/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Font Resource class implementation */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Font.h" #include "Polygon.h" #include "Bitmap.h" #include "DataLoader.h" #include "ParseUtil.h" #include "Video.h" #include "Clock.h" // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Font::Font() : flags(0), height(0), baseline(0), interspace(0), spacewidth(0), imagewidth(0), image(0), expansion(0), alpha(1), blend(Video::BLEND_ALPHA), scale(1), material(0), vset(0), polys(0), npolys(0), caret_index(-1), caret_x(0), caret_y(0), tgt_bitmap(0) { ZeroMemory(name, sizeof(name)); ZeroMemory(glyph, sizeof(glyph)); ZeroMemory(kern, sizeof(kern)); } Font::Font(const char* n) : flags(0), height(0), baseline(0), interspace(0), spacewidth(4), imagewidth(0), image(0), expansion(0), alpha(1), blend(Video::BLEND_ALPHA), scale(1), material(0), vset(0), polys(0), npolys(0), caret_index(-1), caret_x(0), caret_y(0), tgt_bitmap(0) { ZeroMemory(glyph, sizeof(glyph)); ZeroMemory(kern, sizeof(kern)); CopyMemory(name, n, sizeof(name)); if (!Load(name)) { flags = 0; height = 0; baseline = 0; interspace = 0; spacewidth = 0; imagewidth = 0; image = 0; ZeroMemory(glyph, sizeof(glyph)); ZeroMemory(kern, sizeof(kern)); } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Font::~Font() { if (image) delete [] image; if (vset) delete vset; if (polys) delete [] polys; if (material) delete material; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static char kern_tweak[256][256]; bool Font::Load(const char* name) { if (!name || !name[0]) return false; char imgname[256]; char defname[256]; wsprintf(defname, "%s.def", name); wsprintf(imgname, "%s.pcx", name); DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); if (!loader) return false; LoadDef(defname, imgname); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { glyph[i].offset = GlyphOffset(i); glyph[i].width = 0; } if (loader->LoadBitmap(imgname, bitmap)) { if (!bitmap.Pixels() && !bitmap.HiPixels()) return false; scale = bitmap.Width() / 256; imagewidth = bitmap.Width(); if (height > bitmap.Height()) height = bitmap.Height(); int imgsize = bitmap.Width() * bitmap.Height(); image = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BYTE[imgsize]; if (image) { if (bitmap.Pixels()) { CopyMemory(image, bitmap.Pixels(), imgsize); } else { for (int i = 0; i < imgsize; i++) image[i] = (BYTE) bitmap.HiPixels()[i].Alpha(); } } material = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Material; material->tex_diffuse = &bitmap; } else { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { glyph[i].width = CalcWidth(i); } color = Color::White; if (!(flags & (FONT_FIXED_PITCH | FONT_NO_KERN))) AutoKern(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) { if (kern_tweak[i][j] < 100) { kern[i][j] = kern_tweak[i][j]; } } } return true; } void Font::LoadDef(char* defname, char* imgname) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) kern_tweak[i][j] = 111; DataLoader* loader = DataLoader::GetLoader(); if (!loader) return; BYTE* block; int blocklen = loader->LoadBuffer(defname, block, true); if (!block || blocklen < 4) return; Parser parser(new(__FILE__,__LINE__) BlockReader((const char*) block, blocklen)); Term* term = parser.ParseTerm(); if (!term) { Print("WARNING: could not parse '%s'\n", defname); return; } else { TermText* file_type = term->isText(); if (!file_type || file_type->value() != "FONT") { Print("WARNING: invalid font def file '%s'\n", defname); return; } } do { delete term; term = parser.ParseTerm(); if (term) { TermDef* def = term->isDef(); if (def) { if (def->name()->value().indexOf("image") == 0) { GetDefText(imgname, def, defname); } else if (def->name()->value() == "height") { int h=0; GetDefNumber(h, def, defname); if (h >= 0 && h <= 32) height = (BYTE) h; } else