/* Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Destroyer Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name "Destroyer Studios" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUBSYSTEM: Stars.exe FILE: HUDView.cpp AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== View class for Heads Up Display */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "HUDView.h" #include "HUDSounds.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Computer.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "NavSystem.h" #include "Power.h" #include "Shield.h" #include "Sensor.h" #include "Contact.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Drone.h" #include "Thruster.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "FlightDeck.h" #include "SteerAI.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "Starshatter.h" #include "CameraDirector.h" #include "MFD.h" #include "RadioView.h" #include "FormatUtil.h" #include "Hoop.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "KeyMap.h" #include "AudioConfig.h" #include "Player.h" #include "NetGame.h" #include "NetPlayer.h" #include "Color.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "FontMgr.h" #include "Graphic.h" #include "Sprite.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Mouse.h" #include "MouseController.h" #include "Polygon.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "Game.h" #include "Window.h" static Bitmap hud_left_air; static Bitmap hud_right_air; static Bitmap hud_left_fighter; static Bitmap hud_right_fighter; static Bitmap hud_left_starship; static Bitmap hud_right_starship; static Bitmap instr_left; static Bitmap instr_right; static Bitmap warn_left; static Bitmap warn_right; static Bitmap lead; static Bitmap cross; static Bitmap cross1; static Bitmap cross2; static Bitmap cross3; static Bitmap cross4; static Bitmap fpm; static Bitmap hpm; static Bitmap pitch_ladder_pos; static Bitmap pitch_ladder_neg; static Bitmap chase_left; static Bitmap chase_right; static Bitmap chase_top; static Bitmap chase_bottom; static Bitmap icon_ship; static Bitmap icon_target; static BYTE* hud_left_shade_air = 0; static BYTE* hud_right_shade_air = 0; static BYTE* hud_left_shade_fighter = 0; static BYTE* hud_right_shade_fighter = 0; static BYTE* hud_left_shade_starship = 0; static BYTE* hud_right_shade_starship = 0; static BYTE* instr_left_shade = 0; static BYTE* instr_right_shade = 0; static BYTE* warn_left_shade = 0; static BYTE* warn_right_shade = 0; static BYTE* lead_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross1_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross2_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross3_shade = 0; static BYTE* cross4_shade = 0; static BYTE* fpm_shade = 0; static BYTE* hpm_shade = 0; static BYTE* pitch_ladder_pos_shade = 0; static BYTE* pitch_ladder_neg_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_left_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_right_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_top_shade = 0; static BYTE* chase_bottom_shade = 0; static BYTE* icon_ship_shade = 0; static BYTE* icon_target_shade = 0; static Sprite* hud_left_sprite = 0; static Sprite* hud_right_sprite = 0; static Sprite* fpm_sprite = 0; static Sprite* hpm_sprite = 0; static Sprite* lead_sprite = 0; static Sprite* aim_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt1_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt2_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt3_sprite = 0; static Sprite* tgt4_sprite = 0; static Sprite* chase_sprite = 0; static Sprite* instr_left_sprite = 0; static Sprite* instr_right_sprite = 0; static Sprite* warn_left_sprite = 0; static Sprite* warn_right_sprite = 0; static Sprite* icon_ship_sprite = 0; static Sprite* icon_target_sprite = 0; static Sound* missile_lock_sound; const int NUM_HUD_COLORS = 4; Color standard_hud_colors[NUM_HUD_COLORS] = { Color(130,190,140), // green Color(130,200,220), // cyan Color(250,170, 80), // orange // Color(220,220,100), // yellow Color( 16, 16, 16) // dark gray }; Color standard_txt_colors[NUM_HUD_COLORS] = { Color(150,200,170), // green w/ green gray Color(220,220,180), // cyan w/ light yellow Color(220,220, 80), // orange w/ yellow // Color(180,200,220), // yellow w/ white Color( 32, 32, 32) // dark gray }; Color night_vision_colors[NUM_HUD_COLORS] = { Color( 20, 80, 20), // green Color( 30, 80, 80), // cyan Color( 80, 80, 20), // yellow // Color(180,200,220), // not used Color( 0, 0, 0) // no night vision }; static Font* hud_font = 0; static Font* big_font = 0; static bool mouse_in = false; static int mouse_latch = 0; static int mouse_index = -1; static int ship_status = System::NOMINAL; static int tgt_status = System::NOMINAL; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ enum TXT { MAX_CONTACT = 50, TXT_CAUTION_TXT = 0, TXT_LAST_CAUTION = 23, TXT_CAM_ANGLE, TXT_CAM_MODE, TXT_PAUSED, TXT_GEAR_DOWN, TXT_HUD_MODE, TXT_PRIMARY_WEP, TXT_SECONDARY_WEP, TXT_DECOY, TXT_SHIELD, TXT_AUTO, TXT_SHOOT, TXT_NAV_INDEX, TXT_NAV_ACTION, TXT_NAV_FORMATION, TXT_NAV_SPEED, TXT_NAV_ETR, TXT_NAV_HOLD, TXT_SPEED, TXT_RANGE, TXT_CLOSING_SPEED, TXT_THREAT_WARN, TXT_COMPASS, TXT_HEADING, TXT_PITCH, TXT_ALTITUDE, TXT_GFORCE, TXT_MISSILE_T1, TXT_MISSILE_T2, TXT_ICON_SHIP_TYPE, TXT_ICON_TARGET_TYPE, TXT_TARGET_NAME, TXT_TARGET_DESIGN, TXT_TARGET_SHIELD, TXT_TARGET_HULL, TXT_TARGET_SUB, TXT_TARGET_ETA, TXT_MSG_1, TXT_MSG_2, TXT_MSG_3, TXT_MSG_4, TXT_MSG_5, TXT_MSG_6, TXT_NAV_PT, TXT_SELF, TXT_SELF_NAME, TXT_CONTACT_NAME, TXT_CONTACT_INFO = TXT_CONTACT_NAME + MAX_CONTACT, TXT_LAST = TXT_CONTACT_INFO + MAX_CONTACT, TXT_LAST_ACTIVE = TXT_NAV_HOLD, TXT_INSTR_PAGE = TXT_CAUTION_TXT + 6, }; static HUDText hud_text[TXT_LAST]; void HUDView::DrawHUDText(int index, const char* txt, Rect& rect, int align, int upcase, bool box) { if (index < 0 || index >= TXT_LAST) return; HUDText& ht = hud_text[index]; Color hc = ht.color; char txt_buf[256]; int n = strlen(txt); if (n > 250) n = 250; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (upcase && islower(txt[i])) txt_buf[i] = toupper(txt[i]); else txt_buf[i] = txt[i]; } txt_buf[i] = 0; if (box) { ht.font->DrawText(txt_buf, n, rect, DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT); if ((align & DT_CENTER) != 0) { int cx = width/2; rect.x = cx - rect.w/2; } } if (!cockpit_hud_texture && rect.Contains(Mouse::X(), Mouse::Y())) { mouse_in = true; if (index <= TXT_LAST_ACTIVE) hc = Color::White; if (Mouse::LButton() && !mouse_latch) { mouse_latch = 2; mouse_index = index; } } if (cockpit_hud_texture && index >= TXT_HUD_MODE && index <= TXT_TARGET_ETA && ht.font != big_font) { Sprite* s = hud_sprite[0]; int cx = (int) s->Location().x; int cy = (int) s->Location().y; int w2 = s->Width() / 2; int h2 = s->Height() / 2; Rect txt_rect(rect); txt_rect.x -= (cx-w2); txt_rect.y -= (cy-h2); if (index == TXT_ICON_SHIP_TYPE) txt_rect = Rect(0, 500, 128, 12); else if (index == TXT_ICON_TARGET_TYPE) txt_rect = Rect(128, 500, 128, 12); ht.font->SetColor(hc); ht.font->DrawText(txt_buf, n, txt_rect, align | DT_SINGLELINE, cockpit_hud_texture); ht.hidden = false; } else { ht.font->SetColor(hc); ht.font->DrawText(txt_buf, n, rect, align | DT_SINGLELINE); ht.rect = rect; ht.hidden = false; if (box) { rect.Inflate(3,2); rect.h--; window->DrawRect(rect, hud_color); } } } void HUDView::HideHUDText(int index) { if (index >= TXT_LAST) return; hud_text[index].hidden = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HUDView* HUDView::hud_view = 0; bool HUDView::arcade = false; bool HUDView::show_fps = false; int HUDView::def_color_set = 1; int HUDView::gunsight = 1; // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ HUDView::HUDView(Window* c) : View(c), projector(0), camview(0), sim(0), ship(0), target(0), mode(HUD_MODE_TAC), tactical(0), overlay(0), cockpit_hud_texture(0), threat(0), active_region(0), transition(false), docking(false), az_ring(0), az_pointer(0), el_ring(0), el_pointer(0), compass_scale(1), show_warn(false), show_inst(false), inst_page(0) { hud_view = this; sim = Sim::GetSim(); if (sim) sim->ShowGrid(false); int i; width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; PrepareBitmap("HUDleftA.pcx", hud_left_air, hud_left_shade_air); PrepareBitmap("HUDrightA.pcx", hud_right_air, hud_right_shade_air); PrepareBitmap("HUDleft.pcx", hud_left_fighter, hud_left_shade_fighter); PrepareBitmap("HUDright.pcx", hud_right_fighter, hud_right_shade_fighter); PrepareBitmap("HUDleft1.pcx", hud_left_starship, hud_left_shade_starship); PrepareBitmap("HUDright1.pcx", hud_right_starship, hud_right_shade_starship); PrepareBitmap("INSTR_left.pcx", instr_left, instr_left_shade); PrepareBitmap("INSTR_right.pcx", instr_right, instr_right_shade); PrepareBitmap("CAUTION_left.pcx", warn_left, warn_left_shade); PrepareBitmap("CAUTION_right.pcx", warn_right, warn_right_shade); PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_ship, icon_ship_shade); PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_target, icon_target_shade); PrepareBitmap("lead.pcx", lead, lead_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross.pcx", cross, cross_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross1.pcx", cross1, cross1_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross2.pcx", cross2, cross2_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross3.pcx", cross3, cross3_shade); PrepareBitmap("cross4.pcx", cross4, cross4_shade); PrepareBitmap("fpm.pcx", fpm, fpm_shade); PrepareBitmap("hpm.pcx", hpm, hpm_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_l.pcx", chase_left, chase_left_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_r.pcx", chase_right, chase_right_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_t.pcx", chase_top, chase_top_shade); PrepareBitmap("chase_b.pcx", chase_bottom, chase_bottom_shade); PrepareBitmap("ladder1.pcx", pitch_ladder_pos, pitch_ladder_pos_shade); PrepareBitmap("ladder2.pcx", pitch_ladder_neg, pitch_ladder_neg_shade); hud_left_air.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_right_air.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_left_fighter.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_right_fighter.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_left_starship.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_right_starship.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); instr_left.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); instr_right.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); warn_left.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); warn_right.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); icon_ship.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); icon_target.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); fpm.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hpm.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); lead.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross1.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross2.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross3.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); cross4.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_left.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_right.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_top.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); chase_bottom.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); pitch_ladder_pos.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); pitch_ladder_neg.