/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== View class for Heads Up Display */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "HUDSounds.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Computer.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "NavSystem.h" #include "Power.h" #include "Shield.h" #include "Sensor.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Drone.h" #include "Thruster.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "FlightDeck.h" #include "SteerAI.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "CameraDirector.h" #include "Mfd.h" #include "RadioView.h" #include "FormatUtil.h" #include "Hoop.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "KeyMap.h" #include "AudioConfig.h" #include "Player.h" #include "NetGame.h" #include "NetPlayer.h" #include "Color.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Graphic.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "MouseController.h" #include "Polygon.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "Game.h" #include "ContentBundle.h" #include "Window.h" static Bitmap hud_left_air; static Bitmap hud_right_air; static Bitmap hud_left_fighter; static Bitmap hud_right_fighter; static Bitmap hud_left_starship; static Bitmap hud_right_starship; static Bitmap instr_left; static Bitmap instr_right; static Bitmap warn_left; static Bitmap warn_right; static Bitmap lead; static Bitmap cross; static Bitmap cross1; static Bitmap cross2; static Bitmap cross3; static Bitmap cross4; static Bitmap fpm; static Bitmap hpm; static Bitmap pitch_ladder_pos; static Bitmap pitch_ladder_neg; static Bitmap chase_left; static Bitmap chase_right; static Bitmap chase_top; static Bitmap chase_bottom; static Bitmap icon_ship; static Bitmap icon_target; static BYTE* hud_left_shade_air = 0; static BYTE* hud_right_shade_air = 0; static BYTE* hud_left_shade_fighter = 0; static BYTE* hud_right_shade_fighter = 0; static BYTE* hud_left_shade_starship = 0; static BYTE* hud_right_shade_starship = 0; static BYTE* instr_left_shade = 0; static BYTE* instr_right_shade = 0; static BYTE* warn_left_shade = 0; static BYTE* warn_right_shade = 0; static BYTE* lead_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross1_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross2_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross3_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross4_shade = 0; static BYTE* fpm_shade = 0; static BYTE* hpm_shade = 0; static BYTE* pitch_ladder_pos_shade = 0; static BYTE* pitch_ladder_neg_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_left_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_right_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_top_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_bottom_shade = 0; static BYTE* icon_ship_shade = 0; static BYTE* icon_target_shade = 0; static Sprite* hud_left_sprite = 0; static Sprite* hud_right_sprite = 0; static Sprite* fpm_sprite = 0; static Sprite* hpm_sprite = 0; static Sprite* lead_sprite = 0; static Sprite* aim_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt1_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt2_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt3_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt4_sprite = 0; static Sprite* chase_sprite = 0; static Sprite* instr_left_sprite = 0; static Sprite* instr_right_sprite = 0; static Sprite* warn_left_sprite = 0; static Sprite* warn_right_sprite = 0; static Sprite* icon_ship_sprite = 0; static Sprite* icon_target_sprite = 0; static Sound* missile_lock_sound; const int NUM_HUD_COLORS = 4; Color standard_hud_colors[NUM_HUD_COLORS] = { Color(130,190,140), // green Color(130,200,220), // cyan Color(250,170, 80), // orange // Color(220,220,100), // yellow Color( 16, 16, 16) // dark gray }; Color standard_txt_colors[NUM_HUD_COLORS] = { Color(150,200,170), // green w/ green gray Color(220,220,180), // cyan w/ light yellow Color(220,220, 80), // orange w/ yellow // Color(180,200,220), // yellow w/ white Color( 32, 32, 32) // dark gray }; Color night_vision_colors[NUM_HUD_COLORS] = { Color( 20, 80, 20), // green Color( 30, 80, 80), // cyan Color( 80, 80, 20), // yellow // Color(180,200,220), // not used Color( 0, 0, 0) // no night vision }; static Font* hud_font = 0; static Font* big_font = 0; static bool mouse_in = false; static int mouse_latch = 0; static int mouse_index = -1; static int ship_status = System::NOMINAL; static int tgt_status = System::NOMINAL; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum TXT { MAX_CONTACT = 50, TXT_CAUTION_TXT = 0, TXT_LAST_CAUTION = 23, TXT_CAM_ANGLE, TXT_CAM_MODE, TXT_PAUSED, TXT_GEAR_DOWN, TXT_HUD_MODE, TXT_PRIMARY_WEP, TXT_SECONDARY_WEP, TXT_DECOY, TXT_SHIELD, TXT_AUTO, TXT_SHOOT, TXT_NAV_INDEX, TXT_NAV_ACTION, TXT_NAV_FORMATION, TXT_NAV_SPEED, TXT_NAV_ETR, TXT_NAV_HOLD, TXT_SPEED, TXT_RANGE, TXT_CLOSING_SPEED, TXT_THREAT_WARN, TXT_COMPASS, TXT_HEADING, TXT_PITCH, TXT_ALTITUDE, TXT_GFORCE, TXT_MISSILE_T1, TXT_MISSILE_T2, TXT_ICON_SHIP_TYPE, TXT_ICON_TARGET_TYPE, TXT_TARGET_NAME, TXT_TARGET_DESIGN, TXT_TARGET_SHIELD, TXT_TARGET_HULL, TXT_TARGET_SUB, TXT_TARGET_ETA, TXT_MSG_1, TXT_MSG_2, TXT_MSG_3, TXT_MSG_4, TXT_MSG_5, TXT_MSG_6, TXT_NAV_PT, TXT_SELF, TXT_SELF_NAME, TXT_CONTACT_NAME, TXT_CONTACT_INFO = TXT_CONTACT_NAME + MAX_CONTACT, TXT_LAST = TXT_CONTACT_INFO + MAX_CONTACT, TXT_LAST_ACTIVE = TXT_NAV_HOLD, TXT_INSTR_PAGE = TXT_CAUTION_TXT + 6, }; static HUDText hud_text[TXT_LAST]; void HUDView::DrawHUDText(int index, const char* txt, Rect& rect, int align, int upcase, bool box) { if (index < 0 || index >= TXT_LAST) return; HUDText& ht = hud_text[index]; Color hc = ht.color; char txt_buf[256]; int n = strlen(txt); if (n > 250) n = 250; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (upcase && islower(txt[i])) txt_buf[i] = toupper(txt[i]); else txt_buf[i] = txt[i]; } txt_buf[i] = 0; if (box) { ht.font->DrawText(txt_buf, n, rect, DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT); if ((align & DT_CENTER) != 0) { int cx = width/2; rect.x = cx - rect.w/2; } } if (!cockpit_hud_texture && rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) { mouse_in = true; if (index <= TXT_LAST_ACTIVE) hc = Color::White; if (Mouse::LButton() && !mouse_latch) { mouse_latch = 2; mouse_index = index; } } if (cockpit_hud_texture && index >= TXT_HUD_MODE && index <= TXT_TARGET_ETA && ht.font != big_font) { Sprite* s = hud_sprite[0]; int cx = (int) s->Location().x; int cy = (int) s->Location().y; int w2 = s->Width() / 2; int h2 = s->Height() / 2; Rect txt_rect(rect); txt_rect.x -= (cx-w2); txt_rect.y -= (cy-h2); if (index == TXT_ICON_SHIP_TYPE) txt_rect = Rect(0, 500, 128, 12); else if (index == TXT_ICON_TARGET_TYPE) txt_rect = Rect(128, 500, 128, 12); ht.font->SetColor(hc); ht.font->DrawText(txt_buf, n, txt_rect, align | DT_SINGLELINE, cockpit_hud_texture); ht.hidden = false; } else { ht.font->SetColor(hc); ht.font->DrawText(txt_buf, n, rect, align | DT_SINGLELINE); ht.rect = rect; ht.hidden = false; if (box) { rect.Inflate(3,2); rect.h--; window->DrawRect(rect, hud_color); } } } void HUDView::HideHUDText(int index) { if (index >= TXT_LAST) return; hud_text[index].hidden = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HUDView* HUDView::hud_view = 0; bool HUDView::arcade = false; bool HUDView::show_fps = false; int HUDView::def_color_set = 1; int HUDView::gunsight = 1; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HUDView::HUDView(Window* c) : View(c), projector(0), camview(0), sim(0), ship(0), target(0), mode(HUD_MODE_TAC), tactical(0), overlay(0), cockpit_hud_texture(0), threat(0), active_region(0), transition(false), docking(false), az_ring(0), az_pointer(0), el_ring(0), el_pointer(0), compass_scale(1), show_warn(false), show_inst(false), inst_page(0) { hud_view = this; sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim) sim->ShowGrid(false); int i; width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; PrepareBitmap("HUDleftA.pcx", hud_left_air, hud_left_shade_air); PrepareBitmap("HUDrightA.pcx", hud_right_air, hud_right_shade_air); PrepareBitmap("HUDleft.pcx", hud_left_fighter, hud_left_shade_fighter); PrepareBitmap("HUDright.pcx", hud_right_fighter, hud_right_shade_fighter); PrepareBitmap("HUDleft1.pcx", hud_left_starship, hud_left_shade_starship); PrepareBitmap("HUDright1.pcx", hud_right_starship, hud_right_shade_starship); PrepareBitmap("INSTR_left.pcx", instr_left, instr_left_shade); PrepareBitmap("INSTR_right.pcx", instr_right, instr_right_shade); PrepareBitmap("CAUTION_left.pcx", warn_left, warn_left_shade); PrepareBitmap("CAUTION_right.pcx", warn_right, warn_right_shade); PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_ship, icon_ship_shade); PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_target, icon_target_shade); PrepareBitmap("lead.pcx", lead, lead_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross.pcx", cross, cross_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross1.pcx", cross1, cross1_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross2.pcx", cross2, cross2_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross3.pcx", cross3, cross3_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross4.pcx", cross4, cross4_shade); PrepareBitmap("fpm.pcx", fpm, fpm_shade); PrepareBitmap("hpm.pcx", hpm, hpm_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_l.pcx", chase_left, chase_left_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_r.pcx", chase_right, chase_right_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_t.pcx", chase_top, chase_top_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_b.pcx", chase_bottom, chase_bottom_shade); PrepareBitmap("ladder1.pcx", pitch_ladder_pos, pitch_ladder_pos_shade); PrepareBitmap("ladder2.pcx", pitch_ladder_neg, pitch_ladder_neg_shade); hud_left_air.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_right_air.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_left_fighter.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_right_fighter.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_left_starship.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_right_starship.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); instr_left.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); instr_right.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); warn_left.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); warn_right.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); icon_ship.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); icon_target.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); fpm.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hpm.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); lead.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross1.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross2.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross3.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross4.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_left.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_right.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_top.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_bottom.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); pitch_ladder_pos.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); pitch_ladder_neg.