/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== Fighter (low-level) Artificial Intelligence class */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "FighterAI.h" #include "FighterTacticalAI.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "Shot.h" #include "Sensor.h" #include "Element.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "Weapon.h" #include "WeaponGroup.h" #include "Drive.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "Farcaster.h" #include "FlightComp.h" #include "FlightDeck.h" #include "Hangar.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "StarSystem.h" #include "RadioMessage.h" #include "RadioTraffic.h" #include "Game.h" static const double TIME_TO_DOCK = 30; // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ FighterAI::FighterAI(SimObject* s) : ShipAI(s), brakes(0), drop_state(0), jink_time(0), evading(false), decoy_missile(0), missile_time(0), terrain_warning(false), inbound(0), rtb_code(0), form_up(false), over_threshold(false), time_to_dock(0), go_manual(false) { ai_type = FIGHTER; seek_gain = 22; seek_damp = 0.55; brakes = 0; z_shift = 0; tactical = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) FighterTacticalAI(this); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ FighterAI::~FighterAI() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ static double frame_time = 0; void FighterAI::ExecFrame(double s) { if (!ship) return; evading = false; inbound = ship->GetInbound(); missile_time -= s; int order = 0; if (navpt) order = navpt->Action(); if (inbound) { form_up = false; rtb_code = 1; // CHEAT LANDING: if (inbound->Final() && time_to_dock > 0) { FlightDeck* deck = inbound->GetDeck(); if (deck) { Point dst = deck->EndPoint(); Point approach = deck->StartPoint() - dst; const Ship* carrier = deck->GetCarrier(); Camera landing_cam; landing_cam.Clone(carrier->Cam()); landing_cam.Yaw(deck->Azimuth()); if (time_to_dock > TIME_TO_DOCK/2) { double lr, lp, lw; double sr, sp, sw; landing_cam.Orientation().ComputeEulerAngles(lr, lp, lw); ship->Cam().Orientation().ComputeEulerAngles(sr, sp, sw); double nr = sr + s*(lr-sr); double np = sp + s*(lp-sp); double nw = sw + s*(lw-sw)*0.5; Camera work; work.Aim(nr,np,nw); landing_cam.Clone(work); } ship->CloneCam(landing_cam); ship->MoveTo(dst + approach * (time_to_dock / TIME_TO_DOCK)); ship->SetVelocity(carrier->Velocity() + ship->Heading() * 50); ship->SetThrottle(50); ship->ExecFLCSFrame(); time_to_dock -= s; if (time_to_dock <= 0) { deck->Dock(ship); time_to_dock = 0; } return; } } else if (ship->GetFlightPhase() == Ship::DOCKING) { // deal with (pathological) moving carrier deck: FlightDeck* deck = inbound->GetDeck(); if (deck) { Point dst = deck->EndPoint(); if (ship->IsAirborne()) { double alt = dst.y; dst = ship->Location(); dst.y = alt; } const Ship* carrier = deck->GetCarrier(); Camera landing_cam; landing_cam.Clone(carrier->Cam()); landing_cam.Yaw(deck->Azimuth()); ship->CloneCam(landing_cam); ship->MoveTo(dst); if (!ship->IsAirborne()) { ship->SetVelocity(carrier->Velocity()); } else { Point taxi(landing_cam.vpn()); ship->SetVelocity(taxi * 95); } ship->SetThrottle(0); ship->ExecFLCSFrame(); } return; } } else { Instruction* orders = ship->GetRadioOrders(); if (orders && (orders->Action() == RadioMessage::WEP_HOLD || orders->Action() == RadioMessage::FORM_UP)) { form_up = true; rtb_code = 0; } else { form_up = false; } } if (!target && order != Instruction::STRIKE) ship->SetSensorMode(Sensor::STD); ShipAI::ExecFrame(s); // this must be the last line of this method // IT IS NOT SAFE TO PLACE CODE HERE // if this class decides to break orbit, // this object will be deleted during // ShipAI::ExecFrame() (which calls // FighterAI::Navigator() - see below) } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void FighterAI::FindObjective() { distance = 0; // ALWAYS complete initial launch navpt: if (!navpt) { navpt = ship->GetNextNavPoint(); if (navpt && (navpt->Action() != Instruction::LAUNCH || navpt->Status() == Instruction::COMPLETE)) navpt = 0; } if (navpt && navpt->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH) { if (navpt->Status() != Instruction::COMPLETE) { FindObjectiveNavPoint(); // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.launch")); return; } else { navpt = 0; } } // runway takeoff: else if (takeoff) { obj_w = ship->Location() + ship->Heading() * 10e3; obj_w.y = ship->Location().y + 2e3; // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.takeoff")); return; } // approaching