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); hud_left_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&hud_left_fighter); hud_right_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&hud_right_fighter); instr_left_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&instr_left); instr_right_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&instr_right); warn_left_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&warn_left); warn_right_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&warn_right); icon_ship_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&icon_ship); icon_target_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&icon_target); fpm_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&fpm); hpm_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&hpm); lead_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&lead); aim_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross); tgt1_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross1); tgt2_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross2); tgt3_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross3); tgt4_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&cross4); chase_sprite = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&chase_left); ZeroMemory(hud_sprite, sizeof(hud_sprite)); hud_sprite[ 0] = hud_left_sprite; hud_sprite[ 1] = hud_right_sprite; hud_sprite[ 2] = instr_left_sprite; hud_sprite[ 3] = instr_right_sprite; hud_sprite[ 4] = warn_left_sprite; hud_sprite[ 5] = warn_right_sprite; hud_sprite[ 6] = icon_ship_sprite; hud_sprite[ 7] = icon_target_sprite; hud_sprite[ 8] = fpm_sprite; hud_sprite[ 9] = hpm_sprite; hud_sprite[10] = lead_sprite; hud_sprite[11] = aim_sprite; hud_sprite[12] = tgt1_sprite; hud_sprite[13] = tgt2_sprite; hud_sprite[14] = tgt3_sprite; hud_sprite[15] = tgt4_sprite; hud_sprite[16] = chase_sprite; double pitch_ladder_UV[8] = { 0.125,0.0625, 0.875,0.0625, 0.875,0, 0.125,0 }; double UV[8]; for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { pitch_ladder[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&pitch_ladder_pos); CopyMemory(UV, pitch_ladder_UV, sizeof(UV)); UV[1] = UV[3] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i )); UV[5] = UV[7] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i+1)); pitch_ladder[i]->Reshape(192, 16); pitch_ladder[i]->SetTexCoords(UV); pitch_ladder[i]->SetBlendMode(2); pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } // zero mark at i=15 { pitch_ladder[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&pitch_ladder_pos); UV[0] = UV[6] = 0; UV[2] = UV[4] = 1; UV[1] = UV[3] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i+1)); UV[5] = UV[7] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (i )); pitch_ladder[i]->Reshape(256, 16); pitch_ladder[i]->SetTexCoords(UV); pitch_ladder[i]->SetBlendMode(2); pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } for (i = 16; i < 31; i++) { pitch_ladder[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Sprite(&pitch_ladder_neg); CopyMemory(UV, pitch_ladder_UV, sizeof(UV)); UV[1] = UV[3] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (30 - i )); UV[5] = UV[7] = (pitch_ladder_UV[1] * (30 - i+1)); pitch_ladder[i]->Reshape(192, 16); pitch_ladder[i]->SetTexCoords(UV); pitch_ladder[i]->SetBlendMode(2); pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i] = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) MFD(window, i); mfd[0]->SetRect(Rect( 8, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[1]->SetRect(Rect(width - 136, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[2]->SetRect(Rect( 8, 8, 128, 128)); hud_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height/2, 1)); hud_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height/2, 1)); hud_left_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); hud_left_sprite->SetFilter(0); hud_right_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); hud_right_sprite->SetFilter(0); instr_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); instr_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); instr_left_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); instr_left_sprite->SetFilter(0); instr_right_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); instr_right_sprite->SetFilter(0); warn_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); warn_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); warn_left_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); warn_left_sprite->SetFilter(0); warn_right_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); warn_right_sprite->SetFilter(0); icon_ship_sprite->MoveTo( Point( 184, height-72, 1)); icon_target_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width - 184, height-72, 1)); icon_ship_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); icon_ship_sprite->SetFilter(0); icon_target_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); icon_target_sprite->SetFilter(0); fpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); hpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); lead_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); aim_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt1_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt2_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt3_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); tgt4_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2, height/2, 1)); fpm_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); hpm_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); lead_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); aim_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt1_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt2_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt3_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); tgt4_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); chase_sprite->SetBlendMode(2); fpm_sprite->SetFilter(0); hpm_sprite->SetFilter(0); lead_sprite->SetFilter(0); aim_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt1_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt2_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt3_sprite->SetFilter(0); tgt4_sprite->SetFilter(0); chase_sprite->SetFilter(0); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); aw = chase_left.Width() / 2; ah = chase_left.Height() / 2; mfd[0]->SetMode(MFD::MFD_MODE_SHIP); mfd[1]->SetMode(MFD::MFD_MODE_FOV); mfd[2]->SetMode(MFD::MFD_MODE_GAME); hud_font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); big_font = FontMgr::Find("GUI"); for (i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) { hud_text[i].font = hud_font; } hud_text[TXT_THREAT_WARN].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_SHOOT].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_AUTO].font = big_font; SetHUDColorSet(def_color_set); MFD::SetColor(standard_hud_colors[color]); DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); loader->SetDataPath("HUD/"); az_ring = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; az_pointer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; el_ring = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; el_pointer = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Solid; az_ring->Load("CompassRing.mag", compass_scale); az_pointer->Load("CompassPointer.mag", compass_scale); el_ring->Load("PitchRing.mag", compass_scale); el_pointer->Load("CompassPointer.mag", compass_scale); loader->SetDataPath("Sounds/"); loader->LoadSound("MissileLock.wav", missile_lock_sound, Sound::LOOP | Sound::LOCKED); loader->SetDataPath(0); for (i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) msg_time[i] = 0; } HUDView::~HUDView() { HideCompass(); if (missile_lock_sound) { missile_lock_sound->Stop(); missile_lock_sound->Release(); missile_lock_sound = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { delete mfd[i]; mfd[i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { GRAPHIC_DESTROY(hud_sprite[i]); } fpm.ClearImage(); hpm.ClearImage(); lead.ClearImage(); cross.ClearImage(); cross1.ClearImage(); cross2.ClearImage(); cross3.ClearImage(); cross4.ClearImage(); hud_left_air.ClearImage(); hud_right_air.ClearImage(); hud_left_fighter.ClearImage(); hud_right_fighter.ClearImage(); hud_left_starship.ClearImage(); hud_right_starship.ClearImage(); instr_left.ClearImage(); instr_right.ClearImage(); warn_left.ClearImage(); warn_right.ClearImage(); icon_ship.ClearImage(); icon_target.ClearImage(); chase_left.ClearImage(); chase_right.ClearImage(); chase_top.ClearImage(); chase_bottom.ClearImage(); pitch_ladder_pos.ClearImage(); pitch_ladder_neg.ClearImage(); delete [] fpm_shade; delete [] hpm_shade; delete [] lead_shade; delete [] cross_shade; delete [] cross1_shade; delete [] cross2_shade; delete [] cross3_shade; delete [] cross4_shade; delete [] hud_left_shade_air; delete [] hud_right_shade_air; delete [] hud_left_shade_fighter; delete [] hud_right_shade_fighter; delete [] hud_left_shade_starship; delete [] hud_right_shade_starship; delete [] instr_left_shade; delete [] instr_right_shade; delete [] warn_left_shade; delete [] warn_right_shade; delete [] icon_ship_shade; delete [] icon_target_shade; delete [] chase_left_shade; delete [] chase_right_shade; delete [] chase_top_shade; delete [] chase_bottom_shade; delete [] pitch_ladder_pos_shade; delete [] pitch_ladder_neg_shade; delete az_ring; delete az_pointer; delete el_ring; delete el_pointer; fpm_shade = 0; hpm_shade = 0; cross_shade = 0; cross1_shade = 0; cross2_shade = 0; cross3_shade = 0; cross4_shade = 0; hud_left_shade_air = 0; hud_right_shade_air = 0; hud_left_shade_fighter = 0; hud_right_shade_fighter = 0; hud_left_shade_starship = 0; hud_right_shade_starship = 0; instr_left_shade = 0; instr_right_shade = 0; warn_left_shade = 0; warn_right_shade = 0; icon_ship_shade = 0; icon_target_shade = 0; chase_left_shade = 0; chase_right_shade = 0; chase_top_shade = 0; chase_bottom_shade = 0; pitch_ladder_pos_shade = 0; pitch_ladder_neg_shade = 0; az_ring = 0; az_pointer = 0; el_ring = 0; el_pointer = 0; hud_view = 0; } void HUDView::OnWindowMove() { width = window->Width(); height = window->Height(); xcenter = (width / 2.0) - 0.5; ycenter = (height / 2.0) + 0.5; mfd[0]->SetRect(Rect( 8, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[1]->SetRect(Rect(width - 136, height - 136, 128, 128)); mfd[2]->SetRect(Rect( 8, 8, 128, 128)); hud_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height/2, 1)); hud_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height/2, 1)); instr_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); instr_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); warn_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height-128, 1)); warn_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height-128, 1)); icon_ship_sprite->MoveTo( Point( 184, height-72, 1)); icon_target_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width - 184, height-72, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) { hud_text[i].font = hud_font; hud_text[i].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; } if (big_font) { hud_text[TXT_THREAT_WARN].