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_left_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&hud_left_fighter); hud_right_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&hud_right_fighter); instr_left_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&instr_left); instr_right_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&instr_right); warn_left_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&warn_left); warn_right_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&warn_right); icon_ship_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&icon_ship); icon_target_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&icon_target); fpm_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&fpm); hpm_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&hpm); lead_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&lead); aim_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross); tgt1_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross1); tgt2_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross2); tgt3_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross3); tgt4_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross4); chase_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&chase_left); ZeroMemory(hud_sprite, sizeof(hud_sprite)); hud_sprite[ 0] = hud_left_sprite; hud_sprite[ 1] = hud_right_sprite; hud_sprite[ 2] = instr_left_sprite; hud_sprite[ 3] = instr_right_sprite; hud_sprite[ 4] = warn_left_sprite; hud_sprite[ 5] = warn_right_sprite; hud_sprite[ 6] = icon_ship_sprite; hud_sprite[ 7] = icon_target_sprite; hud_sprite[ 8] = fpm_sprite; hud_sprite[ 9] = hpm_sprite; hud_sprite[10] = lead_sprite; hud_sprite[11] = aim_sprite; hud_sprite[12] = tgt1_sprite; hud_sprite[13] = tgt2_sprite; hud_sprite[14] = tgt3_sprite; hud_sprite[15] = tgt4_sprite; hud_sprite[16] = chase_sprite; double pitch_ladder_UV[8] = { 0.125,0.0625, 0.875,0.0625, 0.875,0, 0.125,0 }; double UV[8]; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { pitch_ladder[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&pitch_ladder_pos); CopyMemory(UV, pitch_ladder_UV, sizeof(UV)); UV[1] = UV[3] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i )); UV[5] = UV[7] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i+1)); pitch_ladder[i]->Reshape(192, 16); pitch_ladder[i]->SetTexCoords(UV); pitch_ladder[i]->SetBlendMode(2); pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } // zero mark at i=15 { pitch_ladder[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&pitch_ladder_pos); UV[0] = UV[6] = 0; UV[2] = UV[4] = 1; UV[1] = UV[3] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i+1)); UV[5] = UV[7] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i )); pitch_ladder[i]->Reshape(256, 16); pitch_ladder[i]->SetTexCoords(UV); pitch_ladder[i]->SetBlendMode(2); pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } for (i = 16; i < 31; i++) { pitch_ladder[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&pitch_ladder_neg); CopyMemory(UV, pitch_ladder_UV, sizeof(UV)); UV[1] = UV[3] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (30 - i )); UV[5] = UV[7] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (30 - i+1)); pitch_ladder[i]->Reshape(192, 16); pitch_ladder[i]->SetTexCoords(UV); pitch_ladder[i]->SetBlendMode(2); pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) MFD(window, i); mfd[0]->SetRect(Rect( 8, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[1]->SetRect(Rect(width - 136, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[2]->SetRect(Rect( 8, 8, 128, 128)); hud_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height/2, 1)); hud_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height/2, 1)); hud_left_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); hud_left_sprite->SetFilter(0); hud_right_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); hud_right_sprite->SetFilter(0); instr_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); instr_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); instr_left_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); instr_left_sprite->SetFilter(0); instr_right_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); instr_right_sprite->SetFilter(0); warn_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); warn_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); warn_left_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); warn_left_sprite->SetFilter(0); warn_right_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); warn_right_sprite->SetFilter(0); icon_ship_sprite->MoveTo( Point( 184, height-72, 1)); icon_target_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width - 184, height-72, 1)); icon_ship_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); icon_ship_sprite->SetFilter(0); icon_target_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); icon_target_sprite->SetFilter(0); fpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); hpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); lead_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); aim_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt1_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt2_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt3_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt4_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); fpm_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); hpm_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); lead_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); aim_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt1_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt2_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt3_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt4_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); chase_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); fpm_sprite->SetFilter(0); hpm_sprite->SetFilter(0); lead_sprite->SetFilter(0); aim_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt1_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt2_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt3_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt4_sprite->SetFilter(0); chase_sprite->SetFilter(0); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); aw = chase_left.Width() / 2; ah = chase_left.Height() / 2; mfd[0]->SetMode(MFD::MFD_MODE_SHIP); mfd[1]->SetMode(MFD::MFD_MODE_FOV); mfd[2]->SetMode(MFD::MFD_MODE_GAME); hud_font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); big_font = FontMgr::Find("GUI"); for (i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) { hud_text[i].font = hud_font; } hud_text[TXT_THREAT_WARN].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_SHOOT].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_AUTO].font = big_font; SetHUDColorSet(def_color_set); MFD::SetColor(standard_hud_colors[color]); DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); loader->SetDataPath("HUD/"); az_ring = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; az_pointer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; el_ring = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; el_pointer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; az_ring->Load("CompassRing.mag", compass_scale); az_pointer->Load("CompassPointer.mag", compass_scale); el_ring->Load("PitchRing.mag", compass_scale); el_pointer->Load("CompassPointer.mag", compass_scale); loader->SetDataPath("Sounds/"); loader->LoadSound("MissileLock.wav", missile_lock_sound, Sound::LOOP | Sound::LOCKED); loader->SetDataPath(0); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) msg_time[i] = 0; } HUDView::~HUDView() { HideCompass(); if (missile_lock_sound) { missile_lock_sound->Stop(); missile_lock_sound->Release(); missile_lock_sound = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { delete mfd[i]; mfd[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { GRAPHIC_DESTROY(hud_sprite[i]); } fpm.ClearImage(); hpm.ClearImage(); lead.ClearImage(); cross.ClearImage(); cross1.ClearImage(); cross2.ClearImage(); cross3.ClearImage(); cross4.ClearImage(); hud_left_air.ClearImage(); hud_right_air.ClearImage(); hud_left_fighter.ClearImage(); hud_right_fighter.ClearImage(); hud_left_starship.ClearImage(); hud_right_starship.ClearImage(); instr_left.ClearImage(); instr_right.ClearImage(); warn_left.ClearImage(); warn_right.ClearImage(); icon_ship.ClearImage(); icon_target.ClearImage(); chase_left.ClearImage(); chase_right.ClearImage(); chase_top.ClearImage(); chase_bottom.ClearImage(); pitch_ladder_pos.ClearImage(); pitch_ladder_neg.ClearImage(); delete [] fpm_shade; delete [] hpm_shade; delete [] lead_shade; delete [] cross_shade; delete [] cross1_shade; delete [] cross2_shade; delete [] cross3_shade; delete [] cross4_shade; delete [] hud_left_shade_air; delete [] hud_right_shade_air; delete [] hud_left_shade_fighter; delete [] hud_right_shade_fighter; delete [] hud_left_shade_starship; delete [] hud_right_shade_starship; delete [] instr_left_shade; delete [] instr_right_shade; delete [] warn_left_shade; delete [] warn_right_shade; delete [] icon_ship_shade; delete [] icon_target_shade; delete [] chase_left_shade; delete [] chase_right_shade; delete [] chase_top_shade; delete [] chase_bottom_shade; delete [] pitch_ladder_pos_shade; delete [] pitch_ladder_neg_shade; delete az_ring; delete az_pointer; delete el_ring; delete el_pointer; fpm_shade = 0; hpm_shade = 0; cross_shade = 0; cross1_shade = 0; cross2_shade = 0; cross3_shade = 0; cross4_shade = 0; hud_left_shade_air = 0; hud_right_shade_air = 0; hud_left_shade_fighter = 0; hud_right_shade_fighter = 0; hud_left_shade_starship = 0; hud_right_shade_starship = 0; instr_left_shade = 0; instr_right_shade = 0; warn_left_shade = 0; warn_right_shade = 0; icon_ship_shade = 0; icon_target_shade = 0; chase_left_shade = 0; chase_right_shade = 0; chase_top_shade = 0; chase_bottom_shade = 0; pitch_ladder_pos_shade = 0; pitch_ladder_neg_shade = 0; az_ring = 0; az_pointer = 0; el_ring = 0; el_pointer = 0; hud_view = 0; } void HUDView::OnWindowMove() { width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; mfd[0]->SetRect(Rect( 8, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[1]->SetRect(Rect(width - 136, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[2]->SetRect(Rect( 8, 8, 128, 128)); hud_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height/2, 1)); hud_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height/2, 1)); instr_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); instr_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); warn_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); warn_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); icon_ship_sprite->MoveTo( Point( 184, height-72, 1)); icon_target_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width - 184, height-72, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) { hud_text[i].font = hud_font; hud_text[i].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; } if (big_font) { hud_text[TXT_THREAT_WARN].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_SHOOT].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_AUTO].font = big_font; } MFD::SetColor(standard_hud_colors[color]); int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::SetTacticalMode(int mode) { if (tactical != mode) { tactical = mode; if (tactical) { hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } else if (Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() > 128) { hud_left_sprite->Show(); hud_right_sprite->Show(); } } } void HUDView::SetOverlayMode(int mode) { if (overlay != mode) { overlay = mode; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool HUDView::Update(SimObject* obj) { if (obj == ship) { if (target) SetTarget(0); ship = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->SetShip(ship); } if (obj == target) { target = 0; PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_target, icon_target_shade); ColorizeBitmap(icon_target, icon_target_shade, txt_color); } return SimObserver::Update(obj); } const char* HUDView::GetObserverName() const { return "HUDView"; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::UseCameraView(CameraView* v) { if (v && camview != v) { camview = v; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->UseCameraView(camview); projector = camview->GetProjector(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color HUDView::MarkerColor(Contact* contact) { Color c(80,80,80); if (contact) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); Ship* ship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); int c_iff = contact->GetIFF(ship); c = Ship::IFFColor(c_iff) * contact->Age(); if (contact->GetShot() && contact->Threat(ship)) { if ((Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime()/500) & 1) c = c * 2; else c = c * 0.5; } } return c; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawContactMarkers() { threat = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONTACT; i++) { HideHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_NAME+i); HideHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_INFO+i); } if (!ship) return; int index = 0; ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); // draw own sensor contacts: while (++contact) { Contact* c = contact.value(); // draw track ladder: if (c->TrackLength() > 0 && c->GetShip() != ship) { DrawTrack(c); } DrawContact(c, index++); } Color c = ship->MarkerColor(); // draw own ship track ladder: if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT && ship->TrackLength() > 0) { int ctl = ship->TrackLength(); Point t1 = ship->Location(); Point t2 = ship->TrackPoint(0); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c); for (int i = 0; i < ctl-1; i++) { t1 = ship->TrackPoint(i); t2 = ship->TrackPoint(i+1); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c * ((double) (ctl-i)/ (double) ctl)); } } // draw own ship marker: Point mark_pt = ship->Location(); projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT && mark_pt.