if (def->name()->value() == "baseline") { int b=0; GetDefNumber(b, def, defname); if (b >= 0 && b <= 32) baseline = (BYTE) b; } else if (def->name()->value() == "flags") { if (def->term()->isText()) { Text buf; GetDefText(buf, def, defname); buf.setSensitive(false); flags = 0; if (buf.contains("caps")) flags = flags | FONT_ALL_CAPS; if (buf.contains("kern")) flags = flags | FONT_NO_KERN; if (buf.contains("fixed")) flags = flags | FONT_FIXED_PITCH; } else { int f=0; GetDefNumber(f, def, defname); flags = (WORD) f; } } else if (def->name()->value() == "interspace") { int n=0; GetDefNumber(n, def, defname); if (n >= 0 && n <= 100) interspace = (BYTE) n; } else if (def->name()->value() == "spacewidth") { int n=0; GetDefNumber(n, def, defname); if (n >= 0 && n <= 100) spacewidth = (BYTE) n; } else if (def->name()->value() == "expansion") { GetDefNumber(expansion, def, defname); } else if (def->name()->value() == "kern") { TermStruct* val = def->term()->isStruct(); char a[8], b[8]; int k=111; a[0] = 0; b[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < val->elements()->size(); i++) { TermDef* pdef = val->elements()->at(i)->isDef(); if (pdef) { if (pdef->name()->value() == "left" || pdef->name()->value() == "a") GetDefText(a, pdef, defname); else if (pdef->name()->value() == "right" || pdef->name()->value() == "b") GetDefText(b, pdef, defname); else if (pdef->name()->value() == "kern" || pdef->name()->value() == "k") GetDefNumber(k, pdef, defname); } } if (k < 100) kern_tweak[a[0]][b[0]] = k; } else { Print("WARNING: unknown object '%s' in '%s'\n", def->name()->value().data(), defname); } } else { Print("WARNING: term ignored in '%s'\n", defname); term->print(); } } } while (term); loader->ReleaseBuffer(block); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static const int pipe_width = 16; static const int char_width = 16; static const int char_height = 16; static const int row_items = 16; static const int row_width = row_items * char_width; static const int row_size = char_height * row_width; int Font::GlyphOffset(BYTE c) const { if (flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c); return (c/row_items * row_size * scale * scale + c%row_items * char_width * scale); } int Font::GlyphLocationX(BYTE c) const { if (flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c); return c%row_items * char_width; } int Font::GlyphLocationY(BYTE c) const { if (flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c); return c/row_items * char_height; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Font::CalcWidth(BYTE c) const { if (c >= PIPE_NBSP && c <= ARROW_RIGHT) return pipe_width; if (c >= 128 || !image) return 0; // all digits should be same size: if (isdigit(c)) c = '0'; int result = 0; int w = 16 * scale; int h = 16 * scale; BYTE* src = image + GlyphOffset(c); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { BYTE* pleft = src; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (*pleft++ > 0 && x > result) result = x; } src += imagewidth; } return result + 2; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ struct FontKernData { double l[32]; double r[32]; }; void Font::FindEdges(BYTE c, double* l, double* r) { if (!image) return; int w = glyph[c].width; int h = height; if (h > 32) h = 32; BYTE* src = image + GlyphOffset(c); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { BYTE* pleft = src; BYTE* pright = src+w-1; *l = -1; *r = -1; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (*l == -1 && *pleft != 0) *l = x + 1 - (double) *pleft/255.0; if (*r == -1 && *pright != 0) *r = x + 1 - (double) *pright/255.0; pleft++; pright--; } src += imagewidth; l++; r++; } } static bool nokern(char c) { if (c <= Font::ARROW_RIGHT) return true; const char* nokernchars = "0123456789+=<>-.,:;?'