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_SHOOT].font = big_font; hud_text[TXT_AUTO].font = big_font; } MFD::SetColor(standard_hud_colors[color]); int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::SetTacticalMode(int mode) { if (tactical != mode) { tactical = mode; if (tactical) { hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); } else if (Game::MaxTexSize() > 128) { hud_left_sprite->Show(); hud_right_sprite->Show(); } } } void HUDView::SetOverlayMode(int mode) { if (overlay != mode) { overlay = mode; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool HUDView::Update(SimObject* obj) { if (obj == ship) { if (target) SetTarget(0); ship = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->SetShip(ship); } if (obj == target) { target = 0; PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_target, icon_target_shade); ColorizeBitmap(icon_target, icon_target_shade, txt_color); } return SimObserver::Update(obj); } const char* HUDView::GetObserverName() const { return "HUDView"; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::UseCameraView(CameraView* v) { if (v && camview != v) { camview = v; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->UseCameraView(camview); projector = camview->GetProjector(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color HUDView::MarkerColor(Contact* contact) { Color c(80,80,80); if (contact) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); Ship* ship = sim->GetPlayerShip(); int c_iff = contact->GetIFF(ship); c = Ship::IFFColor(c_iff) * contact->Age(); if (contact->GetShot() && contact->Threat(ship)) { if ((Game::RealTime()/500) & 1) c = c * 2; else c = c * 0.5; } } return c; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawContactMarkers() { threat = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONTACT; i++) { HideHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_NAME+i); HideHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_INFO+i); } if (!ship) return; int index = 0; ListIter contact = ship->ContactList(); // draw own sensor contacts: while (++contact) { Contact* c = contact.value(); // draw track ladder: if (c->TrackLength() > 0 && c->GetShip() != ship) { DrawTrack(c); } DrawContact(c, index++); } Color c = ship->MarkerColor(); // draw own ship track ladder: if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT && ship->TrackLength() > 0) { int ctl = ship->TrackLength(); Point t1 = ship->Location(); Point t2 = ship->TrackPoint(0); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c); for (int i = 0; i < ctl-1; i++) { t1 = ship->TrackPoint(i); t2 = ship->TrackPoint(i+1); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c * ((double) (ctl-i)/ (double) ctl)); } } // draw own ship marker: Point mark_pt = ship->Location(); projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_ORBIT && mark_pt.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { DrawDiamond(x,y,5,c); if (tactical) { Rect self_rect(x+8, y-4, 200, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SELF, ship->Name(), self_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); if (NetGame::GetInstance()) { Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); if (p) { Rect net_name_rect(x+8, y+6, 120, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SELF_NAME, p->Name(), net_name_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } } } } } // draw life bars on targeted ship: if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP && target->Rep()) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target; if (tgt_ship == nullptr) { Print(" Null Pointer in HUDView::DrawContactMarkers(). Please investigate."); return; } Graphic* g = tgt_ship->Rep(); Rect r = g->ScreenRect(); Point mark_pt; if (tgt_ship) mark_pt = tgt_ship->Location(); projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (mark_pt.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = r.y; if (y >= 2000) y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { const int BAR_LENGTH = 40; // life bars: int sx = x - BAR_LENGTH/2; int sy = y - 8; double hull_strength = tgt_ship->Integrity() / tgt_ship->Design()->integrity; int hw = (int) (BAR_LENGTH * hull_strength); int sw = (int) (BAR_LENGTH * (tgt_ship->ShieldStrength() / 100.0)); System::STATUS s = System::NOMINAL; if (hull_strength < 0.30) s = System::CRITICAL; else if (hull_strength < 0.60) s = System::DEGRADED; Color hc = GetStatusColor(s); Color sc = hud_color; window->FillRect(sx, sy, sx+hw, sy+1, hc); window->FillRect(sx, sy+3, sx+sw, sy+4, sc); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawContact(Contact* contact, int index) { if (index >= MAX_CONTACT) return; Color c = MarkerColor(contact); int c_iff = contact->GetIFF(ship); Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); Shot* c_shot = contact->GetShot(); Point mark_pt = contact->Location(); double distance = 0; if (!c_ship && !c_shot || c_ship == ship) return; if (c_ship && c_ship->GetFlightPhase() < Ship::ACTIVE) return; if (c_ship) { mark_pt = c_ship->Location(); if (c_ship->IsGroundUnit()) mark_pt += Point(0,150,0); } else { mark_pt = c_shot->Location(); } projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (mark_pt.z > 1.0) { distance = mark_pt.length(); projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { DrawDiamond(x,y,3,c); if (contact->Threat(ship)) { if (c_ship) { window->DrawEllipse(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); } else { DrawDiamond(x,y,7,c); } } bool name_crowded = false; if (x < width-8) { char code = *(Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.fighter").data()); if (c_ship) { if (c_ship->Class() > Ship::LCA) code = *(Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.starship").data()); } else if (c_shot) { code = *(Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.torpedo").data()); } Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); double limit = 75e3; if (sensor) limit = sensor->GetBeamRange(); double range = contact->Range(ship, limit); char contact_buf[256]; Rect contact_rect(x+8, y-4, 120, 12); if (range == 0) { sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c *", code); } else { bool mega = false; if (range > 999e3) { range /= 1e6; mega = true; } else if (range < 1e3) range = 1; else range /= 1000; if (arcade) { if (c_ship) strcpy_s(contact_buf, c_ship->Name()); else if (!mega) sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %d", code, (int) range); else sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %.1f M", code, range); } else { char closing = '+'; Point delta_v; if (c_ship) delta_v = ship->Velocity() - c_ship->Velocity(); else if (c_shot) delta_v = ship->Velocity() - c_shot->Velocity(); if (delta_v * ship->Velocity() < 0) // losing ground closing = '-'; if (!mega) sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %d%c", code, (int) range, closing); else sprintf_s(contact_buf, "%c %.1f M", code, range); } } if (!IsNameCrowded(x, y)) { DrawHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_INFO+index, contact_buf, contact_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); if (c_shot || (c_ship && (c_ship->IsDropship() || c_ship->IsStatic()))) name_crowded = distance > 50e3; } else { name_crowded = true; } } bool name_drawn = false; if (NetGame::GetInstance() && c_ship) { NetPlayer* netp = NetGame::GetInstance()->FindPlayerByObjID(c_ship->GetObjID()); if (netp && strcmp(netp->Name(), "Server A.I. Ship")) { Rect contact_rect(x+8, y+6, 120, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_NAME+index, netp->Name(), contact_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); name_drawn = true; } } if (!name_drawn && !name_crowded && c_ship && c_iff < 10 && !arcade) { Rect contact_rect(x+8, y+6, 120, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_CONTACT_NAME+index, c_ship->Name(), contact_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } } } if (contact->Threat(ship) && !ship->IsStarship()) { if (threat < 1 && c_ship && !c_ship->IsStarship()) threat = 1; if (c_shot) threat = 2; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawTrackSegment(Point& t1, Point& t2, Color c) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; projector->Transform(t1); projector->Transform(t2); const double CLIP_Z = 0.1; if (t1.z < CLIP_Z && t2.z < CLIP_Z) return; if (t1.z < CLIP_Z && t2.z >= CLIP_Z) { double dx = t2.x - t1.x; double dy = t2.y - t1.y; double s = (CLIP_Z - t1.z) / (t2.z - t1.z); t1.x += dx * s; t1.y += dy * s; t1.z = CLIP_Z; } else if (t2.z < CLIP_Z && t1.z >= CLIP_Z) { double dx = t1.x - t2.x; double dy = t1.y - t2.y; double s = (CLIP_Z - t2.z) / (t1.z - t2.z); t2.x += dx * s; t2.y += dy * s; t2.z = CLIP_Z; } if (t1.z >= CLIP_Z && t2.z >= CLIP_Z) { projector->Project(t1, false); projector->Project(t2, false); x1 = (int) t1.x; y1 = (int) t1.y; x2 = (int) t2.x; y2 = (int) t2.y; if (window->ClipLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)) window->DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,c); } } void HUDView::DrawTrack(Contact* contact) { Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip(); if (c_ship && c_ship->GetFlightPhase() < Ship::ACTIVE) return; int ctl = contact->TrackLength(); Color c = MarkerColor(contact); Point t1 = contact->Location(); Point t2 = contact->TrackPoint(0); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c); for (int i = 0; i < ctl-1; i++) { t1 = contact->TrackPoint(i); t2 = contact->TrackPoint(i+1); if (t1 != t2) DrawTrackSegment(t1, t2, c * ((double) (ctl-i)/ (double) ctl)); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawRect(SimObject* targ) { Graphic* g = targ->Rep(); Rect r = g->ScreenRect(); Color c; if (targ->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) c = ((Ship*) targ)->MarkerColor(); else c = ((Shot*) targ)->MarkerColor(); if (r.w > 0 && r.h > 0) { if (r.w < 8) { r.x -= (8-r.w)/2; r.w = 8; } if (r.h < 8) { r.y -= (8-r.h)/2; r.h = 8; } } else { Point mark_pt = targ->Location(); projector->Transform(mark_pt); // clip: if (mark_pt.z < 1.0) return; projector->Project(mark_pt); int x = (int) mark_pt.x; int y = (int) mark_pt.y; if (x < 4 || x > width-4 || y < 4 || y > height-4) return; r.x = x-4; r.y = y-4; r.w = 8; r.h = 8; } // horizontal window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y, r.x+8, r.y, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w-8, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y, c); window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y+r.h, r.x+8, r.y+r.h, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w-8, r.y+r.h, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, c); // vertical window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y+8, c); window->DrawLine(r.x, r.y+r.h-8, r.x, r.y+r.h, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y+8, c); window->DrawLine(r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h-8, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, c); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawBars() { fpm_sprite->Hide(); hpm_sprite->Hide(); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); const int bar_width = 256; const int bar_height = 192; const int box_width = 120; int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; int l = cx - bar_width/2; int r = cx + bar_width/2; int t = cy - bar_height/2; int b = cy + bar_height/2; int align = DT_LEFT; if (Game::Paused()) { Rect pause_rect = Rect(cx - 128, cy - 60, 256, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_PAUSED, Game::GetText("HUDView.PAUSED"), pause_rect, DT_CENTER); } if (ship) { DrawContactMarkers(); char txt[256]; double speed = ship->Velocity().length(); if (ship->Velocity() * ship->Heading() < 0) speed = -speed; FormatNumber(txt, speed); if (tactical) { l = box_width + 16; r = width - box_width - 16; } Rect speed_rect(l-box_width-8, cy-5, box_width, 12); align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_SPEED, txt, speed_rect, align); // upper left hud quadrant (airborne fighters) if (ship->IsAirborne()) { double alt_msl = ship->AltitudeMSL(); double alt_agl = ship->AltitudeAGL(); if (alt_agl <= 1000) sprintf_s(txt, "R %4d", (int) alt_agl); else FormatNumber(txt, alt_msl); speed_rect.y -= 20; if (arcade) { char arcade_txt[32]; sprintf_s(arcade_txt, "%s %s", Game::GetText("HUDView.altitude").data(), txt); align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_ALTITUDE, arcade_txt, speed_rect, align); } else { align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_ALTITUDE, txt, speed_rect, align); } if (!arcade) { sprintf_s(txt, "%.1f G", ship->GForce()); speed_rect.y -= 20; align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_GFORCE, txt, speed_rect, align); speed_rect.y += 40; } } // upper left hud quadrant (starships) else if (ship->IsStarship() && ship->GetFLCSMode() == Ship::FLCS_HELM && !arcade) { sprintf_s(txt, "%s: %.1f", Game::GetText("HUDView.Pitch").data(), ship->GetHelmPitch()/DEGREES); speed_rect.y -= 50; align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; DrawHUDText(TXT_PITCH, txt, speed_rect, align); speed_rect.y -= 10; int heading_degrees = (int) (ship->GetHelmHeading()/DEGREES); if (heading_degrees < 0) heading_degrees += 360; sprintf_s(txt, "%s: %03d", Game::GetText("HUDView.Heading").data(), heading_degrees); DrawHUDText(TXT_HEADING, txt, speed_rect, align); speed_rect.y += 60; } // per user request, all ships should show compass heading if (!tactical && !arcade) { Rect