a carrier or runway: else if (inbound) { FlightDeck* deck = inbound->GetDeck(); if (!deck) { objective = Point(); return; } // initial approach if (inbound->Approach() > 0 || !inbound->Cleared()) { obj_w = deck->ApproachPoint(inbound->Approach()) + inbound->Offset(); distance = (obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.inbound")); return; } // final approach else { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.finals")); obj_w = deck->StartPoint(); if (inbound->Final()) { obj_w = deck->EndPoint(); if (deck->OverThreshold(ship)) { obj_w = deck->MountLocation(); over_threshold = true; } } distance = (obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); return; } } // not inbound yet, check for RTB order: else { Instruction* orders = (Instruction*) ship->GetRadioOrders(); int action = 0; if (orders) action = orders->Action(); if (navpt && !action) { FindObjectiveNavPoint(); if (distance < 5e3) { action = navpt->Action(); } } if (action == RadioMessage::RTB || action == RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH) { Ship* controller = ship->GetController(); if (orders && orders->Action() == RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH && orders->GetTarget()) { controller = (Ship*) orders->GetTarget(); } else if (navpt && navpt->Action() == RadioMessage::DOCK_WITH && navpt->GetTarget()) { controller = (Ship*) navpt->GetTarget(); } ReturnToBase(controller); if (rtb_code) return; } } ShipAI::FindObjective(); } void FighterAI::ReturnToBase(Ship* controller) { rtb_code = 0; if (controller) { SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* rtb_rgn = controller->GetRegion(); if (self_rgn && !rtb_rgn) { rtb_rgn = self_rgn; } if (self_rgn && rtb_rgn && self_rgn != rtb_rgn) { // is the carrier in orbit above us // (or on the ground below us)? if (rtb_rgn->GetOrbitalRegion()->Primary() == self_rgn->GetOrbitalRegion()->Primary()) { Point npt = rtb_rgn->Location() - self_rgn->Location(); obj_w = npt.OtherHand(); // distance from self to navpt: distance = Point(obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); if (rtb_rgn->IsAirSpace()) { drop_state = -1; } else if (rtb_rgn->IsOrbital()) { drop_state = 1; } rtb_code = 2; } // try to find a jumpgate that will take us home: else { QuantumDrive* qdrive = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); bool use_farcaster = !qdrive || !qdrive->IsPowerOn() || qdrive->Status() < System::DEGRADED; if (use_farcaster) { if (!farcaster) { ListIter s = self_rgn->Ships(); while (++s && !farcaster) { if (s->GetFarcaster()) { const Ship* dest = s->GetFarcaster()->GetDest(); if (dest && dest->GetRegion() == rtb_rgn) { farcaster = s->GetFarcaster(); } } } } if (farcaster) { Point apt = farcaster->ApproachPoint(0); Point npt = farcaster->StartPoint(); double r1 = (ship->Location() - npt).length(); if (r1 > 50e3) { obj_w = apt; distance = r1; objective = Transform(obj_w); } else { double r2 = (ship->Location() - apt).length(); double r3 = (npt - apt).length(); if (r1+r2 < 1.2*r3) { obj_w = npt; distance = r1; objective = Transform(obj_w); } else { obj_w = apt; distance = r2; objective = Transform(obj_w); } } rtb_code = 3; } // can't find a way back home, ignore the RTB order: else { ship->ClearRadioOrders(); rtb_code = 0; return; } } else if (qdrive) { if (qdrive->ActiveState() == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY) { qdrive->SetDestination(rtb_rgn, controller->Location()); qdrive->Engage(); } rtb_code = 3; } } } else { obj_w = controller->Location(); distance = (obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.return-to-base")); rtb_code = 1; } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void FighterAI::FindObjectiveNavPoint() { SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* nav_rgn = navpt->Region(); if (self_rgn && !nav_rgn) { nav_rgn = self_rgn; navpt->SetRegion(nav_rgn); } if (self_rgn && nav_rgn && self_rgn != nav_rgn) { if (nav_rgn->GetOrbitalRegion()->Primary() == self_rgn->GetOrbitalRegion()->Primary()) { Point npt = nav_rgn->Location() - self_rgn->Location(); obj_w = npt.OtherHand(); // distance from self to navpt: distance = Point(obj_w - ship->Location()).length(); // transform into camera coords: objective = Transform(obj_w); if (nav_rgn->IsAirSpace()) { drop_state = -1; } else if (nav_rgn->IsOrbital()) { drop_state = 1; } return; } else { QuantumDrive* q = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); if (q) { if (q->ActiveState() == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY) { q->SetDestination(navpt->Region(), navpt->Location()); q->Engage(); return; } } } } ShipAI::FindObjectiveNavPoint(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Point FighterAI::ClosingVelocity() { if (ship) { WeaponDesign* wep_design = ship->GetPrimaryDesign(); if (target && wep_design) { Point aim_vec = ship->Heading(); aim_vec.Normalize(); Point shot_vel = ship->Velocity() + aim_vec * wep_design->speed; return shot_vel - target->Velocity(); } else if (target) { return ship->Velocity() - target->Velocity(); } else { return ship->Velocity(); } } return Point(1,0,0); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void FighterAI::Navigator() { go_manual = false; if (takeoff) { accumulator.Clear(); magnitude = 0; brakes = 0; z_shift = 0; Accumulate(SeekTarget()); HelmControl(); ThrottleControl(); ship->ExecFLCSFrame(); return; } Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem) { Ship* lead = elem->GetShip(1); if (lead && lead != ship) { if (lead->IsDropping() && !ship->IsDropping()) { ship->DropOrbit(); // careful: this object has just been deleted! return; } if (lead->IsAttaining() && !ship->IsAttaining()) { ship->MakeOrbit(); // careful: this object has just been deleted! return; } } else { if (drop_state < 0) { ship->DropOrbit(); // careful: this object has just been deleted! return; } if (drop_state > 0) { ship->MakeOrbit(); // careful: this object has just been deleted! return; } } } int order = 0; if (navpt) order = navpt->Action(); if (rtb_code == 1 && navpt && navpt->Status() < Instruction::SKIPPED && !inbound && distance < 35e3) { // (this should be distance to the ship) if (order == Instruction::RTB) { Ship* controller = ship->GetController(); Hangar* hangar = controller ? controller->GetHangar() : 0; if (hangar && hangar->CanStow(ship)) { for (int i = 0; i < elem->NumShips(); i++) { Ship* s = elem->GetShip(i+1); if (s && s->GetDirector() && s->GetDirector()->Type() >= ShipAI::FIGHTER) RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(s, RadioMessage::CALL_INBOUND); } if (element_index == 1) ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::COMPLETE); } else { if (element_index == 1) { ::Print("WARNING: FighterAI NAVPT RTB, but no controller or hangar found for ship '%s'\n", ship->Name()); ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::SKIPPED); } } } else { Ship* dock_target = (Ship*) navpt->GetTarget(); if (dock_target) { for (int i = 0; i < elem->NumShips(); i++) { Ship* s = elem->GetShip(i+1); if (s) { RadioMessage* msg = new(__FILE__,__LINE__) RadioMessage(dock_target, s, RadioMessage::CALL_INBOUND); RadioTraffic::Transmit(msg); } } if (element_index == 1) ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::COMPLETE); } else { if (element_index == 1) { ::Print("WARNING: FighterAI NAVPT DOCK, but no dock target found for ship '%s'\n", ship->Name()); ship->SetNavptStatus(navpt, Instruction::SKIPPED); } } } } if (target) ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.seek-target")); accumulator.Clear(); magnitude = 0; brakes = 0; z_shift = 0; hold = false; if ((ship->GetElement() && ship->GetElement()->GetHoldTime() > 0) || (navpt && navpt->Status() == Instruction::COMPLETE && navpt->HoldTime() > 0)) hold = true; if (ship->MissionClock() < 10000) { if (ship->IsAirborne()) Accumulate(SeekTarget()); } else if ((farcaster && distance < 20e3) || (inbound && inbound->Final())) { Accumulate(SeekTarget()); } else { if (!ship->IsAirborne() || ship->AltitudeAGL() > 100) ship->RaiseGear(); Accumulate(AvoidTerrain()); Steer avoid = AvoidCollision(); if (other && inbound && inbound->GetDeck() && inbound->Cleared()) { if (other != (SimObject*) inbound->GetDeck()->GetCarrier()) Accumulate(avoid); } else { Accumulate(avoid); } if (!too_close && !hold && !terrain_warning) { Accumulate(SeekTarget()); Accumulate(EvadeThreat()); } } HelmControl(); ThrottleControl(); FireControl(); AdjustDefenses(); ship->ExecFLCSFrame(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void FighterAI::HelmControl() { Camera* cam = ((Camera*) &(ship->Cam())); Point vrt = cam->vrt(); double deflection = vrt.y; double theta = 0; bool formation = element_index > 1; bool station_keeping = distance < 0; bool inverted = cam->vup().y < -0.5; Ship* ward = ship->GetWard(); if (takeoff || inbound || station_keeping) formation = false; if (takeoff || navpt || farcaster || patrol || inbound || rtb_code || target || ward || threat || formation) { // are we being asked to flee? if (fabs(accumulator.yaw) == 1.0 && accumulator.pitch == 0.0) { accumulator.pitch = -0.7f; accumulator.yaw *= 0.25f; if (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->GetFlightModel() == 0) accumulator.pitch = -0.45f; // low ai -> lower turning rate accumulator.pitch += 0.1f * (2-ai_level); } ship->ApplyRoll((float) (accumulator.yaw * -0.7)); ship->ApplyYaw((float) (accumulator.yaw * 0.2)); if (fabs(accumulator.yaw) > 0.5 && fabs(accumulator.pitch) < 0.1) accumulator.pitch -= 0.1f; ship->ApplyPitch((float) accumulator.pitch); } else { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.station-keeping")); station_keeping = true; // go into a slow orbit if airborne: if (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->Class() < Ship::LCA) { accumulator.brake = 0.2; accumulator.stop = 0; double compass_pitch = ship->CompassPitch(); double desired_bank = -PI/4; double current_bank = asin(deflection); double theta = desired_bank - current_bank; ship->ApplyRoll(theta); double coord_pitch = compass_pitch - 0.2 * fabs(current_bank); ship->ApplyPitch(coord_pitch); } else { accumulator.brake = 1; accumulator.stop = 1; } } // if not turning, roll to orient with world coords: if (ship->Design()->auto_roll > 0) { if (fabs(accumulator.pitch) < 0.1 && fabs(accumulator.yaw) < 0.25) { // zolon spiral behavior: if (ship->Design()->auto_roll > 1) { if ((element_index + (ship->MissionClock()>>10)) & 0x4) ship->ApplyRoll( 0.60); else ship->ApplyRoll(-0.35); } // normal behavior - roll to upright: else if (fabs(deflection) > 0.1 || inverted) { double theta = asin(deflection/vrt.length()) * 0.5; ship->ApplyRoll(-theta); } } } // if not otherwise occupied, pitch to orient with world coords: if (station_keeping && (!ship->IsAirborne() || ship->Class() < Ship::LCA)) { Point heading = ship->Heading(); double pitch_deflection = heading.y; if (fabs(pitch_deflection) > 0.05) { double rho = asin(pitch_deflection) * 3; ship->ApplyPitch(rho); } } ship->SetTransX(0); ship->SetTransY(0); ship->SetTransZ(z_shift * ship->Design()->trans_z); ship->SetFLCSMode(go_manual ? Ship::FLCS_MANUAL : Ship::FLCS_AUTO); } void FighterAI::ThrottleControl() { Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); double ship_speed = ship->Velocity() * ship->Heading(); double desired = 1000; bool formation = element_index > 1; bool station_keeping = distance < 0; bool augmenter = false; Ship* ward = ship->GetWard(); if (inbound || station_keeping) formation = false; // LAUNCH / TAKEOFF if (ship->MissionClock() < 10000) { formation = false; throttle = 100; brakes = 0; } // STATION KEEPING else if (station_keeping) { // go into a slow orbit if airborne: if (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->Class() < Ship::LCA) { throttle = 30; brakes = 0; } else { throttle = 0; brakes = 1; } } // TRY TO STAY AIRBORNE, YES? else if (ship->IsAirborne() && ship_speed < 250 && ship->Class() < Ship::LCA) { throttle = 100; brakes = 0; if (ship_speed < 200) augmenter = true; } // INBOUND else if (inbound) { double carrier_speed = inbound->GetDeck()->GetCarrier()->Velocity().length(); desired = 250 + carrier_speed; if (distance > 25.0e3) desired = 750 + carrier_speed; else if (ship->IsAirborne()) desired = 300; else if (inbound->Final()) desired = 75 + carrier_speed; throttle = 0; // holding short? if (inbound->Approach() == 0 && !inbound->Cleared() && distance < 2000 && !ship->IsAirborne()) desired = 0; if (ship_speed > desired+5) brakes = 0.25; else if (ship->IsAirborne() || Ship::GetFlightModel() > 0) { throttle = old_throttle + 1; } else if (ship_speed < 0.85 * desired) { throttle = 100; if (ship_speed < 0 && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 10) augmenter = true; } else if (ship_speed < desired-5) { throttle = 30; } } else if (rtb_code || farcaster) { desired = 750; if (threat || threat_missile) { throttle = 100; if (!threat_missile && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 15) augmenter = true; } else { throttle = 0; if (ship_speed > desired+5) brakes = 0.25; else if (Ship::GetFlightModel() > 0) { throttle = old_throttle + 1; } else if (ship_speed < 0.85 * desired) { throttle = 100; if (ship_speed < 0 && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 10) augmenter = true; } else if (ship_speed < desired-5) { throttle = 30; } } } // RUN AWAY!!! else if (evading) { throttle = 100; if (!threat_missile && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 15) augmenter = true; } // PATROL AND FORMATION else if (!navpt && !target && !ward) { if (!elem || !formation) { // element lead if (patrol) { desired = 250; if (distance > 10e3) desired = 750; if (ship_speed > desired+5) { brakes = 0.25; throttle = old_throttle - 5; } else if (ship_speed < 0.85 * desired) { throttle = 100; if (ship_speed < 0 && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 10) augmenter = true; } else if (ship_speed < desired-5) throttle = old_throttle + 5; } else { throttle = 35; if (threat) throttle = 100; brakes = accumulator.brake; if (brakes > 0.1) throttle = 0; } } else { // wingman Ship* lead = elem->GetShip(1); double zone = ship->Radius() * 3; if (lead) desired = lead->Velocity() * lead->Heading(); if (fabs(slot_dist) < distance/4) // try to prevent porpoising throttle = old_throttle; else if (slot_dist > zone*2) { throttle = 100; if (objective.z > 10e3 && ship_speed < desired && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 25) augmenter = true; } else if (slot_dist > zone) throttle = lead->Throttle() + 10; else if (slot_dist < -zone*2) { throttle = old_throttle - 10; brakes = 1; } else if (slot_dist < -zone) { throttle = old_throttle; brakes = 0.5; } else if (lead) { double lv = lead->Velocity().length(); double sv = ship_speed; double dv = lv-sv; double dt = 0; if (dv > 0) dt = dv * 1e-5 * frame_time; else if (dv < 0) dt = dv * 1e-2 * frame_time; throttle = old_throttle + dt; } else { throttle = old_throttle; } } } // TARGET/WARD/NAVPOINT SEEKING else { throttle = old_throttle; if (target) { desired = 1250; if (ai_level < 1) { throttle = 70; } else if (ship->IsAirborne()) { throttle = 100; if (!threat_missile && fabs(objective.z) > 6e3 && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 25) augmenter = true; } else { throttle = 100; if (objective.z > 20e3 && ship_speed < desired && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 35) augmenter = true; else if (objective.z > 0 && objective.z < 10e3) throttle = 50; } } else if (ward) { double d = (ship->Location() - ward->Location()).length(); if (d > 5000) { if (ai_level < 1) throttle = 50; else throttle = 80; } else { double speed = ward->Velocity().length(); if (speed > 0) { if (ship_speed > speed) { throttle = old_throttle - 5; brakes = 0.25; } else if (ship_speed < speed - 10) { throttle = old_throttle + 1; } } } } else if (navpt) { desired = navpt->Speed(); if (hold) { // go into a slow orbit if airborne: if (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->Class() < Ship::LCA) { throttle = 25; brakes = 0; } else { throttle = 0; brakes = 1; } } else if (desired > 0) { if (ship_speed > desired) { throttle = old_throttle - 5; brakes = 0.25; } else if (ship_speed < 0.85 * desired) { throttle = 100; if ((ship->IsAirborne() || ship_speed < 0.35 * desired) && ship->GetFuelLevel() > 30) augmenter = true; } else if (ship_speed < desired - 10) { throttle = old_throttle + 1; } else if (Ship::GetFlightModel() > 0) { throttle = old_throttle; } } } else { throttle = 0; brakes = 1; } } if (ship->IsAirborne() && throttle < 20 && ship->Class() < Ship::LCA) throttle = 20; else if (ship->Design()->auto_roll > 1 && throttle < 5) throttle = 5; else if (throttle < 0) throttle = 0; old_throttle = throttle; ship->SetThrottle((int) throttle); ship->SetAugmenter(augmenter); if (accumulator.stop && ship->GetFLCS() != 0) ship->GetFLCS()->FullStop(); else if (ship_speed > 1 && brakes > 0) ship->SetTransY(-brakes * ship->Design()->trans_y); else if (throttle > 10 && (ship->GetEMCON() < 2 || ship->GetFuelLevel() < 10)) ship->SetTransY(ship->Design()->trans_y); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer FighterAI::AvoidTerrain() { Steer avoid; terrain_warning = false; if (!ship || !ship->GetRegion() || !ship->GetRegion()->IsActive() || (navpt && navpt->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH)) return avoid; if (ship->IsAirborne() && ship->GetFlightPhase() == Ship::ACTIVE) { // too high? if (ship->AltitudeMSL() > 25e3) { if (!navpt || (navpt->Region() == ship->GetRegion() && navpt->Location().z < 27e3)) { terrain_warning = true; ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.too-high")); // where will we be? Point selfpt = ship->Location() + ship->Velocity() + Point(0, -15e3, 0); // transform into camera coords: Point obj = Transform(selfpt); // head down! avoid = Seek(obj); } } // too low? else if (ship->AltitudeAGL() < 2500) { terrain_warning = true; ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.too-low")); // way too low? if (ship->AltitudeAGL() < 