\""; if (strchr(nokernchars, c)) return true; return false; } void Font::AutoKern() { FontKernData* data = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) FontKernData[256]; if (!data) return; int h = height; if (h > 32) h = 32; int i, j; // first, compute row edges for each glyph: for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ZeroMemory(&data[i], sizeof(FontKernData)); char c = i; if ((flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) && islower(c)) c = toupper(c); if (glyph[(BYTE) c].width > 0) { FindEdges((BYTE) c, data[i].l, data[i].r); } } // then, compute the appropriate kern for each pair. // use a desired average distance of one pixel, // with a desired minimum distance of more than half a pixel: double desired_avg = 2.5 + expansion; double desired_min = 1; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) { // no kerning between digits or dashes: if (nokern(i) || nokern(j)) { kern[i][j] = (char) 0; } else { double delta = 0; double avg = 0; double min = 2500; int n = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (data[i].r[y] >= 0 && data[j].l[y] >= 0) { delta = data[i].r[y] + data[j].l[y]; avg += delta; if (delta < min) min = delta; n++; } } if (n > 0) { avg /= n; delta = desired_avg - avg; if (delta < desired_min - min) { delta = ceil(desired_min - min); if (i == 'T' && islower(j) && !(flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS)) delta += 1; } } else { delta = 0; } kern[i][j] = (char) delta; } } } delete [] data; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Font::CharWidth(char c) const { if (flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c); int result = 0; if (c >= PIPE_NBSP && c <= ARROW_RIGHT) result = pipe_width; else if (c < 0 || isspace(c)) result = spacewidth; else result = glyph[c].width + interspace; return result; } int Font::SpaceWidth() const { return spacewidth; } int Font::KernWidth(char a, char b) const { if (flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) { if (islower(a)) a = toupper(a); if (islower(b)) b = toupper(b); } return kern[a][b]; } void Font::SetKern(char a, char b, int k) { if (k < -100 || k > 100) return; if (flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) { if (islower(a)) a = toupper(a); if (islower(b)) b = toupper(b); } kern[a][b] = (char) k; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Font::StringWidth(const char* str, int len) const { int result = 0; if (!str) return result; if (!len) len = strlen(str); const char* c = str; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (isspace(*c) && (*c < PIPE_NBSP || *c > ARROW_RIGHT)) result += spacewidth; else { int cc = *c; if (flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) if (islower(cc)) cc = toupper(cc); int k = 0; if (i < len-1) k = kern[cc][str[i+1]]; result += glyph[cc].width + interspace + k; } c++; } return result; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Font::DrawText(const char* text, int count, Rect& text_rect, DWORD flags, Bitmap* tgt) { Rect clip_rect = text_rect; if (clip_rect.w < 1 || clip_rect.h < 1) return; tgt_bitmap = tgt; if (text && text[0]) { if (count < 1) count = strlen(text); // single line: if (flags & DT_SINGLELINE) { DrawTextSingle(text, count, text_rect, clip_rect, flags); } // multi-line with word wrap: else if (flags & DT_WORDBREAK) { DrawTextWrap(text, count, text_rect, clip_rect, flags); } // multi-line with clip: else { DrawTextMulti(text, count, text_rect, clip_rect, flags); } } else { caret_x = text_rect.x + 2; caret_y = text_rect.y + 2; } // if calc only, update the rectangle: if (flags & DT_CALCRECT) { text_rect.h = clip_rect.h; text_rect.w = clip_rect.w; } // otherwise, draw caret if requested: else if (caret_index >= 0 && caret_y >= text_rect.y && caret_y <= text_rect.y + text_rect.h) {//caret_y + height < text_rect.y + text_rect.h) { Video* video = Video::GetInstance(); Clock* clock = Clock::GetInstance(); if (video && (clock->RealTime() / 500) & 1) { float v[4]; v[0] = (float) (caret_x + 1); v[1] = (float) (caret_y); v[2] = (float) (caret_x + 1); v[3] = (float) (caret_y + height); video->DrawScreenLines(1, v, color, blend); } caret_index = -1; } tgt_bitmap = 0; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static int find_next_word_start(const char* text, int index) { // step through intra-word space: while (text[index] && isspace(text[index]) && text[index] != '\n') index++; return index; } static int find_next_word_end(const char* text, int index) { if (index < 0) return index; // check for leading newline: if (text[index] == '\n') return index; // step through intra-word space: while (text[index] && isspace(text[index])) index++; // step through word: while (text[index] && !isspace(text[index])) index++; return index-1; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Font::DrawTextSingle(const char* text, int count, const Rect& text_rect, Rect& clip_rect, DWORD flags) { // parse the format flags: bool nodraw = (flags & DT_CALCRECT) ?true:false; int align = DT_LEFT; if (flags & DT_RIGHT) align = DT_RIGHT; else if (flags & DT_CENTER) align = DT_CENTER; int max_width = 0; int valign = DT_TOP; if (flags & DT_BOTTOM) valign = DT_BOTTOM; else if (flags & DT_VCENTER) valign = DT_VCENTER; int xoffset = 0; int yoffset = 0; int length = StringWidth(text, count); if (length < text_rect.w) { switch (align) { default: case DT_LEFT: break; case DT_RIGHT: xoffset = text_rect.w - length; break; case DT_CENTER: xoffset = (text_rect.w - length)/2; break; } } if (Height() < text_rect.h) { switch (valign) { default: case DT_TOP: break; case DT_BOTTOM: yoffset = text_rect.h - Height(); break; case DT_VCENTER: yoffset = (text_rect.h - Height())/2; break; } } max_width = length; // if calc only, update the rectangle: if (nodraw) { clip_rect.h = Height(); clip_rect.w = max_width; } // otherwise, draw the string now: else { int x1 = text_rect.x + xoffset; int y1 = text_rect.y + yoffset; DrawString(text, count, x1, y1, text_rect); } if (caret_index >= 0 && caret_index <= count) { caret_x = text_rect.x + xoffset; caret_y = text_rect.y + yoffset; if (caret_index > 0) caret_x += StringWidth(text, caret_index); } else { caret_x = text_rect.x + 0; caret_y = text_rect.y + 0; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Font::DrawTextWrap(const char* text, int count, const Rect& text_rect, Rect& clip_rect, DWORD flags) { // parse the format flags: bool nodraw = (flags & DT_CALCRECT) ?true:false; int align = DT_LEFT; if (flags & DT_RIGHT) align = DT_RIGHT; else if (flags & DT_CENTER) align = DT_CENTER; int nlines = 0; int max_width = 0; int line_start = 0; int line_count = 0; int count_remaining = count; int curr_word_end = -1; int next_word_end = 0; int eol_index = 0; int xoffset = 0; int yoffset = 0; caret_x = -1; caret_y = -1; // repeat for each line of text: while (count_remaining > 0) { int length = 0; // find the end of the last whole word that fits on the line: for (;;) { next_word_end = find_next_word_end(text, curr_word_end+1); if (next_word_end < 0 || next_word_end == curr_word_end) break; if (text[next_word_end] == '\n') { eol_index = curr_word_end = next_word_end; break; } int word_len = next_word_end - line_start + 1; length = StringWidth(text+line_start, word_len); if (length < text_rect.w) { curr_word_end = next_word_end; // check for a newline in the next block of white space: eol_index = 0; const char* eol = &text[curr_word_end+1]; while (*eol && isspace(*eol) && *eol != '\n') eol++; if (*eol == '\n') { eol_index = eol - text; break; } } else break; } line_count = curr_word_end - line_start + 1; if (line_count > 0) { length = StringWidth(text+line_start, line_count); } // there was a single word longer than