heading_rect(l, t+5, bar_width, 12); int heading_degrees = (int) (ship->CompassHeading()/DEGREES); if (heading_degrees < 0) heading_degrees += 360; sprintf_s(txt, "%d", heading_degrees); DrawHUDText(TXT_COMPASS, txt, heading_rect, DT_CENTER); } switch (mode) { case HUD_MODE_TAC: strcpy_s(txt, Game::GetText("HUDView.mode.tactical").data()); break; case HUD_MODE_NAV: strcpy_s(txt, Game::GetText("HUDView.mode.navigation").data()); break; case HUD_MODE_ILS: strcpy_s(txt, Game::GetText("HUDView.mode.landing").data()); break; } if (tactical) { speed_rect.y += 76; align = DT_LEFT; } else { speed_rect.y = cy+76; align = DT_RIGHT; } DrawHUDText(TXT_HUD_MODE, txt, speed_rect, align); // landing gear: if (ship->IsGearDown()) { const char* gear_down = Game::GetText("HUDView.gear-down"); Rect gear_rect(l, b+20, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_GEAR_DOWN, gear_down, gear_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_UPPER_CASE, true); } // sensor/missile lock warnings and quantum drive countdown: QuantumDrive* quantum = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); if (threat || (quantum && quantum->JumpTime() > 0)) { const char* threat_warn = Game::GetText("HUDView.threat-warn"); bool show_msg = true; if (quantum && quantum->JumpTime() > 0) { static char buf[64]; sprintf_s(buf, "%s: %d", Game::GetText("HUDView.quantum-jump").data(), (int) quantum->JumpTime()); threat_warn = buf; } else if (threat > 1) { threat_warn = Game::GetText("HUDView.missile-warn"); show_msg = ((Game::RealTime()/500) & 1) != 0; } if (show_msg) { Rect lock_rect(l, t-25, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_THREAT_WARN, threat_warn, lock_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } } if (ship->CanTimeSkip()) { Rect auto_rect(l, t-40, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_AUTO, Game::GetText("HUDView.AUTO"), auto_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } if (mode == HUD_MODE_NAV) { Instruction* next = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (next) { double distance = ship->RangeToNavPoint(next); FormatNumber(txt, distance); Rect range_rect(r-20, cy-5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_RANGE, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); range_rect.Inflate(2,2); } } // lower left hud quadrant else if (mode == HUD_MODE_TAC) { speed_rect.x = l-box_width-8; speed_rect.y = cy-5 +20; speed_rect.w = box_width; align = (tactical) ? DT_LEFT : DT_RIGHT; if (!arcade && ship->GetPrimary() && !ship->IsNetObserver()) DrawHUDText(TXT_PRIMARY_WEP, ship->GetPrimary()->Abbreviation(), speed_rect, align); WeaponGroup* missile = ship->GetSecondaryGroup(); if (missile && missile->Ammo() > 0 && !ship->IsNetObserver()) { if (!arcade) { speed_rect.y = cy-5 +30; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", missile->Name(), missile->Ammo()); DrawHUDText(TXT_SECONDARY_WEP, txt, speed_rect, align); } // missile range indicator if (missile->GetSelected()->Locked()) { Rect shoot_rect(l, b+5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHOOT, Game::GetText("HUDView.SHOOT"), shoot_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } } if (!arcade && !ship->IsNetObserver()) { if (ship->GetShield()) { speed_rect.y = cy-5+40; sprintf_s(txt, "%s - %03d +", Game::GetText("HUDView.SHIELD").data(), ship->ShieldStrength()); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHIELD, txt, speed_rect, align); } else if (ship->GetDecoy()) { speed_rect.y = cy-5+40; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", Game::GetText("HUDView.DECOY").data(), ship->GetDecoy()->Ammo()); DrawHUDText(TXT_DECOY, txt, speed_rect, align); } Rect eta_rect = speed_rect; eta_rect.y += 10; align = DT_RIGHT; if (tactical) { eta_rect.x = 8; align = DT_LEFT; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int eta = ship->GetMissileEta(i); if (eta > 0) { int minutes = (eta/60) % 60; int seconds = (eta ) % 60; char eta_buf[16]; sprintf_s(eta_buf, "T %d:%02d", minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_MISSILE_T1+i, eta_buf, eta_rect, align); eta_rect.y += 10; } } } NetGame* netgame = NetGame::GetInstance(); if (netgame && !netgame->IsActive()) { Rect shoot_rect(l, b+5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHOOT, Game::GetText("HUDView.NET-GAME-OVER"), shoot_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } else if (ship->IsNetObserver()) { Rect shoot_rect(l, b+5, box_width, 12); DrawHUDText(TXT_SHOOT, Game::GetText("HUDView.OBSERVER"), shoot_rect, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE, true); } DrawTarget(); } else if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) { DrawTarget(); } DrawNavInfo(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawFPM() { fpm_sprite->Hide(); if (ship->Velocity().length() > 50) { double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; Point svel = ship->Velocity(); svel.Normalize(); Point tloc = ship->Location() + svel * 1e8; // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) return; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; fpm_sprite->Show(); fpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawPitchLadder() { for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); if (ship->IsAirborne() && Game::MaxTexSize() > 128) { double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; Point uvec = Point(0,1,0); Point svel = ship->Velocity(); if (svel.length() == 0) svel = ship->Heading(); if (svel.x == 0 && svel.z == 0) return; svel.y = 0; svel.Normalize(); Point gloc = ship->Location(); gloc.y = 0; const double baseline = 1e9; const double clip_angle = 20*DEGREES; Point tloc = gloc + svel * baseline; // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; // compute roll angle: double roll_angle = 0; double pitch_angle = 0; Point heading = ship->Heading(); heading.Normalize(); if (heading.x != 0 || heading.z != 0) { Point gheading = heading; gheading.y = 0; gheading.Normalize(); double dot = gheading * heading; if (heading.y < 0) dot = -dot; pitch_angle = acos(dot); if (pitch_angle > PI/2) pitch_angle -= PI; double s0 = sin(pitch_angle); double c0 = cos(pitch_angle); double s1 = sin(pitch_angle + 10*DEGREES); double c1 = cos(pitch_angle + 10*DEGREES); tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c0) + (uvec * baseline * s0); projector->Transform(tloc); double x0 = tloc.x; double y0 = tloc.y; tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c1) + (uvec * baseline * s1); projector->Transform(tloc); double x1 = tloc.x; double y1 = tloc.y; double dx = x1-x0; double dy = y1-y0; roll_angle = atan2(-dy,dx) + PI/2; } const double alias_limit = 0.1*DEGREES; if (fabs(roll_angle) <= alias_limit) { if (roll_angle > 0) roll_angle = alias_limit; else roll_angle = -alias_limit; } else if (fabs(roll_angle-PI) <= alias_limit) { roll_angle = PI - alias_limit; } if (fabs(pitch_angle) <= clip_angle) { pitch_ladder[15]->Show(); pitch_ladder[15]->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); pitch_ladder[15]->SetAngle(roll_angle); } for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) { double angle = i * 5 * DEGREES; if (i > 12) angle = (60 + (i-12)*10) * DEGREES; double s = sin(angle); double c = cos(angle); if (fabs(pitch_angle - angle) <= clip_angle) { // positive angle: tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c) + (uvec * baseline * s); projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); pitch_ladder[15-i]->Show(); pitch_ladder[15-i]->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, tloc.y, 1)); pitch_ladder[15-i]->SetAngle(roll_angle); } } if (fabs(pitch_angle + angle) <= clip_angle) { // negative angle: tloc = gloc + (svel * baseline * c) + (uvec * -baseline * s); projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); pitch_ladder[15+i]->Show(); pitch_ladder[15+i]->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, tloc.y, 1)); pitch_ladder[15+i]->SetAngle(roll_angle); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawHPM() { hpm_sprite->Hide(); if (!ship) return; double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; double az = ship->GetHelmHeading() - PI; double el = ship->GetHelmPitch(); Point hvec = Point(sin(az), sin(el), cos(az)); hvec.Normalize(); Point tloc = ship->Location() + hvec * 1e8; // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) return; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; hpm_sprite->Show(); hpm_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::HideCompass() { az_ring->Hide(); az_pointer->Hide(); el_ring->Hide(); el_pointer->Hide(); Scene* scene = az_ring->GetScene(); if (scene) { scene->DelGraphic(az_ring); scene->DelGraphic(az_pointer); scene->DelGraphic(el_ring); scene->DelGraphic(el_pointer); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawCompass() { if (!ship || !ship->Rep()) return; Solid* solid = (Solid*) ship->Rep(); Point loc = solid->Location(); az_ring->MoveTo(loc); az_pointer->MoveTo(loc); el_ring->MoveTo(loc); el_pointer->MoveTo(loc); double helm_heading = ship->GetHelmHeading(); double helm_pitch = ship->GetHelmPitch(); double curr_heading = ship->CompassHeading(); double curr_pitch = ship->CompassPitch(); bool show_az = fabs(helm_heading - curr_heading) > 5*DEGREES; bool show_el = fabs(helm_pitch - curr_pitch) > 5*DEGREES; Scene* scene = camview->GetScene(); if (show_az || show_el) { scene->AddGraphic(az_ring); az_ring->Show(); if (show_el || fabs(helm_pitch) > 5 * DEGREES) { scene->AddGraphic(el_ring); Matrix ring_orient; ring_orient.Yaw(helm_heading + PI); el_ring->SetOrientation(ring_orient); el_ring->Show(); scene->AddGraphic(el_pointer); Matrix pointer_orient; pointer_orient.Yaw(helm_heading + PI); pointer_orient.Pitch(-helm_pitch); pointer_orient.Roll(PI/2); el_pointer->SetOrientation(pointer_orient); el_pointer->Show(); } else { scene->AddGraphic(az_pointer); Matrix pointer_orient; pointer_orient.Yaw(helm_heading + PI); az_pointer->SetOrientation(pointer_orient); az_pointer->Show(); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawLCOS(SimObject* targ, double dist) { lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; Weapon* prim = ship->GetPrimary(); if (!prim) return; Point tloc = targ->Location(); // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) tloc.z = -tloc.z; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); // DRAW THE OFFSCREEN CHASE INDICATOR: if (behind || tloc.x <= 0 || tloc.x >= width-1 || tloc.y <= 0 || tloc.y >= height-1) { // Left side: if (tloc.x <= 0 || (behind && tloc.x < width/2)) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_left); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(aw, tloc.y, 1)); } // Right side: else if (tloc.x >= width-1 || behind) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_right); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width-1-aw, tloc.y, 1)); } else { if (tloc.x < aw) tloc.x = aw; else if (tloc.x >= width-aw) tloc.x = width-1-aw; // Top edge: if (tloc.y <= 0) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_top); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, ah, 1)); } // Bottom edge: else if (tloc.y >= height-1) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_bottom); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, height-1-ah, 1)); } } } // DRAW THE LCOS: else { if (!ship->IsStarship()) { Point aim_vec = ship->Heading(); aim_vec.Normalize(); // shot speed is relative to ship speed: Point shot_vel = ship->Velocity() + aim_vec * prim->Design()->speed; double shot_speed = shot_vel.length(); // time for shot to reach target double time = dist / shot_speed; // LCOS (Lead Computing Optical Sight) if (gunsight == 0) { // where the shot will be when it is the same distance // away from the ship as the target: Point impact = ship->Location() + (shot_vel * time); // where the target will be when the shot reaches it: Point targ_vel = targ->Velocity(); Point dest = targ->Location() + (targ_vel * time); Point delta = impact - dest; // draw the gun sight here in 3d world coordinates: Point sight = targ->Location() + delta; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Transform(sight); projector->Project(sight); xtarg = sight.x; ytarg = sight.y; aim_sprite->Show(); aim_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } // Wing Commander style lead indicator else { // where the target will be when the shot reaches it: Point targ_vel = targ->Velocity() - ship->Velocity(); Point dest = targ->Location() + (targ_vel * time); // Translate into camera relative: projector->Transform(dest); projector->Project(dest); xtarg = dest.x; ytarg = dest.y; lead_sprite->Show(); lead_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawTarget() { const int bar_width = 256; const int bar_height = 192; const int box_width = 120; SimObject* old_target = target; if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) { Ship* controller = ship->GetController(); if (controller && !target) target = controller; } if (target && target->Rep()) { Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); Contact* contact = 0; if (sensor && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { contact = sensor->FindContact((Ship*) target); } int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; int l = cx - bar_width/2; int r = cx + bar_width/2; int t = cy - bar_height/2; int b = cy + bar_height/2; Point delta = target->Location() - ship->Location(); double distance = delta.length(); Point delta_v = ship->Velocity() - target->Velocity(); double speed = delta_v.length(); char txt[256]; if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && ship->GetInbound() && ship->GetInbound()->GetDeck()) { delta = ship->GetInbound()->GetDeck()->EndPoint() - ship->Location(); distance = delta.length(); } if (delta * ship->Velocity() > 0) { // in front if (delta_v * ship->Velocity() < 0) // losing ground speed = -speed; } else { // behind if (delta_v * ship->Velocity() > 0) // passing speed = -speed; } Rect range_rect(r-20, cy-5, box_width, 12); if (tactical) range_rect.x = width - range_rect.w - 8; if (contact) { Sensor* sensor = ship->GetSensor(); double limit = 75e3; if (sensor) limit = sensor->GetBeamRange(); distance = contact->Range(ship, limit); if (!contact->ActLock() && !contact->PasLock()) { strcpy_s(txt, Game::GetText("HUDView.No-Range").data()); speed = 0; } else { FormatNumber(txt, distance); } } else { FormatNumber(txt, distance); } DrawHUDText(TXT_RANGE, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (arcade) { target = old_target; return; } range_rect.y += 18; FormatNumber(txt, speed); DrawHUDText(TXT_CLOSING_SPEED, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); // target info: if (!tactical) { range_rect.y = cy-76; } else { range_rect.x = width - 2*box_width - 8; range_rect.y = cy-76; range_rect.w = 2*box_width; } DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_NAME, target->Name(), range_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target; range_rect.y += 10; DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_DESIGN, tgt_ship->Design()->display_name, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (mode != HUD_MODE_ILS) { if (tgt_ship->IsStarship()) { range_rect.y += 10; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %03d", Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.shield").data(), (int) tgt_ship->ShieldStrength()); DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_SHIELD, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); } range_rect.y += 10; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %03d", Game::GetText("HUDView.symbol.hull").data(), (int) (tgt_ship->Integrity() / tgt_ship->Design()->integrity * 100)); DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_HULL, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); System* sys = ship->GetSubTarget(); if (sys) { Color stat = hud_color; static DWORD blink = Game::RealTime(); int blink_delta = Game::RealTime() - blink; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %03d", sys->Abbreviation(), (int) sys->Availability()); switch (sys->Status()) { case System::DEGRADED: stat = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: case System::DESTROYED: stat = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::MAINT: if (blink_delta < 250) stat = Color(8,8,8); break; } if (blink_delta > 500) blink = Game::RealTime(); range_rect.y += 10; DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_SUB, txt, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); } } } else if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_DRONE) { Drone* tgt_drone = (Drone*) target; range_rect.y += 10; DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_DESIGN, tgt_drone->DesignName(), range_rect, DT_RIGHT); range_rect.y += 10; int eta = tgt_drone->GetEta(); if (eta > 0) { int minutes = (eta/60) % 60; int seconds = (eta ) % 60; char eta_buf[16]; sprintf_s(eta_buf, "T %d:%02d", minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_TARGET_ETA, eta_buf, range_rect, DT_RIGHT); } } } target = old_target; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawNavInfo() { const int bar_width = 256; const int bar_height = 192; const int box_width = 120; if (arcade) { if (ship->IsAutoNavEngaged()) { Rect info_rect(width/2-box_width, height/2+bar_height, box_width*2, 12); if (big_font) hud_text[TXT_NAV_INDEX].font = big_font; DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_INDEX, Game::GetText("HUDView.Auto-Nav"), info_rect, DT_CENTER); } return; } hud_text[TXT_NAV_INDEX].font = hud_font; Instruction* navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (navpt) { int cx = width/2; int cy = height/2; int l = cx - bar_width/2; int r = cx + bar_width/2; int t = cy - bar_height/2; int b = cy + bar_height/2; int index = ship->GetNavIndex(navpt); double distance = ship->RangeToNavPoint(navpt); double speed = ship->Velocity().length(); int etr = 0; char txt[256]; if (speed > 10) etr = (int) (distance/speed); Rect info_rect(r-20, cy+32, box_width, 12); if (tactical) info_rect.x = width - info_rect.w - 8; if (ship->IsAutoNavEngaged()) sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", Game::GetText("HUDView.Auto-Nav").data(), index); else sprintf_s(txt, "%s %d", Game::GetText("HUDView.Nav").data(), index); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_INDEX, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); info_rect.y += 10; if (navpt->Action()) DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_ACTION, Instruction::ActionName(navpt->Action()), info_rect, DT_RIGHT); info_rect.y += 10; FormatNumber(txt, navpt->Speed()); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_SPEED, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); if (etr > 3600) { info_rect.y += 10; sprintf_s(txt, "%s XX:XX", Game::GetText("HUDView.time-enroute").data()); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_ETR, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); } else if (etr > 0) { info_rect.y += 10; int minutes = (etr/60) % 60; int seconds = (etr ) % 60; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %2d:%02d", Game::GetText("HUDView.time-enroute").data(), minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_ETR, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); } if (navpt->HoldTime() > 0) { info_rect.y += 10; int hold = (int) navpt->HoldTime(); int minutes = (hold/60) % 60; int seconds = (hold ) % 60; sprintf_s(txt, "%s %2d:%02d", Game::GetText("HUDView.HOLD").data(), minutes, seconds); DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_HOLD, txt, info_rect, DT_RIGHT); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawSight() { if (target && target->Rep()) { Point delta = target->Location() - ship->Location(); double distance = delta.length(); // draw LCOS on target: if (!tactical) DrawLCOS(target, distance); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawDesignators() { double xtarg = xcenter; double ytarg = ycenter; SimObject* t1 = 0; SimObject* t2 = 0; SimObject* t3 = 0; Sprite* sprite = 0; tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); // fighters just show primary target: if (ship->IsDropship()) { SimObject* t = ship->GetTarget(); System* s = ship->GetSubTarget(); if (t) { Point tloc = t->Location(); if (s) { tloc = s->MountLocation(); } else if (t->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) t; if (tgt_ship->IsGroundUnit()) tloc += Point(0,150,0); } projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; if (xtarg>0 && xtarg0 && ytargLocation() - ship->Location()).length(); // use out-of-range crosshair if out of range: if (!ship->GetPrimaryDesign() || ship->GetPrimaryDesign()->max_range < range) { tgt4_sprite->Show(); tgt4_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } // else, use in-range primary crosshair: else { tgt1_sprite->Show(); tgt1_sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } } } } // starships show up to three targets: else { ListIter w = ship->Weapons(); while (!t3 && ++w) { SimObject* t = w->GetTarget(); System* s = w->GetSubTarget(); if (w->Contains(ship->GetPrimary())) { if (t == 0) t = ship->GetTarget(); t1 = t; sprite = tgt1_sprite; } else if (t && w->Contains(ship->GetSecondary())) { t2 = t; sprite = tgt2_sprite; if (t2 == t1) continue; // don't overlap target designators } else if (t) { t3 = t; sprite = tgt3_sprite; if (t3 == t1 || t3 == t2) continue; // don't overlap target designators } if (t) { Point tloc = t->Location(); if (s) tloc = s->MountLocation(); projector->Transform(tloc); if (tloc.z > 0) { projector->Project(tloc); xtarg = tloc.x; ytarg = tloc.y; if (xtarg>0 && xtarg0 && ytargLocation() - ship->Location()).length(); // flip to out-of-range crosshair if (sprite == tgt1_sprite) { if (!ship->GetPrimaryDesign() || ship->GetPrimaryDesign()->max_range < range) { sprite = tgt4_sprite; } } sprite->Show(); sprite->MoveTo(Point(xtarg, ytarg, 1)); } } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color HUDView::GetStatusColor(System::STATUS status) { Color sc; switch (status) { default: case System::NOMINAL: sc = Color( 32,192, 32); break; case System::DEGRADED: sc = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: sc = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::DESTROYED: sc = Color( 0, 0, 0); break; } return sc; } void HUDView::SetStatusColor(System::STATUS status) { switch (status) { default: case System::NOMINAL: status_color = txt_color; break; case System::DEGRADED: status_color = Color(255,255, 0); break; case System::CRITICAL: status_color = Color(255, 0, 0); break; case System::DESTROYED: status_color = Color( 0, 0, 0); break; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int GetReactorStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->Reactors().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->Reactors(); while (++iter) { PowerSource* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetDriveStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->Drives().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->Drives(); while (++iter) { Drive* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetQuantumStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->GetQuantumDrive() == 0) return -1; QuantumDrive* s = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); return s->Status(); } static int GetThrusterStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->GetThruster() == 0) return -1; Thruster* s = ship->GetThruster(); return s->Status(); } static int GetShieldStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship) return -1; Shield* s = ship->GetShield(); Weapon* d = ship->GetDecoy(); if (!s && !d) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; if (s) { if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (d) { if (d->Status() < status) status = d->Status(); else if (d->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetWeaponStatus(Ship* ship, int index) { if (!ship || ship->Weapons().size() <= index) return -1; WeaponGroup* group = ship->Weapons().at(index); int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = group->GetWeapons(); while (++iter) { Weapon* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetSensorStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->GetSensor() == 0) return -1; Sensor* s = ship->GetSensor(); Weapon* p = ship->GetProbeLauncher(); int status = s->Status(); bool maint = s->Status() == System::MAINT; if (p) { if (p->Status() < status) status = p->Status(); else if (p->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetComputerStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->Computers().