/* Starshatter: The Open Source Project Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Starshatter: The Open Source Project Contributors Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Starshatter OpenSource Distribution Contributors Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Destroyer Studios LLC. AUTHOR: John DiCamillo OVERVIEW ======== */ #include "MemDebug.h" #include "Farcaster.h" #include "QuantumDrive.h" #include "Ship.h" #include "ShipDesign.h" #include "Explosion.h" #include "Sim.h" #include "Element.h" #include "Instruction.h" #include "Game.h" #include "ContentBundle.h" #include "Solid.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Sound.h" #include "DataLoader.h" // +======================================================================+ Farcaster::Farcaster(double cap, double rate) : System(FARCASTER, 0, "Farcaster", 1, (float) cap, (float) cap, (float) rate), ship(0), dest(0), jumpship(0), cycle_time(10), active_state(QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY), warp_fov(1), no_dest(false) { name = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("sys.farcaster"); abrv = ContentBundle::GetInstance()->GetText("sys.farcaster.abrv"); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Farcaster::Farcaster(const Farcaster& s) : System(s), ship(0), dest(0), start_rel(s.start_rel), end_rel(s.end_rel), jumpship(0), cycle_time(s.cycle_time), active_state(QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY), warp_fov(1), no_dest(false) { Mount(s); SetAbbreviation(s.Abbreviation()); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_APPROACH_PTS; i++) approach_rel[i] = s.approach_rel[i]; } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Farcaster::~Farcaster() { } // +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Farcaster::ExecFrame(double seconds) { System::ExecFrame(seconds); if (ship && !no_dest) { if (!dest) { Element* elem = ship->GetElement(); if (elem->NumObjectives()) { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); Instruction* obj = elem->GetObjective(0); if (obj) dest = sim->FindShip(obj->TargetName()); } if (!dest) no_dest = true; } else { if (dest->IsDying() || dest->IsDead()) { dest = 0; no_dest = true; } } } // if no destination, show red nav lights: if (no_dest) energy = 0.0f; if (active_state == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY && energy >= capacity && ship && ship->GetRegion() && dest && dest->GetRegion()) { SimRegion* rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* dst = dest->GetRegion(); ListIter s_iter = rgn->Ships(); jumpship = 0; while (++s_iter) { Ship* s = s_iter.value(); if (s == ship || s->IsStatic() || s->WarpFactor() > 1) continue; Point delta = s->Location() - ship->Location(); // activate: if (delta.length() < 1000) { active_state = QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_PREWARP; jumpship = s; Observe(jumpship); break; } } } if (active_state == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY) return; if (ship) { bool warping = false; if (active_state == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_PREWARP) { if (warp_fov < 5000) { warp_fov *= 1.5; } else { Jump(); } warping = true; } else if (active_state == QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_POSTWARP) { if (warp_fov > 1) { warp_fov *= 0.75; } else { warp_fov = 1; active_state = QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY; } warping = true; } if (jumpship) { if (warping) { jumpship->SetWarp(warp_fov); SimRegion* r = ship->GetRegion(); ListIter neighbor = r->Ships(); while (++neighbor) { if (neighbor->IsDropship()) { Ship* s = neighbor.value(); Point delta = s->Location() - ship->Location(); if (delta.length() < 5e3) s->SetWarp(warp_fov); } } } else { warp_fov = 1; jumpship->SetWarp(warp_fov); } } } } void Farcaster::Jump() { Sim* sim = Sim::GetSim(); SimRegion* rgn = ship->GetRegion(); SimRegion* dst = dest->GetRegion(); sim->CreateExplosion(jumpship->Location(), Point(0,0,0), Explosion::QUANTUM_FLASH, 1.0f, 0, rgn); sim->RequestHyperJump(jumpship, dst, dest->Location().OtherHand(), 0, ship, dest); energy = 0.0f; Farcaster* f = dest->GetFarcaster(); if (f) f->Arrive(jumpship); active_state = QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_READY; warp_fov = 1; jumpship = 0; } void Farcaster::Arrive(Ship* s) { energy = 0.0f; active_state = QuantumDrive::ACTIVE_POSTWARP; warp_fov = 5000; jumpship = s; if (jumpship && jumpship->Velocity().length() < 500) { jumpship->SetVelocity(jumpship->Heading() * 500); } } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Farcaster::SetApproachPoint(int i, Point loc) { if (i >= 0 && i < NUM_APPROACH_PTS) approach_rel[i] = loc; } void Farcaster::SetStartPoint(Point loc) { start_rel = loc; } void Farcaster::SetEndPoint(Point loc) { end_rel = loc; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Farcaster::SetCycleTime(double t) { cycle_time = t; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ void Farcaster::Orient(const Physical* rep) { System::Orient(rep); Matrix orientation = rep->Cam().Orientation(); Point loc = rep->Location(); start_point = (start_rel * orientation) + loc; end_point = (end_rel * orientation) + loc; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_APPROACH_PTS; i++) approach_point[i] = (approach_rel[i] * orientation) + loc; } // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool Farcaster::Update(SimObject* obj) { if (obj == jumpship) { jumpship->SetWarp(1); SimRegion* r = ship->GetRegion(); ListIter neighbor = r->Ships(); while (++neighbor) { if (neighbor->IsDropship()) { Ship* s = neighbor.value(); Point delta = s->Location() - ship->Location(); if (delta.length() < 5e3) s->SetWarp(1); } } jumpship = 0; } return SimObserver::Update(obj); } const char* Farcaster::GetObserverName() const { return Name(); }