switch (slot->state) { case UNAVAIL: case STORAGE: case APPROACH: break; case ACTIVE: if (slot->ship && slot->ship->GetFlightPhase() == Ship::APPROACH) slot->state = APPROACH; break; case MAINT: if (slot->time > 0) { slot->time -= seconds; } else { slot->time = 0; slot->state = STORAGE; } break; case PREP: if (slot->time > 0) { slot->time -= seconds; } else { slot->time = 0; FinishPrep(slot); } break; case ALERT: if (slot->time > 0) { slot->time -= seconds; } else if (slot->deck) { slot->time = 0; // if package has specific objective, launch as soon as possible: if (!slot->alert_hold) slot->deck->Launch(slot->slot); switch (slot->deck->State(slot->slot)) { case FlightDeck::READY: slot->state = ALERT; break; case FlightDeck::QUEUED: slot->state = QUEUED; break; case FlightDeck::LOCKED: slot->state = LOCKED; break; case FlightDeck::LAUNCH: slot->state = LAUNCH; break; default: slot->state = STORAGE; break; } } break; case QUEUED: case LOCKED: if (slot->deck) { switch (slot->deck->State(slot->slot)) { case FlightDeck::READY: slot->state = ALERT; break; case FlightDeck::QUEUED: slot->state = QUEUED; break; case FlightDeck::LOCKED: slot->state = LOCKED; break; case FlightDeck::LAUNCH: slot->state = LAUNCH; break; default: slot->state = STORAGE; break; } slot->time = slot->deck->TimeRemaining(slot->slot); } break; case LAUNCH: if (slot->deck) { slot->time = slot->deck->TimeRemaining(slot->slot); if (slot->ship && slot->ship->GetFlightPhase() > Ship::LAUNCH) { slot->state = ACTIVE; slot->time = 0; } } break; case RECOVERY: break; } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Hangar::FinishPrep(HangarSlot* slot) { if (slot->deck->SpaceLeft(slot->design->type)) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); Text ship_name = slot->squadron; slot->ship = sim->CreateShip(ship_name, "", (ShipDesign*) slot->design, ship->GetRegion()->Name(), Point(0, 0, 0), slot->iff, ship->GetCommandAILevel(), slot->loadout); Observe(slot->ship); if (slot->package) { slot->package->SetCommander(ship->GetElement()); slot->package->AddShip(slot->ship); if (slot->group) { slot->package->SetCombatGroup(slot->group); slot->package->SetCombatUnit(slot->group->GetNextUnit()); } char name[64]; sprintf(name, "%s %d", (const char*) slot->package->Name(), slot->ship->GetElementIndex()); slot->ship->SetName(name); } slot->slot = -1; // take first available slot if (slot->deck->Spot(slot->ship, slot->slot)) { slot->state = ALERT; return true; } Print("WARNING: Could not spot alert ship - carrier: '%s' ship '%s'\n", ship->Name(), slot->ship->Name()); } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Hangar::Update(SimObject* obj) { bool found = false; for (int n = 0; !found && n < nsquadrons; n++) { if (squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; !found && i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->ship == obj) { // was ship destroyed in combat, // or did it just dock here? if (slot->state != MAINT) { slot->state = UNAVAIL; slot->ship = 0; slot->deck = 0; slot->time = 0; slot->package = 0; } found = true; } } } } return SimObserver::Update(obj); } const char* Hangar::GetObserverName() const { static char name[64]; if (ship) sprintf(name, "Hangar(%s)", ship->Name()); else sprintf(name, "Hangar"); return name; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Hangar::CreateSquadron(Text squadron, CombatGroup* group, const ShipDesign* design, int count, int iff, int* def_load, int maint_count, int dead_count) { if (nsquadrons < MAX_SQUADRONS && count > 0) { HangarSlot* s = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) HangarSlot[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { s[i].squadron = squadron; s[i].group = group; s[i].design = design; s[i].iff = iff; if (def_load) CopyMemory(s[i].loadout, def_load, sizeof(s[i].loadout)); } squadrons[nsquadrons] = s; nslots[nsquadrons] = count; names[nsquadrons] = squadron; i = count-1; while (dead_count-- > 0) s[i--].state = UNAVAIL; while (maint_count-- > 0) { s[i].state = MAINT; s[i--].time = 600 + rand() / 15; } nsquadrons++; return true; } return false; } bool Hangar::GotoActiveFlight(int squadron, int slot_index, Element* elem, int* loadout) { if (elem && squadron < nsquadrons && slot_index < nslots[squadron]) { HangarSlot* slot = &(squadrons[squadron][slot_index]); if (slot->state == STORAGE) { slot->deck = 0; slot->state = ACTIVE; slot->time = 0; slot->package = elem; slot->alert_hold = false; if (loadout) CopyMemory(slot->loadout, loadout, sizeof(slot->loadout)); Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); Text ship_name = slot->squadron; slot->ship = sim->CreateShip(ship_name, "", (ShipDesign*) slot->design, ship->GetRegion()->Name(), ship->Location() + RandomPoint(), slot->iff, ship->GetCommandAILevel(), slot->loadout); if (slot->ship) { Observe(slot->ship); elem->SetCommander(ship->GetElement()); elem->AddShip(slot->ship); if (slot->group) { elem->SetCombatGroup(slot->group); elem->SetCombatUnit(slot->group->GetNextUnit()); } char name[64]; sprintf(name, "%s %d", (const char*) elem->Name(), slot->ship->GetElementIndex()); slot->ship->SetName(name); } return true; } } return false; } bool Hangar::GotoAlert(int squadron, int slot, FlightDeck* d, Element* elem, int* loadout, bool pkg, bool expedite) { if (squadron < nsquadrons && slot < nslots[squadron]) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[squadron][slot]); if (s->state == STORAGE) { s->deck = d; s->state = PREP; s->time = expedite ? 