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->Computers(); while (++iter) { Computer* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (ship->GetNavSystem()) { NavSystem* s = ship->GetNavSystem(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } static int GetFlightDeckStatus(Ship* ship) { if (!ship || ship->FlightDecks().size() < 1) return -1; int status = System::NOMINAL; bool maint = false; ListIter iter = ship->FlightDecks(); while (++iter) { FlightDeck* s = iter.value(); if (s->Status() < status) status = s->Status(); else if (s->Status() == System::MAINT) maint = true; } if (maint && status == System::NOMINAL) status = System::MAINT; return status; } void HUDView::DrawWarningPanel() { int box_width = 75; int box_height = 17; int row_height = 28; int box_left = width/2 - box_width*2; if (cockpit_hud_texture) { box_left = 275; box_height = 18; row_height = 18; } if (ship) { if (Game::MaxTexSize() > 128) { warn_left_sprite->Show(); warn_right_sprite->Show(); } int x = box_left; int y = cockpit_hud_texture ? 410 : height-97; int c = cockpit_hud_texture ? 3 : 4; static DWORD blink = Game::RealTime(); for (int index = 0; index < 12; index++) { int stat = -1; Text abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.UNKNOWN"); switch (index) { case 0: stat = GetReactorStatus(ship); abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.REACTOR"); break; case 1: stat = GetDriveStatus(ship); abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.DRIVE"); break; case 2: stat = GetQuantumStatus(ship); abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.QUANTUM"); break; case 3: stat = GetShieldStatus(ship); abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.SHIELD"); if (ship->GetShield() == 0 && ship->GetDecoy()) abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.DECOY"); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: stat = GetWeaponStatus(ship, index-4); if (stat >= 0) { WeaponGroup* g = ship->Weapons().at(index-4); abrv = g->Name(); } break; case 8: stat = GetSensorStatus(ship); abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.SENSOR"); break; case 9: stat = GetComputerStatus(ship); abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.COMPUTER"); break; case 10: stat = GetThrusterStatus(ship); abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.THRUSTER"); break; case 11: stat = GetFlightDeckStatus(ship);abrv = Game::GetText("HUDView.FLTDECK"); break; } Rect warn_rect(x, y, box_width, box_height); if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->DrawRect(warn_rect, Color::DarkGray); if (stat >= 0) { SetStatusColor((System::STATUS) stat); Color tc = status_color; if (stat != System::NOMINAL) { if (Game::RealTime() - blink < 250) { tc = cockpit_hud_texture ? txt_color : Color(8,8,8); } } if (cockpit_hud_texture) { if (tc != txt_color) { Rect r2 = warn_rect; r2.Inset(1,1,1,1); cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(r2, tc); tc = Color::Black; } warn_rect.y += 4; hud_font->SetColor(tc); hud_font->DrawText(abrv, -1, warn_rect, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE, cockpit_hud_texture); warn_rect.y -= 4; } else { DrawHUDText(TXT_CAUTION_TXT + index, abrv, warn_rect, DT_CENTER); hud_text[TXT_CAUTION_TXT + index].color = tc; } } x += box_width; if (--c <= 0) { c = cockpit_hud_texture ? 3 : 4; x = box_left; y += row_height; } } if (Game::RealTime() - blink > 500) blink = Game::RealTime(); // reset for next time SetStatusColor(System::NOMINAL); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawInstructions() { if (!ship) return; if (Game::MaxTexSize() > 128) { instr_left_sprite->Show(); instr_right_sprite->Show(); } int ninst = 0; int nobj = 0; Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem) { ninst = elem->NumInstructions(); nobj = elem->NumObjectives(); } Rect r = Rect(width/2 - 143, height - 105, 290, 17); if (ninst) { int npages = ninst/6 + (ninst%6 ? 1 : 0); if (inst_page >= npages) inst_page = npages-1; else if (inst_page < 0) inst_page = 0; int first = inst_page * 6; int last = first + 6; if (last > ninst) last = ninst; int n = TXT_CAUTION_TXT; for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { hud_text[n].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; DrawHUDText(n++, FormatInstruction(elem->GetInstruction(i)), r, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); r.y += 14; } char page[32]; sprintf_s(page, "%d / %d", inst_page+1, npages); r = Rect(width/2 + 40, height-16, 110, 16); DrawHUDText(TXT_INSTR_PAGE, page, r, DT_CENTER, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } else if (nobj) { int n = TXT_CAUTION_TXT; for (int i = 0; i < nobj; i++) { char desc[256]; sprintf_s(desc, "* %s", elem->GetObjective(i)->GetShortDescription()); hud_text[n].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; DrawHUDText(n++, desc, r, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); r.y += 14; } } else { hud_text[TXT_CAUTION_TXT].color = standard_txt_colors[color]; DrawHUDText(TXT_CAUTION_TXT, Game::GetText("HUDView.No-Instructions"), r, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ const char* HUDView::FormatInstruction(Text instr) { if (!instr.contains('$')) return (const char*) instr; static char result[256]; const char* s = (const char*) instr; char* d = result; KeyMap& keymap = Starshatter::GetInstance()->GetKeyMap(); while (*s) { if (*s == '$') { s++; char action[32]; char* a = action; while (*s && (isupper(*s) || isdigit(*s) || *s == '_')) *a++ = *s++; *a = 0; int act = KeyMap::GetKeyAction(action); int key = keymap.FindMapIndex(act); const char* s2 = keymap.DescribeKey(key); if (!s2) s2 = action; while (*s2) *d++ = *s2++; } else { *d++ = *s++; } } *d = 0; return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::CycleInstructions(int direction) { if (direction > 0) inst_page++; else inst_page--; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawMessages() { int message_queue_empty = true; // age messages: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (msg_time[i] > 0) { msg_time[i] -= Game::GUITime(); if (msg_time[i] <= 0) { msg_time[i] = 0; msg_text[i] = ""; } message_queue_empty = false; } } if (!message_queue_empty) { // advance message pipeline: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (msg_time[0] == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MSG-1; j++) { msg_time[j] = msg_time[j+1]; msg_text[j] = msg_text[j+1]; } msg_time[MAX_MSG-1] = 0; msg_text[MAX_MSG-1] = ""; } } // draw messages: for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { int index = TXT_MSG_1 + i; if (msg_time[i] > 0) { Rect msg_rect(10, 95 + i*10, width-20, 12); DrawHUDText(index, msg_text[i], msg_rect, DT_LEFT, HUD_MIXED_CASE); if (msg_time[i] > 1) hud_text[index].color = txt_color; else hud_text[index].color = txt_color.dim(0.5 + 0.5*msg_time[i]); } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawNav() { if (!sim) return; active_region = sim->GetActiveRegion(); if (ship) { int nav_index = 1; Instruction* next = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (mode == HUD_MODE_NAV) { if (next && next->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH) DrawNavPoint(*next, 0, true); ListIter navpt = ship->GetFlightPlan(); while (++navpt) { DrawNavPoint(*navpt.value(), nav_index++, (navpt.value() == next)); } } else if (next) { DrawNavPoint(*next, 0, true); } } } void HUDView::DrawILS() { if (ship) { bool hoops_drawn = false; bool same_sector = false; InboundSlot* inbound = ship->GetInbound(); if (inbound) { FlightDeck* fd = inbound->GetDeck(); if (fd && fd->IsRecoveryDeck() && fd->GetCarrier()) { if (fd->GetCarrier()->GetRegion() == ship->GetRegion()) same_sector = true; if (same_sector && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && !transition && !docking) { Point dst = fd->MountLocation(); projector->Transform(dst); if (dst.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(dst); int x = (int) dst.x; int y = (int) dst.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, hud_color); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, hud_color); } } } // draw the hoops for this flight deck: Scene* scene = camview->GetScene(); for (int h = 0; h < fd->NumHoops(); h++) { Hoop* hoop = fd->GetHoops() + h; if (hoop && scene) { if (same_sector && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && !transition && !docking) { scene->AddGraphic(hoop); hoop->Show(); hoops_drawn = true; } else { hoop->Hide(); scene->DelGraphic(hoop); } } } } } if (!hoops_drawn) { ListIter iter = ship->GetRegion()->Carriers(); while (++iter) { Ship* carrier = iter.value(); bool ours = (carrier->GetIFF() == ship->GetIFF()) || (carrier->GetIFF() == 0); for (int i = 0; i < carrier->NumFlightDecks(); i++) { FlightDeck* fd = carrier->GetFlightDeck(i); if (fd && fd->IsRecoveryDeck()) { if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && ours && !transition && !docking) { Point dst = fd->MountLocation(); projector->Transform(dst); if (dst.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(dst); int x = (int) dst.x; int y = (int) dst.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, hud_color); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, hud_color); } } } // draw the hoops for this flight deck: Scene* scene = camview->GetScene(); for (int h = 0; h < fd->NumHoops(); h++) { Hoop* hoop = fd->GetHoops() + h; if (hoop && scene) { if (mode == HUD_MODE_ILS && ours && !transition && !docking) { hoop->Show(); if (!hoop->GetScene()) scene->AddGraphic(hoop); } else { hoop->Hide(); if (hoop->GetScene()) scene->DelGraphic(hoop); } } } } } } } } } void HUDView::DrawObjective() { if (ship && ship->GetDirector() && ship->GetDirector()->Type() >= SteerAI::SEEKER) { SteerAI* steer = (SteerAI*) ship->GetDirector(); Point obj = steer->GetObjective(); projector->Transform(obj); if (obj.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(obj); int x = (int) obj.x; int y = (int) obj.