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { DrawDiamond(x,y,5,c); if (tactical) { Rect self_rect(x+8, y-4, 200, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SELF, ship->Name(), self_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); if (NetGame::GetInstance()) { Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); if (p) { Rect net_name_rect(x+8, y+6, 120, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SELF_NAME, p->Name(), net_name_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } } } } } // draw life bars on targeted ship: if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP && target->Rep()) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target; if (tgt_ship == nullptr) { Print(" Null Pointer in HUDView::DrawContactMarkers(). Please investigate."); return; } Graphic* g = tgt_ship->Rep(); Rect r = g->ScreenRect(); Point mark_pt; if (tgt_ship) mark_pt = tgt_ship->Location(); projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (mark_pt.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = r.y; if (y >= 2000) y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { const int BAR_LENGTH = 40; // life bars: int sx = x - BAR_LENGTH/2; int sy = y - 8; double hull_strength = tgt_ship->Integrity() / tgt_ship->Design()->integrity; int hw = (int) (BAR_LENGTH * hull_strength); int sw = (int) (BAR_LENGTH * (tgt_ship->ShieldStrength() / 100.0)); System::STATUS s = System::NOMINAL; if (hull_strength < 0.30) s = System::CRITICAL; else if (hull_strength < 0.60) s = System::DEGRADED; Color hc = GetStatusColor(s); Color sc = hud_color; window->FillRect(sx, sy, sx+hw, sy+1, hc); window->FillRect(sx, sy+3, sx+sw, sy+4, sc); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawContact(Contact* contact, int index) { if (index >= MAX_CONTACT) return; Color c = MarkerColor(contact); int c_iff = contact->GetIFF(ship); Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); Shot* c_shot = contact->GetShot(); Point mark_pt = contact->Location(); double distance = 0; if (!c_ship && !c_shot || c_ship == ship) return; if (c_ship && c_ship->GetFlightPhase() < Ship::ACTIVE) return; if (c_ship) { mark_pt = c_ship->Location(); if (c_ship->IsGroundUnit()) mark_pt += Point(0,150,0); } else { mark_pt = c_shot->Location(); } projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (mark_pt.z > 1.0) { distance = mark_pt.length(); projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { DrawDiamond(x,y,3,c); if (contact->Threat(ship)) { if (c_ship) { window->DrawEllipse(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); } else { DrawDiamond(x,y,7,c); } } bool name_crowded = false; if (x < width-8) { char code = *(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.symbol.fighter").data()); if (c_ship) { if (c_ship->Class() > Ship::LCA) code = *(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.symbol.starship").data()); } else if (c_shot) { code = *(ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.symbol.torpedo").data()); } Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); double limit = 75e3; if (sensor) limit = sensor->GetBeamRange(); double range = contact->Range(ship, limit); char contact_buf[256]; Rect contact_rect(x+8, y-4, 120, 12); if (range == 0) { sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c *", code); } else { bool mega = false; if (range > 999e3) { range /= 1e6; mega = true; } else if (range < 1e3) range = 1; else range /= 1000; if (arcade) { if (c_ship) strcpy_s(contact_buf, c_ship->Name()); else if (!mega) sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %d", code, (int) range); else sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %.1f M", code, range); } else { char closing = '+'; Point delta_v; if (c_ship) delta_v = ship->Velocity() - c_ship->Velocity(); else if (c_shot) delta_v = ship->Velocity() - c_shot->Velocity(); if (delta_v * ship->Velocity() < 0) // losing ground closing = '-'; if (!mega) sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %d%c", code, (int) range, closing); else sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %.1f M", code, range); } } if (!IsNameCrowded(x, y)) { DrawHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_INFO+index, contact_buf, contact_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); if (c_shot || (c_ship && (c_ship->IsDropship() || c_ship->IsStatic()))) name_crowded = distance > 50e3; } else { name_crowded = true; } } bool name_drawn = false; if (NetGame::GetInstance() && c_ship) { NetPlayer* netp = NetGame::GetInstance()->FindPlayerByObjID(c_ship->GetObjID()); if (netp && strcmp(netp->Name(), "Server A.I. Ship")) { Rect contact_rect(x+8, y+6, 120, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_NAME+index, netp->Name(), contact_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); name_drawn = true; } } if (!name_drawn && !name_crowded && c_ship && c_iff < 10 && !arcade) { Rect contact_rect(x+8, y+6, 120, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_NAME+index, c_ship->Name(), contact_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } } } if (contact->Threat(ship) && !ship->IsStarship()) { if (threat < 1 && c_ship && !c_ship->IsStarship()) threat = 1; if (c_shot) threat = 2; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawTrackSegment(Point& t1, Point& t2, Color c) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; projector->Transform(t1); projector->Transform(t2); const double CLIP_Z = 0.1; if (t1.z < CLIP_Z && t2.z < CLIP_Z) return; if (t1.z < CLIP_Z && t2.z >= CLIP_Z) { double dx = t2.x - t1.x; double dy = t2.y - t1.y; double s = (CLIP_Z - t1.z) / (t2.z - t1.z); t1.x += dx * s; t1.y += dy * s; t1.z = CLIP_Z; } else if (t2.z < CLIP_Z && t1.z >= CLIP_Z) { double dx = t1.x - t2.x; double dy = t1.y - t2.y; double s = (CLIP_Z - t2.z) / (t1.z - t2.z); t2.x += dx * s; t2.y += dy * s; t2.z = CLIP_Z; } if (t1.z >= CLIP_Z && t2.z >= CLIP_Z) { projector->Project(t1, false); projector->Project(t2, false); x1 = (int) t1.x; y1 = (int) t1.y; x2 = (int) t2.x; y2 = (int) t2.y; if (window->ClipLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)) window->DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,c); } } void HUDView::DrawTrack(Contact* contact) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (c_ship && c_ship->GetFlightPhase() < Ship::ACTIVE) return; int ctl = contact->TrackLength(); Color c = MarkerColor(contact); Point t1 = contact->Location(); Point t2 = contact->TrackPoint(0); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c); for (int i = 0; i < ctl-1; i++) { t1 = contact->TrackPoint(i); t2 = contact->TrackPoint(i+1); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c * ((double) (ctl-i)/ (double) ctl)); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawRect(SimObject* targ) { Graphic* g = targ->Rep(); Rect r = g->ScreenRect(); Color c; if (targ->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) c = ((Ship*) targ)->MarkerColor(); else c = ((Shot*) targ)->MarkerColor(); if (r.w > 0 && r.h > 0) { if (r.w < 8) { r.x -= (8-r.w)/2; r.w = 8; } if (r.h < 8) { r.y -= (8-r.h)/2; r.h = 8; } } else { Point mark_pt = targ->Location(); projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (mark_pt.z < 1.0) return; projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x < 4 || x > width-4 || y < 4 || y > height-4) return; r.x = x-4; r.y = y-4; r.w = 8; r.h = 8; } // horizontal window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y, r.x+8, r.y, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w-8, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y, c); window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y+r.h, r.x+8, r.y+r.h, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w-8, r.y+r.h, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, c); // vertical window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y+8, c); window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y+r.h-8, r.x, r.y+r.h, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y+8, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h-8, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, c); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawBars() { fpm_sprite->Hide(); hpm_sprite->Hide(); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); const int bar_width = 256; const int bar_height = 192; const int box_width = 120; int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; int l = cx - bar_width/2; int r = cx + bar_width/2; int t = cy - bar_height/2; int b = cy + bar_height/2; int align = DT_LEFT; if (Game::GetInstance()->Paused()) { Rect pause_rect = Rect(cx - 128, cy - 60, 256, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_PAUSED, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.PAUSED"), pause_rect, DT_CENTER); } if (ship) { DrawContactMarkers(); char txt[256]; double speed = ship->Velocity().length(); if (ship->Velocity() * ship->Heading() < 0) speed = -speed; FormatNumber(txt, speed); if (tactical) { l = box_width + 16; r = width - box_width - 16; } Rect speed_rect(l-box_width-8, cy-5, box_width, 12); align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_SPEED, txt, speed_rect, align); // upper left hud quadrant (airborne fighters) if (ship->IsAirborne()) { double alt_msl = ship->AltitudeMSL(); double alt_agl = ship->AltitudeAGL(); if (alt_agl <= 1000) sprintf_s(txt, "R %4d", (int) alt_agl); else FormatNumber(txt, alt_msl); speed_rect.y -= 20; if (arcade) { char arcade_txt[32]; sprintf_s(arcade_txt, "%s %s", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.altitude").data(), txt); align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_ALTITUDE, arcade_txt, speed_rect, align); } else { align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_ALTITUDE, txt, speed_rect, align); } if (!arcade) { sprintf_s(txt, "%.1f G", ship->GForce()); speed_rect.y -= 20; align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_GFORCE, txt, speed_rect, align); speed_rect.y += 40; } } // upper left hud quadrant (starships) else if (ship->IsStarship() && ship->GetFLCSMode() == Ship::FLCS_HELM && !arcade) { sprintf_s(txt, "%s: %.1f", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.Pitch").data(), ship->GetHelmPitch()/DEGREES); speed_rect.y -= 50; align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_PITCH, txt, speed_rect, align); speed_rect.y -= 10; int heading_degrees = (int) (ship->GetHelmHeading()/DEGREES); if (heading_degrees < 0) heading_degrees += 360; sprintf_s(txt, "%s: %03d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.Heading").data(), heading_degrees); DrawHUDText(TXT_HEADING, txt, speed_rect, align); speed_rect.y += 60; } // per user request, all ships should show compass heading if (!tactical && !arcade) { Rect heading_rect(l, t+5, bar_width, 12); int heading_degrees = (int) (ship->CompassHeading()/DEGREES); if (heading_degrees < 0) heading_degrees += 360; sprintf_s(txt, "%d", heading_degrees); DrawHUDText(TXT_COMPASS, txt, heading_rect, DT_CENTER); } switch (mode) { case HUD_MODE_TAC: strcpy_s(txt, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.mode.tactical").data()); break; case HUD_MODE_NAV: strcpy_s(txt, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.mode.navigation").data()); break; case HUD_MODE_ILS: strcpy_s(txt, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.mode.landing").data()); break; } if (tactical) { speed_rect.y += 76; align = DT_LEFT; } else { speed_rect.y = cy+76; align = DT_RIGHT; } DrawHUDText(TXT_HUD_MODE, txt, speed_rect, align); // landing gear: if (ship->IsGearDown()) { const char* gear_down = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.gear-down"); Rect gear_rect(l, b+20, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_GEAR_DOWN, gear_down, gear_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_UPPER_CASE, true); } // sensor/missile lock warnings and quantum drive countdown: QuantumDrive* quantum = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); if (threat || (quantum && quantum->JumpTime() > 0)) { const char* threat_warn = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.threat-warn"); bool show_msg = true; if (quantum && quantum->JumpTime() > 0) { static char buf[64]; sprintf_s(buf, "%s: %d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.quantum-jump").data(), (int) quantum->JumpTime()); threat_warn = buf; } else if (threat > 1) { threat_warn = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.missile-warn"); show_msg = ((Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime()/500) & 1) != 0; } if (show_msg) { Rect lock_rect(l, t-25, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_THREAT_WARN, threat_warn, lock_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } } if (ship->CanTimeSkip()) { Rect auto_rect(l, t-40, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_AUTO, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.AUTO"), auto_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } if (mode == HUD_MODE_NAV) { Instruction* next = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (next) { double distance = ship->RangeToNavPoint(next); FormatNumber(txt, distance); Rect range_rect(r-20, cy-5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_RANGE, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); range_rect.Inflate(2,2); } } // lower left hud quadrant else if (mode == HUD_MODE_TAC) { speed_rect.x = l-box_width-8; speed_rect.y = cy-5 +20; speed_rect.w = box_width; align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; if (!arcade && ship->GetPrimary() && !ship->IsNetObserver()) DrawHUDText(TXT_PRIMARY_WEP, ship->GetPrimary()->Abbreviation(), speed_rect, align); WeaponGroup* missile = ship->GetSecondaryGroup(); if (missile && missile->Ammo() > 0 && !ship->IsNetObserver()) { if (!arcade) { speed_rect.y = cy-5 +30; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", missile->Name(), missile->Ammo()); DrawHUDText(TXT_SECONDARY_WEP, txt, speed_rect, align); } // missile range indicator if (missile->GetSelected()->Locked()) { Rect shoot_rect(l, b+5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHOOT, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.SHOOT"), shoot_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } } if (!arcade && !ship->IsNetObserver()) { if (ship->GetShield()) { speed_rect.y = cy-5+40; sprintf_s(txt, "%s - %03d +", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.SHIELD").data(), ship->ShieldStrength()); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHIELD, txt, speed_rect, align); } else if (ship->GetDecoy()) { speed_rect.y = cy-5+40; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.DECOY").data(), ship->GetDecoy()->Ammo()); DrawHUDText(TXT_DECOY, txt, speed_rect, align); } Rect eta_rect = speed_rect; eta_rect.y += 10; align = DT_RIGHT; if (tactical) { eta_rect.x = 8; align = DT_LEFT; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int eta = ship->GetMissileEta(i); if (eta > 0) { int minutes = (eta/60) % 60; int seconds = (eta ) % 60; char eta_buf[16]; sprintf_s(eta_buf, "T %d:%02d", minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_MISSILE_T1+i, eta_buf, eta_rect, align); eta_rect.y += 10; } } } NetGame* netgame = NetGame::GetInstance(); if (netgame && !netgame->IsActive()) { Rect shoot_rect(l, b+5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHOOT, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.NET-GAME-OVER"), shoot_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } else if (ship->IsNetObserver()) { Rect shoot_rect(l, b+5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHOOT, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.OBSERVER"), shoot_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } DrawTarget(); } else if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) { DrawTarget(); } DrawNavInfo(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawFPM() { fpm_sprite->Hide(); if (ship->Velocity().length() > 50) { double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; Point svel = ship->Velocity(); svel.Normalize(); Point tloc = ship->Location() + svel * 1e8; // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) return; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; fpm_sprite->Show(); fpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawPitchLadder() { for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); if (ship->IsAirborne() && Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() > 128) { double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; Point uvec = Point(0,1,0); Point svel = ship->Velocity(); if (svel.length() == 0) svel = ship->Heading(); if (svel.x == 0 && svel.z == 0) return; svel.y = 0; svel.Normalize(); Point gloc = ship->Location(); gloc.y = 0; const double baseline = 1e9; const double clip_angle = 20*DEGREES; Point tloc = gloc + svel * baseline; // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; // compute roll angle: double roll_angle = 0; double pitch_angle = 0; Point heading = ship->Heading(); heading.Normalize(); if (heading.x != 0 || heading.z != 0) { Point gheading = heading; gheading.y = 0; gheading.Normalize(); double dot = gheading * heading; if (heading.y < 0) dot = -dot; pitch_angle = acos(dot); if (pitch_angle > PI/2) pitch_angle -= PI; double s0 = sin(pitch_angle); double c0 = cos(pitch_angle); double s1 = sin(pitch_angle + 10*DEGREES); double c1 = cos(pitch_angle + 10*DEGREES); tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c0) + (uvec * baseline * s0); projector->Transform(tloc); double x0 = tloc.x; double y0 = tloc.y; tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c1) + (uvec * baseline * s1); projector->Transform(tloc); double x1 = tloc.x; double y1 = tloc.y; double dx = x1-x0; double dy = y1-y0; roll_angle = atan2(-dy,dx) + PI/2; } const double alias_limit = 0.1*DEGREES; if (fabs(roll_angle) <= alias_limit) { if (roll_angle > 0) roll_angle = alias_limit; else roll_angle = -alias_limit; } else if (fabs(roll_angle-PI) <= alias_limit) { roll_angle = PI - alias_limit; } if (fabs(pitch_angle) <= clip_angle) { pitch_ladder[15]->Show(); pitch_ladder[15]->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); pitch_ladder[15]->SetAngle(roll_angle); } for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) { double angle = i * 5 * DEGREES; if (i > 12) angle = (60 + (i-12)*10) * DEGREES; double s = sin(angle); double c = cos(angle); if (fabs(pitch_angle - angle) <= clip_angle) { // positive angle: tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c) + (uvec * baseline * s); projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); pitch_ladder[15-i]->Show(); pitch_ladder[15-i]->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, tloc.y, 1)); pitch_ladder[15-i]->SetAngle(roll_angle); } } if (fabs(pitch_angle + angle) <= clip_angle) { // negative angle: tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c) + (uvec * -baseline * s); projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); pitch_ladder[15+i]->Show(); pitch_ladder[15+i]->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, tloc.y, 1)); pitch_ladder[15+i]->SetAngle(roll_angle); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawHPM() { hpm_sprite->Hide(); if (!ship) return; double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; double az = ship->GetHelmHeading() - PI; double el = ship->GetHelmPitch(); Point hvec = Point(sin(az), sin(el), cos(az)); hvec.Normalize(); Point tloc = ship->Location() + hvec * 1e8; // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) return; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; hpm_sprite->Show(); hpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::HideCompass() { az_ring->Hide(); az_pointer->Hide(); el_ring->Hide(); el_pointer->Hide(); Scene* scene = az_ring->GetScene(); if (scene) { scene->DelGraphic(az_ring); scene->DelGraphic(az_pointer); scene->DelGraphic(el_ring); scene->DelGraphic(el_pointer); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawCompass() { if (!ship || !ship->Rep()) return; Solid* solid = (Solid*) ship->Rep(); Point loc = solid->Location(); az_ring->MoveTo(loc); az_pointer->MoveTo(loc); el_ring->MoveTo(loc); el_pointer->MoveTo(loc); double helm_heading = ship->GetHelmHeading(); double helm_pitch = ship->GetHelmPitch(); double curr_heading = ship->CompassHeading(); double curr_pitch = ship->CompassPitch(); bool show_az = fabs(helm_heading - curr_heading) > 5*DEGREES; bool show_el = fabs(helm_pitch - curr_pitch) > 5*DEGREES; Scene* scene = camview->GetScene(); if (show_az || show_el) { scene->AddGraphic(az_ring); az_ring->Show(); if (show_el || fabs(helm_pitch) > 5 * DEGREES) { scene->AddGraphic(el_ring); Matrix ring_orient; ring_orient.Yaw(helm_heading + PI); el_ring->SetOrientation(ring_orient); el_ring->Show(); scene->AddGraphic(el_pointer); Matrix pointer_orient; pointer_orient.Yaw(helm_heading + PI); pointer_orient.Pitch(-helm_pitch); pointer_orient.Roll(PI/2); el_pointer->SetOrientation(pointer_orient); el_pointer->Show(); } else { scene->AddGraphic(az_pointer); Matrix pointer_orient; pointer_orient.Yaw(helm_heading + PI); az_pointer->SetOrientation(pointer_orient); az_pointer->Show(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawLCOS(SimObject* targ, double dist) { lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; Weapon* prim = ship->GetPrimary(); if (!prim) return; Point tloc = targ->Location(); // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) tloc.z = -tloc.z; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); // DRAW THE OFFSCREEN CHASE INDICATOR: if (behind || tloc.x <= 0 || tloc.x >= width-1 || tloc.y <= 0 || tloc.y >= height-1) { // Left side: if (tloc.x <= 0 || (behind && tloc.x < width/2)) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_left); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(aw, tloc.y, 1)); } // Right side: else if (tloc.x >= width-1 || behind) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_right); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width-1-aw, tloc.y, 1)); } else { if (tloc.x < aw) tloc.x = aw; else if (tloc.x >= width-aw) tloc.x = width-1-aw; // Top edge: if (tloc.y <= 0) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_top); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, ah, 1)); } // Bottom edge: else if (tloc.y >= height-1) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_bottom); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, height-1-ah, 1)); } } } // DRAW THE LCOS: else { if (!ship->IsStarship()) { Point aim_vec = ship->Heading(); aim_vec.Normalize(); // shot speed is relative to ship speed: Point shot_vel = ship->Velocity() + aim_vec * prim->Design()->speed; double shot_speed = shot_vel.length(); // time for shot to reach target double time = dist / shot_speed; // LCOS (Lead Computing Optical Sight) if (gunsight == 0) { // where the shot will be when it is the same distance // away from the ship as the target: Point impact = ship->Location() + (shot_vel * time); // where the target will be when the shot reaches it: Point targ_vel = targ->Velocity(); Point dest = targ->Location() + (targ_vel * time); Point delta = impact - dest; // draw the gun sight here in 3d world coordinates: Point sight = targ->Location() + delta; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Transform(sight); projector->Project(sight); xtarg = sight.x; ytarg = sight.y; aim_sprite->Show(); aim_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } // Wing Commander style lead indicator else { // where the target will be when the shot reaches it: Point targ_vel = targ->Velocity() - ship->Velocity(); Point dest = targ->Location() + (targ_vel * time); // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(dest); projector->Project(dest); xtarg = dest.x; ytarg = dest.y; lead_sprite->Show(); lead_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawTarget() { const int bar_width = 256; const int bar_height = 192; const int box_width = 120; SimObject* old_target = target; if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) { Ship* controller = ship->GetController(); if (controller && !target) target = controller; } if (target && target->Rep()) { Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); Contact* contact = 0; if (sensor && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { contact = sensor->FindContact((Ship*) target); } int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; int l = cx - bar_width/2; int r = cx + bar_width/2; int t = cy - bar_height/2; int b = cy + bar_height/2; Point delta = target->Location() - ship->Location(); double distance = delta.length(); Point delta_v = ship->Velocity() - target->Velocity(); double speed = delta_v.length(); char txt[256]; if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && ship->GetInbound() && ship->GetInbound()->GetDeck()) { delta = ship->GetInbound()->GetDeck()->EndPoint() - ship->Location(); distance = delta.length(); } if (delta * ship->Velocity() > 0) { // in front if (delta_v * ship->Velocity() < 0) // losing ground speed = -speed; } else { // behind if (delta_v * ship->Velocity() > 0) // passing speed = -speed; } Rect range_rect(r-20, cy-5, box_width, 12); if (tactical) range_rect.x = width - range_rect.w - 8; if (contact) { Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); double limit = 75e3; if (sensor) limit = sensor->GetBeamRange(); distance = contact->Range(ship, limit); if (!contact->ActLock() && !contact->PasLock()) { strcpy_s(txt, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.No-Range").data()); speed = 0; } else { FormatNumber(txt, distance); } } else { FormatNumber(txt, distance); } DrawHUDText(TXT_RANGE, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (arcade) { target = old_target; return; } range_rect.y += 18; FormatNumber(txt, speed); DrawHUDText(TXT_CLOSING_SPEED, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); // target info: if (!tactical) { range_rect.y = cy-76; } else { range_rect.x = width - 2*box_width - 8; range_rect.y = cy-76; range_rect.w = 2*box_width; } DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_NAME, target->Name(), range_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target; range_rect.y += 10; DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_DESIGN, tgt_ship->Design()->display_name, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (mode != HUD_MODE_ILS) { if (tgt_ship->IsStarship()) { range_rect.y += 10; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %03d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.symbol.shield").data(), (int) tgt_ship->ShieldStrength()); DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_SHIELD, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); } range_rect.y += 10; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %03d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.symbol.hull").data(), (int) (tgt_ship->Integrity() / tgt_ship->Design()->integrity * 100)); DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_HULL, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); System* sys = ship->GetSubTarget(); if (sys) { Color stat = hud_color; static DWORD blink = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime(); int blink_delta = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime() - blink; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %03d", sys->Abbreviation(), (int) sys->Availability()); switch (sys->Status()) { case System::DEGRADED: stat = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: case System::DESTROYED: stat = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::MAINT: if (blink_delta < 250) stat = Color(8,8,8); break; } if (blink_delta > 500) blink = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime(); range_rect.y += 10; DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_SUB, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); } } } else if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_DRONE) { Drone* tgt_drone = (Drone*) target; range_rect.y += 10; DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_DESIGN, tgt_drone->DesignName(), range_rect, DT_RIGHT); range_rect.y += 10; int eta = tgt_drone->GetEta(); if (eta > 0) { int minutes = (eta/60) % 60; int seconds = (eta ) % 60; char eta_buf[16]; sprintf_s(eta_buf, "T %d:%02d", minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_ETA, eta_buf, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); } } } target = old_target; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawNavInfo() { const int bar_width = 256; const int bar_height = 192; const int box_width = 120; if (arcade) { if (ship->IsAutoNavEngaged()) { Rect info_rect(width/2-box_width, height/2+bar_height, box_width*2, 12); if (big_font) hud_text[TXT_NAV_INDEX].font = big_font; DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_INDEX, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.Auto-Nav"), info_rect, DT_CENTER); } return; } hud_text[TXT_NAV_INDEX].font = hud_font; Instruction* navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (navpt) { int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; int l = cx - bar_width/2; int r = cx + bar_width/2; int t = cy - bar_height/2; int b = cy + bar_height/2; int index = ship->GetNavIndex(navpt); double distance = ship->RangeToNavPoint(navpt); double speed = ship->Velocity().length(); int etr = 0; char txt[256]; if (speed > 10) etr = (int) (distance/speed); Rect info_rect(r-20, cy+32, box_width, 12); if (tactical) info_rect.x = width - info_rect.w - 8; if (ship->IsAutoNavEngaged()) sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.Auto-Nav").data(), index); else sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.Nav").data(), index); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_INDEX, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); info_rect.y += 10; if (navpt->Action()) DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_ACTION, Instruction::ActionName(navpt->Action()), info_rect, DT_RIGHT); info_rect.y += 10; FormatNumber(txt, navpt->Speed()); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_SPEED, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (etr > 3600) { info_rect.y += 10; sprintf_s(txt, "%s XX:XX", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.time-enroute").data()); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_ETR, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); } else if (etr > 0) { info_rect.y += 10; int minutes = (etr/60) % 60; int seconds = (etr ) % 60; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %2d:%02d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.time-enroute").data(), minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_ETR, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); } if (navpt->HoldTime() > 0) { info_rect.y += 10; int hold = (int) navpt->HoldTime(); int minutes = (hold/60) % 60; int seconds = (hold ) % 60; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %2d:%02d", ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.HOLD").data(), minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_HOLD, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawSight() { if (target && target->Rep()) { Point delta = target->Location() - ship->Location(); double distance = delta.length(); // draw LCOS on target: if (!tactical) DrawLCOS(target, distance); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawDesignators() { double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; SimObject* t1 = 0; SimObject* t2 = 0; SimObject* t3 = 0; Sprite* sprite = 0; tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); // fighters just show primary target: if (ship->IsDropship()) { SimObject* t = ship->GetTarget(); System* s = ship->GetSubTarget(); if (t) { Point tloc = t->Location(); if (s) { tloc = s->MountLocation(); } else if (t->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) t; if (tgt_ship->IsGroundUnit()) tloc += Point(0,150,0); } projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; if (xtarg>0 && xtarg0 && ytargLocation() - ship->Location()).length(); // use out-of-range crosshair if out of range: if (!ship->GetPrimaryDesign() || ship->GetPrimaryDesign()->max_range < range) { tgt4_sprite->Show(); tgt4_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } // else, use in-range primary crosshair: else { tgt1_sprite->Show(); tgt1_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } } } } // starships show up to three targets: else { ListIter w = ship->Weapons(); while (!t3 && ++w) { SimObject* t = w->GetTarget(); System* s = w->GetSubTarget(); if (w->Contains(ship->GetPrimary())) { if (t == 0) t = ship->GetTarget(); t1 = t; sprite = tgt1_sprite; } else if (t && w->Contains(ship->GetSecondary())) { t2 = t; sprite = tgt2_sprite; if (t2 == t1) continue; // don't overlap target designators } else if (t) { t3 = t; sprite = tgt3_sprite; if (t3 == t1 || t3 == t2) continue; // don't overlap target designators } if (t) { Point tloc = t->Location(); if (s) tloc = s->MountLocation(); projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; if (xtarg>0 && xtarg0 && ytargLocation() - ship->Location()).length(); // flip to out-of-range crosshair if (sprite == tgt1_sprite) { if (!ship->GetPrimaryDesign() || ship->GetPrimaryDesign()->max_range < range) { sprite = tgt4_sprite; } } sprite->Show(); sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color HUDView::GetStatusColor(System::STATUS status) { Color sc; switch (status) { default: case System::NOMINAL: sc = Color( 32,192, 32); break; case System::DEGRADED: sc = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: sc = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::DESTROYED: sc = Color( 0, 0, 0); break; } return sc; } void HUDView::SetStatusColor(System::STATUS status) { switch (status) { default: case System::NOMINAL: status_color = txt_color; break; case System::DEGRADED: status_color = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: status_color = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::DESTROYED: status_color = Color( 0, 0, 0); break; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int GetReactorStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->Reactors().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->Reactors(); while (++iter) { PowerSource* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetDriveStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->Drives().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->Drives(); while (++iter) { Drive* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetQuantumStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->GetQuantumDrive() == 0) return -1; QuantumDrive* s = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); return s->Status(); } static int GetThrusterStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->GetThruster() == 0) return -1; Thruster* s = ship->GetThruster(); return s->Status(); } static int GetShieldStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship) return -1; Shield* s = ship->GetShield(); Weapon* d = ship->GetDecoy(); if (!s && !d) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; if (s) { if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (d) { if (d->Status() < status) status = d->Status(); else if (d->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetWeaponStatus(Ship* ship, int index) { if (!ship || ship->Weapons().size() <= index) return -1; WeaponGroup* group = ship->Weapons().at(index); int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = group->GetWeapons(); while (++iter) { Weapon* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetSensorStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->GetSensor() == 0) return -1; Sensor* s = ship->GetSensor(); Weapon* p = ship->GetProbeLauncher(); int status = s->Status(); bool maint = s->Status() == System::MAINT; if (p) { if (p->Status() < status) status = p->Status(); else if (p->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetComputerStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->Computers().