3 : s->design->prep_time; s->package = elem; s->alert_hold = !pkg; if (loadout) CopyMemory(s->loadout, loadout, sizeof(s->loadout)); if (expedite) FinishPrep(s); return true; } } return false; } bool Hangar::Launch(int squadron, int slot) { if (squadron < nsquadrons && slot < nslots[squadron]) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[squadron][slot]); if (s->state == ALERT && s->deck) return s->deck->Launch(s->slot); } return false; } bool Hangar::StandDown(int squadron, int slot) { if (squadron < nsquadrons && slot < nslots[squadron]) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[squadron][slot]); Element* package = 0; bool clear_slot = false; if (s->state == ALERT && s->deck) { if (s->deck->Clear(s->slot)) { if (s->ship) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (s->package) { package = s->package; package->DelShip(s->ship); } sim->DestroyShip(s->ship); } clear_slot = true; } } else if (s->state == PREP) { clear_slot = true; package = s->package; } if (clear_slot) { s->state = STORAGE; s->deck = 0; s->slot = 0; s->ship = 0; s->package = 0; if (package) { int npkg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nslots[squadron]; i++) { if (squadrons[squadron][i].package == package) npkg++; } if (npkg == 0) { Sim::GetSim()->DestroyElement(package); } } return true; } } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Hangar::CanStow(Ship* incoming) { int squadron = -1; int slot = -1; if (FindSlot(incoming, squadron, slot)) return true; return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Hangar::Stow(Ship* incoming) { int squadron = -1; int slot = -1; if (FindSlot(incoming, squadron, slot)) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[squadron][slot]); s->state = MAINT; s->design = incoming->Design(); s->time = 2400; s->package = 0; // XXX MEMORY LEAK? // extra maintenance time? if (incoming->Integrity() < incoming->Design()->integrity) { double damage = 100 * ((double) incoming->Design()->integrity - (double) incoming->Integrity()) / (double) incoming->Design()->integrity; if (damage < 10) s->time *= 1.2; else if (damage < 25) s->time *= 2; else if (damage < 50) s->time *= 4; else s->time *= 10; } // quicker turnaround during network play: Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim && sim->IsNetGame()) s->time /= 40; return true; } return false; } bool Hangar::FindSlot(Ship* test, int& squadron, int& slot, int desired_state) { if (test) { // if test is already inbound to this carrier, // keep the inbound squadron and slot selections: if (desired_state == UNAVAIL && test->GetInbound()) { InboundSlot* inbound = test->GetInbound(); FlightDeck* deck = inbound->GetDeck(); if (deck && deck->GetCarrier() == ship && deck->IsPowerOn()) { squadron = inbound->Squadron(); slot = inbound->Index(); return true; } } int avail_squadron = -1; int avail_slot = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nsquadrons; i++) { if (squadron < 0 || squadron == i) { for (int j = 0; j < nslots[i]; j++) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[i][j]); if (s->ship == test) { squadron = i; slot = j; return true; } else if (avail_slot < 0 && s->ship == 0) { if ((desired_state > STORAGE && s->state == STORAGE) || (desired_state < STORAGE && s->state == UNAVAIL)) { avail_squadron = i; avail_slot = j; } } } } } if (avail_squadron >= 0 && avail_slot >= 0) { squadron = avail_squadron; slot = avail_slot; if (desired_state > STORAGE) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[squadron][slot]); s->ship = test; s->design = test->Design(); s->state = desired_state; s->deck = 0; s->slot = 0; s->package = test->GetElement(); s->time = 0; Observe(s->ship); } return true; } } return false; } bool Hangar::FindSquadronAndSlot(Ship* test, int& squadron, int& slot) { if (test) { for (int i = 0; i < nsquadrons; i++) { if (squadron < 0 || squadron == i) { for (int j = 0; j < nslots[i]; j++) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[i][j]); if (s->ship == test) { squadron = i; slot = j; return true; } } } } } return false; } bool Hangar::FindAvailSlot(const ShipDesign* design, int& squadron, int& slot) { if (design) { for (int i = 