1500) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.way-too-low")); target = 0; drop_time = 5; } // where will we be? Point selfpt = ship->Location() + ship->Velocity() + Point(0, 10e3, 0); // transform into camera coords: Point obj = Transform(selfpt); // pull up! avoid = Seek(obj); } } return avoid; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer FighterAI::SeekTarget() { if (ship->GetFlightPhase() < Ship::ACTIVE) return Seek(objective); Ship* ward = ship->GetWard(); if ((!target && !ward && !navpt && !farcaster && !patrol && !inbound && !rtb_code) || ship->MissionClock() < 10000) { if (element_index > 1) { // break formation if threatened: if (threat_missile) return Steer(); else if (threat && !form_up) return Steer(); // otherwise, keep in formation: return SeekFormationSlot(); } else { return Steer(); } } if (patrol) { Steer result = Seek(objective); ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.seek-patrol-point")); if (distance < 10 * self->Radius()) { patrol = 0; result.brake = 1; result.stop = 1; } return result; } if (inbound) { Steer result = Seek(objective); if (over_threshold && objective.z < 0) { result = Steer(); result.brake = 1; result.stop = 1; } else { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.seek-inbound")); // approach legs: if (inbound->Approach() > 0) { if (distance < 20 * self->Radius()) inbound->SetApproach(inbound->Approach() - 1); } // marshall point and finals: else { if (inbound->Cleared() && distance < 10 * self->Radius()) { if (!inbound->Final()) { time_to_dock = TIME_TO_DOCK; FlightDeck* deck = inbound->GetDeck(); if (deck) { double total_dist = Point(deck->EndPoint() - deck->StartPoint()).length(); double current_dist = Point(deck->EndPoint() - ship->Location()).length(); time_to_dock *= (current_dist / total_dist); } RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(ship, RadioMessage::CALL_FINALS); } inbound->SetFinal(true); ship->LowerGear(); result.brake = 1; result.stop = 1; } else if (!inbound->Cleared() && distance < 2000) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.hold-final")); result = Steer(); result.brake = 1; result.stop = 1; } } } return result; } else if (rtb_code) { return Seek(objective); } SimObject* tgt = target; if (ward && !tgt) tgt = ward; if (tgt && too_close == tgt->Identity()) { drop_time = 4; return Steer(); } else if (navpt && navpt->Action() == Instruction::LAUNCH) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.launch")); return Seek(objective); } else if (farcaster) { // wingmen should if (element_index > 1) return SeekFormationSlot(); ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.seek-farcaster")); return Seek(objective); } else if (drop_time > 0) { return Steer(); } if (tgt) { double basis = self->Radius() + tgt->Radius(); double gap = distance - basis; // target behind: if (objective.z < 0) { // leave some room for an attack run: if (gap < 8000) { Steer s; s.pitch = -0.1; if (objective.x > 0) s.yaw = 0.1; else s.yaw = -0.1; return s; } // start the attack run: else { return Seek(objective); } } // target in front: else { if (tgt->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) tgt; // capital target strike: if (tgt_ship->IsStatic()) { if (gap < 2500) return Flee(objective); } else if (tgt_ship->IsStarship()) { if (gap < 1000) return Flee(objective); else if (ship->GetFlightModel() == Ship::FM_STANDARD && gap < 20e3) go_manual = true; } } // fighter melee: if (tgt->Velocity() * ship->Velocity() < 0) { // head-to-head pass: if (gap < 1250) return Flee(objective); } else if (gap < 250) { return Steer(); } ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.seek-target")); return Seek(objective); } } if (navpt) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.seek-navpt")); } return Seek(objective); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer FighterAI::SeekFormationSlot() { Steer s; // advance memory pipeline: az[2] = az[1]; az[1] = az[0]; el[2] = el[1]; el[1] = el[0]; Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); Ship* lead = elem->GetShip(1); if (lead) { SimRegion* self_rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* lead_rgn = lead->GetRegion(); if (self_rgn != lead_rgn) { QuantumDrive* qdrive = ship->GetQuantumDrive(); bool use_farcaster = !qdrive || !qdrive->IsPowerOn() || qdrive->Status() < System::DEGRADED; if (use_farcaster) { FindObjectiveFarcaster(self_rgn, lead_rgn); } else if (qdrive) { if (qdrive->ActiveState() == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY) { qdrive->SetDestination(lead_rgn, lead->Location()); qdrive->Engage(); } } } } // do station keeping? if (distance < ship->Radius() * 10 && lead->Velocity().length() < 50) { distance = -1; return s; } // approach if (objective.z > ship->Radius() * -4) { az[0] = atan2(fabs(objective.x), objective.z) * 50; el[0] = atan2(fabs(objective.y), objective.z) * 50; if (objective.x < 0) az[0] = -az[0]; if (objective.y > 0) el[0] = -el[0]; s.yaw = az[0] - seek_damp * (az[1] + az[2] * 0.5); s.pitch = el[0] - seek_damp * (el[1] + el[2] * 0.5); } // reverse else { if (objective.x > 0) s.yaw = 1.0f; else s.yaw = -1.0f; s.pitch = -objective.y * 0.5f; } seeking = 1; ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.seek-formation")); return s; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer FighterAI::Seek(const Point& point) { Steer s; // advance memory pipeline: az[2] = az[1]; az[1] = az[0]; el[2] = el[1]; el[1] = el[0]; // approach if (point.z > 0.0f) { az[0] = atan2(fabs(point.x), point.z) * seek_gain; el[0] = atan2(fabs(point.y), point.z) * seek_gain; if (point.x < 0) az[0] = -az[0]; if (point.y > 0) el[0] = -el[0]; s.yaw = az[0] - seek_damp * (az[1] + az[2] * 0.5); s.pitch = el[0] - seek_damp * (el[1] + el[2] * 0.5); // pull up: if (ship->IsAirborne() && point.y > 5e3) s.pitch = -1.0f; } // reverse else { if (ship->IsAirborne()) { // pull up: if (point.y > 5e3) { s.pitch = -1.0f; } // head down: else if (point.y < -5e3) { s.pitch = 1.0f; } // level turn: else { if (point.x > 0) s.yaw = 1.0f; else s.yaw = -1.0f; s.brake = 0.5f; } } else { if (point.x > 0) s.yaw = 1.0f; else s.yaw = -1.0f; } } seeking = 1; return s; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Steer FighterAI::EvadeThreat() { // MISSILE THREAT REACTION: if (threat_missile) { evading = true; SetTarget(0); drop_time = 3 * (3-ai_level); // dropped a decoy for this missile yet? if (decoy_missile != threat_missile) { ship->FireDecoy(); decoy_missile = threat_missile; } // beam the missile ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.evade-missile")); Point beam_line = threat_missile->Velocity().cross(Point(0,1,0)); beam_line.Normalize(); beam_line *= 1e6; Point evade_p; Point evade_w1 = threat_missile->Location() + beam_line; Point evade_w2 = threat_missile->Location() - beam_line; double d1 = Point(evade_w1 - ship->Location()).length(); double d2 = Point(evade_w2 - ship->Location()).length(); if (d1 > d2) evade_p = Transform(evade_w1); else evade_p = Transform(evade_w2); return Seek(evade_p); } // GENERAL THREAT EVASION: if (threat && !form_up) { double threat_range = 20e3; Ship* threat_ship = (Ship*) threat; double threat_dist = Point(threat->Location() - ship->Location()).length(); if (threat_ship->IsStarship()) { threat_range = CalcDefensePerimeter(threat_ship); } if (threat_dist <= threat_range) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.evade-threat")); if (ship->IsAirborne()) { evading = true; Point beam_line = threat->Velocity().cross(Point(0,1,0)); beam_line.Normalize(); beam_line *= threat_range; Point evade_w = threat->Location() + beam_line; Point evade_p = Transform(evade_w); return Seek(evade_p); } else if (threat_ship->IsStarship()) { evading = true; if (target == threat_ship && threat_dist < threat_range / 4) { SetTarget(0); drop_time = 5; } if (!target) { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.evade-starship")); // flee for three seconds: if ((ship->MissionClock() & 3) != 3) { return Flee(Transform(threat->Location())); } // jink for one second: else { if (Game::GameTime() - jink_time > 1500) { jink_time = Game::GameTime(); jink = Point(rand() - 16384, rand() - 16384, rand() - 16384) * 15e3; } Point evade_w = ship->Location() + jink; Point evade_p = Transform(evade_w); return Seek(evade_p); } } else { ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.evade-and-seek")); // seek for three seconds: if ((ship->MissionClock() & 3) < 3) { return Steer(); // no evasion } // jink for one second: else { if (Game::GameTime() - jink_time > 1000) { jink_time = Game::GameTime(); jink = Point(rand() - 16384, rand() - 16384, rand() - 16384); } Point evade_w = target->Location() + jink; Point evade_p = Transform(evade_w); return Seek(evade_p); } } } else { evading = true; if (target != nullptr) { if (target == threat) { if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { Ship* tgt_ship = (Ship*) target; if (tgt_ship->GetTrigger(0)) { SetTarget(0); drop_time = 3; } } } else if (target && threat_dist < threat_range / 2) { SetTarget(0); drop_time = 3; } } if (target) ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.evade-and-seek")); else ship->SetDirectorInfo(Game::GetText("ai.random-evade")); // beam the threat Point beam_line = threat->Velocity().cross(Point(0,1,0)); beam_line.Normalize(); beam_line *= 1e6; Point evade_p; Point evade_w1 = threat->Location() + beam_line; Point evade_w2 = threat->Location() - beam_line; double d1 = Point(evade_w1 - ship->Location()).length(); double d2 = Point(evade_w2 - ship->Location()).length(); if (d1 > d2) evade_p = Transform(evade_w1); else evade_p = Transform(evade_w2); if (!target) { DWORD jink_rate = 400 + 200 * (3-ai_level); if (Game::GameTime() - jink_time > jink_rate) { jink_time = Game::GameTime(); jink = Point(rand() - 16384, rand() - 16384, rand() - 16384) * 2000; } evade_p += jink; } Steer steer = Seek(evade_p); if (target) return steer / 4; return steer; } } } return Steer(); } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void FighterAI::FireControl() { // if nothing to shoot at, forget it: if (!target || target->Integrity() < 1) return; // if the objective is a navpt or landing bay (not a target), then don't shoot! if (inbound || farcaster || navpt && navpt->Action() < Instruction::DEFEND) return; // object behind us, or too close: if (objective.z < 0 || distance < 4 * self->Radius()) return; // compute the firing cone: double cross_section = 2 * target->Radius() / distance; double gun_basket = cross_section * 2; Weapon* primary = ship->GetPrimary(); Weapon* secondary = ship->GetSecondary(); const WeaponDesign* dsgn_primary = 0; const WeaponDesign* dsgn_secondary = 0; bool use_primary = true; Ship* tgt_ship = 0; if (target->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) { tgt_ship = (Ship*) target; if (tgt_ship->InTransition()) return; } if (primary) { dsgn_primary = primary->Design(); if (dsgn_primary->aim_az_max > 5*DEGREES && distance > dsgn_primary->max_range/2) gun_basket = cross_section * 4; gun_basket *= (3-ai_level); if (tgt_ship) { if (!primary->CanTarget(tgt_ship->Class())) use_primary = false; /*** XXX NEED TO SUBTARGET SYSTEMS IF TARGET IS STARSHIP... else if (tgt_ship->ShieldStrength() > 10) use_primary = false; ***/ } if (use_primary) { // is target in the basket? double dx = fabs(objective.x / distance); double dy = fabs(objective.y / distance); if (primary->GetFiringOrders() == Weapon::MANUAL && dx < gun_basket && dy < gun_basket && distance > dsgn_primary->min_range && distance < dsgn_primary->max_range && !primary->IsBlockedFriendly()) { ship->FirePrimary(); } } } if (secondary && secondary->GetFiringOrders() == Weapon::MANUAL) { dsgn_secondary = secondary->Design(); if (missile_time <= 0 && secondary->Ammo() && !secondary->IsBlockedFriendly()) { if (secondary->Locked() || !dsgn_secondary->self_aiming) { // is target in basket? Point tgt = AimTransform(target->Location()); double tgt_range = tgt.Normalize(); int factor = 2-ai_level; double s_range = 0.5 + 0.2 * factor; double s_basket = 0.3 + 0.2 * factor; double extra_time = 10 * factor * factor + 5; if (!dsgn_secondary->self_aiming) s_basket *= 0.33; if (tgt_ship) { if (tgt_ship->Class() == Ship::MINE) { extra_time = 10; s_range = 0.75; } else if (!tgt_ship->IsDropship()) { extra_time = 0.5 * factor + 0.5; s_range = 0.9; } } // is target in decent range? if (tgt_range < secondary->Design()->max_range * s_range) { double dx = fabs(tgt.x); double dy = fabs(tgt.y); if (dx < s_basket && dy < s_basket && tgt.z > 0) { if (ship->FireSecondary()) { missile_time = secondary->Design()->salvo_delay + extra_time; if (Game::GameTime() - last_call_time > 6000) { // call fox: int call = RadioMessage::FOX_3; // A2A if (secondary->CanTarget(Ship::GROUND_UNITS)) // AGM call = RadioMessage::FOX_1; else if (secondary->CanTarget(Ship::DESTROYER)) // ASM call = RadioMessage::FOX_2; RadioTraffic::SendQuickMessage(ship, call); last_call_time = Game::GameTime(); } } } } } } } } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ double FighterAI::CalcDefensePerimeter(Ship* starship) { double perimeter = 15e3; if (starship) { ListIter g_iter = starship->Weapons(); while (++g_iter) { WeaponGroup* group = g_iter.value(); ListIter w_iter = group->GetWeapons(); while (++w_iter) { Weapon* weapon = w_iter.value(); if (weapon->Ammo() && weapon->GetTarget() == ship && !weapon->IsBlockedFriendly()) { double range = weapon->Design()->max_range * 1.2; if (range > perimeter) perimeter = range; } } } } return perimeter; }