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->Computers(); while (++iter) { Computer* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (ship->GetNavSystem()) { NavSystem* s = ship->GetNavSystem(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetFlightDeckStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->FlightDecks().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->FlightDecks(); while (++iter) { FlightDeck* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } void HUDView::DrawWarningPanel() { int box_width = 75; int box_height = 17; int row_height = 28; int box_left = width/2 - box_width*2; if (cockpit_hud_texture) { box_left = 275; box_height = 18; row_height = 18; } if (ship) { if (Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() > 128) { warn_left_sprite->Show(); warn_right_sprite->Show(); } int x = box_left; int y = cockpit_hud_texture ? 410 : height-97; int c = cockpit_hud_texture ? 3 : 4; static DWORD blink = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime(); for (int index = 0; index < 12; index++) { int stat = -1; Text abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.UNKNOWN"); switch (index) { case 0: stat = GetReactorStatus(ship); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.REACTOR"); break; case 1: stat = GetDriveStatus(ship); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.DRIVE"); break; case 2: stat = GetQuantumStatus(ship); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.QUANTUM"); break; case 3: stat = GetShieldStatus(ship); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.SHIELD"); if (ship->GetShield() == 0 && ship->GetDecoy()) abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.DECOY"); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: stat = GetWeaponStatus(ship, index-4); if (stat >= 0) { WeaponGroup* g = ship->Weapons().at(index-4); abrv = g->Name(); } break; case 8: stat = GetSensorStatus(ship); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.SENSOR"); break; case 9: stat = GetComputerStatus(ship); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.COMPUTER"); break; case 10: stat = GetThrusterStatus(ship); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.THRUSTER"); break; case 11: stat = GetFlightDeckStatus(ship);abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.FLTDECK"); break; } Rect warn_rect(x, y, box_width, box_height); if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->DrawRect(warn_rect, Color::DarkGray); if (stat >= 0) { SetStatusColor((System::STATUS) stat); Color tc = status_color; if (stat != System::NOMINAL) { if (Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime() - blink < 250) { tc = cockpit_hud_texture ? txt_color : Color(8,8,8); } } if (cockpit_hud_texture) { if (tc != txt_color) { Rect r2 = warn_rect; r2.Inset(1,1,1,1); cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(r2, tc); tc = Color::Black; } warn_rect.y += 4; hud_font->SetColor(tc); hud_font->DrawText(abrv, -1, warn_rect, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE, cockpit_hud_texture); warn_rect.y -= 4; } else { DrawHUDText(TXT_CAUTION_TXT + index, abrv, warn_rect, DT_CENTER); hud_text[TXT_CAUTION_TXT + index].color = tc; } } x += box_width; if (--c <= 0) { c = cockpit_hud_texture ? 3 : 4; x = box_left; y += row_height; } } if (Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime() - blink > 500) blink = Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->RealTime(); // reset for next time SetStatusColor(System::NOMINAL); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawInstructions() { if (!ship) return; if (Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() > 128) { instr_left_sprite->Show(); instr_right_sprite->Show(); } int ninst = 0; int nobj = 0; Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem) { ninst = elem->NumInstructions(); nobj = elem->NumObjectives(); } Rect r = Rect(width/2 - 143, height - 105, 290, 17); if (ninst) { int npages = ninst/6 + (ninst%6 ? 1 : 0); if (inst_page >= npages) inst_page = npages-1; else if (inst_page < 0) inst_page = 0; int first = inst_page * 6; int last = first + 6; if (last > ninst) last = ninst; int n = TXT_CAUTION_TXT; for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { hud_text[n].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; DrawHUDText(n++, FormatInstruction(elem->GetInstruction(i)), r, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); r.y += 14; } char page[32]; sprintf_s(page, "%d / %d", inst_page+1, npages); r = Rect(width/2 + 40, height-16, 110, 16); DrawHUDText(TXT_INSTR_PAGE, page, r, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } else if (nobj) { int n = TXT_CAUTION_TXT; for (int i = 0; i < nobj; i++) { char desc[256]; sprintf_s(desc, "* %s", elem->GetObjective(i)->GetShortDescription()); hud_text[n].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; DrawHUDText(n++, desc, r, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); r.y += 14; } } else { hud_text[TXT_CAUTION_TXT].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; DrawHUDText(TXT_CAUTION_TXT, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.No-Instructions"), r, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* HUDView::FormatInstruction(Text instr) { if (!instr.contains('$')) return (const char*) instr; static char result[256]; const char* s = (const char*) instr; char* d = result; KeyMap& keymap = Starshatter::GetInstance()->GetKeyMap(); while (*s) { if (*s == '$') { s++; char action[32]; char* a = action; while (*s && (isupper(*s) || isdigit(*s) || *s == '_')) *a++ = *s++; *a = 0; int act = KeyMap::GetKeyAction(action); int key = keymap.FindMapIndex(act); const char* s2 = keymap.DescribeKey(key); if (!s2) s2 = action; while (*s2) *d++ = *s2++; } else { *d++ = *s++; } } *d = 0; return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::CycleInstructions(int direction) { if (direction > 0) inst_page++; else inst_page--; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawMessages() { int message_queue_empty = true; // age messages: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (msg_time[i] > 0) { msg_time[i] -= Game::GetInstance()->GetClock()->GuiDelta(); if (msg_time[i] <= 0) { msg_time[i] = 0; msg_text[i] = ""; } message_queue_empty = false; } } if (!message_queue_empty) { // advance message pipeline: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (msg_time[0] == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MSG-1; j++) { msg_time[j] = msg_time[j+1]; msg_text[j] = msg_text[j+1]; } msg_time[MAX_MSG-1] = 0; msg_text[MAX_MSG-1] = ""; } } // draw messages: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { int index = TXT_MSG_1 + i; if (msg_time[i] > 0) { Rect msg_rect(10, 95 + i*10, width-20, 12); DrawHUDText(index, msg_text[i], msg_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); if (msg_time[i] > 1) hud_text[index].color = txt_color; else hud_text[index].color = txt_color.dim(0.5 + 0.5*msg_time[i]); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawNav() { if (!sim) return; active_region = sim->GetActiveRegion(); if (ship) { int nav_index = 1; Instruction* next = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (mode == HUD_MODE_NAV) { if (next && next->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH) DrawNavPoint(*next, 0, true); ListIter navpt = ship->GetFlightPlan(); while (++navpt) { DrawNavPoint(*navpt.value(), nav_index++, (navpt.value() == next)); } } else if (next) { DrawNavPoint(*next, 0, true); } } } void HUDView::DrawILS() { if (ship) { bool hoops_drawn = false; bool same_sector = false; InboundSlot* inbound = ship->GetInbound(); if (inbound) { FlightDeck* fd = inbound->GetDeck(); if (fd && fd->IsRecoveryDeck() && fd->GetCarrier()) { if (fd->GetCarrier()->GetRegion() == ship->GetRegion()) same_sector = true; if (same_sector && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && !transition && !docking) { Point dst = fd->MountLocation(); projector->Transform(dst); if (dst.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(dst); int x = (int) dst.x; int y = (int) dst.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, hud_color); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, hud_color); } } } // draw the hoops for this flight deck: Scene* scene = camview->GetScene(); for (int h = 0; h < fd->NumHoops(); h++) { Hoop* hoop = fd->GetHoops() + h; if (hoop && scene) { if (same_sector && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && !transition && !docking) { scene->AddGraphic(hoop); hoop->Show(); hoops_drawn = true; } else { hoop->Hide(); scene->DelGraphic(hoop); } } } } } if (!hoops_drawn) { ListIter iter = ship->GetRegion()->Carriers(); while (++iter) { Ship* carrier = iter.value(); bool ours = (carrier->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF()) || (carrier->GetIFF() == 0); for (int i = 0; i < carrier->NumFlightDecks(); i++) { FlightDeck* fd = carrier->GetFlightDeck(i); if (fd && fd->IsRecoveryDeck()) { if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && ours && !transition && !docking) { Point dst = fd->MountLocation(); projector->Transform(dst); if (dst.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(dst); int x = (int) dst.x; int y = (int) dst.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, hud_color); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, hud_color); } } } // draw the hoops for this flight deck: Scene* scene = camview->GetScene(); for (int h = 0; h < fd->NumHoops(); h++) { Hoop* hoop = fd->GetHoops() + h; if (hoop && scene) { if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && ours && !transition && !docking) { hoop->Show(); if (!hoop->GetScene()) scene->AddGraphic(hoop); } else { hoop->Hide(); if (hoop->GetScene()) scene->DelGraphic(hoop); } } } } } } } } } void HUDView::DrawObjective() { if (ship && ship->GetDirector() && ship->GetDirector()->Type() >= SteerAI::SEEKER) { SteerAI* steer = (SteerAI*) ship->GetDirector(); Point obj = steer->GetObjective(); projector->Transform(obj); if (obj.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(obj); int x = (int) obj.x; int y = (int) obj.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { Color c = Color::Cyan; window->DrawRect(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, c); } } if (steer->GetOther()) { obj = steer->GetOther()->Location(); projector->Transform(obj); if (obj.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(obj); int x = (int) obj.x; int y = (int) obj.