0; i < nsquadrons; i++) { if (nslots[i] > 0 && squadrons[i]->design == design) { for (int j = 0; j < nslots[i]; j++) { HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[i][j]); if (s->state == STORAGE) { squadron = i; slot = j; return true; } } } } } return false; } bool Hangar::Ready(int squadron, int slot, FlightDeck* d) { if (squadron < 0 || squadron >= nsquadrons || slot < 0 || slot >= nslots[squadron] || !d) return false; HangarSlot* s = &(squadrons[squadron][slot]); s->time = 3; // 5; s->deck = d; s->slot = -1; // take first available slot if (d->Spot(s->ship, s->slot)) { s->state = ALERT; s->alert_hold = false; return true; } return false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Text Hangar::SquadronName(int n) const { if (n >= 0 && n < nsquadrons) return names[n]; return Game::GetText("Unknown"); } int Hangar::SquadronSize(int n) const { if (n >= 0 && n < nsquadrons) return nslots[n]; return 0; } int Hangar::SquadronIFF(int n) const { if (n >= 0 && n < nsquadrons) return squadrons[n]->iff; return 0; } const ShipDesign* Hangar::SquadronDesign(int n) const { if (n >= 0 && n < nsquadrons && nslots[n]) return squadrons[n]->design; return 0; } const HangarSlot* Hangar::GetSlot(int i, int j) const { if (i >= 0 && i < nsquadrons) if (j >= 0 && j < nslots[i]) return squadrons[i] + j; return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ship* Hangar::GetShip(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->ship; return 0; } const ShipDesign* Hangar::GetDesign(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->design; return 0; } FlightDeck* Hangar::GetFlightDeck(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->deck; return 0; } int Hangar::GetFlightDeckSlot(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->slot; return 0; } int Hangar::GetState(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->state; return 0; } double Hangar::TimeRemaining(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->time; return 0; } Element* Hangar::GetPackageElement(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->package; return 0; } const int* Hangar::GetLoadout(const HangarSlot* s) const { if (s) return s->loadout; return 0; } Text Hangar::StatusName(const HangarSlot* s) const { switch (s->state) { default: case UNAVAIL: return Game::GetText("hangar.UNAVAIL"); case MAINT: return Game::GetText("hangar.MAINT"); case STORAGE: return Game::GetText("hangar.STORAGE"); case PREP: return Game::GetText("hangar.PREP"); case ALERT: return Game::GetText("hangar.ALERT"); case QUEUED: { Text state = Game::GetText("hangar.QUEUED"); char seq[8]; sprintf(seq, " %d", s->deck->Sequence(s->slot)); return state + seq; } case LOCKED: return Game::GetText("hangar.LOCKED"); case LAUNCH: return Game::GetText("hangar.LAUNCH"); case ACTIVE: return Game::GetText("hangar.ACTIVE"); case APPROACH: return Game::GetText("hangar.APPROACH"); case RECOVERY: return Game::GetText("hangar.RECOVERY"); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Hangar::PreflightQueue(FlightDeck* d) const { int result = 0; for (int n = 0; n < nsquadrons; n++) { if (squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->deck == d) result++; } } } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Hangar::NumShipsReady(int n) const { int result = 0; if (n >= 0 && n < nsquadrons && squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->state == STORAGE) result++; } } return result; } int Hangar::NumShipsMaint(int n) const { int result = 0; if (n >= 0 && n < nsquadrons && squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->state == MAINT) result++; } } return result; } int Hangar::NumShipsDead(int n) const { int result = 0; if (n >= 0 && n < nsquadrons && squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->state == UNAVAIL) result++; } } return result; } int Hangar::NumSlotsEmpty() const { int result = 0; for (int n = 0; n < nsquadrons; n++) { if (squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->state == UNAVAIL) result++; } } } return result; } int Hangar::GetActiveElements(List& active_list) { active_list.clear(); for (int n = 0; n < nsquadrons; n++) { if (squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->package != 0 && !active_list.contains(slot->package)) active_list.append(slot->package); } } } return active_list.size(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ DWORD Hangar::GetLastPatrolLaunch() const { return last_patrol_launch; } void Hangar::SetLastPatrolLaunch(DWORD t) { last_patrol_launch = t; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Hangar::SetAllIFF(int iff) { for (int n = 0; n < nsquadrons; n++) { if (squadrons[n] && nslots[n] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nslots[n]; i++) { HangarSlot* slot = &squadrons[n][i]; if (slot->ship) slot->ship->SetIFF(iff); } } } }