the entire line: else { line_count = next_word_end - line_start + 1; length = StringWidth(text+line_start, line_count); curr_word_end = next_word_end; } xoffset = 0; if (length < text_rect.w) { switch (align) { default: case DT_LEFT: break; case DT_RIGHT: xoffset = text_rect.w - length; break; case DT_CENTER: xoffset = (text_rect.w - length)/2; break; } } if (length > max_width) max_width = length; if (eol_index > 0) curr_word_end = eol_index; int next_line_start = find_next_word_start(text, curr_word_end+1); if (length > 0 && !nodraw) { int x1 = text_rect.x + xoffset; int y1 = text_rect.y + yoffset; DrawString(text+line_start, line_count, x1, y1, text_rect); if (caret_index == line_start) { caret_x = x1 - 2; caret_y = y1; } else if (caret_index > line_start && caret_index < next_line_start) { caret_x = text_rect.x + xoffset + StringWidth(text+line_start, caret_index-line_start) - 2; caret_y = text_rect.y + yoffset; } else if (caret_index == count) { if (text[count-1] == '\n') { caret_x = x1 - 2; caret_y = y1 + height; } else { caret_x = text_rect.x + xoffset + StringWidth(text+line_start, caret_index-line_start) - 2; caret_y = text_rect.y + yoffset; } } } nlines++; yoffset += Height(); if (eol_index > 0) curr_word_end = eol_index; line_start = find_next_word_start(text, curr_word_end+1); count_remaining = count - line_start; } // if calc only, update the rectangle: if (nodraw) { clip_rect.h = nlines * Height(); clip_rect.w = max_width; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Font::DrawTextMulti(const char* text, int count, const Rect& text_rect, Rect& clip_rect, DWORD flags) { // parse the format flags: bool nodraw = (flags & DT_CALCRECT) ?true:false; int align = DT_LEFT; if (flags & DT_RIGHT) align = DT_RIGHT; else if (flags & DT_CENTER) align = DT_CENTER; int max_width = 0; int line_start = 0; int count_remaining = count; int xoffset = 0; int yoffset = 0; int nlines = 0; // repeat for each line of text: while (count_remaining > 0) { int length = 0; int line_count = 0; // find the end of line: while (line_count < count_remaining) { char c = text[line_start+line_count]; if (!c || c == '\n') break; line_count++; } if (line_count > 0) { length = StringWidth(text+line_start, line_count); } xoffset = 0; if (length < text_rect.w) { switch (align) { default: case DT_LEFT: break; case DT_RIGHT: xoffset = text_rect.w - length; break; case DT_CENTER: xoffset = (text_rect.w - length)/2; break; } } if (length > max_width) max_width = length; if (length && !nodraw) { int x1 = text_rect.x + xoffset; int y1 = text_rect.y + yoffset; DrawString(text+line_start, line_count, x1, y1, text_rect); } nlines++; yoffset += Height(); if (line_start+line_count+1 < count) { line_start = find_next_word_start(text, line_start+line_count+1); count_remaining = count - line_start; } else { count_remaining = 0; } } // if calc only, update the rectangle: if (nodraw) { clip_rect.h = nlines * Height(); clip_rect.w = max_width; } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Font::DrawString(const char* str, int len, int x1, int y1, const Rect& clip, Bitmap* tgt) { Video* video = Video::GetInstance(); int count = 0; int maxw = clip.w; int maxh = clip.h; if (len < 1 || !video) return count; // vertical clip if ((y1 < clip.y) || (y1 > clip.y + clip.h)) return count; // RENDER TO BITMAP if (!tgt) tgt = tgt_bitmap; if (tgt) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = str[i]; if ((flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) && islower(c)) c = toupper(c); int cw = glyph[c].width + interspace; int ch = height; int k = 0; if (i < len-1) k = kern[c][str[i+1]]; // horizontal clip: if (x1 < clip.x) { if (isspace(c) && (c < PIPE_NBSP || c > ARROW_RIGHT)) { x1 += spacewidth; maxw -= spacewidth; } else { x1 += cw+k; maxw -= cw+k; } } else if (x1+cw > clip.x+clip.w) { return