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { Color c = Color::Orange; window->DrawRect(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, c); } } } } /***/ } void HUDView::DrawNavPoint(Instruction& navpt, int index, int next) { if (index >= 15 || !navpt.Region()) return; // transform from starsystem to world coordinates: Point npt = navpt.Region()->Location() + navpt.Location(); if (active_region) npt -= active_region->Location(); npt = npt.OtherHand(); // transform from world to camera: projector->Transform(npt); // clip: if (npt.z > 1.0) { // project: projector->Project(npt); int x = (int) npt.x; int y = (int) npt.y; // clip: if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { Color c = Color::White; if (navpt.Status() > Instruction::ACTIVE && navpt.HoldTime() <= 0) c = Color::DarkGray; // draw: if (next) window->DrawEllipse(x-6, y-6, x+5, y+5, c); window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, c); if (index > 0) { char npt_buf[32]; Rect npt_rect(x+10, y-4, 200, 12); if (navpt.Status() == Instruction::COMPLETE && navpt.HoldTime() > 0) { char hold_time[32]; FormatTime(hold_time, navpt.HoldTime()); sprintf_s(npt_buf, "%d %s", index, hold_time); } else { sprintf_s(npt_buf, "%d", index); } DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_PT + index, npt_buf, npt_rect, DT_LEFT); } } } if (next && mode == HUD_MODE_NAV && navpt.Region() == ship->GetRegion()) { // Translate into camera relative: Point tloc = navpt.Location().OtherHand(); projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) tloc.z = -tloc.z; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); // DRAW THE OFFSCREEN CHASE INDICATOR: if (behind || tloc.x <= 0 || tloc.x >= width-1 || tloc.y <= 0 || tloc.y >= height-1) { // Left side: if (tloc.x <= 0 || (behind && tloc.x < width/2)) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_left); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(aw, tloc.y, 1)); } // Right side: else if (tloc.x >= width-1 || behind) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_right); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width-1-aw, tloc.y, 1)); } else { if (tloc.x < aw) tloc.x = aw; else if (tloc.x >= width-aw) tloc.x = width-1-aw; // Top edge: if (tloc.y <= 0) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_top); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, ah, 1)); } // Bottom edge: else if (tloc.y >= height-1) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_bottom); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, height-1-ah, 1)); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::SetShip(Ship* s) { if (ship != s) { double new_scale = 1; ship_status = -1; ship = s; if (ship) { if (ship->Life() == 0 || ship->IsDying() || ship->IsDead()) { ship = 0; } else { Observe(ship); new_scale = 1.1 * ship->Radius() / 64; if (ship->Design()->hud_icon.Width()) { TransferBitmap(ship->Design()->hud_icon, icon_ship, icon_ship_shade); ColorizeBitmap(icon_ship, icon_ship_shade, txt_color); } } } if (az_ring) { az_ring->Rescale(1/compass_scale); az_ring->Rescale(new_scale); } if (az_pointer) { az_pointer->Rescale(1/compass_scale); az_pointer->Rescale(new_scale); } if (el_ring) { el_ring->Rescale(1/compass_scale); el_ring->Rescale(new_scale); } if (el_pointer) { el_pointer->Rescale(1/compass_scale); el_pointer->Rescale(new_scale); } compass_scale = new_scale; inst_page = 0; if (ship && ship->GetElement() && ship->GetElement()->NumInstructions() > 0) if (!show_inst) CycleHUDInst(); } else if (ship && ship->Design()->hud_icon.Width()) { bool update = false; System::STATUS s = System::NOMINAL; int integrity = (int) (ship->Integrity() / ship->Design()->integrity * 100); if (integrity < 30) s = System::CRITICAL; else if (integrity < 60) s = System::DEGRADED; if (s != ship_status) { ship_status = s; update = true; } if (update) { SetStatusColor((System::STATUS) ship_status); ColorizeBitmap(icon_ship, icon_ship_shade, status_color); } } if (ship && ship->Cockpit()) { Solid* cockpit = (Solid*) ship->Cockpit(); bool change = false; if (cockpit->Hidden()) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) change = true; cockpit_hud_texture = 0; } else { if (!cockpit_hud_texture) change = true; Model* cockpit_model = cockpit->GetModel(); Material* hud_material = 0; if (cockpit_model) { hud_material = (Material*) cockpit_model->FindMaterial("HUD"); if (hud_material) { cockpit_hud_texture = hud_material->tex_emissive; } } } if (change) { SetHUDColorSet(color); } } } void HUDView::SetTarget(SimObject* t) { bool update = false; if (target != t) { tgt_status = -1; target = t; if (target) Observe(target); update = true; } if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { System::STATUS s = System::NOMINAL; Ship* tship = (Ship*) target; int integrity = (int) (tship->Integrity() / tship->Design()->integrity * 100); if (integrity < 30) s = System::CRITICAL; else if (integrity < 60) s = System::DEGRADED; if (s != tgt_status) { tgt_status = s; update = true; } } if (update) { if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tship = (Ship*) target; TransferBitmap(tship->Design()->hud_icon, icon_target, icon_target_shade); } else { PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_target, icon_target_shade); } SetStatusColor((System::STATUS) tgt_status); ColorizeBitmap(icon_target, icon_target_shade, status_color); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ MFD* HUDView::GetMFD(int n) const { if (n >= 0 && n < 3) return mfd[n]; return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::Refresh() { sim = Sim::GetSim(); mouse_in = false; if (!sim || !camview || !projector) { return; } if (Mouse::LButton() == 0) { mouse_latch = 0; mouse_index = -1; } int mouse_index_old = mouse_index; SetShip(sim->GetPlayerShip()); if (mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(0,0,512,256,Color::Black); } sim->ShowGrid(false); return; } if (cockpit_hud_texture && cockpit_hud_texture->Width() == 512) { Bitmap* hud_bmp = 0; if (hud_sprite[0]) { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[0]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt( 0, 0, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } if (hud_sprite[1]) { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[1]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt(256, 0, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } if (hud_sprite[6]) { if (hud_sprite[6]->Hidden()) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(0,384,128,512,Color::Black); } else { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[6]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt(0,384, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } } if (hud_sprite[7]) { if (hud_sprite[7]->Hidden()) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(128,384,256,512,Color::Black); } else { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[7]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt(128,384, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } } for (int i = 8; i < 32; i++) { if (hud_sprite[i] && !hud_sprite[i]->Hidden()) { Sprite* s = hud_sprite[i]; int cx = (int) s->Location().x; int cy = (int) s->Location().y; int w2 = s->Width() / 2; int h2 = s->Height() / 2; window->DrawBitmap(cx-w2, cy-h2, cx+w2, cy+h2, s->Frame(), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (hud_sprite[i] && !hud_sprite[i]->Hidden()) { Sprite* s = hud_sprite[i]; int cx = (int) s->Location().x; int cy = (int) s->Location().y; int w2 = s->Width() / 2; int h2 = s->Height() / 2; window->DrawBitmap(cx-w2, cy-h2, cx+w2, cy+h2, s->Frame(), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); } } Video* video = Video::GetInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { Sprite* s = pitch_ladder[i]; if (s && !s->Hidden()) { s->Render2D(video); } } } //DrawStarSystem(); DrawMessages(); if (ship) { // no hud in transition: if (ship->InTransition()) { transition = true; HideAll(); return; } else if (transition) { transition = false; RestoreHUD(); } CameraDirector* cam_dir = CameraDirector::GetInstance(); // everything is off during docking, except the final message: if (cam_dir && cam_dir->GetMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_DOCKING) { docking = true; HideAll(); if (ship->GetFlightPhase() == Ship::DOCKING) { Rect dock_rect(width/2-100, height/6, 200, 20); if (ship->IsAirborne()) DrawHUDText(TXT_AUTO, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.SUCCESSFUL-LANDING"), dock_rect, DT_CENTER); else DrawHUDText(TXT_AUTO, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.DOCKING-COMPLETE"), dock_rect, DT_CENTER); } return; } else if (docking) { docking = false; RestoreHUD(); } // go to NAV mode during autopilot: if (ship->GetNavSystem() && ship->GetNavSystem()->AutoNavEngaged() && !arcade) mode = HUD_MODE_NAV; SetTarget(ship->GetTarget()); // internal view of HUD reticule if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() <= CameraDirector::MODE_CHASE) SetTacticalMode(0); // external view else SetTacticalMode(!cockpit_hud_texture); sim->ShowGrid(tactical && !ship->IsAirborne() && CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() != CameraDirector::MODE_VIRTUAL); // draw HUD bars: DrawBars(); if (missile_lock_sound) { if (threat > 1) { long max_vol = AudioConfig::WrnVolume(); long volume = -1500; if (volume > max_vol) volume = max_vol; missile_lock_sound->SetVolume(volume); missile_lock_sound->Play(); } else { missile_lock_sound->Stop(); } } DrawNav(); DrawILS(); // FOR DEBUG PURPOSES ONLY: // DrawObjective(); if (!overlay) { Rect fov_rect(0, 10, width, 10); int fov_degrees = 180 - 2 * (int)(projector->XAngle()*180/PI); if (fov_degrees > 90) DrawHUDText(TXT_CAM_ANGLE, ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("HUDView.Wide-Angle"), fov_rect, DT_CENTER); fov_rect.y = 20; DrawHUDText(TXT_CAM_MODE, CameraDirector::GetModeName(), fov_rect, DT_CENTER); } DrawMFDs(); instr_left_sprite->Hide(); instr_right_sprite->Hide(); warn_left_sprite->Hide(); warn_right_sprite->Hide(); if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(256,384,512,512,Color::Black); if (show_inst) { DrawInstructions(); } else if (!arcade) { if (ship->MasterCaution() && !show_warn) ShowHUDWarn(); if (show_warn) DrawWarningPanel(); } if (width > 640 || (!show_inst && !show_warn)) { Rect icon_rect(120, height-24, 128, 16); if (ship) DrawHUDText(TXT_ICON_SHIP_TYPE, ship->DesignName(), icon_rect, DT_CENTER); icon_rect.x = width - 248; if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tship = (Ship*) target; DrawHUDText(TXT_ICON_TARGET_TYPE, tship->DesignName(), icon_rect, DT_CENTER); } } } else { if (target) { SetTarget(0); } } // latch mouse down to prevent dragging into a control: if (Mouse::LButton() == 1) mouse_latch = 1; if (mouse_index > -1 && mouse_index_old != mouse_index) MouseFrame(); } void HUDView::DrawMFDs() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mfd[i]->Show(); mfd[i]->SetShip(ship); mfd[i]->SetCockpitHUDTexture(cockpit_hud_texture); mfd[i]->Draw(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawStarSystem() { if (sim && sim->GetStarSystem()) { StarSystem* sys = sim->GetStarSystem(); ListIter iter = sys->Bodies(); while (++iter) { OrbitalBody* body = iter.value(); DrawOrbitalBody(body); } } } void HUDView::DrawOrbitalBody(OrbitalBody* body) { if (body) { Point p = body->Rep()->Location(); projector->Transform(p); if (p.z > 100) { float r = (float) body->Radius(); r = projector->ProjectRadius(p, r); projector->Project(p, false); window->DrawEllipse((int) (p.x-r), (int) (p.y-r), (int) (p.x+r), (int) (p.y+r), Color::Cyan); } ListIter iter = body->Satellites(); while (++iter) { OrbitalBody* body = iter.value(); DrawOrbitalBody(body); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::ExecFrame() { // update the position of HUD elements that are // part of the 3D scene (like fpm and lcos sprites) HideCompass(); if (ship && !transition && !docking && mode != HUD_MODE_OFF) { Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); gunsight = p->Gunsight(); if (ship->IsStarship()) { if (tactical) { hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); } else if (hud_left_sprite->Frame() != &hud_left_starship) { hud_left_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_left_starship); hud_right_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_right_starship); hud_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height/2, 1)); hud_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height/2, 1)); } } else if (!ship->IsStarship()) { if (ship->IsAirborne() && hud_left_sprite->Frame() != &hud_left_air) { hud_left_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_left_air); hud_right_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_right_air); } else if (!ship->IsAirborne() && hud_left_sprite->Frame() != &hud_left_fighter) { hud_left_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_left_fighter); hud_right_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_right_fighter); } } if (!tactical) { if (Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() > 128) { hud_left_sprite->Show(); hud_right_sprite->Show(); } if (!arcade) DrawFPM(); if (ship->IsStarship() && ship->GetFLCSMode() == Ship::FLCS_HELM) DrawHPM(); else if (!arcade) DrawPitchLadder(); } else { if (ship->IsStarship() && ship->GetFLCSMode() == Ship::FLCS_HELM) DrawCompass(); } if (mode == HUD_MODE_TAC) { DrawSight(); DrawDesignators(); } if (width > 640 || (!show_inst && !show_warn)) { icon_ship_sprite->Show(); icon_target_sprite->Show(); } else { icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); } } // if the hud is off or prohibited, // hide all of the sprites: else { hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); instr_left_sprite->Hide(); instr_right_sprite->Hide(); warn_left_sprite->Hide(); warn_right_sprite->Hide(); icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); fpm_sprite->Hide(); hpm_sprite->Hide(); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); DrawILS(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::CycleMFDMode(int mfd_index) { if (mfd_index < 0 || mfd_index > 2) return; int m = mfd[mfd_index]->GetMode(); m++; if (mfd_index == 2) { if (m > MFD::MFD_MODE_SHIP) m = MFD::MFD_MODE_OFF; } else { if (m > MFD::MFD_MODE_3D) m = MFD::MFD_MODE_OFF; if (m == MFD::MFD_MODE_GAME) m++; if (mfd_index != 0 && m == MFD::MFD_MODE_SHIP) m++; } mfd[mfd_index]->SetMode(m); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_MFD_MODE); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::ShowHUDWarn() { if (!show_warn) { show_warn = true; if (ship && ship->HullStrength() <= 40) { // TOO OBNOXIOUS!! HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_RED_ALERT); } } } void HUDView::ShowHUDInst() { show_inst = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::HideHUDWarn() { show_warn = false; if (ship) { ship->ClearCaution(); HUDSounds::StopSound(HUDSounds::SND_RED_ALERT); } } void HUDView::HideHUDInst() { show_inst = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::CycleHUDWarn() { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_WIDGET); show_warn = !show_warn; if (ship && !show_warn) { ship->ClearCaution(); HUDSounds::StopSound(HUDSounds::SND_RED_ALERT); } } void HUDView::CycleHUDInst() { show_inst = !show_inst; HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_WIDGET); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::SetHUDMode(int m) { if (mode != m) { mode = m; if (mode > HUD_MODE_ILS || mode < HUD_MODE_OFF) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; if (ship && !ship->IsDropship() && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; RestoreHUD(); } } void HUDView::CycleHUDMode() { mode++; if (arcade && mode != HUD_MODE_TAC) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; else if (mode > HUD_MODE_ILS || mode < HUD_MODE_OFF) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; else if (!ship->IsDropship() && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; RestoreHUD(); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_MODE); } void HUDView::RestoreHUD() { if (mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) { HideAll(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->Show(); if (width > 640 || (!show_inst && !show_warn)) { icon_ship_sprite->Show(); icon_target_sprite->Show(); } else { icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); } if (!tactical && Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() > 128) { hud_left_sprite->Show(); hud_right_sprite->Show(); } fpm_sprite->Show(); if (ship && ship->IsStarship()) hpm_sprite->Show(); if (gunsight == 0) aim_sprite->Show(); else lead_sprite->Show(); } } void HUDView::HideAll() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->Hide(); hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); instr_left_sprite->Hide(); instr_right_sprite->Hide(); warn_left_sprite->Hide(); warn_right_sprite->Hide(); icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); fpm_sprite->Hide(); hpm_sprite->Hide(); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); sim->ShowGrid(false); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); if (missile_lock_sound) missile_lock_sound->Stop(); HideCompass(); DrawILS(); Mouse::Show(false); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color HUDView::Ambient() const { if (!sim || !ship || mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) return Color::Black; SimRegion* rgn = sim->GetActiveRegion(); if (!rgn || !rgn->IsAirSpace()) return Color::Black; Color c = sim->GetStarSystem()->Ambient(); if (c.Red() > 32 || c.Green() > 32 || c.Blue() > 32) return Color::Black; // if we get this far, the night-vision aid is on return night_vision_colors[color]; } Color HUDView::CycleHUDColor() { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_MODE); SetHUDColorSet(color+1); return hud_color; } void HUDView::SetHUDColorSet(int c) { color = c; if (color > NUM_HUD_COLORS-1) color = 0; hud_color = standard_hud_colors[color]; txt_color = standard_txt_colors[color]; ColorizeBitmap(fpm, fpm_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(hpm, hpm_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(lead, lead_shade, txt_color * 1.25, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross, cross_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross1, cross1_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross2, cross2_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross3, cross3_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross4, cross4_shade, hud_color, true); if (Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize() > 128) { ColorizeBitmap(hud_left_air, hud_left_shade_air, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_right_air, hud_right_shade_air, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_left_fighter, hud_left_shade_fighter, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_right_fighter, hud_right_shade_fighter, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_left_starship, hud_left_shade_starship, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_right_starship, hud_right_shade_starship, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(instr_left, instr_left_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(instr_right, instr_right_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(warn_left, warn_left_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(warn_right, warn_right_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(pitch_ladder_pos, pitch_ladder_pos_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(pitch_ladder_neg, pitch_ladder_neg_shade, hud_color); } ColorizeBitmap(icon_ship, icon_ship_shade, txt_color); ColorizeBitmap(icon_target, icon_target_shade, txt_color); ColorizeBitmap(chase_left, chase_left_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(chase_right, chase_right_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(chase_top, chase_top_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(chase_bottom, chase_bottom_shade, hud_color, true); MFD::SetColor(hud_color); Hoop::SetColor(hud_color); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->SetText3DColor(txt_color); Font* font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); if (font) font->SetColor(txt_color); for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) hud_text[i].color = txt_color; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::Message(const char* fmt, ...) { if (fmt) { char msg[512]; vsprintf(msg, fmt, (char *)(&fmt+1)); char* newline = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (newline) *newline = 0; Print("%s\n", msg); if (hud_view) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (hud_view->msg_time[i] <= 0) { index = i; break; } } // no space; advance pipeline: if (index < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG-1; i++) { hud_view->msg_text[i] = hud_view->msg_text[i+1]; hud_view->msg_time[i] = hud_view->msg_time[i+1]; } index = MAX_MSG-1; } hud_view->msg_text[index] = msg; hud_view->msg_time[index] = 10; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::ClearMessages() { if (hud_view) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG-1; i++) { hud_view->msg_text[i] = Text(); hud_view->msg_time[i] = 0; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::PrepareBitmap(const char* name, Bitmap& img, BYTE*& shades) { delete [] shades; shades = 0; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); loader->SetDataPath("HUD/"); int loaded = loader->LoadBitmap(name, img, Bitmap::BMP_TRANSPARENT); loader->SetDataPath(0); if (!loaded) return; int w = img.Width(); int h = img.Height(); shades = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[w*h]; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) shades[y*w+x] = (BYTE) (img.GetColor(x,y).Red() * 0.66); } void HUDView::TransferBitmap(const Bitmap& src, Bitmap& img, BYTE*& shades) { delete [] shades; shades = 0; if (src.Width() != img.Width() || src.Height() != img.Height()) return; img.CopyBitmap(src); img.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); int w = img.Width(); int h = img.Height(); shades = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[w*h]; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) shades[y*w+x] = (BYTE) (img.GetColor(x,y).Red() * 0.5); } void HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(Bitmap& img, BYTE* shades, Color color, bool force_alpha) { if (!shades) return; int max_tex_size = Game::GetInstance()->MaxTexSize(); if (max_tex_size < 128) Game::GetInstance()->SetMaxTexSize(128); if (hud_view && hud_view->cockpit_hud_texture && !force_alpha) { img.FillColor(Color::Black); Color* dst = img.HiPixels(); BYTE* src = shades; for (int y = 0; y < img.Height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < img.Width(); x++) { if (*src) *dst = color.dim(*src/200.0); else *dst = Color::Black; dst++; src++; } } img.MakeTexture(); } else { img.FillColor(color); img.CopyAlphaImage(img.Width(), img.Height(), shades); img.MakeTexture(); } if (max_tex_size < 128) Game::GetInstance()->SetMaxTexSize(max_tex_size); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::MouseFrame() { MouseController* ctrl = MouseController::GetInstance(); if (ctrl && ctrl->Active()) return; if (mouse_index >= TXT_CAUTION_TXT && mouse_index <= TXT_LAST_CAUTION) { if (show_inst) { if (mouse_index == TXT_INSTR_PAGE) { if (Mouse::X() > width/2 + 125) CycleInstructions(1); else if (Mouse::X() < width/2 + 65) CycleInstructions(-1); } else show_inst = false; } else { CycleHUDWarn(); } return; } Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); if (mouse_index == TXT_PAUSED) stars->Pause(!Game::GetInstance()->Paused()); if (mouse_index == TXT_GEAR_DOWN) ship->ToggleGear(); if (mouse_index == TXT_HUD_MODE) { CycleHUDMode(); if (mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) CycleHUDMode(); } if (mouse_index == TXT_PRIMARY_WEP) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_MODE); ship->CyclePrimary(); } if (mouse_index == TXT_SECONDARY_WEP) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_MODE); ship->CycleSecondary(); } if (mouse_index == TXT_DECOY) ship->FireDecoy(); if (mouse_index == TXT_SHIELD) { Shield* shield = ship->GetShield(); if (shield) { double level = shield->GetPowerLevel(); const Rect& r = hud_text[TXT_SHIELD].rect; if (Mouse::X() < r.x + r.w * 0.75) shield->SetPowerLevel(level - 10); else shield->SetPowerLevel(level + 10); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_SHIELD_LEVEL); } } if (mouse_index == TXT_AUTO) ship->TimeSkip(); if (mouse_index >= TXT_NAV_INDEX && mouse_index <= TXT_NAV_ETR) { ship->SetAutoNav(!ship->IsAutoNavEngaged()); SetHUDMode(HUD_MODE_TAC); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool HUDView::IsMouseLatched() { bool result = mouse_in; if (!result) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) result = result || hud->mfd[i]->IsMouseLatched(); } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool HUDView::IsNameCrowded(int x, int y) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONTACT; i++) { HUDText& test = hud_text[TXT_CONTACT_NAME + i]; if (!test.hidden) { Rect r = test.rect; int dx = r.x - x; int dy = r.y - y; int d = dx*dx + dy*dy; if (d <= 400) return true; } test = hud_text[TXT_CONTACT_INFO + i]; if (!test.hidden) { Rect r = test.rect; int dx = r.x - x; int dy = r.y - y; int d = dx*dx + dy*dy; if (d <= 400) return true; } } return false; } void HUDView::DrawDiamond(int x, int y, int r, Color c) { POINT diamond[4]; diamond[0].x = x; diamond[0].y = y-r; diamond[1].x = x+r; diamond[1].y = y; diamond[2].x = x; diamond[2].y = y+r; diamond[3].x = x-r; diamond[3].y = y; window->DrawPoly(4, diamond, c); }