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { Color c = Color::Cyan; window->DrawRect(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, c); } } if (steer->GetOther()) { obj = steer->GetOther()->Location(); projector->Transform(obj); if (obj.z > 1.0) { projector->Project(obj); int x = (int) obj.x; int y = (int) obj.y; if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { Color c = Color::Orange; window->DrawRect(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, c); } } } } /***/ } void HUDView::DrawNavPoint(Instruction& navpt, int index, int next) { if (index >= 15 || !navpt.Region()) return; // transform from starsystem to world coordinates: Point npt = navpt.Region()->Location() + navpt.Location(); if (active_region) npt -= active_region->Location(); npt = npt.OtherHand(); // transform from world to camera: projector->Transform(npt); // clip: if (npt.z > 1.0) { // project: projector->Project(npt); int x = (int) npt.x; int y = (int) npt.y; // clip: if (x > 4 && x < width-4 && y > 4 && y < height-4) { Color c = Color::White; if (navpt.Status() > Instruction::ACTIVE && navpt.HoldTime() <= 0) c = Color::DarkGray; // draw: if (next) window->DrawEllipse(x-6, y-6, x+5, y+5, c); window->DrawLine(x-6, y-6, x+6, y+6, c); window->DrawLine(x+6, y-6, x-6, y+6, c); if (index > 0) { char npt_buf[32]; Rect npt_rect(x+10, y-4, 200, 12); if (navpt.Status() == Instruction::COMPLETE && navpt.HoldTime() > 0) { char hold_time[32]; FormatTime(hold_time, navpt.HoldTime()); sprintf_s(npt_buf, "%d %s", index, hold_time); } else { sprintf_s(npt_buf, "%d", index); } DrawHUDText(TXT_NAV_PT + index, npt_buf, npt_rect, DT_LEFT); } } } if (next && mode == HUD_MODE_NAV && navpt.Region() == ship->GetRegion()) { // Translate into camera relative: Point tloc = navpt.Location().OtherHand(); projector->Transform(tloc); int behind = tloc.z < 0; if (behind) tloc.z = -tloc.z; // Project into screen coordinates: projector->Project(tloc); // DRAW THE OFFSCREEN CHASE INDICATOR: if (behind || tloc.x <= 0 || tloc.x >= width-1 || tloc.y <= 0 || tloc.y >= height-1) { // Left side: if (tloc.x <= 0 || (behind && tloc.x < width/2)) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_left); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(aw, tloc.y, 1)); } // Right side: else if (tloc.x >= width-1 || behind) { if (tloc.y < ah) tloc.y = ah; else if (tloc.y >= height-ah) tloc.y = height-1-ah; chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_right); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width-1-aw, tloc.y, 1)); } else { if (tloc.x < aw) tloc.x = aw; else if (tloc.x >= width-aw) tloc.x = width-1-aw; // Top edge: if (tloc.y <= 0) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_top); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, ah, 1)); } // Bottom edge: else if (tloc.y >= height-1) { chase_sprite->Show(); chase_sprite->SetAnimation(&chase_bottom); chase_sprite->MoveTo(Point(tloc.x, height-1-ah, 1)); } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::SetShip(Ship* s) { if (ship != s) { double new_scale = 1; ship_status = -1; ship = s; if (ship) { if (ship->Life() == 0 || ship->IsDying() || ship->IsDead()) { ship = 0; } else { Observe(ship); new_scale = 1.1 * ship->Radius() / 64; if (ship->Design()->hud_icon.Width()) { TransferBitmap(ship->Design()->hud_icon, icon_ship, icon_ship_shade); ColorizeBitmap(icon_ship, icon_ship_shade, txt_color); } } } if (az_ring) { az_ring->Rescale(1/compass_scale); az_ring->Rescale(new_scale); } if (az_pointer) { az_pointer->Rescale(1/compass_scale); az_pointer->Rescale(new_scale); } if (el_ring) { el_ring->Rescale(1/compass_scale); el_ring->Rescale(new_scale); } if (el_pointer) { el_pointer->Rescale(1/compass_scale); el_pointer->Rescale(new_scale); } compass_scale = new_scale; inst_page = 0; if (ship && ship->GetElement() && ship->GetElement()->NumInstructions() > 0) if (!show_inst) CycleHUDInst(); } else if (ship && ship->Design()->hud_icon.Width()) { bool update = false; System::STATUS s = System::NOMINAL; int integrity = (int) (ship->Integrity() / ship->Design()->integrity * 100); if (integrity < 30) s = System::CRITICAL; else if (integrity < 60) s = System::DEGRADED; if (s != ship_status) { ship_status = s; update = true; } if (update) { SetStatusColor((System::STATUS) ship_status); ColorizeBitmap(icon_ship, icon_ship_shade, status_color); } } if (ship && ship->Cockpit()) { Solid* cockpit = (Solid*) ship->Cockpit(); bool change = false; if (cockpit->Hidden()) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) change = true; cockpit_hud_texture = 0; } else { if (!cockpit_hud_texture) change = true; Model* cockpit_model = cockpit->GetModel(); Material* hud_material = 0; if (cockpit_model) { hud_material = (Material*) cockpit_model->FindMaterial("HUD"); if (hud_material) { cockpit_hud_texture = hud_material->tex_emissive; } } } if (change) { SetHUDColorSet(color); } } } void HUDView::SetTarget(SimObject* t) { bool update = false; if (target != t) { tgt_status = -1; target = t; if (target) Observe(target); update = true; } if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { System::STATUS s = System::NOMINAL; Ship* tship = (Ship*) target; int integrity = (int) (tship->Integrity() / tship->Design()->integrity * 100); if (integrity < 30) s = System::CRITICAL; else if (integrity < 60) s = System::DEGRADED; if (s != tgt_status) { tgt_status = s; update = true; } } if (update) { if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tship = (Ship*) target; TransferBitmap(tship->Design()->hud_icon, icon_target, icon_target_shade); } else { PrepareBitmap("hud_icon.pcx", icon_target, icon_target_shade); } SetStatusColor((System::STATUS) tgt_status); ColorizeBitmap(icon_target, icon_target_shade, status_color); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ MFD* HUDView::GetMFD(int n) const { if (n >= 0 && n < 3) return mfd[n]; return 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::Refresh() { sim = Sim::GetSim(); mouse_in = false; if (!sim || !camview || !projector) { return; } if (Mouse::LButton() == 0) { mouse_latch = 0; mouse_index = -1; } int mouse_index_old = mouse_index; SetShip(sim->GetPlayerShip()); if (mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) { if (cockpit_hud_texture) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(0,0,512,256,Color::Black); } sim->ShowGrid(false); return; } if (cockpit_hud_texture && cockpit_hud_texture->Width() == 512) { Bitmap* hud_bmp = 0; if (hud_sprite[0]) { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[0]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt( 0, 0, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } if (hud_sprite[1]) { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[1]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt(256, 0, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } if (hud_sprite[6]) { if (hud_sprite[6]->Hidden()) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(0,384,128,512,Color::Black); } else { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[6]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt(0,384, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } } if (hud_sprite[7]) { if (hud_sprite[7]->Hidden()) { cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(128,384,256,512,Color::Black); } else { hud_bmp = hud_sprite[7]->Frame(); int bmp_w = hud_bmp->Width(); int bmp_h = hud_bmp->Height(); cockpit_hud_texture->BitBlt(128,384, *hud_bmp, 0, 0, bmp_w, bmp_h); } } for (int i = 8; i < 32; i++) { if (hud_sprite[i] && !hud_sprite[i]->Hidden()) { Sprite* s = hud_sprite[i]; int cx = (int) s->Location().x; int cy = (int) s->Location().y; int w2 = s->Width() / 2; int h2 = s->Height() / 2; window->DrawBitmap(cx-w2, cy-h2, cx+w2, cy+h2, s->Frame(), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (hud_sprite[i] && !hud_sprite[i]->Hidden()) { Sprite* s = hud_sprite[i]; int cx = (int) s->Location().x; int cy = (int) s->Location().y; int w2 = s->Width() / 2; int h2 = s->Height() / 2; window->DrawBitmap(cx-w2, cy-h2, cx+w2, cy+h2, s->Frame(), Video::BLEND_ALPHA); } } Video* video = Video::GetInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { Sprite* s = pitch_ladder[i]; if (s && !s->Hidden()) { s->Render2D(video); } } } //DrawStarSystem(); DrawMessages(); if (ship) { // no hud in transition: if (ship->InTransition()) { transition = true; HideAll(); return; } else if (transition) { transition = false; RestoreHUD(); } CameraDirector* cam_dir = CameraDirector::GetInstance(); // everything is off during docking, except the final message: if (cam_dir && cam_dir->GetMode() == CameraDirector::MODE_DOCKING) { docking = true; HideAll(); if (ship->GetFlightPhase() == Ship::DOCKING) { Rect dock_rect(width/2-100, height/6, 200, 20); if (ship->IsAirborne()) DrawHUDText(TXT_AUTO, Game::GetText("HUDView.SUCCESSFUL-LANDING"), dock_rect, DT_CENTER); else DrawHUDText(TXT_AUTO, Game::GetText("HUDView.DOCKING-COMPLETE"), dock_rect, DT_CENTER); } return; } else if (docking) { docking = false; RestoreHUD(); } // go to NAV mode during autopilot: if (ship->GetNavSystem() && ship->GetNavSystem()->AutoNavEngaged() && !arcade) mode = HUD_MODE_NAV; SetTarget(ship->GetTarget()); // internal view of HUD reticule if (CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() <= CameraDirector::MODE_CHASE) SetTacticalMode(0); // external view else SetTacticalMode(!cockpit_hud_texture); sim->ShowGrid(tactical && !ship->IsAirborne() && CameraDirector::GetCameraMode() != CameraDirector::MODE_VIRTUAL); // draw HUD bars: DrawBars(); if (missile_lock_sound) { if (threat > 1) { long max_vol = AudioConfig::WrnVolume(); long volume = -1500; if (volume > max_vol) volume = max_vol; missile_lock_sound->SetVolume(volume); missile_lock_sound->Play(); } else { missile_lock_sound->Stop(); } } DrawNav(); DrawILS(); // FOR DEBUG PURPOSES ONLY: // DrawObjective(); if (!overlay) { Rect fov_rect(0, 10, width, 10); int fov_degrees = 180 - 2 * (int)(projector->XAngle()*180/PI); if (fov_degrees > 90) DrawHUDText(TXT_CAM_ANGLE, Game::GetText("HUDView.Wide-Angle"), fov_rect, DT_CENTER); fov_rect.y = 20; DrawHUDText(TXT_CAM_MODE, CameraDirector::GetModeName(), fov_rect, DT_CENTER); } DrawMFDs(); instr_left_sprite->Hide(); instr_right_sprite->Hide(); warn_left_sprite->Hide(); warn_right_sprite->Hide(); if (cockpit_hud_texture) cockpit_hud_texture->FillRect(256,384,512,512,Color::Black); if (show_inst) { DrawInstructions(); } else if (!arcade) { if (ship->MasterCaution() && !show_warn) ShowHUDWarn(); if (show_warn) DrawWarningPanel(); } if (width > 640 || (!show_inst && !show_warn)) { Rect icon_rect(120, height-24, 128, 16); if (ship) DrawHUDText(TXT_ICON_SHIP_TYPE, ship->DesignName(), icon_rect, DT_CENTER); icon_rect.x = width - 248; if (target && target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tship = (Ship*) target; DrawHUDText(TXT_ICON_TARGET_TYPE, tship->DesignName(), icon_rect, DT_CENTER); } } } else { if (target) { SetTarget(0); } } // latch mouse down to prevent dragging into a control: if (Mouse::LButton() == 1) mouse_latch = 1; if (mouse_index > -1 && mouse_index_old != mouse_index) MouseFrame(); } void HUDView::DrawMFDs() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mfd[i]->Show(); mfd[i]->SetShip(ship); mfd[i]->SetCockpitHUDTexture(cockpit_hud_texture); mfd[i]->Draw(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::DrawStarSystem() { if (sim && sim->GetStarSystem()) { StarSystem* sys = sim->GetStarSystem(); ListIter iter = sys->Bodies(); while (++iter) { OrbitalBody* body = iter.value(); DrawOrbitalBody(body); } } } void HUDView::DrawOrbitalBody(OrbitalBody* body) { if (body) { Point p = body->Rep()->Location(); projector->Transform(p); if (p.z > 100) { float r = (float) body->Radius(); r = projector->ProjectRadius(p, r); projector->Project(p, false); window->DrawEllipse((int) (p.x-r), (int) (p.y-r), (int) (p.x+r), (int) (p.y+r), Color::Cyan); } ListIter iter = body->Satellites(); while (++iter) { OrbitalBody* body = iter.value(); DrawOrbitalBody(body); } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::ExecFrame() { // update the position of HUD elements that are // part of the 3D scene (like fpm and lcos sprites) HideCompass(); if (ship && !transition && !docking && mode != HUD_MODE_OFF) { Player* p = Player::GetCurrentPlayer(); gunsight = p->Gunsight(); if (ship->IsStarship()) { if (tactical) { hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); } else if (hud_left_sprite->Frame() != &hud_left_starship) { hud_left_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_left_starship); hud_right_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_right_starship); hud_left_sprite->MoveTo( Point(width/2-128, height/2, 1)); hud_right_sprite->MoveTo(Point(width/2+128, height/2, 1)); } } else if (!ship->IsStarship()) { if (ship->IsAirborne() && hud_left_sprite->Frame() != &hud_left_air) { hud_left_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_left_air); hud_right_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_right_air); } else if (!ship->IsAirborne() && hud_left_sprite->Frame() != &hud_left_fighter) { hud_left_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_left_fighter); hud_right_sprite->SetAnimation(&hud_right_fighter); } } if (!tactical) { if (Game::MaxTexSize() > 128) { hud_left_sprite->Show(); hud_right_sprite->Show(); } if (!arcade) DrawFPM(); if (ship->IsStarship() && ship->GetFLCSMode() == Ship::FLCS_HELM) DrawHPM(); else if (!arcade) DrawPitchLadder(); } else { if (ship->IsStarship() && ship->GetFLCSMode() == Ship::FLCS_HELM) DrawCompass(); } if (mode == HUD_MODE_TAC) { DrawSight(); DrawDesignators(); } if (width > 640 || (!show_inst && !show_warn)) { icon_ship_sprite->Show(); icon_target_sprite->Show(); } else { icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); } } // if the hud is off or prohibited, // hide all of the sprites: else { hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); instr_left_sprite->Hide(); instr_right_sprite->Hide(); warn_left_sprite->Hide(); warn_right_sprite->Hide(); icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); fpm_sprite->Hide(); hpm_sprite->Hide(); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->Hide(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); DrawILS(); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::CycleMFDMode(int mfd_index) { if (mfd_index < 0 || mfd_index > 2) return; int m = mfd[mfd_index]->GetMode(); m++; if (mfd_index == 2) { if (m > MFD::MFD_MODE_SHIP) m = MFD::MFD_MODE_OFF; } else { if (m > MFD::MFD_MODE_3D) m = MFD::MFD_MODE_OFF; if (m == MFD::MFD_MODE_GAME) m++; if (mfd_index != 0 && m == MFD::MFD_MODE_SHIP) m++; } mfd[mfd_index]->SetMode(m); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_MFD_MODE); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::ShowHUDWarn() { if (!show_warn) { show_warn = true; if (ship && ship->HullStrength() <= 40) { // TOO OBNOXIOUS!! HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_RED_ALERT); } } } void HUDView::ShowHUDInst() { show_inst = true; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::HideHUDWarn() { show_warn = false; if (ship) { ship->ClearCaution(); HUDSounds::StopSound(HUDSounds::SND_RED_ALERT); } } void HUDView::HideHUDInst() { show_inst = false; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::CycleHUDWarn() { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_WIDGET); show_warn = !show_warn; if (ship && !show_warn) { ship->ClearCaution(); HUDSounds::StopSound(HUDSounds::SND_RED_ALERT); } } void HUDView::CycleHUDInst() { show_inst = !show_inst; HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_WIDGET); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::SetHUDMode(int m) { if (mode != m) { mode = m; if (mode > HUD_MODE_ILS || mode < HUD_MODE_OFF) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; if (ship && !ship->IsDropship() && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; RestoreHUD(); } } void HUDView::CycleHUDMode() { mode++; if (arcade && mode != HUD_MODE_TAC) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; else if (mode > HUD_MODE_ILS || mode < HUD_MODE_OFF) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; else if (!ship->IsDropship() && mode == HUD_MODE_ILS) mode = HUD_MODE_OFF; RestoreHUD(); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_MODE); } void HUDView::RestoreHUD() { if (mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) { HideAll(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->Show(); if (width > 640 || (!show_inst && !show_warn)) { icon_ship_sprite->Show(); icon_target_sprite->Show(); } else { icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); } if (!tactical && Game::MaxTexSize() > 128) { hud_left_sprite->Show(); hud_right_sprite->Show(); } fpm_sprite->Show(); if (ship && ship->IsStarship()) hpm_sprite->Show(); if (gunsight == 0) aim_sprite->Show(); else lead_sprite->Show(); } } void HUDView::HideAll() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->Hide(); hud_left_sprite->Hide(); hud_right_sprite->Hide(); instr_left_sprite->Hide(); instr_right_sprite->Hide(); warn_left_sprite->Hide(); warn_right_sprite->Hide(); icon_ship_sprite->Hide(); icon_target_sprite->Hide(); fpm_sprite->Hide(); hpm_sprite->Hide(); lead_sprite->Hide(); aim_sprite->Hide(); tgt1_sprite->Hide(); tgt2_sprite->Hide(); tgt3_sprite->Hide(); tgt4_sprite->Hide(); chase_sprite->Hide(); sim->ShowGrid(false); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) pitch_ladder[i]->Hide(); if (missile_lock_sound) missile_lock_sound->Stop(); HideCompass(); DrawILS(); Mouse::Show(false); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Color HUDView::Ambient() const { if (!sim || !ship || mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) return Color::Black; SimRegion* rgn = sim->GetActiveRegion(); if (!rgn || !rgn->IsAirSpace()) return Color::Black; Color c = sim->GetStarSystem()->Ambient(); if (c.Red() > 32 || c.Green() > 32 || c.Blue() > 32) return Color::Black; // if we get this far, the night-vision aid is on return night_vision_colors[color]; } Color HUDView::CycleHUDColor() { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_HUD_MODE); SetHUDColorSet(color+1); return hud_color; } void HUDView::SetHUDColorSet(int c) { color = c; if (color > NUM_HUD_COLORS-1) color = 0; hud_color = standard_hud_colors[color]; txt_color = standard_txt_colors[color]; ColorizeBitmap(fpm, fpm_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(hpm, hpm_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(lead, lead_shade, txt_color * 1.25, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross, cross_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross1, cross1_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross2, cross2_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross3, cross3_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(cross4, cross4_shade, hud_color, true); if (Game::MaxTexSize() > 128) { ColorizeBitmap(hud_left_air, hud_left_shade_air, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_right_air, hud_right_shade_air, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_left_fighter, hud_left_shade_fighter, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_right_fighter, hud_right_shade_fighter, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_left_starship, hud_left_shade_starship, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(hud_right_starship, hud_right_shade_starship, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(instr_left, instr_left_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(instr_right, instr_right_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(warn_left, warn_left_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(warn_right, warn_right_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(pitch_ladder_pos, pitch_ladder_pos_shade, hud_color); ColorizeBitmap(pitch_ladder_neg, pitch_ladder_neg_shade, hud_color); } ColorizeBitmap(icon_ship, icon_ship_shade, txt_color); ColorizeBitmap(icon_target, icon_target_shade, txt_color); ColorizeBitmap(chase_left, chase_left_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(chase_right, chase_right_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(chase_top, chase_top_shade, hud_color, true); ColorizeBitmap(chase_bottom, chase_bottom_shade, hud_color, true); MFD::SetColor(hud_color); Hoop::SetColor(hud_color); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) mfd[i]->SetText3DColor(txt_color); Font* font = FontMgr::Find("HUD"); if (font) font->SetColor(txt_color); for (int i = 0; i < TXT_LAST; i++) hud_text[i].color = txt_color; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::Message(const char* fmt, ...) { if (fmt) { char msg[512]; vsprintf(msg, fmt, (char *)(&fmt+1)); char* newline = strchr(msg, '\n'); if (newline) *newline = 0; Print("%s\n", msg); if (hud_view) { int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG; i++) { if (hud_view->msg_time[i] <= 0) { index = i; break; } } // no space; advance pipeline: if (index < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG-1; i++) { hud_view->msg_text[i] = hud_view->msg_text[i+1]; hud_view->msg_time[i] = hud_view->msg_time[i+1]; } index = MAX_MSG-1; } hud_view->msg_text[index] = msg; hud_view->msg_time[index] = 10; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::ClearMessages() { if (hud_view) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MSG-1; i++) { hud_view->msg_text[i] = Text(); hud_view->msg_time[i] = 0; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::PrepareBitmap(const char* name, Bitmap& img, BYTE*& shades) { delete [] shades; shades = 0; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); loader->SetDataPath("HUD/"); int loaded = loader->LoadBitmap(name, img, Bitmap::BMP_TRANSPARENT); loader->SetDataPath(0); if (!loaded) return; int w = img.Width(); int h = img.Height(); shades = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[w*h]; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) shades[y*w+x] = (BYTE) (img.GetColor(x,y).Red() * 0.66); } void HUDView::TransferBitmap(const Bitmap& src, Bitmap& img, BYTE*& shades) { delete [] shades; shades = 0; if (src.Width() != img.Width() || src.Height() != img.Height()) return; img.CopyBitmap(src); img.SetType(Bitmap::BMP_TRANSLUCENT); int w = img.Width(); int h = img.Height(); shades = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[w*h]; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) shades[y*w+x] = (BYTE) (img.GetColor(x,y).Red() * 0.5); } void HUDView::ColorizeBitmap(Bitmap& img, BYTE* shades, Color color, bool force_alpha) { if (!shades) return; int max_tex_size = Game::MaxTexSize(); if (max_tex_size < 128) Game::SetMaxTexSize(128); if (hud_view && hud_view->cockpit_hud_texture && !force_alpha) { img.FillColor(Color::Black); Color* dst = img.HiPixels(); BYTE* src = shades; for (int y = 0; y < img.Height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < img.Width(); x++) { if (*src) *dst = color.dim(*src/200.0); else *dst = Color::Black; dst++; src++; } } img.MakeTexture(); } else { img.FillColor(color); img.CopyAlphaImage(img.Width(), img.Height(), shades); img.MakeTexture(); } if (max_tex_size < 128) Game::SetMaxTexSize(max_tex_size); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void HUDView::MouseFrame() { MouseController* ctrl = MouseController::GetInstance(); if (ctrl && ctrl->Active()) return; if (mouse_index >= TXT_CAUTION_TXT && mouse_index <= TXT_LAST_CAUTION) { if (show_inst) { if (mouse_index == TXT_INSTR_PAGE) { if (Mouse::X() > width/2 + 125) CycleInstructions(1); else if (Mouse::X() < width/2 + 65) CycleInstructions(-1); } else show_inst = false; } else { CycleHUDWarn(); } return; } Starshatter* stars = Starshatter::GetInstance(); if (mouse_index == TXT_PAUSED) stars->Pause(!Game::Paused()); if (mouse_index == TXT_GEAR_DOWN) ship->ToggleGear(); if (mouse_index == TXT_HUD_MODE) { CycleHUDMode(); if (mode == HUD_MODE_OFF) CycleHUDMode(); } if (mouse_index == TXT_PRIMARY_WEP) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_MODE); ship->CyclePrimary(); } if (mouse_index == TXT_SECONDARY_WEP) { HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_WEP_MODE); ship->CycleSecondary(); } if (mouse_index == TXT_DECOY) ship->FireDecoy(); if (mouse_index == TXT_SHIELD) { Shield* shield = ship->GetShield(); if (shield) { double level = shield->GetPowerLevel(); const Rect& r = hud_text[TXT_SHIELD].rect; if (Mouse::X() < r.x + r.w * 0.75) shield->SetPowerLevel(level - 10); else shield->SetPowerLevel(level + 10); HUDSounds::PlaySound(HUDSounds::SND_SHIELD_LEVEL); } } if (mouse_index == TXT_AUTO) ship->TimeSkip(); if (mouse_index >= TXT_NAV_INDEX && mouse_index <= TXT_NAV_ETR) { ship->SetAutoNav(!ship->IsAutoNavEngaged()); SetHUDMode(HUD_MODE_TAC); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool HUDView::IsMouseLatched() { bool result = mouse_in; if (!result) { HUDView* hud = HUDView::GetInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) result = result || hud->mfd[i]->IsMouseLatched(); } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool HUDView::IsNameCrowded(int x, int y) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONTACT; i++) { HUDText& test = hud_text[TXT_CONTACT_NAME + i]; if (!test.hidden) { Rect r = test.rect; int dx = r.x - x; int dy = r.y - y; int d = dx*dx + dy*dy; if (d <= 400) return true; } test = hud_text[TXT_CONTACT_INFO + i]; if (!test.hidden) { Rect r = test.rect; int dx = r.x - x; int dy = r.y - y; int d = dx*dx + dy*dy; if (d <= 400) return true; } } return false; } void HUDView::DrawDiamond(int x, int y, int r, Color c) { POINT diamond[4]; diamond[0].x = x; diamond[0].y = y-r; diamond[1].x = x+r; diamond[1].y = y; diamond[2].x = x; diamond[2].y = y+r; diamond[3].x = x-r; diamond[3].y = y; window->DrawPoly(4, diamond, c); }