count; } else { if (isspace(c) && (c < PIPE_NBSP || c > ARROW_RIGHT)) { x1 += spacewidth; maxw -= spacewidth; } else { int sx = GlyphLocationX(c); int sy = GlyphLocationY(c); Color* srcpix = bitmap.HiPixels(); Color* dstpix = tgt->HiPixels(); if (srcpix && dstpix) { int spitch = bitmap.Width(); int dpitch = tgt->Width(); Color* dst = dstpix + (y1*dpitch) + x1; Color* src = srcpix + (sy*spitch) + sx; for (int i = 0; i < ch; i++) { Color* ps = src; Color* pd = dst; for (int n = 0; n < cw; n++) { DWORD alpha = ps->Alpha(); if (alpha) { *pd = color.dim(alpha / 240.0); } ps++; pd++; } dst += dpitch; src += spitch; } } else { // this probably won't work... tgt->BitBlt(x1, y1, bitmap, sx, sy, cw, ch, true); } x1 += cw + k; maxw -= cw + k; } count++; } } return count; } // RENDER TO VIDEO // allocate verts, if necessary int nverts = 4*len; if (!vset) { vset = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) VertexSet(nverts); if (!vset) return false; vset->space = VertexSet::SCREEN_SPACE; for (int v = 0; v < vset->nverts; v++) { vset->s_loc[v].z = 0.0f; vset->rw[v] = 1.0f; } } else if (vset->nverts < nverts) { vset->Resize(nverts); for (int v = 0; v < vset->nverts; v++) { vset->s_loc[v].z = 0.0f; vset->rw[v] = 1.0f; } } if (vset->nverts < nverts) return count; if (alpha < 1) color.SetAlpha((BYTE) (alpha * 255.0f)); else color.SetAlpha(255); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = str[i]; if ((flags & FONT_ALL_CAPS) && islower(c)) c = toupper(c); int cw = glyph[c].width + interspace; int k = 0; if (i < len-1) k = kern[c][str[i+1]]; // horizontal clip: if (x1 < clip.x) { if (isspace(c) && (c < PIPE_NBSP || c > ARROW_RIGHT)) { x1 += spacewidth; maxw -= spacewidth; } else { x1 += cw+k; maxw -= cw+k; } } else if (x1+cw > clip.x+clip.w) { break; } else { if (isspace(c) && (c < PIPE_NBSP || c > ARROW_RIGHT)) { x1 += spacewidth; maxw -= spacewidth; } else { // create four verts for this character: int v = count*4; double char_x = GlyphLocationX(c); double char_y = GlyphLocationY(c); double char_w = glyph[c].width; double char_h = height; if (y1 + char_h > clip.y + clip.h) { char_h = clip.y + clip.h - y1; } vset->s_loc[v+0].x = (float) (x1 - 0.5); vset->s_loc[v+0].y = (float) (y1 - 0.5); vset->tu[v+0] = (float) (char_x / 256); vset->tv[v+0] = (float) (char_y / 256); vset->diffuse[v+0] = color.Value(); vset->s_loc[v+1].x = (float) (x1 + char_w - 0.5); vset->s_loc[v+1].y = (float) (y1 - 0.5); vset->tu[v+1] = (float) (char_x / 256 + char_w / 256); vset->tv[v+1] = (float) (char_y / 256); vset->diffuse[v+1] = color.Value(); vset->s_loc[v+2].x = (float) (x1 + char_w - 0.5); vset->s_loc[v+2].y = (float) (y1 + char_h - 0.5); vset->tu[v+2] = (float) (char_x / 256 + char_w / 256); vset->tv[v+2] = (float) (char_y / 256 + char_h / 256); vset->diffuse[v+2] = color.Value(); vset->s_loc[v+3].x = (float) (x1 - 0.5); vset->s_loc[v+3].y = (float) (y1 + char_h - 0.5); vset->tu[v+3] = (float) (char_x / 256); vset->tv[v+3] = (float) (char_y / 256 + char_h / 256); vset->diffuse[v+3] = color.Value(); x1 += cw + k; maxw -= cw + k; count++; } } } if (count) { // this small hack is an optimization to reduce the // size of vertex buffer needed for font rendering: int old_nverts = vset->nverts; vset->nverts = 4 * count; // create a larger poly array, if necessary: if (count > npolys) { if (polys) delete [] polys; npolys = count; polys = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) Poly[npolys]; Poly* p = polys; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { p->nverts = 4; p->vertex_set = vset; p->material = material; p->verts[0] = index++; p->verts[1] = index++; p->verts[2] = index++; p->verts[3] = index++; p++; } } video->DrawScreenPolys(count, polys, blend); // remember to restore the proper size of the vertex set: vset->nverts = old_nverts; } return count; }